Slender Man (TV Series) | Fantendo - Game Ideas & More | Fandom
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Slender Man
Slender Man Logo
Creator(s) Withersoul 235
Type Fiction, TV series
Genre(s) Horror, thriller, action, supernatural drama
Country of Origin
  • USA
  • Britain
  • Germany
Original Language English
Season(s) 7
Episodes 175
Runtime 57 min.
Status Running

Slender Man is a 2017 horror-action-adventure supernatural drama thriller series that airs on Fox since May 30, 2017. The series revolves around Keylan Holsen, a 15-year old lad who finds himself to be the prey of the Slender Man, who starts to terrorize his friends and family. Severa paranormalities, deaths and plot twists await Keylan as he and his friends attempt to expose Slender Man in public.


Season 1[]

Keylan Holsen is a 15-year old high schooler who lives a peaceful life in San Antonio, Texas. During a trip to the forest with his friends, Keylan accidentally albeit unknowningly provokes a supernatural entity known as Slender Man, which then follows him home, though Keylan doesn't seem to notice.

A few days after at school, Keylan finds a page in his locker saying "No eyes, always watching." Keylan shrugs it off as a joke at first, but later starts getting stalked by Slender Man after the creature pops up in the suburb he lives in.

After a midnight party, Keylan goes back home on his bike, but Slender Man pops up out of nowhere, right in front of him. Holsen accidentally rams into Slender Man, ripping straight through him. When Keylan hops off his bike to help him get up, he sees only a black mist where Slenderman stood. Confused and terrified, Keylan quickly rides his bike away, but Slenderman appears out of thin air and tries to grab him. Holsen quickly passes by, but Slenderman shoots out his tentacles and tries to pull him back, but Keylan narrowly escapes.

The rest of the season mainly consists of random encounters with Slenderman. Keylan becomes more and more paranoid over time.

Season 2[]



  • Kelyan Holsen: The 15-year old main character of the series that serves as the series' first victim of Slenderman, living in San Antonio. After no one believes his encounters with Slenderman, he tries to expose him to the public. In Season 5, Keylan moves to Washington D.C. in an attempt to escape Slenderman, but the tall man chases him all the way to Washington. Keylan ulrimately dies in Season 6.
  • Slender Man: The main antagonist of the series and a supernatural, extradimensional creature that haunts several parts of the world. He appears in all seasons.
  • More TBA 