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1. vulgar slang A female's breasts. A: "Oh man, check out the rack on that broad!" B: "What are you, 15, Dave? Grow up."
2. slang A bed or bunk. I threw my bag up on the top rack.
3. slang Sleep. We'd better get some rack. We've got an early start tomorrow.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.




1. n. a bed. You don’t get to see the rack very much in the army.
2. Go to rack (out).
3. n. a pair of [female] breasts. (Usually objectionable.) Look at the rack on that dame! How can she stand upright?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(10), we consider two rack heat loads: 3 kW and 4 kW.
Place the rack on to the wall, lining up the holes or loops with the protruding screws.
A few manufacturers offer a total containment of hot air within the rack enclosures by using ducted exhaust.
Portable racks allow users to maximize storage density, as with drive-in or flow racks, but also maximize selectivity, as with traditional selective pallet racks.
One such cost is for replacing forklift-damaged pallet racks, especially with open column, bolt-together storage racks.
Encourage instructors to be highly interactive between cooking equipment and cookware racks, and to articulate the convenience a cookware rack brings to the work area.
Available from any UK Citroaen dealer, the Relay conversion incorporates an external anodised aluminium glass/window carrying rack on the off side, which includes a facia panel for sign-writing.
Wire wine rack, pounds 4.95, Dwell (0870 241 8653, www.dwell.co.uk)
"We're seeing a trend towards the modular rack system.
Understanding the components that make up the rack price can help property owners avoid making costly mistakes.
The goal of datacenter integration is to enable IT facilities managers to automate and optimize performance, power and cooling management across the datacenter, and to monitor and control all relevant variables at the component, system, rack and datacenter level.
The Roll Out Rotating Rack System from Middle Atlantic Products, Inc., of Riverdale, New Jersey, provides a standalone, space-saving rack solution for security applications.
One rack is designed around a universal 18/10 stainless-steel railing system.
Offered at a base price of $2,999, the Gateway 850 comes with three 36GB hard disk drives and built-in standard rack rails at no additional charge.