Yes I have put a deposit on a Keel for ARO HL. Just waiting for Peter S to tell me he has sourced a tidy ARO for me. I’m sold!

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Have you heard Peter’s Tangerine LP12 plinth? It changes the game to my ears.

I’m going down Klimax rabbit hole @HappyListener.

First step will be 552. Then focus on LP12. Radikal 1 or 2. Keel and then maybe Ekos SE/1. But start at some form of Radikal.

Of course may upgrade LP12 before 552.

See what happens.

In your view should I get 552 first? Or focus on LP12.

NDS is quite well resolved at moment with ND5XS2 streaming platform.

CD transport is very much a nice to have and on back burner.

Speakers are good.

Mains is all good.

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No but I will do now you’ve recommended it. Thanks :+1:

Don’t let the “boo boys” put you off Dan :+1:

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£90k if that’s right, it had better be fantastic
plus Upgradeable going forward, etc.
As you won’t want to have to trade that in after a few years once it’s dated.

Be great to see what they can do.

I’d go the 552 route given what you have now and, on the basis, ‘the price is right’ – I think you’ll get better bang for buck given potential costs in Linn-land(?).

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Nice one @HappyListener. Thinking same thing. And tbh LP12 sounds absolutely spot on right now.

The core issue IMV is simply one of cost, as it’s stupidly expensive and throws out ideas of seeking out other TTs – but, if you’ve already gone so far in Linn-land, it becomes a bit like ‘The Scottish play’, whereby ''I am in blood / Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er”


Well I got a full refund on my SME so I can stretch to a LP12 with Radikal etc. I already have Supercap/ Superline and a DVXV1t in waiting. I just want to hear that the Radikal doesn’t make the deck sound more digital like than the Armageddon

Personally, I don’t think you’ll find this the case – the Rad PS (only) simply cleans and tightens things up. The LP12 vinyl signature remains.

It was interesting that the Naia was very quiet, with little surface noise – but lacked a certain punch to my ears. The LP12 revealed more ‘noise’, perhaps the cartridge was better at digging this out(?).


I missed this, i know it’s nothing to do with this thread but what happened with the sme ?

For some obscure reasons, but I respect his choices to share or not, he doesn’t want to tell.
I asked twice, so won’t ask again.
But I am very curious, as SME have changed their motor and ps, for a much more involving sound. If I had the cash, I wouldn’t hesitate for the new SME 20.

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This is true Dan

This made me chuckle….:grin:

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This is a really interesting observation HL. For my preferences I find that many of the LP12 modifications available from alternative manufacturers (TA Evenstar, Collaro Mats for example) dont work for my preferences, because in seeking to lower the noise floor they simultaneously subjugate some crucial elements of the music at the same time. I believe there’s a lot of important musical clues and information in that there noise floor and it’s one of the things that makes the LP12 sound so convincing. Mess with it at your peril I say!

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My thoughts on all this are (and not having a degree in physics):

1- The Tangerine one-piece plinth offers a mechanically advantageous structure when compared to the usual plinth + top-plate. But closed-loop of the Keel/arm/bearing won’t be immune from lateral movement by the springs, affecting the stylus tracking.

The Rega is obviously much stiffer, with a heavy platter (fly-wheel effectively), excellent speed control, which perhaps = better cartridge tracking? Or is it that the Aphelion cartridge isn’t to the quality (and depth of groove interrogation?) of Linn’s expensive Ekstatik?

I must say the Ekstatik I heard was far less sharp/bright than a Kandid I’ve heard before.

2- So, if a better cartridge could be installed in the Rega, could it be far better ?-- and, monetarily, this could be a very big win, given the relative costs of a naked Rega Naia (around £10k?, which includes TT PS).

3- Live music, and for that matter, music in general is rarely vice-less as to artefacts. Strip some of this away and things can seem ‘odd’, perhaps lacking in emotion?

Of course, plenty has been said about the benefits and dis-benefits of suspended-chassis TT’s – I suspect it’s purely a case of personal preference?

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It’s not obscure Rooster. I’ve been asked not to disclose on the forum at the moment.

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Michael Fremer made a long review on the Naia recently. He was very surprised at how good it is, specially for its price. His megabucks 200 k + turntables didn’t put it in the shadow. He very rarely says that. When he reviewed the Linn Klimax , he was less eloquent.
I think the Aphelion is however the weak point. The comparison would be more truthful with same carts.

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Ah ok, i didn’t understood that. Now it’s much more clear. Sorry.