about us | r.e.m. beauty
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r.e.m. \ rem \ noun

the phase of sleep during which your most creative, limitless and vivid dreams occur.

welcome to a world of vivid dreams and limitless possibilities.

r.e.m. beauty was created to empower you with the tools you need to bring your most vivid, limitless, and creative dreams to life.

our products blend otherworldly ideas with real world innovation to inspire you to explore what creativity means to you.

our brand founder’s vision:

"it means so much to me to be able to create a product line for absolutely everybody and anybody who wants to wear it and feel incredible. Make up is so personal and to have the opportunity to help people feel even more beautiful than they already are in their own skin, and also to just provide tools that support and encourage people in their creativity and self-expression is a gift that I’ll never take for granted."

- ari

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