Prince of Peace – God of War: First 5 Minutes, Synopsis and First Review!


Hey there guys. I figured I would post this up here now since the weekends are always slow and we don’t do a lot of posting… and I wanted you guys to be the first to know about this.

As most of you know, for the last year I’ve been working on my first documentary film called “Prince of Peace – God of War”. We showed it to 3 test groups, made 35 changes after those test screening and then started submitting the film to various festivals. Now I have to sit around and wait to see how many we get into.

The official site is still under major development, but right now there is a skeleton of it up (it’s just minimal right now) and you guys are free to take a peak at it if you like. The site is going to be simple, no bells and whistles… just like the movie itself. You can see the site here.

This past week I also sent out a few screener copies of the film to just a couple of film critics… and today I got my first feedback from one of them! He haven’t written anything up yet, but emailed me saying:

To be completely honest with you I expected that I’d have to say some simple generic pleasantries to you about the movie since, and let’s be honest, you’re blogger and not a filmmaker, and the topic isn’t something I readily identify with. Be that as it may, I was riveted the whole way through. Well done. Aside from a number of technical issues that I could knit pick about and that I felt it was a touch too long, you really have created something special here John. Congratulations.

Now I realize this is just one guy, and the others may end up hating it… but when I got that my smile almost split my face open.

Ok, anyway, here is the brand new official synopsis of Prince of Peace – God of War (for those of you who might care):

“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.”

~Jesus Christ

LUKE 6:27-29

For the first three centuries that the church existed, those belonging to the faith of Christianity understood the words and example of Jesus to be a clear directive to never be involved with violence. To be a Christian was to be a Pacifist, and during those formative years the church endured several persecutions at the hands of the Roman Empire itself without ever considering taking up the sword against their aggressors.

How did this faith, known and identified for its non-violent beliefs, go on to conduct the crusades, the inquisitions, witch hunts, and today have 87% of white evangelical Christians support President George W. Bush’s decision to go to war with Iraq? How did this religion, founded by a Pacifist and known (even criticized) for non-violence, become a religion known for its aggression, war, political power and embracing of violence?

Prince of Peace – God of War is a non-sensationalized visual record of Director John Campea’s (a former evangelical Christian and minister) journey across North America, speaking with historians, professors and religious leaders about these issues.

Ok, and finally, here is the first 5 minutes of the film. It’s just a part of the introduction, so it really doesn’t get into very much, but it will at least give you a feel for the movie I think:

Anyway, there you have it. THANK YOU so much to all you guys who have consistently emailed me over the last year encouraging me and cheering me on. It seriously is what got me through it. Maybe the film will win an Oscar… or maybe no one will watch it at all… either way it was a fantastic learning experience, I’ve very proud of it, and most importantly I’m glad I finished. Thanks again.

If you have any thoughts feel free to comment here or just email me directly. Cheers!

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58 thoughts on “Prince of Peace – God of War: First 5 Minutes, Synopsis and First Review!

  1. I’ll be sure to download your film Campea ;).

    To be honest though if I saw it at Best Buy I would buy it since I do like what I’ve seen so far.

  2. To Chisox, the medical knowledge thing was something my grade 10 civics teacher mentioned to us off the cuff once, that always stuck with me. So who knows where he got that information from… maybe wikipedia? lol.

    And to John, just wanted to say that I’m really excited to see this movie. I too used to be a Christian and lost my faith so this is a subject that really hits home for me. Best of luck getting it into the festivals!

  3. Hey John,

    I’m really looking forward to seeing this whole movie. My only thought was, why did you say it was a John Campea film when you want to be know as Giovanni now?

    Can’t wait to see it!

  4. I can’t watch it.. The thing about TMB is that it’s always so slow for me to watch videos. Maybe it’s my connection? But every other site is fine..

    Having said that, I’m so happy for you John! Now you can go out dating again.

  5. Deborah if you lack morals your gonna have thing like the Nazi camp or a nuclear bomb. Someone with strong just morals could never participate in something like that. Tones of medical knowledge have been proven from Nazi camps? REALLY? You can’t be serious. If you are going to make statements please give examples.

    As long as Islam treats women the way it does I will always condemn it. Christianity when followed correctly minus all the miraculous event(because miracles are impossible) I have no problem with.

  6. Well Stormy70 were did I say all Christians defended slavery. However in previous generations too many did and used the bible as justification. A moral individual Cristian or non Cristian would of known all along it was wrong. They wouldn’t have come to that conclusion once society started to say it was wrong.

