Riddlesdown Collegiate - Student Handbook 2022 by Smarter Reach | Marketing for Schools - Issuu

Riddlesdown Collegiate - Student Handbook 2022

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Year 7 Parents’ Handbook September 2022

“Learners of today. Leaders of tomorrow.”

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Contents Section 1:

Organisation Principal’s Welcome Our Vision Riddlesdown Collegiate Student Planner Equipment Lockers Mobile Phones and other Valuables School Meals Assemblies Student Leadership Extra-Curricular Activities School Trips The School Day and Timetable

Section 2:

Our Values Attendance and Punctuality Independent study Uniform and Appearance Rewards Promoting, Recognising and Rewarding Positive Behaviours

Section 3:

The Curriculum Our Curriculum The Excellence Curriculum Student Grouping Organisation Special Educational Needs Religious Education and Collective Worship Sex Education Music Lessons

Section 4:

The Home-School Partnership The Home School Agreement What can parents do to support their child? Communication Website Newsletter Twitter Parents’ Meetings Collegiate Fund

Section 5:

Miscellaneous Data Protection School Term and Holiday Dates 2022/23

Section 6:

Key Contacts

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Principal’s Welcome

Dear Parent/Guardian, Welcome to Riddlesdown Collegiate. I am delighted that you have accepted the place that we have been able to offer your child for Year 7 at Riddlesdown. Over the next seven years, we will work in partnership together to support your child to progress academically, grow personally, achieve their best and prepare for a successful future. This handbook is designed to help you to get to know us better in advance of your child joining us in September - I hope that you will find it useful and that you can spend some time discussing its contents with your child. The move to secondary school is a very exciting one but can also be quite daunting for children and their parents. We recognise that and work hard to ensure that everyone is well supported through the transition. One of my Assistant Principals, Mrs Fiona Langan, will be leading on the Year 7 transition process and will soon begin meeting students in their primary schools. She will also contact you again later in the term once students have been allocated to Colleges and Tutor Groups. If you have any queries or concerns you wish to discuss with us at this stage, Mrs Langan will be pleased to speak with you. Our Year 7 Induction Evening (for new students and their parents) is scheduled for Thursday 30th June 2022 and then our usual Year 7 Induction Day (for new students) at Riddlesdown Collegiate on Friday 1st July 2022. We shall send further details nearer the time. In the meantime, I hope that your child enjoys the rest of Year 6 and I am looking forward to meeting you at the Induction Evening. Yours sincerely,

Mrs K Turner Principal

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 1: Organisation OUR VISION “To be an outstanding school, upholding our values and creating exceptional opportunities within and beyond the curriculum in order to deliver successful outcomes and futures for all of our students.” OUR VALUES V alue each other A im high L ead by example U se and develop our talents E xcel in our efforts S tick at it RIDDLESDOWN COLLEGIATE Riddlesdown Collegiate operates a “small schools” model — we are a large school with just over 2000 students, divided into a number of smaller learning communities, or Colleges, each with its own staff and facilities. These Colleges each cater for about 400 students and allow us to provide strong pastoral care and high quality engagement with families. Each College has a team of teachers covering the whole curriculum, allowing them to focus on personalised learning and best serving the needs of the individual students in their care. For Year 7 students, this means that they will be joining a College probably similar in size to their primary school, with only 82 students in their Year Group. In each College, there are three Year 7 Tutor Groups, each constructed to be balanced in every way possible: gender, ability, primary schools, personalities etc. These Tutor Groups remain together throughout Years 7-11 in their College, before students transfer to College VI for post-16 studies. Each College is led by its College Headteacher who is an Assistant Principal in the organisation. S/he is supported by a Deputy Head and a range of other staff who take responsibility for the leadership of the College. The Director of Learning is responsible for the quality of teaching and learning and monitors the performance of teaching groups. Senior Tutors lead the work of the Tutor Groups and are responsible for the wellbeing, discipline and achievement of students in their Key Stage. In addition, the College Inclusion Co-ordinator works with students with Special Educational Needs. The College Headteachers together with the Principal and other senior staff form the Senior Leadership Team, who together oversee the strategic development and effectiveness of the Collegiate. STUDENT PLANNER Every student is provided with a Student Planner, which must be brought to the Collegiate every day. This Planner contains a lot of useful information and should be used to record when Independent study has been set, rewards and sanctions. The Planner is our most simple method for communication between home and school. Parents are asked to monitor the Planner and sign it each week. There is a charge made for the replacement of lost or damaged planners. EQUIPMENT Students are required to have the following equipment with them in every lesson:

