About Us Overview | Professional Children's School


Professional Children’s School is an independent day school enrolling up to 150 students in grades 6-12. Founded in 1914, Professional Children’s School provides a challenging and engaging college preparatory program for busy artists, athletes, and other young people who are serious about their studies.

Since our founding, our students have had the option of distance learning.  While technology has changed over the years, the school has remained dedicated to allowing students to balance time in school with professional demands outside, and our community of master educators and devoted peers provides the social and emotional support children need to excel.

Professional Children’s School is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and the school is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools.

Watch the video below to learn more about Professional Children’s School:

What I Love About PCS
A Poem by Elle, Grade 7

Although PCS
is a normal school in its own ways,
this community
is also a place
of very special people.

People with special career paths
Artists, actors, athletes, musicians, and more.

is accepted.
You can be different here.
People with different talents,
Different cultures,
Different families.
Each child has a chance to succeed.

Whoever you are;
You are welcome here.

What I Love About PCS
A Poem by Elle, Grade 7

Although PCS
is a normal school in its own ways,
this community
is also a place
of very special people.

People with special career paths
Artists, actors, athletes, musicians, and more.

is accepted.
You can be different here.
People with different talents,
Different cultures,
Different families.
Each child has a chance to succeed.

Whoever you are;
You are welcome here.