


發佈時間: 2018/10/26


港股由升轉跌,恒指昨日更一度跌穿25000點(tumbled to less than 25000 points)的重要關口。各大行紛紛預警樓價將於未來12個月下滑10%至20%。幸好,近年按揭上限調高,又有壓力測試,即使面對跌市和加息,市民應該仍然能夠應付供樓。

動詞tumble不單解「下跌」,而是「大跌、暴跌」,在短時間內貶值很多。例句︰The Hong Kong stock market has moved lower in consecutive trading days, tumbling more than 3.5 percent along the way.(香港股市在連續幾個交易日內下跌,跌幅超過3.5%。)The company has predicted that Hong Kong home prices will tumble as much as 20% from this month to the end of 2019.(該公司預計,從本月到2019年底,香港樓價將下跌20%。)

Tumble還可以解「跌倒、滾下、跌跌撞撞地走」,跌得很快,控制不了。例句︰He slipped and tumbled down the stairs.(他滑倒,然後滾下樓梯。)He lost his balance and tumbled off the edge of the balcony, falling to the ground below.(他失去平衡,從陽台邊緣跌落地面。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery