Pisces Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Pisces Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Pisces Weekly Horoscope From May 20 To May 26

Much as you hate to admit it, you might feel ready to give your social-butterfly wings a temporary rest. After four weeks of nearly continuous fluttering, it’s time to come in for a landing. On Monday, May 20, the Sun leaves your extroverted third house and settles into a quieter groove in Gemini and your fourth house of kith and kin until June 20. It’s not like you’ll stop caring about people—you’ll just be focused on far fewer of them. For the next four weeks, your guiding principle will be quality over quantity. Bring your attention to your innermost circle. Noisy crowds won’t hold much appeal, especially when you can meet one-on-one with your nearest and dearest. In your home life, what changes have you been dreaming about? With the winds of change sweeping through Chateau Pisces, you can realize some Pinterest decor visions. Over the next month, you might experiment with paint or wallpaper or change roommates, swapping out (for instance) platonic folks for a new love interest. If your home is already well organized, then show off your host-with-the-most skills. Whatever you do, just don’t overdo it!
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