Ralf Fücks - Center for Liberal Modernity

Ralf Fücks

Ralf Fücks is man­ag­ing direc­tor of the Center for Liberal Modernity, fol­low­ing 21 years as president of the Hein­rich-Böll-Stiftung, the polit­i­cal foun­da­tion asso­ci­ated with the Greens. At the centre of his work were green eco­nom­ics and eco­log­i­cal inno­va­tion, migra­tion, the future of Europe and inter­na­tional pol­i­tics. Before that he was co-chair of the German Green Party (1989/​​90) and Senator of Envi­ron­ment and City Devel­op­ment in Bremen.

Fücks is con­sid­ered a pioneer thinker, seeking cross-party dis­course. He is an advo­cate for liberal ecology pol­i­tics, focusing on inno­va­tion rather than pro­hi­bi­tion. Of special impor­tance to him is a dia­logue with the business community, which he con­sid­ers an invalu­able actor of a “green indus­trial revolution”.

Fücks is a regular contrib­utor to national and inter­na­tional media and co-author to numerous books. In 1991, he was editor of the book “Sind die Grünen noch zu retten?” (Is There a Future for the Green Party?). In 2013 his book “Intel­li­gent Wachsen – Die grüne Revo­lu­tion” (Smart Growth – The Green Revo­lu­tion) was published in German, followed by English, Polish and Russian editions. His second book, “Freiheit vertei­digen – wie wir den Kampf um die offene Gesellschaft gewinnen” (Defending Freedom – How We Can Win The Fight For An Open Society) is dealing with the challenge liberal democracy is facing at home and globally. In September 2019, the anthology “Soziale Mark­twirtschaft ökol­o­gisch erneuern“ (“Greening the Social Market Economy”) was published by Fücks together with Thomas Köhler at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Recent Books

Intel­li­gent wachsen – Die grüne Revo­lu­tion (“Grow intel­li­gently – The Green Revo­lu­tion”), Hanser Verlag, Munich 2013; English trans­la­tion: Green Growth, Smart Growth, Anthem Press, New York 2015

Freiheit vertei­digen –Wie wir den Kampf um die offene Gesellschaft gewinnen (“Defending fredom –How we can win the fight for an open society”), Hanser Verlag, Munich 2017.


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