
  • Power Rangers teams vary in power, with newer teams having more special abilities and strength than older teams.
  • The Wild Force Rangers use Wild Zords and Animal Crystals, while the Dino Charge Rangers are immortal and have Energems.
  • The Jungle Fury Rangers harness animal spirits, the Ninja Storm Rangers control elements, and the Mystic Force Rangers are master sorcerers.

Every Power Rangers team is someone's favorite, but they're not all equally powerful. While every Ranger accesses their powers through the Morphin Grid, they all have different means of accessing it, different abilities and power-ups, and different levels of training. The villains each team faced are also not all comparable in strength.

Not every team of Rangers is stronger than the one that came before it, but more recent teams tend to have more special powers than older ones. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers may have been the first team of Power Rangers, but there are many that are stronger.

10 The Wild Force Rangers Call Upon the Power of the Wild Zords

  • The Wild Force Rangers use their Animal Crystals to harness the power of the living Wild Zords.
  • Cole Evans, the Wild Force Red Ranger, destroyed Serpentera with the Wild Force Rider.

Living on the Animarium are the Wild Zords, living zords in possession of great power. Each Wild Zord chooses a Ranger to grant their strength, which they tap into using an Animal Crystal and a Growl Morpher. Using their powers, the Wild Force Rangers defeat the Orgs, sentient embodiments of mankind's pollution of the Earth.

Among the Wild Force Rangers is Merrick Baliton, the Lunar Wolf Ranger. Merrick is not only the most powerful Wild Force Ranger but the most skilled, having been one of the six Ancient Warriors in the original battle with the Orgs 3,000 years ago and having defeated Master Org in the past. Wild Force Red, Cole, possesses the strongest Wild Force weapon, the Wild Force Rider. Gifted to him by Animus, a god, Cole uses the Wild Force Rider to destroy Lord Zedd's planet-destroying zord, Serpentera.

9 The Dino Charge Rangers Are Fueled by the Mighty Energems

Ten Rangers stand ready in Power Rangers Dino Charge
  • The Dino Charge Rangers get their powers from the Energems, which grant them immortality.
  • With eleven Rangers, the Dino Charge team is larger than any other.

The Dino Charge Rangers didn't defeat the most impressive opponents, merely the bounty hunter, Sledge and the less than impressive conqueror, Lord Arcanon, but it's easy to imagine they could have defeated much more threatening villains. Armed with the Energems, one of the most sought after power sources in the universe, the Dino Charge Rangers are immortal, and possess a vast arsenal of weapons.

The strongest member of the Dino Charge Rangers is Zenowing, Dino Charge Silver, who has over 65 million years of experience. What really separates the Dino Charge Rangers from their peers are their numbers. At eleven Rangers, including Heckyl, the Dark Ranger, the Dino Charge Rangers are a larger team than any other.

8 The Jungle Fury Rangers Master Their Animal Spirits to Achieve Jungle Master Mode

The Jungle Fury Rangers in Jungle Master Mode
  • The Jungle Fury Rangers are all master martial artists who've harnessed their animal spirits.
  • Casey, Theo, and Lily traveled into the afterlife to obtain Spirit Master Mode.
10 Power Rangers Teams That Deserve a Reunion Special
"Once & Always" was a fantastic reunion for the Mighty Morphin cast, but other Power Rangers teams deserve their own specials.

The Jungle Fury Rangers are martial arts masters whose power comes from within. Their Morphers are powered by their own animal spirits, which have been honed and trained for years. Together, the Jungle Fury Rangers defeat Dai Shi, an ancient dragon, and his army. The strongest member of the Jungle Fury Rangers, in their base forms, is RJ, the Violet Wolf Ranger. RJ is the other Rangers' mentor and doesn't even need a weapon to defeat his enemies, relying exclusively on Muay Thai.

Casey, Theo, and Lily all surpass their mentor in power in the episode "Ghost of a Chance Part 2". The three core Rangers travel to the afterlife to receive training from long-dead masters, and return from their quest with greater strength than ever. By combining the gorilla, antelope, and penguin animal spirits with their respective tiger, jaguar, and cheetah animal spirits, the core Jungle Fury Rangers unlock Jungle Master Mode.

