CSI’s Robert David Hall: 'I may be missing both legs but I'm still a whole man'

CSI’s Robert David Hall: 'I may be missing both legs but I'm still a whole man'

Robert David Hall, who is a double leg amputee, tells Rachel Ray about his extraordinary life and starring role in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Robert David Hall and William Petersen in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Robert David Hall and William Petersen in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Robert David Hall, who is in his 12th season playing the quirky coroner Dr Robbins in the hit TV crime drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, has a long-standing acting credo: always work as hard as you can to prepare for a role and then play around during the actual performance. CSI, which is syndicated internationally, is watched by more than 27 million viewers a week in the United States alone.

In Washington last week Hall described to me how thorough his preparation can be. While Hall was observing an official autopsy, the real-life coroner wanted to test how squeamish the actor might be. He asked Hall to assist him in weighing the corpse’s body parts in plastic containers.

The first thing Hall wanted to tell the coroner was that his assistance in the autopsy was, in fact, illegal. But the second, perhaps more important, point was that it is hard to spook a double leg amputee, who lost one of his limbs through gradual amputation after an 18-wheel truck crushed his car, causing its gas tank to explode, and left more than 65 per cent of his body burned. It is a miracle he survived.

In 1978, when the accident occurred, Hall was 30 and working as a disc jockey for a radio station in Orange County, California. In the evenings, he played guitar with a band and also wrote copy for a local ad agency. But he had already studied acting at UCLA and was in love with it.

After rehabilitation and the reconstruction of his face, Hall, who walks on prosthetics and sometimes uses a wheelchair, set out to fulfil his dream of acting but was in for a shock. “The first audition I went to,” he says, “was something from Lourdes - blind people, deaf people. Sitcom producers thought maybe they should have some kind of disabled person in their shows.”

Then Hall went to a casting call by Warner Brothers with 200 people of every type of disability. "I don't want to be lumped in just as some disabled guy. I'm an actor. I'm proud of the profession. There were 200 people and five of us got call-backs.” This success inspired Hall to study with Gordon Hunt, the Hollywood acting coach who is also the father of actress Helen Hunt.

Hall never believed that he could be as good as some of Hunt’s other students and was warned by people in Hollywood not to set his sights too high as a disabled actor. He notes that 19 per cent of Americans have disabilities yet one study concluded that only 0.5 per cent of the words spoken on TV and in movies come from disabled characters.

With his calm, low-pitched voice, Hall was able to get steady work doing voiceovers and some TV parts. But in 1991, he was cast as a character much like himself in the movie Class Action, a legal thriller. As Hall puts it, "Class Action changed my life."

Hall played the role of a man who is maimed when the gas tank of his car explodes in an accident: "Class Action was four years of acting school rolled into six weeks," he says. "I rose to the occasion and it inspired me. I said: 'If I can do this, I can make a living in this business.'"

Much of that inspiration came from watching and working with the film’s star, Gene Hackman.

Hall never forgot Hackman’s technique of “owning” the set. On the CSI set, Hall says, "I know where all the chemicals are. I know where the electron microscope is. I know what the tools are." Hired for one scene in the show’s fifth episode that included speaking lots of medical gobbledygook - Hall observes wryly that four years of studying Latin had finally paid off - he would end up playing Dr Robbins in 260 episodes over the next 12 years.

Dr Robbins’s disability has no significance to the CSI story line. And for Hall - now 63, married, and the father of a 30-year-old son - that’s the correct approach. “Here's a novel idea - don't think about it,” he says. For 14 years, Hall has advocated for disabled actors within the Screen Actors Guild, the American Federation of Radio and Television Artists, and Actors Equity. He has also testified before Congress.

From a military family - his uncle was a navy admiral, his grandfather was a captain, and his father was a lieutenant decorated in the Second World War - Hall has visited Walter Reed military hospital several times to talk to wounded soldiers about their rehabilitation.

And he attributes the saving of his own life to the emergency techniques developed during the Vietnam War. "I'm sad that it takes wars to cause advancements,” he says. "If a young man or woman is asked to serve their country and they get injured, they get excellent care, that's the bottom line. Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, whatever you feel about war and peace, there's a contract between citizens and soldiers and we send these people over in our stead. If they come back injured or maimed we have to do what we can to reintegrate them into society. The government does a pretty good job of taking care of the wounded soldiers. I can walk and have a career because of some of the advancements since Vietnam.”

Hall concedes that some people remain uncomfortable when dealing with people with visible disabilities. But he’s not advocating that the disabled should be "given" anything except a deserved opportunity. An accomplished musician, he performed for the first time last year at the Grand Ole Opry.

He also concedes that the obsession with crime dramas such as CSI will fade one day. But regardless of his next career move, it seems that Hall has no intention of fading from the world of acting or his advocacy work for the disabled. “My plan was never to hide in the shadows,” he says.