15 Best Chill Rap Songs of All Time (Ultimate Playlist)

15 Best Chill Rap Songs of All Time (Ultimate Playlist)

Do you want to know Best Chill Rap Songs?

Rap music, often associated with high-energy beats and fast-paced lyrics, may not be the first genre that pops into your head when you think about kicking back and relaxing. 

However, within the vast landscape of rap, a subgenre of chilled-out rap songs is perfect for moments when you need to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

These tracks, with their smooth flows and laid-back beats, provide the perfect backdrop for relaxation.

Whether you’re searching for the ideal playlist to accompany you as you lie in bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating life, or you need some soothing sounds to help you unwind after a day filled with challenges and activities, these 15 chill rap songs are exactly what you need. 

Each song has been carefully selected to bring a sense of calm and tranquility to your day. 

So sit back, put on your headphones, and let these mellow tunes carry you to peace and relaxation. Let the rhythmic beats and insightful lyrics soothe your soul and refresh your spirit.

Introduction to Chill Rap

Introduction to Chill Rap

Chill rap is like hip hop’s laid-back cousin. It’s all about smooth beats, deep thoughts, and taking things easy. This vibe started popping up in the late ’90s and took off in the early 2000s. 

Moreover, it’s perfect for anyone looking to chill out from all the pumped-up, in-your-face vibes of mainstream rap. 

In this scene, artists are super into telling real stories, like talking about growing up, love, and the daily grind, but they keep it cool with that classic hip-hop flavor. 

So, let me take you on a journey into the laid-back, thought-provoking world of chill rap. We’ll dive into how it’s grown, its impact, and the key players who’ve shaped it.

The Evolution of Chill Rap

The Evolution of Chill Rap

The evolution of chill rap represents a fascinating chapter in the broader narrative of hip-hop music. It originated in the late 1990s, marked by a shift towards more reflective and mellow beats among certain artists, diverging from the aggressive styles dominating the genre. 

In addition, this transformation was influenced by a desire for a sound that could be both reflective and relaxing, catering to listeners seeking solace in the lyrical depth and smooth rhythms.

Pioneers of this sub-genre experimented with blending jazz, soul, and funk samples, creating a distinctive sound that set the groundwork for future artists.

Also, by the early 2000s, chill rap had crystallized into a recognizable style, with artists like A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul leading the charge, employing storytelling that ventured beyond the bravado and materialism often associated with mainstream rap.

As technology advanced, so did how chill rap evolved. Internet platforms such as SoundCloud and YouTube facilitated a new wave of artists who could share their music with a global audience, contributing to the sub-genre’s diversity and reach. 

Today, chill rap continues to thrive, with artists worldwide adding their unique cultural influences, ensuring its place as a dynamic and evolving facet of hip-hop.

List of the Best Chill Rap Songs of All Time

1. “Sunflower” – Post Malone, Swae Lee

“Sunflower” is the perfect kick-off to a chill rap playlist with lively guitar vibes and happy lyrics. It’s like Post Malone and Swae Lee got together and said, “Let’s make something that feels good.” 

Moreover, Malone’s smooth singing and Lee’s excellent rap flow give you this laid-back tune that’s easy to get into. It’s got a beat that’ll boost your mood in no time. 

What makes it pop is how it mixes rap with a catchy melody and throws in a bunch of good vibes. This track is a no-brainer if you want to brighten up your music collection with something light and feel-good.

2. “Juice” – Lizzo

Lizzo’s “Juice” isn’t just a song; it’s the ultimate invitation to hit the dance floor. Seriously, try not to groove along—it’s impossible! 

But it’s more than just a catchy tune. It’s like a big ol’ hug of positivity, celebrating self-confidence and joy. Perfect for shaking off a long day. 

With that bouncy beat, a chorus that sticks, and Lizzo bringing all the charisma, “Juice” is a surefire way to lift your spirits. It’s fun, empowering, and musical all rolled into one, leaving you feeling fantastic and ready to conquer anything.

3. “Dang!” – Mac Miller ft. Anderson .Paak

“Dang!” is this amazing, jazzy tune from Mac Miller and Anderson. Paak, it’s just perfect for those chill days—you know, when all you want to do is relax and take it easy. 