Pens, pencils, pencil sharpener and rubber Ruler, protractor and compass Reading book Scientific calculator Pocket dictionary, colouring pencils, glue stick and safe scissors (optional, but useful) Headphones or earphones with small round jack (2.5mm) for Music lessons Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 1: Organisation MOBILE PHONES AND OTHER VALUABLES Should parents wish their child to bring a mobile phone into school, this must be switched off and placed in their school bags out of sight during the whole of the school day. If it is seen or used on the school premises, it will be confiscated for 5 school days. Any phone that is confiscated can be collected from reception at the end of school on the 5th day. The simple rule is: “Switched off and out of sight”. Other valuables are not allowed in school. Any such items brought and subsequently lost at school remain the responsibility of the student at all times. Students are responsible for their money and personal property and, as such, should not be left unattended at any time. SCHOOL MEALS Students may bring their own refreshments for break and lunchtime and/or use The Diner. All food purchased from The Diner must be eaten there. Students should not bring drinks in cans or glass bottles. The Diner operates a cashless catering system whereby parents should credit their child’s account online in advance and students will then be able to purchase refreshments using biometric technology (thumbprint). Further details of these arrangements will be available later in the term. Students entitled to a free school meal will have their accounts automatically credited each day with the sum of £2.34. Students may supplement this with further online credits for higher value purchases.

ASSEMBLIES Assemblies will take place once a week for each College and provide the opportunity to express the aims and identity of The Collegiate, explore moral questions, current affairs and attitudes and celebrate achievement. The core focus of our assembly programme will be the promotion and development of our Collegiate VALUES. Assemblies are non-denominational in character and have a firm moral emphasis. STUDENT LEADERSHIP Our motto, “Learners of today, Leaders of tomorrow”, applies to all members of the Collegiate community. We actively encourage students to act responsibly and to develop their leadership skills through curricular and co-curricular opportunities. Students who are able to take ownership of their learning make the most progress and find themselves better prepared for the future. Every year, each College appoints 2 Head College Ambassadors, who are supported by a team of Senior Prefects and Prefects. Having been impressed with the quality of leadership that students have demonstrated, we have now extended our Student Leadership Programme to give more students formal opportunities to develop skills and positively influence their learning experiences by taking on a range of leadership and community roles, such as peer mentors and anti-bullying prefects. There are also opportunities for leadership lower down the Year Groups by volunteering to be a Tutor Group Student Council Representative, attending fortnightly Student Council meetings to have your voice heard.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 1: Organisation CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES At Riddlesdown we pride ourselves on the rich and diverse co-curricular programme that we have on offer for our students. Co-curricular activities help a young person to develop various skills, including Collaboration, Resilience, Excellence, Adaptability, Tenacity and Enterprise. Being CREATIVE and ACTIVE not only benefit mental health and develop social skills, they are also proven to accelerate academic progress. It is the expectation that all Year 7 students will take part in at least one co-curricular activity. A wide variety of co-curricular activities are on offer throughout the year. Many of these are provided through our CPA College. These include drama, Sport, Music, Art, Dance and DT activities and many others. Every year we perform in many concerts, including a whole school production. Recent productions include Oliver! and Shrek the Musical. Our sports provision offers a wide variety of sports and there is something for everyone, whether you are wanting to play competitive sport or just exercise for fun. Our sporting teams are amongst the most successful in Croydon. Taking part in co-curricular activities will help students forge friendships, explore their creativity and get active; they will create memories that will last a lifetime. It is the student’s responsibility to inform parents if they are staying behind after school for a club or sports match and to inform parents about the time they expect to be home, making necessary arrangements with them. We advise parents to discuss a contingency plan with their child in the event of a change to their normal routine. SCHOOL TRIPS Day visits and residential trips are an extremely important part of education and development. At Riddlesdown, all students will have the opportunity to take part in visits and trips both of an educational and of a recreational nature. Some trips will be specifically to enrich learning within a subject the students are studying and where possible all students should go on these. Other trips are for pleasure or experience (e.g. skiing) and are, of course, optional. Curriculum trips and non curriculum trips will require parental consent to be given electronically via Parent Pay. For sporting events after school, we will not normally request parental permission (a) if there is no cost involved and (b) parents have authorised school visits in the Parental Consent section of the Parent Portal. This is much easier for us and ensures that students will not miss out on opportunities. For further information, please refer to the Collegiate’s Charging and Remissions Policy statement found on our website.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 1: Organisation THE SCHOOL DAY AND TIMETABLE We operate a timetable of 60 x 50 minute lessons per fortnight. To support the transition, students will be taught in their Tutor Groups for a period of time. This will allow students to better familiarise themselves with their Tutor Group and their College and also provides good opportunities for informal assessment at the beginning of the year. Using the Key Stage 2 teacher assessments, test results and the results of our own internal assessments, students will be placed in ability based teaching groups after this period of time. Students will be issued with their initial timetables on the first day of term and then their personalised timetable when the new groups have been finalised. They should then copy it into their planner. We strongly advise students to make an additional copy to keep at home, as well. Students should not arrive at the Collegiate before 8.00am


