SINGLE-HANDED - Traducción al español -

Qué significa "single-handed" en español

Resultados para "single-handed". "single hand" no se encuentra en nuestro diccionario actualmente.

"single-handed" en español


single-handed {adverbio}

Over the last few weeks, and literally single-handed, he has achieved – that was a pun!
Durante las últimas semanas, y literalmente sin la ayuda de nadie, ha conseguido –eso es un retruécano– resultados asombrosos con el Consejo.
single-handed (también: single-handedly, singly)

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "single-handed" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

I didn't win a single hand
In addition, the interest in terms of market surveillance of tracing the origin of single second-hand defective products is simply non-existent.
Asimismo, en términos de vigilancia del mercado, averiguar el origen de productos defectuosos aislados, sencillamente, carece de interés.

English Cómo usar "single-handed" en una frase

Later, he single-handed carried out a difficult mission and succeeded in reaching his objective under extremely adverse weather conditions.
His one-man charge on an enemy stronghold resulted in his single-handed capture of eight enemy soldiers.
Subsequently, after dark, he voluntarily carried out, single-handed; an important reconnaissance and gained valuable information.
He has on numerous occasions attacked large formations of enemy aircraft single-handed, destroyed some, and driven others down out of control.
He is renowned for his single-handed sailing skills and experience.

English Cómo usar "single-handedly" en una frase

He spawned nightmares in an entire generation and is single-handedly responsible for countless cases of coulrophobia.
None of us "knows enough" about foreign policy to single-handedly run a powerful country, not even the experts.
This could be attributed to the ban on guar futures that had single-handedly lifted the turnover by 50 per cent during 2011-12.
He single-handedly gutted and rebuilt the two side-by-side bathrooms in his home, and his success proves something the more people need to know about.
It's amazing how he single-handedly shut down the government and it was awful but a snow storm did it and all we get is crickets.

English Cómo usar "sin la ayuda de nadie" en una frase

Cuando se despierta, el joven quiere averiguar quién ha intentado acabar con su vida, y pretende hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie.
Los hombres se creen autosuficientes y que pueden resolver todos los problemas sin la ayuda de nadie.
La gente se ha sumergido en esas aguas desconocidas, prácticamente, sin la ayuda de nadie.
Al final ella sola andó sin la ayuda de nadie.
Él o ella tendrá que aprender a perdonarse sin la ayuda de nadie.?

Sinónimos (inglés) para "single-handed":


Traducciones similares para single-handed en español

hand sustantivo
hand verbo
single sustantivo