    What I hear from a lot of Christians right now is Africans are suffering because they aren’t Christians. Why are Christians in Africa? Bible scriptures don’t feed people. Teach these people how to feed themselves so they aren’t so helpless. Teach them how to develop there own infrastructure and how to farm. Then maybe years from now you can introduce them to your religion.

    Anyway If Christians where looked at as pacifist they would be looked at at the most noblest people in society. We need more pacifist in the world. Is it me or are pacifist revered for all eternity? It’s a shame they don’t see it that way.

    You will have your Apocalypse and you would have helped enable its manifestation in Christians who condone war keep those types of people in power .

  7. I think John’s purpose is to promote discussion which is a good thing. I think people on both sides of the issue should see this movie because we should always evaluate our beliefs and values.

    I personally believe the bible is pretty clear on the need for “just war” in certain situations. After all, if we take Jesus “turn the other cheek” statement to the complete extreme of pacifism then we would also have to say that we should have no police. We should just allow evil to run wild and only overcome evil with “good”.

    To me the debate isn’t “just war” or “pacifism” but when is it appropriate to use just force. I think a lot of Christians out there believe that it is OK to use force when necessary but also believe that Iraq is not such a case.

  8. Chisox:

    Horrifying atrocities have been committed in the name of science, too.
    Right now I’m thinking of Nazi experiments. Tons of medical knowledge has been obtained from them but that in NO WAY justifies the crimes, either.
    And this doesn’t mean we should condemn science forever, just like we shouldn’t condemn all religion.

  9. Hey Stormy70,

    Dude… don’t get mad at me. Get mad at Jesus. He’s the one who said “Love your enemies”.

    You’re arguments all have nothing to do with Jesus (the person Christians claim to follow)

    Jesus taught, “love your enemies”. Ask any historian, the church for the first 300 years all understood that to be a Christian was to be a Pacifist. They were slaughter by the Romans… and yet they kept growing in number. Read any of the writings of the Church Fathers.

    And yes… Christians did lead the way in ending slavery. But they were also the ones participating in it and defending it (with passages like the Roman Centurion one).

    All your arguments suggest is that Christianity is wrong. Nothing in your arguments refutes the historical facts that Jesus was a Pacifist and taught/commanded pacifism for those that claim to follow him. All your arguments just say why Christianity is wrong. And that’s totally fine. I’m not debating if Christianity is right or wrong. All I’m saying is that if you are a Christian, then this is what Christianity teaches.

    And “Just War” was the theory originated by St. Augustine, a theologian of the Empire in response to Roman citizen blaming the fall of Rome on Christians because they were Pacifists. Augustine began the Just War theory to introduce that Christians could kill under certain circumstances. It is very much a church thing.


    I’m not suggesting everyone should be a Pacifist. Not at all. however, if you call yourself a Christian (one who follows Jesus), then to not be a pacifist is a contradiction.

  10. John,

    First of all, good teaser. I definitely want to see more. As an aspiring film maker, I do have a little constructive feedback. But you’ve made exactly one more documentary than me so take this with a grain of salt.

    First, I really noticed that the shots looked washed out and didn’t appear to be white balanced. I would spend some time color correcting this if you still can. Of course, compressing for the web may have caused this as well but it was one of the first things I noticed. Also, the lapel mics were really noticable in a few shots. Not a big deal but try to avoid that in the future.

    Other than that I thought the pacing and sound bits were excellent. Beginning with Tony Campolo gave the film instant credibility since he is a heavy hitter in the Christian community.

  11. Evangelical Christians put an end to thousands of years of slavery in Britain, so I don’t see where you get that slavery was defended by all Christians. The Abolitionists were Christians, as well. Most of the South saw slavery as an economic boon, which it really wasn’t. You can find some Christians at the time defending slavery because it was an excuse for their behavior. Most of the world’s cultures owned slaves since the dawn of man. It is not exclusive to Christians, and slavery is still being practiced today in sub-Saharan Africa.

