Ebates Is Becoming Rakuten
Ebates is now Rakuten
The same site you know and love.
Same account
Your Cash Back and your account details are unchanged and as secure as ever.
Same deals
Shop the same way, with all the same stores and the exact same Cash Back.
Same team
Our top-rated Member Services team in Wisconsin is standing by, ready to help!
Here’s what you need to know.
What is Rakuten?
Rakuten is one of the world’s leading internet service companies, with businesses that span e-commerce, travel, banking, marketing and media. Founded in 1997, Rakuten is headquartered in Tokyo and employs over 10,000 people worldwide. The word “rakuten” means “optimism” in Japanese.
Why we changed our name
We loved serving you as Ebates, and changing our name felt a bit like saying goodbye to our first car or a favorite pair of jeans. But we’ve been part of the Rakuten family for four and a half years, and taking the Rakuten name most accurately reflects who we are today: a company that gives you all the Cash Back you’re used to, with even more opportunities to save.
What this means to you
Teaming up with Rakuten means joining forces with a global leader. Together, we’re working nonstop to reward you in more places and in more ways. Since joining Rakuten, we’ve sent a combined 35 million Big Fat Checks and PayPal payments to our members. We’ve also started offering Cash Back on new categories like ride shares and food delivery. And we’ve dramatically increased our in-store presence, so you can earn Cash Back on trips to your local mall. And we’re not done! Stay tuned for more exciting announcements later this year.
The site is not changing
The Rakuten site will be exactly the same as the Ebates site, but with a new name and logo. Last year, we made some small changes to our colors and fonts, but not before doing as much listening as we could to make sure these changes wouldn’t detract from what we’re all here to do: get you Cash Back. We’re not interested in messing with a good thing.
Where to find your Cash Back
Same place as always! When you visit our new site, you’ll see every penny of your Cash Back balance at the top of the page. From there, you can navigate to My Account, where you can check your Account Settings and History. Your next Big Fat Check or PayPal payment will be on its way to you at the normal time.
How to find out more
The gang’s all here to answer any questions you might have — visit the Help Center or get in touch via email. We’d love to hear from you.
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