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a shiver down (one's) spine

A shudder felt down one's back, due to either fear, anticipation, nervousness, or excitement. I felt a shiver down my spine at the thought of my exam tomorrow. John got a shiver down his spine when he overheard the managers discussing the money he'd stolen from the company safe. When they announced that Sarah would have the chance to meet a movie star as a part of her prize, she felt a shiver down her spine.
See also: down, shiver, spine

a shiver ran down (one's) spine

Said when one has experienced an intense feeling of fear, panic, dread, shock, exhilaration, or excitement. A shiver ran down John's spine when he overheard the managers discussing the money he'd stolen from the company safe. A cold shiver ran down my spine at the thought of having to work for another minute in that awful restaurant. When they announced that Sarah would have the chance to meet a movie star as a part of her prize, a shiver ran down her spine.
See also: down, ran, shiver, spine

a shiver ran up (one's) spine

Said when one has experienced an intense feeling of fear, panic, dread, shock, exhilaration, or excitement. A shiver ran up John's spine when he overheard the managers discussing the money he'd stolen from the company safe. A cold up ran down my spine at the thought of having to work for another minute in that awful restaurant. When they announced that Sarah would have the chance to meet a movie star as a part of her prize, a shiver ran up her spine.
See also: ran, shiver, spine, up

a shiver runs/goes down (one's) spine

A shudder is felt down one's back, due to either fear, anticipation, nervousness, or excitement. A shiver runs down my spine every time I walk by that creepy old house. I felt a shiver go down my spine at the thought of my exam tomorrow. When they announced that Sarah would have the chance to meet a movie star as a part of her prize, she felt a shiver go down her spine.
See also: down, goes, run, shiver, spine

a shiver went down (one's) spine

Said when one has experienced an intense feeling of fear, panic, dread, shock, exhilaration, or excitement. A shiver went down John's spine when he overheard the managers discussing the money he'd stolen from the company safe. A cold shiver went down my spine at the thought of having to work for another minute in that awful restaurant. When they announced that Sarah would have the chance to meet a movie star as a part of her prize, a shiver went down her spine.
See also: down, shiver, spine

a shiver went up (one's) spine

Said when one has experienced an intense feeling of fear, panic, dread, shock, exhilaration, or excitement. A shiver went up John's spine when he overheard the managers discussing the money he'd stolen from the company safe. A cold shiver went up my spine at the thought of having to work for another minute in that awful restaurant. When they announced that Sarah would have the chance to meet a movie star as a part of her prize, a shiver went up her spine.
See also: shiver, spine, up

get the shivers

1. To begin to feel fear or dread. Can we get out of here? I'm getting the shivers from this creepy old house!
2. To experience an acute tingling sensation resulting from intense pleasure, fear, exhilaration, or excitement. Wow, I got the shivers listening to that song! Did you write it yourself? The movie had the most incredibly twist ending. I seriously still get the shivers just thinking about it!
See also: get, shiver

give (one) the shivers

1. To cause one to have a feeling of fear or dread. Can we get out of here? This creepy old house is giving me the shivers!
2. To cause one to feel an acute tingling sensation resulting from intense pleasure, exhilaration, or excitement. Wow, that song gave me the shivers! Did you write that yourself? The movie had the most incredible twist ending. It seriously still gives me the shivers just thinking about it!
See also: give, shiver

send a shiver down (one's) spine

To cause an intense feeling of excitement, exhilaration, nervousness, or fear in someone. The way that sonata swells always sends a shiver down my spine. It sent a shiver down my spine when Dorothy gave me such an amorous look. Can we get out of here? This creepy old house is sending a shiver down my spine!
See also: down, send, shiver, spine

send a shiver up (one's) spine

To cause an intense feeling of excitement, exhilaration, nervousness, or fear in someone. The way that sonata swells always sends a shiver up my spine. It sent a shiver up my spine when Dorothy gave me such an amorous look. Can we get out of here? This creepy old house is sending a shiver up my spine!
See also: send, shiver, spine, up