AM Registration


Period 1


Period 2




Period 3

11.30– 12.20

Period 4

12.20– 13.20

Lunch / Tutor Period (40 minutes Lunch and 20 minute Tutor Period)


Period 5

14.10 —15.00

Period 6

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 2: Our Values V – value each other A – aim high L – lead by example U – use and develop your talents E – excel in your efforts S – stick at it

The highest standards of work and behaviour are expected from all students at all times. Students are expected to show self-discipline, courtesy and consideration, and to be responsible for their actions. The Riddlesdown Commitment requires students to:    


be a positive influence in lessons by working to the best of our ability and by showing respect to our teachers and fellow learners; behave sensibly and show consideration to others around the Collegiate; maintain a calm and pleasant environment in which everyone feels safe and secure; show courtesy to members of the public and our local community when travelling to and from the Collegiate, and be proud representatives of Riddlesdown Collegiate through our appearance and conduct; complete Independent Study, coursework and revision tasks to the best of our ability at home and ensure that we are ready to learn before leaving for the Collegiate and are in full correct uniform.

Our high expectations enable us to provide students with a safe and productive environment in which they can enjoy learning and can achieve their full potential. ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY Full attendance is expected of all students. All parents and carers are asked to arrange holidays during the official holiday dates only. Permission for absence outside of these times will be granted only in extraordinary circumstances. An official Absence Request Form must be obtained from the Collegiate and must be completed in advance. Illness is the only acceptable reason for absence. In these circumstances, parents should email attendance@riddlesdown.org or telephone the Reception to report their child’s absence on the first and each subsequent day of their child’s absence; if no message has been received, the Attendance Officer will contact parents. Any medical/dental appointments should be made outside of school times, wherever possible. Where this is not possible, students need to be attending school before and/or after any appointment as appropriate. If a student becomes ill during the school day, they should obtain a note from their class teacher and report to Student Services. The Student Services Team will then assess the situation and call home, if necessary. Students feeling unwell should not call home themselves. It is crucial, therefore, that the Collegiate holds up to date records of contact telephone numbers, including mobiles, at all times. Students should arrive at the Collegiate by 8.25 am and should be in their Tutor Rooms by 8.30 am when morning registration begins. Punctuality is a key factor affecting students’ progress and we would very much appreciate the support of parents in ensuring that their children arrive at the Collegiate on time every day.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 2: Our Values The Collegiate will contact parents in the morning to alert them of a child’s absence if the absence has not been reported. Parents are then asked to contact the Collegiate to explain the absence. If at any time the Collegiate is forced to close unexpectedly, e.g. due to weather, parents will be contacted and information will be posted on our website and Twitter. INDEPENDENT STUDY All students are set Independent Study in all subjects and this work is completed outside of lessons but complements the work completed in lessons. In Year 7, students should expect to establish a routine of spending time on their Independent Study at home each day. Parents can assist by monitoring their child’s work: the amount, the quality and the time taken, as well as supporting their children with organisation and by providing a suitable, quiet place where students can work uninterrupted. Not all Independent Study tasks will be written; some may require research, revision, learning or reading. Independent Study seeks to either consolidate work studied in class, prepare students for future lessons or close gaps in either knowledge or skills that are personal to the child. The Collegiate uses the web-based platform ‘Google Classroom’ to post Independent Study tasks and resources. Parents and students can access this from the Collegiate website. Students should log in with their Collegiate email address and password which will be issued once they commence their studies at Riddlesdown. Parents will be issued with an invitation code via the primary email address provided to the Collegiate. In addition, students will be required to record all Independent Study in their planner and parents are requested to check and sign this every week. If a student has difficulty with completing a particular piece of work, this should not be used as an excuse for failing to complete their Independent Study, but instead students should speak to their subject teachers to request additional support and guidance. If there is any other reason for Independent Study not being completed, parents are asked to inform the subject teacher by writing a note in the planner. Persistent or ongoing difficulties with completing Independent Study may be dealt with by the Tutor, possibly through a monitoring report. Students are welcome to use the Library before school, at lunchtimes or after school on any day. The Library is open from 8.00 am until 4.00 pm daily. BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT Students must take very good care of all books and equipment. Books should be covered and brought to school in a sturdy black bag, large enough to accommodate an A4 folder, which can be worn on the back across both shoulders. PE kit should be carried in a second bag. Plastic bags are not suitable and should not be brought to the Collegiate. Please note that payment may be required for the loss of, or damage to, books or equipment provided by the Collegiate. UNIFORM AND APPEARANCE The wearing of smart school uniform is central to good discipline and to the ethos of the Collegiate and therefore, students are expected to wear full school uniform and appear smart and tidy at all times. In the event of an unavoidable and temporary emergency resulting in a student being without the correct uniform, parents are asked to ensure that their child has a suitable note of explanation and that the matter is resolved as a matter of urgency. Colleges will also endeavour to temporarily provide replacement items, if available. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 2: Our Values School Uniform Supplier: Hewitts of Croydon 45 Church Street Croydon CR9 1QQ 020 8688 1830 / 020 8680 4555 www.hewittsofcroydon.com