It has a cool retro vibe, a super laid-back style, and soulful melodies that blend old-school funk with today’s beats in the best way. 

Seriously, it’s one of those tracks that never gets old. It always lifts your mood, whether chilling at home or going for a long drive. “Dang!” is your go-to song for feeling good and having a great time.

4. “Garden (Say It Like Dat)” – SZA

SZA’s got those enchanting, soulful vibes that pop on “Garden (Say It Like Dat).” It’s one of those tracks that grabs you by the heart and doesn’t let go. 

The song has a dreamy feel like it can whisk you away to some magical place, thanks to its super chill beat and catchy melody. It’s the kind of tune where the music is laid back, so SZA’s fantastic voice is front and center, casting a spell on you from start to finish. 

The lyrics? Deep. But it’s the combination of her voice and the music that makes it the perfect chill-out song for when you just want to zone out and let your mind wander to a calm, happy place.

5. “Lucid Dreams” – Juice WRLD

“Lucid Dreams” really pulls you in with its hauntingly soothing vibe. It’s dreamy and melancholy, with lyrics that make you think hard about life. Juice WRLD’s emotions are raw and right there—you can feel his heartache. 

He has a unique way of deepening feelings of love and loss. The production is top-notch, and when you pair that with his honest singing, it hits right in the feels. 

It’s the kind of song you’d put on when you’re in a reflective mood or need to process heavy emotions. It sticks with you because it’s so natural and speaks to what many of us go through.

6. “Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2” – Drake ft. Jay-Z

“Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2” stands out with its soft piano loops and laid-back beat, bringing in a sophisticated and elegant vibe that’s perfect for boosting your mood.

Drake and Jay-Z, with their smooth flows, contribute significantly to the song’s overall ambiance, enhancing the chill factor. It’s the track you must have on your chill rap playlist.

Something about how the beats and the flows come together makes you want to hit replay repeatedly.

7. “Electric Relaxation” – A Tribe Called Quest

“Electric Relaxation” is an absolute classic from A Tribe Called Quest’s incredible music collection, and let me tell you, it drips with soul and style.

You’ve got these jazzy, sample-heavy beats that pull you in, and the smooth flows? They’re perfect for when you need to chill out and return to the golden days of hip-hop.

Whenever you put this song on, you can’t help but feel a bit more relaxed and nostalgic for that era. It’s not just music; it’s a vibe, a whole mood that takes you back and makes everything feel right.

So, if you need a bit of decompression or want to bask in the goodness of old-school hip-hop, “Electric Relaxation” is the track you need to turn up.

8. “Coffee & Cigarettes” – Vic Mensa

Vic Mensa’s “Coffee & Cigarettes” track is like a laid-back journey into the artist’s thoughts and feelings.

You know, these moody piano loops wrap around you, and the vocals are smooth but sad simultaneously. It’s the perfect tune for those moments when you’re in a reflective mood and looking for inner peace.

So, if you ever feel like you need to chill and find some calm, this track is one to put on.

9. “Erase Me” – Kid Cudi ft. Kanye West

When you’re feeling down and the day seems a bit too gloomy, there’s this track, “Erase Me,” that I swear by.

Kid Cudi’s ethereal vocals float around, creating this uplifting vibe, and then there’s Kanye West’s production style, which is nothing short of unique, adding that extra layer of cool. Together, they make this song soar, lifting your spirits.

And let me tell you, those hooks are so infectious, and the lyrics? Catchy as can be. It’s the kind of song that sticks with you, making it a perfect addition to any chill rap playlist you’ve got going. If you want to boost your mood on a dreary day, “Erase Me” is the way to go.

10. “The Worst Guys” – Childish Gambino ft. Chance The Rapper

Childish Gambino and Chance The Rapper have teamed up for “The Worst Guys,” Let me tell you, it’s the ultimate track for those laid-back, lazy afternoons when you’re just chilling with your friends.

The vibe? Carefree. It’s got these beachy guitar loops that roll in like waves, and the chorus? Super catchy. It’s the kind of song that, without a doubt, will put you in a good mood.

Now, here’s the thing: the collaboration between these two artists is nothing short of magic. Childish Gambino brings his unique flair, and Chance The Rapper, with his distinct style, elevates the whole track. Plus, the lyrical content?