send shivers down (one's) spine

To cause an intense feeling of fear, nervousness, exhilaration, or excitement in someone. Can we get out of here? This creepy old house is sending shivers down my spine! The way that sonata swells always sends shivers down my spine. It sent shivers down my spine when Dorothy gave me such an amorous look.
See also: down, send, shiver, spine

send shivers up (one's) spine

To cause an intense feeling of excitement, exhilaration, nervousness, or fear in someone. The way that sonata swells always sends shivers up my spine. It sent shivers up my spine when Dorothy gave me such an amorous look. Can we get out of here? This creepy old house is sending shivers up my spine!
See also: send, shiver, spine, up

shiver me timbers

An exclamation of surprise. The phrase originated with sailors (as "shiver one's timbers" meant to destroy one's ship) and is usually used today in cartoonish portrayals of pirates. Well, shiver me timbers—I didn't think you were getting into town until tomorrow! You got cast as a pirate in the play? I bet you have one line—"Shiver me timbers!"
See also: shiver, timber

the shivers

1. Literally, involuntary physical shaking, as triggered by cold temperatures or illness. It's so cold down here, I've got the shivers! Can you please pass me that blanket? It's 75 degrees in here and you've got the shivers? Are you sure you don't have a fever?
2. Feelings of fear or dread. Can we get out of here? I'm getting the shivers from this creepy old house!
3. An acute tingling sensation resulting from intense pleasure, fear, exhilaration, or excitement. Wow, I got the shivers listening to that song! Did you write it yourself? The movie had the most incredible twist ending. It seriously still gives me the shivers just thinking about it!
See also: shiver
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

a ˈshiver runs/goes down somebody’s spine


send a ˈshiver up/down somebody’s spine

feel, or make somebody feel, excitement or anxiety: This piece of music sends shivers down my spine.When I heard all those people shouting and screaming, a shiver ran down my spine.
See also: down, goes, run, shiver, spine

give somebody/get the ˈshivers

(informal) make somebody feel fear and horror: That old portrait gives me the shivers.I get the shivers every time I hear his name.
See also: get, give, shiver, somebody
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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References in periodicals archive ?
As with pain, this is not true shivering, but it can be hard to distinguish the two.
If you notice your dog shivering, take stock of the situation.
Tramadol is most common drug used for treatment of shivering, [4] but having many adverse effects like nausea, vomiting dizziness etc.
Using a heated forced-air blanket (Bair Hugger; 3M Corporation, Maplewood, Minnesota), Badjatia and coworkers (6) found a 1[degrees]C decrease in the shivering threshold with every 4[degrees]C increase in mean skin temperature.
Conclusion: Intravenous administration of 08 mg of Intravenous Ondansetron prior to subarachnoid block, is effective in decreasing frequency of shivering.
Around 10 to 15 minutes of shivering produced as big a rise in irisin as an hour of moderate exercise, the scientists found.
Forty-two of 47 shivering bouts were observed in 2 individual moose in the moderate treatment group; 29 bouts were by a single moose (M4) (McLaughlin and Addison 1986).
This study aimed to test the hypothesis that pretreatment with intravenous granisetron would be effective in reducing postoperative shivering after spinal anaesthesia in children aged two to five years.
Why are you shivering, my soul, my life, life of my death!
"Older adults actually can shiver less, and in any case shivering decreases as your body temperature drops, so don't rely on it as a guide," Dr.
Chong points out that while this study's results are promising, misoprostol sometimes causes troubling side effects, such as severe shivering and fever.
Engineers have told them that the central heating is too dangerous to use and turned it off a fortnight ago, leaving them shivering in the aisles.
What is the best way to treat this shivering if it occurs again?
The Government announced the launch tomorrow of a new helpline to help prevent senior citizens shivering in their homes.