PE Kit Supplier: Kukri Sports www.kukrisports.co.uk

Uniform Requirements:

Physical Education:

Black blazer with the Collegiate badge

Core PE Kit: Playing Socks Polo Skort or gym short Retro Tapered Track Bottom/Track Bottom Retro track top/Blast fleece 1/4 zip Gum shields - compulsory for ALL Rugby lessons Recommended: Rugby Jersey Shin pads for football lessons Footwear: Sports trainers - as plain as possible and suitable for use on the Astro Football boots - compulsory for boys Football boots - recommended for girls Optional Extras: Netball Dress Full length running tight Base Layers - core base top/bottoms Hat - Kukri brand only

Black trousers (boys and girls) Black skirt - length must touch the centre of the knee (girls) The approved Riddlesdown skirt and girls trousers are available only from Hewitts of Croydon. Plain white school shirt College tie in College colour available only from Hewitts of Croydon (Aquila=Blue, Orion=Green, Pegasus=Purple, Phoenix=Maroon) Black plain-knit V-neck sweater with no motif (optional) Plain black knee-length socks or plain black tights Plain black low-heeled sensible shoes

The following are required for PE, but can be purchased from other suppliers: Sports trainers, football boots, gum shield ALL items of uniform must be clearly marked with owner’s full name. PE clothing/shoes should not be left at the Collegiate, but taken home regularly and cleaned. No jewellery of any kind may be worn during PE lessons.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 2: Our Values In addition, please note: 

Non-uniform items, such as hoodies, caps or denim, should not be worn or brought to the Collegiate and will be confiscated if seen.


Students are allowed one single pair of studs worn in the lower ear – no other jewellery is allowed, including any body piercings, facial piercings and tongue studs. Nail varnish and nail extensions are not allowed; discrete, subtle make-up is permitted for students in Years 10-11.


Hair should not be dyed an unnatural colour or be bizarre / attention-seeking in any other way; hair must not be shaved shorter than a number 2 and hairbands, if worn, should be black.


Shoes should be plain black and leather – no platforms, boots, sling-backs, open-toe shoes, trainers or canvass shoes are allowed.


Either tights or socks should be worn, not both.


Belts and hijabs, if worn, should be plain black. Bags should also be plain black, worn over the shoulder and large enough to hold A4 books; handbags are not suitable for school.