It’s playful and reflective, which is a tricky balance to strike, but they do it well.

Moreover, the production quality is top-notch, blending various elements to create a fresh yet familiar sound. And more than just being a song, it feels like a summer anthem, the kind you’ll want to put on repeat.

So, if you’re looking for a tune to boost your spirits and make those chill moments with friends even more enjoyable, “The Worst Guys” is worth a listen. Trust me, it’s going to be your new go-to.

11. “The Recipe” – Kendrick Lamar ft. Dr. Dre

“The Recipe” by Kendrick Lamar isn’t just any track—it’s a smooth, feel-good anthem with Dr. Dre working his magic on the production side.

Now, let’s talk about its vibe. It’s got this relaxed flow, you know? It’s like the essence of summer captured in a song. Plus, this song is a must-add if you’re putting together a chill rap playlist.

I mean, the combination of Kendrick’s lyrical genius and Dr. Dre’s legendary production skills? It’s unbeatable.

Moreover, the vibe it brings to the table sets the perfect backdrop for those lazy, sun-soaked afternoons. So, in addition to everything else your playlist might feature, “The Recipe” brings something hard to define but impossible to ignore.

And more than just being another track, it’s an experience, a mood-setter that elevates the whole playlist to another level.

12. “Sober” – Childish Gambino

Childish Gambino’s “Sober” is, without a doubt, one of those tracks that just hit right, especially in those quiet moments when you’re all alone, lost in your thoughts.

It’s got this soulful, introspective vibe that’s perfect for introspection. The song is both haunting and comforting, which is a rare combination if you ask me.

The stripped-down beat and that haunting melody stick with you, you know? Plus, something about the way it’s put together makes you feel a whole range of emotions.

Moreover, it’s the song that can make you feel understood and seen, even if you’re dealing with stuff internally. In addition, the music’s simplicity and the lyrics’ depths are just phenomenal.

And more than that, it’s a song that stays with you long after it’s finished playing, echoing in your mind.

13. “Hurt Feelings” – Mac Miller

Mac Miller’s track “Hurt Feelings” hits deep. It’s like this melancholy yet introspective anthem for anyone who’s ever felt lost or alone in the crowd. The way it’s put together, with its minimalistic, almost ethereal melody, gets under your skin in the best way possible.

And don’t get me started on the lyrics—packed with so much emotion, they’re practically a hug for your soul.

If you’re ever in one of those moods when you need to sit with your feelings and process everything, this song is the perfect companion. It’s like Mac Miller knew exactly what to say to make us feel seen and understood.

14. “Roses” – SAINt JHN

Saint J.H.N.’s “Roses” is a beautiful track, you know? It’s got this soulful vibe that makes you stop and think. The melody, oh man, it’s haunting and contemplative, like it’s pulling you into this deep, reflective place.

And the lyrics? They’re so heartfelt. It’s perfect for those days when you’re craving to feel something deep down.

You know what I mean? When you need a moment to feel and reflect, “Roses” has your back. It’s like the song knows precisely what you’re going through.

15 “All Girls Are The Same” – Juice WRLD

“All Girls Are The Same” by Juice WRLD is one of those raw, deeply vulnerable tracks that hits right in the feels for anyone who’s ever gone through the rollercoaster of heartbreak or felt a bit lost in the love game.

You know, it’s got those introspective lyrics that make you think, paired with this dreamy, almost hypnotic melody that pulls you in.

It’s like when you’re in that mood where you’re trying to process all your emotions and find a little bit of inner peace; this song is perfect. It’s got a way of speaking directly to your soul, making you feel understood and less alone.

So yeah, if you’re looking for something to help you navigate those tricky emotional waters, listen to this track. It is what you need to start feeling more at peace with yourself.

Emerging Artists in the Chill Rap Scene

A few names pop in the chill rap world because they mix smooth beats and deep lyrics. Loyle Carner is one of those artists known for his heartful style and stories that hit close to home for anyone looking for music with chill vibes and meaningful messages.

Then there’s Noname from Chicago, who blends jazzy tunes with clever words, perfectly catching what makes chill rap so unique for folks who love tunes as thoughtful as they are pleasant to listen to. T

hese artists are paving new paths in the genre, focusing on authenticity and connecting with listeners on a deeper level.

