Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 4 - TV Fanatic
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Jinju provides the voiceover for scenes of her making sushi and sharing a meal with Till interspersed with Erik in the Medical Car with Nikki's body.

Bennett visits Cavill in her quarters to advocate for her to take care of herself.

Roche wakes Layton to inform him of Nikki's murder.

Cavill gets the call about the new murder.

Till and Jinju have a talk in bed about their relationship. Cavill calls to tell Jinju about Nikki's death.

Cavill finds Klimpt crying in the corridor. She sends him for a gurney and sheets. Layton, Roche, and Till are waiting. Till points out that the border is closed so if the killer is First Class, he's stuck in Third until they open. He's trapped.

Erik sits in the Third Class mess, drinking, but leaves as the car starts to fill for breakfast.

Layton, Cavill, Hospitality, and the Jackboots meet in the Night Car to organize. Layton goes to talk to Miss Audrey.

In the Tail, a plan is formed to get a message to Layton using the access chip he passed to Sophie. She joins the Sanitation Crew in order to make contact with a Tailie who apprenticed out in the first year, Astrid.

Layton and Cavill meet the First Class passengers in the dining car and Layton asks some questions. LJ is ecstatic to be in his presence. She gives up the information that Erik didn't come home after the fight and that he has a gun.

When Layton demands to search Erik's quarters, Mrs. Folger refuses to admit him and demands to speak with Mr. Wilford. Melanie calls Bennett and pretends to speak to Wilford. Folger backs down when offered the opportunity.

Erik hides out in an old apiary crate.

In the Folgers' carriage, Layton find a J-hook, used in bee-keeping, and tells Cavill that Till should be sent to investigate the apiary crate.

Sophie makes contact with Astrid, sees the sun, and eats some real food. She sneaks back into the breakroom just in time.

Layton and Cavill question LJ. Cavill asks the Folgers about the relationship between LJ and Erik.

Till and Osweiller find the apiary crate. Erik escapes through a hole in the ceiling and they chase him.

LJ shares Erik's records with Layton and he recognizes the song "Sealed with a Kiss" as something Nikki knew. He reasons that Erik probably overpowered the victims but the castration was someone else. When Layton deduces that LJ was the other party involved, she tries to strike a deal with him to supply the Tail with blueprints and a gun in exchange for his silence.

In the Third Class market, Erik has Jinju hostage and escapes ahead of Till and other Brakemen. Trapped in the subtrain between Jackboots and Brakemen, Erik shoots an exhaust switch, injuring himself, and then makes an attempt to fight off the soldiers who overpower him and hack him to pieces.

Cavill informs the Folgers and LJ breaks down in crocodile tears. Layton indicates to Cavill that LJ was the mastermind and she brings a Jackboot in. Layton reveals that LJ was the real killer and LJ attacks him. She is subdued by Layton and cuffed by the Jackboot.

Cavill announces to the train that the killer is dead and a second suspect is in custody. She offers to buy Layton a drink.

They share a drink at Jinju's counter. Cavill reveals that she can't let Layton return to the Tail. He discovers his drink was drugged.

In The Tail, a message from Astrid arrives in the food but it says that Layton's missing.

Klimpt puts Layton into The Drawers and Cavill orders him kept off book and taken good care of.

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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Systems resist change. Even without their maker.


Adapt. That's what humans do, isn't it? Our great leg-up? We roll. We hack. Knuckle down and change.