Parents’ support in these matters is greatly appreciated. The school has a very limited supply of second hand uniform and PE kit. For further information on this please email secondhanduniform@riddlesdown.org

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 2: Our Values PROMOTING, RECOGNISING AND REWARDING POSITIVE BEHAVIOURS Encouragement and praise help to develop the potential of young people. These are key components of good teaching and developing good staff/student relationships. We actively seek opportunities to praise students, both within and beyond lessons and encourage our students to strive for excellence, which we take to mean being the best that they can be, regardless of ability. Achievement points will be awarded in lessons, for participation in extra-curricular activities and for pastoral contributions. Achievement points are collated in Tutor Groups each week and recorded in students’ planners. Once students achieve a certain number of achievement points they will be awarded a badge and a certificate. The awards are presented in College assemblies and the levels are: Bronze (50 achievement points), Silver (100 achievement points) and Gold (200 achievement points). We use our assembly programme to regularly recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students amongst their peer group. Amongst other things, Achievement Points can be awarded for: Outstanding effort in lessons Positive contributions in lessons An outstanding piece of independent study or classwork Demonstrating behaviours and qualities that epitomise our Collegiate VALUES and The Riddlesdown Commitment – Value Each Other, Aim High, Lead by Example, Use and Develop Your Talents, Excel in Your Efforts, Stick At It Contributions to extra-curricular activities At the Collegiate, we pride ourselves on our high expectations and a high standard of conduct is expected of all students at all times, including on the way to and from the Collegiate. We know that expecting the very best from all members of our community is one of the fundamental ways we can provide a successful and happy environment. Taking great pride in the quality of our behaviour means that we deal with any incidences where conduct is less than outstanding swiftly and effectively. We have a system of sanctions, including detentions, that are all designed to help our students learn from mistakes and take responsibility for their learning and development. Working openly and communicatively with families is essential to the successful impact of these systems. More information on these can be found in our Behaviour Policy.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 3: The Curriculum OUR CURRICULUM The Collegiate aims to create a curriculum that meets the needs of every student. In 2016 OFSTED reported that “The curriculum is exceptional” and then in 2021 OFSTED reported that “Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. They provide a rich curriculum” and make sure that “pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can access the same curriculum as everyone else.” Our VALUES continue to underpin our curriculum and have been integral in our curriculum development. The curriculum is the practical expression of the VALUES of Riddlesdown Collegiate. It includes all planned learning experiences for students both in and outside lessons. It also includes what may be called the ‘hidden curriculum’ of ethos, norms, values and relationships. It is an endorsement of the values and outcomes promoted by The Collegiate Trust. This policy is primarily concerned with the formally organised curriculum. CURRICULUM INTENT The purpose of Riddlesdown Collegiate’s curriculum is to engage and inspire students through an extensive range of relevant, challenging and thought-provoking learning opportunities. We deliver a rigorous academic education, underpinned by our VALUES, which ensures our students develop a deep understanding and knowledge of a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We believe passionately in learning beyond the classroom and provide a wealth of experiences and opportunities that enhance students’ learning and their understanding of the wider world. Year 7 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE At Riddlesdown, approximately 75% of the teaching will be within the Home College. The remaining 25% will be taught in the Creative and Performing Arts College. Each lesson lasts for 50 minutes although there may be double periods in some subjects. The number of lessons taught per fortnight for Year 7 is indicated below in brackets. Subjects taught in the Home College: English (6) Maths (6) Science (6) Computing (2) Latin (3) Modern Foreign Languages (5) Excellence Curriculum (18 - see below for details) Subjects taught in the Creative and Performing Arts College: Art (2) Design Technology (2) Drama (3) Music (3) Physical Education (4) Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 3: The Curriculum THE EXCELLENCE CURRICULUM The Year 7 Excellence Curriculum is an integrated, skills-based curriculum which includes all the content from Humanities subjects, plus consolidating key literacy and numeracy skills. The aim is to provide high quality, research-based learning opportunities which develop students thinking skills, independence and resilience. At the heart of each assignment will be the foundations of philosophy and enquiry. To support transition, each college has a designated Excellence teacher to ensure a personalised and holistic learning experience. Students’ learning will be supported through appropriate resources and designated Year 7 classrooms. STUDENT GROUPING ORGANISATION Students will be placed into a Tutor Group, designed to be mixed in every way possible – gender, ability, and primary school. Primary schools are consulted when composing the Tutor Groups so that we can try to accommodate particular combinations of students remaining together or being separated. Students will be taught in their Tutor Groups for a period of time to assist with transition, it will allow students to better familiarise themselves with their Tutor Group and their College and also provides good opportunities for informal assessment at the beginning of the year. Using the Key Stage 2 teacher assessments, test results and the results of our own internal assessments, students will then be placed in ability based teaching groups. It is important to realise that grouping and group changes are all relative. Students have to move down as well as up to create spaces and maintain manageable sized teaching groups. It is also important to take into account that: 