How Chill Rap Influences Lifestyle and Fashion 

Chill rap’s cool vibes and thoughtful lyrics change how people live and dress. It’s all about taking life more relaxedly, reflecting on everything from comfy, boho fashion to cozy home vibes.

This music genre is a cheerleader for taking it easy, focusing on self-care, and maintaining your mental health. It’s like a big hug, telling us it’s okay to be vulnerable and find our calm in the storm.

Chill rap isn’t just tunes for your playlist; it’s a lifestyle choice about living peacefully and looking good while doing it.

 Playlists and Where to Find Them

Are you looking for new chill rap tunes? The easiest way to stumble upon fresh artists is by diving into playlists on your favorite streaming platforms, like Spotify and Apple Music.

These playlists are jam-packed with well-known and up-and-coming chill rap artists, making it easy to find your next musical obsession.

Check out playlists like “Chilled Hip Hop” on Spotify and “Essentials: Chillhop” on Apple Music, or even “Lofi Hip Hop Beats” on YouTube for some smooth vibes. Plus, there are a bunch of excellent independent curators on these platforms who craft unique chill rap playlists worth exploring.

These playlists are a win-win: they help you discover new beats and give emerging artists a stage to shine and grow their fan base.

Frequently Ask Questions

What are some popular calm rap songs?

Some popular chill rap songs include “Self Care” by Mac Miller, “The Story of O.J.” by Jay-Z, and “Summers Over Interlude” by Drake.

How would you define the genre of chill rap?

Chill rap is a subgenre of hip-hop that incorporates mellow and relaxed beats with introspective lyrics. It often focuses on self-care, mental health, and taking life more leisurely.

Artists in this genre use their music to promote positivity and encourage listeners to find peace within themselves.

So, it’s not just about the music but also the lifestyle and mindset it embodies.

Can chill rap also be upbeat?

Absolutely! While chill rap is typically characterized by its laid-back and relaxed vibe, some songs have an upbeat tempo.

This can perfectly balance calming tunes and energizing beats to get you in the right headspace for whatever mood you’re in.

Which rap song is considered the best of all time?

The answer to this question is subjective and can vary depending on personal taste. Some popular contenders for the title of “best rap song of all time” include “Juicy” by Notorious B.I.G, “Lose Yourself” by Eminem, and “N.Y. State of Mind” by Nas.

However, countless other iconic and influential rap songs could be considered the best. Ultimately, it’s up to individual interpretation, and no definitive answer exists.

Music music is a form of self-expression, and what may resonate with one person may not resonate with another.

So, instead of trying to determine a singular “best” rap song, it’s essential to appreciate the diversity and impact of different songs within the genre. 

What are the steps to creating a chill rap song?

Creating a chill rap song involves several key steps. These may vary depending on the individual artist’s process, but generally include:

Concept/Idea: The first step is to develop a concept or idea for your song. This may be inspired by personal experiences, current events, or something you find interesting and want to explore in your music.

Writing Lyrics: Once you have a concept, you can start writing lyrics that reflect the mood and message of your song. This may involve brainstorming, freestyling, or using other techniques to create catchy and meaningful lyrics.

Choosing Instrumentals/Beats: Chill rap often incorporates mellow instrumentals and smooth beats. As an artist, you can produce your beats or collaborate with a producer to find the perfect sound for your song.

Recording: Once you have your lyrics and instrumentals, it’s time to hit the studio and record your vocals. This may involve multiple takes and editing to achieve the desired sound.

Mixing/Mastering: Mixing and mastering is the final step in creating a chill rap song. This involves adjusting levels, adding effects, and ensuring top-notch audio quality.

What are the best chill rap songs of all time?

As previously mentioned, it’s difficult to determine the “best” chill rap songs of all time as this is subjective and varies from person to person.

However, here are some famous and influential chill rap songs that have stood the test of time:

“Gin and Juice” by Snoop Dogg: Released in 1993, this song has become a staple in the chill rap genre with its laid-back vibes and catchy chorus.

“Electric Relaxation” by A Tribe Called Quest: This iconic 1993 song is known for its smooth beats and poetic lyrics, making it a timeless chill rap classic.

“Juicy” by The Notorious B.I.G.: While not typically classified as a chill rap song, this 1994 hit has a smooth and relaxed vibe that still resonates with listeners today.