7 The Ninja Storm Rangers Proved Far Stronger Than the Dino Thunder Rangers

All Six Rangers from Power Rangers Ninja Storm, posing with their weaponry
  • With or without their Ranger powers, the Ninja Storm rangers can manipulate wind, water, earth, and lightning.
  • While brainwashed by Lothor, the Ninja Storm rangers easily defeated the Dino Thunder rangers.

The Ninja Storm Rangers are all trained ninjas. They supplement their martial ability with command over the elements of wind, water, earth, and lightning. These are powers the Rangers have access to even without their Morphers, and these are the powers they use to defeat Lothor, an evil ninja on par with their sensei, after he steals their Ranger powers. The strongest member of the team is Cameron Watanabe, the Green Samurai Ranger, who's also the best fighter and smartest member of the team, and who can become even stronger in Super Samurai Mode.

In the Power Rangers Dino Thunder team-up episodes, "Thunder Storm Parts 1 & 2", Shane, Dustin, and Tori are brainwashed by Lothor into fighting the Dino Thunder Rangers. The Wind Rangers attack the core Dino Thunder Rangers, and make short work of them, making clear that their mystical ninja powers trump the power of the Dino Thunder Rangers' Dino Gems.

6 The Lost Galaxy Rangers Have the Power of the Quasar Sabers, the Galactabeasts, and the Lights of Orion

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy with the Lights of Orion
  • The Lost Galaxy Rangers draw strength from multiple mystical sources.
  • The Magna Defender is one of the strongest Power Rangers characters.

The Galaxy Rangers draw power from more sources than nearly any other Ranger team. The core Rangers were chosen by the Quasar Sabers to pull them from their stone on Mirinoi, instilling them with their initial powers. They then meet and free from their prison, the Galactabeasts, who grant the Rangers their power and the ability to pilot them as zords. Later, the Rangers are chosen by the Lights of Orion to wield them, which enhances the Galaxy Rangers to new levels.

The Galaxy Rangers defeat Scorpius, an ancient alien conqueror, and his daughter, Trakeena. This is accomplished without the aid of their strongest member, The Magna Defender, a several-thousand year-old warrior with the power to fight the other Rangers all at once. Using The Magna Defender's power, Mike isn't quite as strong as the original, but he still serves as an impressive member of the team.

5 The Samurai Rangers Were Born and Bred to Defeat the Nighlok

  • The Samurai Rangers were all trained from birth to be Power Rangers.
  • The Samurai Rangers possess multiple powered-up forms, and not one, but two Red Rangers.
10 Most Complex Power Rangers Characters, Ranked
The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers may have been charmingly simple, but the Power Rangers franchise is filled with other complex characters.

The Samurai Ranger powers are passed down through family bloodlines, and each new generation is trained from birth to fight the Nighlok. As the team to defeat Master Xandred and his army once and for all, the team followed in Power Rangers Samurai is the greatest team of Samurai Rangers of all time.

The Samurai Rangers possess multiple powered-up forms, including Super Samurai Mode, Shark Attack Mode, and Shogun Mode. In their Ranger forms, the most powerful member of the team is Antonio Garcia, the Gold Samurai Ranger, who trained himself and built his own Morpher. Without their Ranger power, Lauren Shiba, the true leader and Red Ranger of the Samurai Rangers, stands above her team, having dedicated her entire life to training in symbol power without any distractions.

4 The Zeo Rangers Were Always Growing Stronger

The Zeo Rangers, pose with their weapons, from Power Rangers Zeo.
  • By harnessing the power of the Zeo Crystal, the Zeo Rangers naturally grew in power over time.
  • The Zeo Rangers repeatedly defeated King Mondo, a direct underling of Dark Specter.

Unlike many Ranger teams, the Zeo Rangers were almost all veterans when they received their powers. Tommy, Zeo Red, had been a Ranger for three years; Jason, Adam and Rocky, Zeo Gold, Zeo Green, and Zeo Blue, respectively, had been Rangers for a year and a half, and Kat, Zeo Pink, had been a ranger for half a year. Only Tanya, Zeo Yellow, was inexperienced.