    Why should Christians refuse to defend themselves from someone trying to kill them or their loved ones? Tell that to the formerly Christian nations of Africa, slaughtered by the swords of Islam. Should we all lay down and submit to Islam since their religion converts by the sword? From what you are saying Christians should be pacifists. Being slaughtered by the thousands will just be a bonus. You want to blame Christians for backing Bush and the Iraq war. Better to let Saddam kill and rape anyone he wants than do the right thing and take him out. I don’t regret backing the Iraq war, and I am a Christian, albeit a non-church going one. But I am not a pacifist and I find it insulting to be lectured on religion by someone who holds its practitioners in contempt because of political disagreements.

    One caveat, I have never been to a church that has mentioned “Just War”. Also, do you address the Quakers going to war? They went as medics, but they were present on the battlefields.

  12. Let me say this right off the bat. The United States and all other developed counties of today are morally superior to any other country in the world, and is superior to any previous generation of it’s past. If a future generation goes into Africa and eradicate hunger they are superior in morality than ours, because we sat back and did nothing. Are we perfect as a society, absolutely not? However select individuals with in society are closes. You see Rationality and Morality are not open for debate. They travel down one single path only. This path mankind has struggled to stay on since his existence. Everybody knows what it is but too often they fail to reach for it.

    Any individuals in previous generation that had condoned slavery, holocaust, and Wars etc where morally inferior. Any individual of today’s generation who condones slavery, holocaust, and Wars etc are the same. This in my opinion is not open for debate. If they condoned it that’s because they where unfortunately condition to do so and that’s a shame. However a rational and moral individual living in 1890 would absolutely know that slavery is wrong. A German living in the 1940’s would absolutely know the Holocaust is wrong. These individuals are like myself, whether in today society or through history we have been susceptible to propaganda and popular beliefs. We consider ourselves far superior to any other individual who does not stay on those lines. And we are near perfect in human behavior. These individuals like myself do not kill, order other to kill, steal, deceive, etc. These individuals stud up to white- supremacist and said what you are doing is wrong. A white preacher in the south stud up to his congregation and said the fact that black where not allowed to come to my church is wrong. The white men who help Harriet Tubman develop and maneuver the underground tunnel going against the norm etc.

    Take for instance, by following two of the three principles I described above I can easily expose certain individuals in my society who call themselves Christians. The President of my country sent young men to die without forethought. That’s not including hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraq’s that have died during his war. If I was the President of the United States I could not do that. Why? BECAUSE IT’S WRONG. America had a great opportunity to go into Afghanistan and influence the Afghani people’s way of thinking. Not converting their religious beliefs but introduce them to our moral and rational thinking. Show the men that women are of equal value. Show them the value of life. The best why do that is through peace. You will be rebuked over and over again but that should not deter you. You will be slandered and you may even loose your life and again you should not be deterred. It would have been the right thing to do. Instead we went into Iraq because of our needs for natural resources.

    Pat Robertson openly condoned the assassination of Venezuelan president Chavez. I don’t even want to get into his African diamond trade involvement. The Great Pope John Paul who for years knew his subordinates where molesting little boys but did nothing about it. These are supposed to be great men championed by society yet they are flawed.

    As for science it’s a tool. If you lack moral and rational thought nothing good can come of it, but one the opposite spectrum wonderful discoveries can be made. Cure for diseases previously untreatable, agriculture, something as simple as a computer, a car, or anything of great value that you can think of.

    Have you ever asked yourself, what was the last thing the Muslims ever invented? I can’t think of anything. The reason being is they lack rationality thus they lack logic and any willingness to advance as a society. There minds are chained. The same why they lived 2000 years ago is the same why they live now. Developed nations evolve scientifically, socially and philosophically. We develop them through just evolutionary scientific, rational and moral behaviors.

  13. Hey Chisox,

    You said:

    “That is why science , rationality and morality(around before Christianity) are far superior ways of thinking.”

    Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Many many many brutal horrible atrocities in human history (and not that old history) have been committed in the name of science, so called rationality and so called morality too. Just look at what’s going on in Dafur or recently in Rwanda.

    Some will say “Yeah, but they aren’t REALLY rational or REALLY moral”, but that’s just the exact same thing that religious people today say about those who did horrible things in the name of Christianity. “They weren’t REAL Christians”.

    It is an oversimplification in my opinion to try to boil things down like that.

    People are bad and do bad things… and they’ll use whatever is available to them to try to justify doing the things they do. If religion is an option, they’ll use that… when religion hasn’t been an option, they’ve used appeals to morality or “the greater good”.

    Religion isn’t the problem. Morality isn’t the problem. Science or rationality isn’t the problem. They’re just excuses that have all historically been used by those looking to exploit them.

