Marketing Ch 12 Flashcards | Quizlet

Marketing Ch 12

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____-__-_____ communication is product information that individuals transmit to other individuals. Because we get the word from people we know, it tends to be more reliable and trustworthy than messages from more formal marketing channels. Often comes with social pressure to conform to recommendations
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Word-of-mouth (WOM)
____-__-_____ communication is product information that individuals transmit to other individuals. Because we get the word from people we know, it tends to be more reliable and trustworthy than messages from more formal marketing channels. Often comes with social pressure to conform to recommendations
____ is the form of communication that results in 2/3 of all sales, PLC, and familiarity based
guerrilla marketing
promotional strategies that use unconventional means and venues to encourage WOM about products.
negative word of mouth
consumers weigh negative comments more heavily than positive.
___% of unhappy customers will not do business with that company again
website complaints
injustice, identity, and agency are three types of _____ _______
type of website complaint where consumers protest frequently talk about their fruitless attempts to contact the company
type of website complaint where posters characterize the violator (often top manager) as evil, rather than simply incompetent
type of website complaint where individual web sit creators try to create a collective identity for those who share their anger with the company. they evoke themes or crusade and heroism to change a status quo.
opinion leaders
are able to influence others attitudes or behaviors
refers to the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs
two step flow model of influence
proposes that a small group of influences disseminate information since they can modify the opinions of a large group of people
influence network
a two-way dialogue between participants in a social network and opinion leaders
information cascades
an online communication process where one piece of information triggers a sequence of interactions
opinion leaders
experts, unbiased evaluation, socially active, similar to the consumer, among the first to buy: all these are characteristics of ____ _______