Someone always has to be at the top and bottom of a group. It would not be possible, nor beneficial to a student, to move them every time they came top or bottom in an assessment.


Many students achieve more and have more confidence in themselves and their ability by being towards the top of a lower group than towards the bottom of a higher group. It can be very demoralising for a student who has been used to being towards the top of a group to suddenly struggle and be towards the bottom of a higher group. For this reason, we only move students up when we feel there is a very strong case for movement and that they will cope well and benefit from the change.


It is what an individual student achieves that matters, not the group they are in. Students in every group are challenged and pushed to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable.

SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS/DISABILITY (SEN) Students with identified special educational needs are placed on the SEND register. This register describes an ascending level of need and support from SEND Support, where the need could be relatively small and hopefully easily supported and overcome, to an Educational Statement (EHC Plan), where an official statement is issued by the Local Authority. Parents are informed and involved in the placing of students on the SEND register and in providing support of the student’s SEND Support Plan, involving regular contact and collaboration with the College Inclusion Co-ordinator who has responsibility for ensuring suitable support and accessibility for those with SEND. Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 3: The Curriculum RELATIONSHIP AND SEX EDUCATION Relationship and Sex Education is an integral part of the curriculum and taught across several areas: Science, Religious Education and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. It is an important element in preparing students for adult life. The religious, moral and social aspects of personal relationships and sexual behaviour are considered within a framework that encourages responsibility, awareness and respect for self and others. Parents may withdraw their child from the relationship and sex education programme, if they so wish. Such requests should be made in writing to the Principal. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND COLLECTIVE WORSHIP Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is, therefore, an important subject, developing moral awareness and social understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. Collective worship further develops pupils spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. This may include learning about interesting cultural traditions and their meaning, listening to assemblies with a moral message and reflecting on themes that build on personal development, such as kindness, courage or loyalty. The Collegiate will follow the guidelines on both matters as set out by the Education Reform Act and acts of worship will be non-denominational in character. Parents may withdraw their child from the arrangements for Religious Education and Worship, if they so wish. Such requests should be made in writing to the Principal. CAREERS Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is delivered in PSHEE, PDT and subject lessons throughout the Collegiate. Each Year Group will have tailored Careers Education including; preparation for ‘Take Your Child to Work Day’ in Year 7, Labour Market Information research lessons in Year 8, Options Choices and Careers lessons in Year 9, Mock Interviews in Year 10 and Careers Advisor meetings in Year 11. In College VI students will complete a Work Experience placement and a week in the summer term of Year 12 is dedicated to UCAS and Careers education and preparation. In addition to the year group specific CEIAG, student’s curriculum learning in subjects is linked to careers allowing students to understand how the skills and knowledge links to industries and potential future careers. Subjects also organise trips giving students first hand experiences of workplaces and encounters with employers and employees. For students in Key Stages 4 and 5 and their parents, an annual careers fair is held where local businesses, employers and apprenticeship providers are available to talk to students and their parents about their profession. Several further and higher education providers as well as training providers attend this event also, giving further information on educational pathway choices.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 3: The Curriculum BRITISH VALUES At Riddlesdown Collegiate, we recognise our responsibility for promoting British Values to ensure that young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. The British Values are defined as:  Democracy  Respect for the rule of law  Individual liberty  Mutual respect  Tolerance of different beliefs These values permeate the curriculum and are delivered through our provision of SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) Education. Some of these themes are covered under specific topics in PSHEE, Excellence, RE and History, others are covered in other curriculum subjects and many more are covered through assemblies, pastoral activities and the VALUES which inform the day-to-day culture and ethos of the Collegiate. In addition, students are given opportunities to understand the values in action through, for example, student voice, hustings and mock elections, debating and other extra-curricular activities and clubs.

