Alumni network rank | 3 | |
Audit year * | 2022 | |
Carbon footprint rank | 53 | |
Location, by primary campus | US | |
Rank in 2022 | 6 | |
Rank in 2023 | 4 | |
School name | Stanford Graduate School of Business |
Aims achieved (%) | 93 | |
Career progress rank | 2 | |
Careers service rank | 11 | |
Employed at three months (%) | 84 | |
Salary percentage increase | 131 | |
Salary today (US$) ** | 253435 | |
Weighted salary (US$) | 248669 |
ESG and net zero teaching rank | 28 | |
Overall satisfaction ** | 9.98 | |
Value for money rank | 72 |
Female faculty (%) | 26 | |
Female students (%) | 44 | |
International board (%) | 25 | |
International faculty (%) | 45 | |
International students (%) | 46 | |
Sector diversity rank | 97 | |
Women on board (%) | 31 |
Faculty with doctorates (%) | 89 | |
FT research rank | 7 |
International course experience rank | 27 | |
International mobility rank | 56 |