    They are all good things, that can be used wrongly.

    good discussion.

  14. Like movies religion is subjective and open for all sort of interpretations. Religion can be used to(and has been) used to justify all sort of atrocities throughout mankind’s history. That is why science , rationality and morality(around before Christianity) are far superior ways of thinking.

  15. “How can you call Hitler and the Nazi’s Christians, when they were a socialist entity?”

    Hitler affirms Catholic faith over and over throughout his reign, especially in Mein Kampf, desperately tried to incorporate the church into his goals, and when they did not do exactly as they told there was problems, yes, but he desperately wanted the state faith to fall in line with his own views of religion.

    When asked how he could reconcile his beliefs with the fact that Jesus was Jewish, he simply called it a lie that Jesus was a Jew..

    Germans fought with “god with us” on their belts, and Hitlers willing executioners, the people, were also quite religious. you could argue that Hitler was or wasnt a real christian all you want, but the people were behind him.

    religious people want to disassociate themselves with people like Hitler because its so easy to write off a bad christian as not a christian at all. this is their simple way of not confronting the real issues of why these people were led to that point in the first place.

    why does John have to explore Communism? are you trying to pull a religion vs non-religion debate out of his film, which seems to have a different point entirely? It doesnt seem like John is examining the value of religion at all – just asking how there can be these two very different mindsets within Christianity when it comes to war. Why you have to bring up Communism is beyond me, other than maybe you’re trying to pull the token “communists were atheists therefore atheism is bad” thing? Communism was essentially its own religion, with much glory to the state. Please dont go down the “this religion killed x therefore it is mroe true” road, you’re just going to open a lot of sores you wont be able to back up

  16. Hey Stormy70

    Hitler was indeed a self professed Christian who belived in Just war. This is established in the movie. The authenticiy of his “christianity” is certainly up for debate though.

    The Centurion issue is brought up and has its own section in the film. You’re right… jesus never told him to stop being a soilder. However, please notice he also never told him to stop worshiping Caeser as a god… nor did he tell him it was a bad idea to own a slave (this argument was also the same one used by Christians to justify slavery years ago (Jesus never told the Centurion he shouldn’t have a slave in the first place)

    Jesus healing the Centurion’s servant was not Jesus endorsing violence… it was Jesus Loving his enemy… just like he taught.

  17. John, a couple of comments:

    There are a few cuts to black while people are talking. Not sure why those are there, but they really disrupt the flow of the piece.

    Also, you label the speakers as “Pacifism” and “Just War” without explaining what those terms are. I’m assuming that you get into defining them later in the film, but to have those labels on there in the beginning seems odd.

    Finally, and there’s nothing you can do about this one now, you should really hide your interviewees’ mikes better. Seeing them so clearly is somewhat distracting.

    There’s some interesting content in this first five minutes, and I’m curious where you go with it.

  18. Hey Jon, I hope this works out for you.
    I am quite naive towards religion & politics & i’m hoping this gets a release to help broaden my horizons.

  19. You had me hooked in the first minute…wish I could see the rest of it. If the rest of the movie can sustain what was shown in the first 5 minutes, then there’s no reason not to expect great things. Well done, you should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished.

  20. The movie looks interesting, but the premise is flawed.

    This will be an interesting documentary just for the debate it will raise.

    Since your history of Hitler is off, as well as WW2, I don’t know if the movie will be worth watching. Does the 100 million people killed by Communists get glossed over? Do you address Hitler and his Nazi’s focus on Eugenics, as a basis for their right to kill unworthies, like the disabled, the elderly, and eventually the Jews, Gypsies, and Catholics. How can you call Hitler and the Nazi’s Christians, when they were a socialist entity?

    How does the Jesus of Revelation fit into your narrative?

    Read Mt 22:21. Sometimes Caesar goes to war. Where in the New Testament were the Centurions and soldiers told to resign from Caesar’s army after converting to Christianity? Nowhere. Peter stayed with a Centurion, yet never told him that the road to Christianity required pacifism.

    When Jesus speaks of a thief breaking into a house, he does not say let them come on in and take everything. He speaks of keeping watch.

    This will be an interesting documentary just for the debate it will raise.

  21. ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment

    Nice to see this clip from your movie John. As I have followed the Movie blog for some time I´ve heard much of your own comments about the making of this movie. You should be really proud in getting this far, and now just hope for the best.