MUSIC LESSONS Specialist visiting teachers are available to provide individual tuition for students who play, or wish to start, a musical instrument. Vocal lessons are also available. Lessons take place during the school day (including break and lunchtimes) on a rotating timetable. The current prices are £180 per term for 10 x 30 minute lessons and £120 per term for 10 x 20 minute lessons. Students who wish to apply for music lessons should complete the form found on the Parent Portal. Paired starter lessons with other students are available for selected instruments on request. If there are any queries related to music lessons, please contact Ms. S Pochin, Director of Music, CPA College.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 4: The Home-School Partnership THE HOME-SCHOOL AGREEMENT There is a clear link between a student’s achievement at the Collegiate and the wholehearted strength of the working relationship with families and parents. It is essential, therefore, that we form a strong partnership to ensure this success. Our Home-School Agreement outlines the commitments we expect all parties to undertake and we very much appreciate the support of all parents. WHAT CAN PARENTS DO TO SUPPORT THEIR CHILD?        

Show an interest – talk about the school day Look at and use the Student Planner regularly Discuss Independent study tasks Help to organise time and equipment Provide a quiet place to work Ensure full attendance Know what’s going on at the Collegiate each term Co-operate and collaborate with Collegiate staff by supporting the VALUES and ethos of the Collegiate

COMMUNICATION The first point of contact at school should always be the student’s Tutor. The Tutor will see their students each morning and afternoon and will get to know them very quickly. They are likely to be the person who is most aware of any concerns and will be able to deal with most queries. If the Tutor is not able to resolve a problem, they will refer it to another member of staff (a Senior Tutor, Deputy Head of College or the College Head) who will be in a better position to do so. In any case, we will always endeavour to respond within 48 hours. Parents can make contact via the Student Planner, letter, telephone or e-mail. WEBSITE The website has a wealth of useful information for both parents and students. Under the ‘Parents’ tab on the Collegiate website (www.riddlesdown.org) parents can find key information about term dates, news and events, letters and documents, uniform and the Parent Portal. We advise parents to look at the website on a weekly basis. News will be published in the Latest News section. Copies of letters sent home will also be available on our website. TWITTER The Collegiate Twitter account @RiddlesdownC is used as a tool to instantly update parents and students with Collegiate news and information about Collegiate trips. The Principal also tweets regularly about life in the Collegiate as @Principal_RColl.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 4: The Home - School Partnership PARENTS’ EVENINGS There will be an annual College Parents’ Evening, where parents will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s Tutor and subject teachers. Any concerns at any other time of year should always be addressed to the Tutor in the first instance. We will be pleased to arrange additional meetings, if necessary, but parents are reminded that they should not expect to see a teacher without an appointment. COLLEGIATE FUND Parents will receive a communication about the Collegiate Fund in September. Contributions subsidise many activities and purchase equipment for which funds are not available. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 5: Miscellaneous GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) These regulations took effect on 25th May 2018. All academies within our Trust comply with GDPR. For more detailed information, please follow the link on the new Year 7 Preadmissions Page of the website - https://www.riddlesdown.org/preadmissions

GIFT AID Schools always need money and Riddlesdown Collegiate is no exception! Each year in September we ask all parents to make a donation. Payments are made through JustGiving at https://www.justgiving.com/thecollegiatetrust Many activities run for the students, such as educational visits and some extracurricular activities, are also dependent upon parental donations. The Collegiate Trust, is an educational charity. As an educational charity, the Collegiate enjoys certain tax advantages for the funds it administers. For example, it can reclaim tax on all donations made by individuals under the Gift Aid scheme. Gift Aid is a Government initiative, which allows charities to recover 25p from the Inland Revenue for every pound donated. If all donations to the Collegiate Fund are made through the Gift Aid scheme, this makes a huge difference to the amount of money available to support the Collegiate with no additional cost to parents. Every £10.00 donated to the Fund enables the Collegiate to use £12.50 to support school activities. All gift aid is reclaimed through JustGiving who administer this for us.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 5: Miscellaneous SCHOOL TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES 2022/2023

AUTUMN TERM First Day of Term

Monday 5th September 2022 (Staff only) Tuesday 6th September 2022 (Students)