Not only are the Zeo Rangers one of the most seasoned teams, but they have one of the greatest power sources in Power Rangers, the Zeo Crystal. Hidden away long ago to keep it out of the hands of evil, the Zeo Crystal instills power that not only dwarfs the Mighty Morphin powers but that is always increasing. The strongest Zeo Ranger is thus the original Gold Ranger, Trey of Triforia, who was a Ranger long before any of the others. Whereas Tommy failed to defeat Lord Zedd during their encounter in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Zeo Rangers repeatedly defeated his equal, King Mondo, in Power Rangers Zeo.

3 The Space Rangers Saved the Entire Universe

The Space Rangers, from Power Rangers In Space, pose aboard the Astro Megaship.
  • The Space Rangers defeated the United Alliance of Evil.
  • Andros and Zhane were able to fight Dark Specter's strongest generals by themselves.

The Space Rangers didn't have a single rookie among them, with all six members of the team already experienced before coming together. While the origin of the Space powers is unknown, they prove to be stronger than the Mighty Morphin, Zeo, and Turbo powers that preceded them. Using these powers, the Space Rangers defeat the United Alliance of Evil, one of the greatest threats to the universe in all of Power Rangers.

The strongest Space ranger is Zhane, the Silver Ranger, who, with his Super Silverizer, gets the other Rangers out of jam after jam. The Red Space Ranger, Andros, is nearly as strong, as both KO-35 natives have been Rangers for years, and both are capable of fighting and defeating Astronema, Ecliptor, and Darkonda, all of whom are comparable in strength to Lord Zedd and King Mondo.

2 The Mystic Force Rangers Are Master Sorcerers

The Rangers in Mystic Force
  • Using their magic, the Mystic Force Rangers can do virtually anything.
  • Not only do the core Mystic Force Rangers possess their powered-up Legend Warrior modes, but they're joined by three Ancient Mystics.
10 Weirdest Power Rangers Episodes, Ranked
Power Rangers has introduced many iconic and memorable storylines. But what are some of the weirdest moments in the series by far?

The Mystic Force Rangers are powerful sorcerers, with or without their Ranger powers. Despite being normal humans, Chip, Vida, Xander, and Madison, the Yellow, Pink, Green, and Blue Mystic Force Rangers, respectively, can perform nearly any task with magic. The greatest spell they have access to is the ability to transform into their zord forms, the Mystic Titans. These four are led by Nick, Mystic Force Red, who is the son of the Ancient Mystics, Udonna and Leanbow. Also known as The Light, Nick is the most powerful sorcerer of all time.

The core Mystic Force Rangers can all upgrade themselves into Legend Mode, which brings their power closer to the level of the Ancient Mystics on their team, including Mystic Force White, Udonna, the Solaris Knight, Daggeron, and the Wolf Warrior, Leanbow. Using their full magical power, the Mystic Force Rangers defeat Octomus, the Supreme Master of the Underworld, who is the closest thing there is to a version of Satan in Power Rangers.

1 The Super Megaforce Rangers Have the Power of Every Past Ranger Team

  • The Super Megaforce Rangers can transform into any past team of Rangers.
  • The Super Megaforce Rangers defeated the largest army to ever invade Earth.

The Super Megaforce Rangers are one of the least popular teams in the franchise, but there's no denying their power. After already fighting the forces of the Warstar Empire for a year as the Megaforce Rangers, Troy, Noah, Jake, Gia, and Emma are given the Ranger Keys by Gosei, giving them the ability to transform into any team of past Rangers. Anything previous Ranger teams can do, they can do as well.

The strongest member of the Super Megaforce Rangers is Orion, Super Megaforce Silver. Not only can Orion harness the power of all the previous Sixth Rangers, most of whom are the most powerful members of their respective teams, but he can access Gold Mold, imbuing him with their combined strength. The Super Megaforce Rangers are also notable for defeating the Armada and stopping the largest invasion of Earth the franchise has ever seen.

A collage of the black rangers from power rangers
Power Rangers

Power Rangers is an entertainment and merchandising franchise built around a live-action superhero television series, based on the Japanese tokusatsu franchise Super Sentai. Over the years the franchise has created popular comics, television shows, films, and theatrical performances, and they have produced numerous games and toys.

Created by
Haim Saban , Shotaro Ishinomori , Shuki Levy
First Film
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Latest Film
Power Rangers
First TV Show
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Latest TV Show
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
First Episode Air Date
August 28, 1993
Latest Episode