“The Next Episode” by Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Dogg: Another classic from the 90s, this song’s laid-back instrumentals and chill flow have made it a go-to for many chill rap playlists.

Can you list the top 10 chill rap songs?

Sure, here are ten chill rap songs that you should check out:

1. “Summertime” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
2. “Electric Relaxation” by A Tribe Called Quest
3. “The World Is Yours” by Nas
4. “Lost in Translation” by King Krule
5. “Doo Wop (That Thing)” by Lauryn Hill
6. “See You Again” by Tyler, the Creator ft. Kali Uchis
7. “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
8. “So Far To Go” by J Dilla ft. Common and D’Angelo
9. “Nuthin’ But a G Thang” by Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Dogg
10. “Mind Playing Tricks on Me” by Geto Boys

Where can I find the best chill rap songs, according to Reddit?

Reddit is a great platform to discover new music and find recommendations from fellow hip-hop fans.

The subreddit r/hiphopheads has a dedicated weekly thread where users share their favorite chill rap songs. You can also check out the subreddit r/chillmusic for more relaxed and laid-back hip-hop tracks.

Additionally, many music streaming services have curated playlists specifically for chill rap, so make sure to explore those as well. The possibilities for finding new chill rap songs are endless, so keep an open mind and explore!

What are some excellent chill rap songs to listen to at night?

Many chill rap songs are perfect to listen to at night. Here are some suggestions:

“Nights” by Frank Ocean – This song has a mellow vibe and lyrics reflecting life’s ups and downs.
“Self-Care” by Mac Miller— Despite its title, this song is not about self-help but rather about taking time for yourself and enjoying the moment.
“10,000 Hours” by J. Cole – This song is a perfect blend of smooth beats and thoughtful lyrics that make for a great late-night listen.
“The Recipe” by Kendrick Lamar ft. Dr. Dre—This laid-back track is perfect for winding down after a long day.
“Electric Relaxation” by A Tribe Called Quest – With its jazzy beat and smooth flow, this song epitomizes chill rap.
“Garden (Say It Like Dat)” by SZA – This dreamy track is perfect for late-night contemplation and relaxation.

Who are the top artists known for chill rap?

A few artists have become known for their distinctive chill rap style. These artists often incorporate laid-back, mellow beats and smooth flows into their music, creating a relaxing atmosphere for listeners.

One of the most well-known artists in this genre is Saba. Hailing from Chicago, Saba has gained recognition for his introspective lyrics and dreamy production.

His album “CARE FOR ME” is a prime example of chill rap, with tracks such as “LIFE” and “PROM / KING” showcasing his poetic flow over calming instrumentals.

Which albums feature the best chill rap songs?

Aside from Saba’s “CARE FOR ME,” several other albums have gained recognition for their chill rap songs.

One such album is “The Sun’s Tirade” by Isaiah Rashad, which blends elements of jazz and soul with laid-back rap lyrics. Tracks like “Stuck in the Mud” and “4r Da Squaw” have become fan favorites for their smooth vibes and thoughtful lyrics.

Another standout album in the chill rap genre is “Telefone” by Noname. With her unique blend of spoken-word poetry and melodic flows, Noname creates a dreamy atmosphere on tracks like “Diddy Bop” and “Yesterday.” The album’s production, handled by frequent collaborator Phoelix, also adds to the overall chill vibe of the project.

What are some iconic chill hip-hop songs from the 90s?

The 90s was a decade filled with iconic chill hip-hop songs that remain popular today. These songs served as the soundtrack for many people’s lives and paved the way for future generations of hip-hop artists.

What are the best albums for chill rap music?

“Midnight Marauders” by A Tribe Called Quest
“The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” by Lauryn Hill
“Illmatic” by Nas
“Me Against the World” by Tupac
“Aquemini” by OutKast

Final Words: Best Chill Rap Songs of All Time

And that’s the roundup—15 top-notch chill rap tracks that hit just right. Are you hunting for the perfect beats to decompress after a marathon day or seeking a serene soundtrack for your meditation vibes? Look no further.

Kick back, let loose, and immerse yourself in the tranquil vibes of these chill rap masterpieces. Let their smooth melodies and profound lyrics envelop you.

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