The Best Fictional Clergymen

Ranker Entertainment
Updated April 15, 2024 31 items
Ranked By
809 votes
115 voters

We’re ranking best clergymen characters in film and TV. As sources of inspiration, we often turn to these characters for moral and spiritual support. But while most of these characters are devoted to the cause, some are more committed to the cloth than others.

Father Damien Karras from The Exorcist commits himself to save a poor, innocent young girl's life. As a psychiatric counselor, he also suffers from a crisis of faith, showing all of us that even high-caliber characters like these sometimes have questions that do not always have easy answers.

On the other hand, you have priests like Father Maxi from South Park. He varies in his commitment to faith throughout the series - sometimes he's the voice of reason, while other times he’s just as depraved as everyone else in town. And then there’s Father Matthew Mara from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He’s one of the few - if only - fictional priests to never really recover from his own comedic downward spiral.

Which of these colorful characters is your favorite? Vote up your favorite fictional clergymen and add your own characters if they're missing from this list.