    As for the topic, it makes me wonder. Of course you beeing in North amerika where the US is involved in conflict makes this topic all the more important.
    I can kind of understand that here in sweden, where I´m writing from, this is not a big question, because we only have war in our history, not active in the present (except “UN-Work”). But your question is actually a basic question for the mankind. And the way that you use religon to put focus on this topic is really driving the question to it´s peak.

    Hopefully as many pepole as possible get to see your movie. And for every person that you get to consider this topic, and actually consider anew, you have been an influece.

  22. And also John, when Jesus was killed by the Romans… it was his duty to the world that he had to die, so that’s kind of a biased assumption. Sure he had Free Will, but he was the son of God and he was perfect. If he didn’t die on the cross then we would all go to hell, so he made the heroic and ultimate sacrfice.

  23. Hey John,

    I don’t think anyone wants to die at the hands of another, so I think it’s difficult for you to say that you would not try to defend yourself if someone tried to kill you or mug you or whatever… but then again that’s the whole point, “What Would JESUS Do?” I still believe what I said before because that’s what I have been taught by my teachers at the Christian Schools I go to.

    When The Bible says if someone strikes the cheek, turn the other one, it doesn’t necessarily say that the person attacking is trying to kill him/her either. Also, it also says that if someone wants to take your coat offer him your shirt too, that’s defending yourself. In my previous post I didn’t say resort to violence, just defend yourself somehow… give the attacker what he wants… just don’t piss him off, of course!

    Anyway, my opinions, your opinions, it’s a documentary, which equals debate.

  24. Excellent job, John!! This is a worthwhile discussion that some segments of society desperately need to have. As this world continues to teeter dangerously close to a larger conflict, I hope they listen to some of the points and change their course.

    Great work!

  25. Hey Carl,

    You asked:

    “2 questions
    1. are you expecting to make much money off the back of this.
    2. are you planning on putting it up for download.
    cheers mate looking forward to the fuul package.”

    Ok, as far as #1 goes… I have no idea if I’ll make any money off it or not. It sure would bde sweet if I could just make back what I spent on it. Right now all I know is that I like the movie… i have no idea if anyone else really will or not yet, so I can’t set any expectation on if I think it’ll make money or not.

    #2 – I haven’t made any decisions yet as far as distributing goes. There really isn’t any point, since IF (and that’s a HUGE if) a distributor sees it at a festival (if it gets into any festivals) and wants to pick it up… then the distribution decisions will be up to them. So right now I’m just in a “wait and see” mode. But online distribution would certainly be one of the options.

    Thanks for the questions.

  26. Well since we should all provide balance for every work, I found it was sh….nah I’m just kidding. Great stuff.

    Special attention should go to the soundtrack I say, sort of like Mogwai on Tranqs. Nice job editing too, kudos to Jay(it was Jay right?) and well done to you John, this has indeed been a long time coming, and having just finished it, your already succesful.

    And since it takes Hollywood five minutes to throw fifty million dollars away in five minutes at some crappy half boiled script, its a great exciting truth, that a self-funded low budget documentary, could turn more heads than the latest money-shlock-flick-fest ever could.

    Nice one son. Nice one.

  27. Dammit, I wanted to keep watching it!!

    Well done Campea. Let’s hope your not the Michael Bay of Documentries and have put all the best bits in the trailer LOL.

    Well done Champ. Look forward to seeing the whole thing. Best of luck getting it into a Film Festival.

  28. hey gio good work

    2 questions
    1. are you expecting to make much money off the back of this.
    2. are you planning on putting it up for download.
    cheers mate looking forward to the fuul package.

  29. Congratulations, John.

    Hopefully you will get a foreign distributer as well so I can see it here in Australia, but at only 61 min long it would surprise me if it got a theatrical release. I could imagine watching it on TV sometime.

    I’m also suprised the critic said the film was “too long” for a one hour film.

  30. Nevermind my previous question, it’s 61 minutes… I read that a little too late. I’m a douche.

    Anyways, best of luck to you Campea, we may have our next Micheal Moore.

  31. Hey there Fritzilla,

    It’s funny, because after Bruxy, the next 3 speakers are all Just War Theorists. There are exactly the same number of representatives in the film for each side.

    Yes… the film does have a bias towards Pacifism… but each side is fairly represented and I believe you’ll agree if you see it.

    As far as your other questions go… they are covered in the film.