Half Term

Monday 24 October – Friday 4 November 2022

Last Day of Term

Friday 16 December 2022

Christmas Holiday

Monday 19 December 2022 - Monday 2nd January 2023

SPRING TERM First Day of Term

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Half Term

Monday 13 February - Friday 17 February 2023

Last Day of Term

Friday 31 March 2023

Easter Holiday

Monday 3 April - Friday 14 April 2023

SUMMER TERM First Day of Term

Monday 17 April 2023

May Day

Monday 1 May 2023

Half Term

Monday 29 May - Friday 2 June 2023

Last Day of Term

Friday 21 July 2023

Holidays for students will not be authorised in term time.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 6: Key Contacts Our telephone number is: 020 8668 5136 Our website is: www.riddlesdown.org For any general enquiries relating to admissions, please contact Mrs Susan Sparks, Team Leader – Information Management Team, either by telephoning the main school number (020 8668 5136) or emailing her at susan.sparks@riddlesdown.org. To report a student absence, please email attendance@riddlesdown.org or contact Reception. For any concerns relating to a student’s progress or wellbeing at school, please contact the student’s Tutor, in the first instance. For queries related to Special Educational Needs, please contact the Collegiate SENCO, Mr T G Holway. SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Principal

Mrs K Turner

Deputy Principal

Mr D A Osborne

Deputy Principal

Mr J A Vass

Head of Teaching & Learning

Miss P J Bigden

Headteacher, Aquila College

Mr L G Chapman

Headteacher, Orion College

Dr T R Harriott

Headteacher, Pegasus College

Mr L R Harkness

Headteacher, Phoenix College

Miss R Madon

Headteacher, CPA College

Miss T K Ward

Headteacher, College VI

Mr M P Smith

Assistant Principal: Inclusion

Mrs F E Langan

Assistant Principal: Achievement

Miss A M Ogunseye

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Section 6: Key Contacts AQUILA COLLEGE Headteacher Deputy Head of College Director of Learning Senior Tutor, Key Stage 3 Senior Tutor, Key Stage 4 College Inclusion Co-ordinator

Mr L G Chapman Mr A J Edwards Miss N M Mallie Miss Y R Williams Miss N V Nisbeth Mrs G M Driver

ORION COLLEGE Headteacher Deputy Head of College Directors of Learning Senior Tutor, Key Stage 3 Senior Tutor, Key Stage 4 College Inclusion Co-ordinator

Dr T R Harriott Mrs D L Batten Mrs F W Robertson Mrs J L Relph Ms B F Soga Miss K M Harvey

PEGASUS COLLEGE Headteacher Deputy Head of College Directors of Learning Senior Tutor, Key Stage 3 Senior Tutor, Key Stage 4 College Inclusion Co-ordinator

Mr L R Harkness Mr N N Nwanze Miss A K Jones Miss S T Harris Mr P J Langan Mrs N Jeeves

PHOENIX COLLEGE Headteacher Deputy Head of College Director of Learning Senior Tutor, Key Stage 3 Senior Tutor, Key Stage 4 College Inclusion Co-ordinator

Miss R Madon Miss A M Creed Mr R J King Mr D A Bellamy Miss F Deane Mrs A Baxter

CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS COLLEGE (CPA) Headteacher Miss T K Ward Deputy Head of College

Ms S I Pochin

COLLEGE VI Headteacher Deputy Head of College Senior Tutor, Year 12 Senior Tutor, Year 13 College Inclusion Co-ordinator

Mr M P Smith Mr J S Weeks Mr S P Connolly Mrs J L Wallis Mr N J Foney

MACKAY COLLEGE Assistant Principal: Inclusion Collegiate SENCO

Mrs F E Langan Mr T G Holway Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

By Car Please see the Map. Parking is available on and off site.

By Train A direct train from Victoria to Riddlesdown station takes 24 minutes. Riddlesdown Station is short walk from the Collegiate. More frequent trains run from Purley Station, where a 412 bus can be taken to Lower Barn Road, leaving a 10 minute walk.

By Bus Bus routes: 407, 412, 612

A Honister Heights Purley Surrey CR8 1EX T 020 8668 5136 F 020 8660 9025 T @RiddlesdownC E admin@riddlesdown.org www.riddlesdown.org Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

Learners of today. Leaders of tomorrow.

Year 7 Parents’ Handbook ‐ September 2022

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