    However… as a side note… if Christians refused to commit violence… there never would have been a WW2, because Hitler never would have had an army. They (the nazi’s) as Christians believed their war was “just”.

    But like I said, it’s all covered in the film.


  32. Like all the others I am very interested and getting to see the first 5 minutes as a good tease.

    However, I do have to ask, is the whole documentary from the point of pacifists and those criticizing or are there multiple sides with multiple points of view?

    It appears, at least in the first 5 minutes to be a little leaning toward one way. The cuts to posters and such while people are talking seem to support that the movie is taking one perspective.

    For instance, without Christian involvement, weren’t their more than 180 million people killed in the 20th Century at the hands of communists and other religions? Were the deaths in say World War 2 justified because they prevented evil rulers from killing even more millions of people?

    Again, I am very interested in the movie, I just hope it gets deeper into debatable points and contains some meaty material from all sides.

  33. Hi John,

    Congrats on Completing the movie and kudos for really sticking yourself out there. It’s courageous; and I hope for the best for you. Also, I know you’re gonna take heat from Christians for this, particualrly in the U.S., but just know you’ve got at least this Jesus Freak backing you up here in the states.

    Best wishes

  34. I just showed this to my little sister, who is a practicing Catholic(I retired hehe) and she booed when it ended. She said, “Where’s the rest? I want to see it all! I was into it!” You’ve got a new fan:)

  35. I’ve got no experience in distribution, but as a resident of Madison, Wisconsin, I’d advise getting this film up here. We’ve got a rather large indie film following, with three seperate theaters and about 10 screens dedicated toward smaller films. This is also one of the biggest anti-war towns in the nation. Preaching to the converted maybe, but word of mouth has to spread.

    Good Luck, John. been reading the movie blog for a while now, and as I blogger myself I recognize how much more rewarding creating can feel when compared to simply commenting on creations.

  36. HOLY SHIT, I WANT MORE GIO!!!!!!!!!!
    That was kool, damn Bruxy is the shit. can’t wait to see this whole thing, dude if you get it on DVD, i will buy it. or if it does pick up i will go see it. k later,


  37. I really want to see this, because the question you pose is one I’ve discussed with my roommate who’s majoring in Religious Studies. He also LOVES documentaries and is just as excited as I am to see it. Good luck, John!

  38. Haven’t even watched your 5 min trailer but just the fact that you made the effort and actually finished a documentary film is commendable (and that it got one good review) and is also certainly something to celebrate. Congratulations.

  39. Hey Phil.

    Running Time is 61 minutes

    Hey Inclining Pizza,

    The thing is… Jesus taught “Love your enemies”. he never said, love your enemies… unless they’re trying to kill you. As a matter of fact, the Romans did kill Jesus. When asked why his followers weren’t fighting to rescue him, Jesus responded “If my kingdom were of this world, my followers would fight. BUT, my kingdom is not of this world”.


  40. Great so far, Giohn. I literally jumped when the video ended. I’d love to see this movie at some point in time… and you know all the regular readers of The Movie Blog (including me) support you 100%.

    I have to say though, when Jesus says if someone hits you on the cheek turn the other one so they can hit that, I think it has a deeper meaning. I think if someone is trying to just hurt you and not kill you, don’t fight back with violence. Although if someone is trying to kill you, defend yourself at all costs. In both cases, try to defend yourself somehow, but not always resort to violence.

    Anyway, it’s a very thought provoking subject. I can’t wait to see more.

  41. Aw, cutting off just as Bruxy is hypnotizing us with his sultry tones. You little tease John:)

    I loved what i saw John and regardless of what i think of the final product, the idea itself, of the documentary, is one of the most exciting and debate worthy i have heard in a long time. And yes, i’d be grinning like a cheshire cat too if a critic said that to me. The very best of luck for what lies ahead.

    Btw, what’s the running time of the film John; just curious?

  42. That’s an encouraging review, congratulations! I wish you outstanding results at the festivals, and I would love to see it in my hometown (Bloomington, Illinois, USA).

  43. OH my Goodness I just noticed what state they where located in. Washington DC!

    These people are the biggest hypocrites.

    I really hope your film can make an impact somewhere because this sort of material could never be released in this country(not by an American). Can you say character assassination. We are so neutered with our thinking. Basic rationality has gone out the window. We need help and I can think of no better allie to help us in this quest than our fellow man to the north.

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