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PETPositron Emission Tomography
PETParent Effectiveness Training
PETPersonal Electronic Transactor (early Commodore PC)
PETPeter (New Testament)
PETPhysical Education Teacher (various schools)
PETParaffin-Embedded Tissue
PETPolyethylene Terephthalate (more common than PETE)
PETPhysical Education Training (various schools)
PETPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (journal)
PETPreliminary English Test
PETPrevention, Education and Training
PETPreservative Efficacy Test
PETPeten (Guatemala territorial division)
PETPrograma de Educação Tutorial (Portuguese: Education Program Tutorial; Brazil)
PETPlan de Expansión de Transmisión (Spanish: Transmission Expansion Plan)
PETPrivacy Enhancing Technologies (Symposium)
PETPolitiets Efterretningstjeneste (Danish for Police Intelligence Agency)
PETPlanning, Environment and Transport (Gold Coast City Council; Australia)
PETPetroleum Ether
PETProgram Editor Top Overflow File
PETPersonal Electronic Transactor
PETProgramming Environment and Training
PETPotential Evapotranspiration
PETPost-Exposure Treatment (rabies vaccination)
PETPierre Elliot Trudeau (former Canadian Prime Minister)
PETPrograma de Empleo Temporal (Spanish: Temporary Employment Program; Mexico)
PETPhotoinduced Electron Transfer
PETProgramming Environment and Training (HPCMP)
PETPrivacy Enhancing Technology
PETPotentially Exempt Transfer (UK inland revenue)
PETPersonal Terminal (MegaMan, gaming)
PETPupil Evaluation Team
PETPre-Eclamptic Toxaemia
PETPositron Emissie Tomografie (Dutch)
PETPerformance Evaluation Tool
PETPrint Enhancement Technology
PETPriority Encoding Transmission (algorithm)
PETPiezoelectric Transformer
PETPersuasion Emotion and Trust
PETPrimary Economic Term (stock market transaction reporting)
PETProton Electron Telescope
PETPrecision End Trimmed (lumber)
PETPresidential Electoral Tribunal (Philippines)
PETPerformance Evaluation Test
PETProductivity Enhancement and Technology
PETUser Productivity Enhancement and Technology Transfer (Previously Productivity Enhancement and Technology)
PETPiezo-Electric Transducer
PETPhase Elapsed Time
PETPerformance Evaluation Team
PETPortable Electronic Thermometer
PETPreemptive Targeting
PETPet Energy Therapy
PETPile Echo Tester (system for testing piles/shafts/deep foundations)
PETProject Execution Team
PETPersonal Electronic Thingy
PETProtected Entrance Terminal
PETProfessional Employment Training
PETProduct Enterprise Team (US Navy)
PETProposal Evaluation Tool
PETPolling Every Time
PETPiston Engine Technology
PETPermanent Engaged Tone
PETProduction Environmental Test
PETProcess Enhancement Team
PETPropulsion Engineering Trainer
PETPeak Engine Torque
PETParker Endotracheal Tube
PETPulse Energy Thermography
PETPilot-Line Experiment Technology
PETPhase Emission Tomography
PETPrecision Electric Turret
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References in classic literature ?
"What's the matter, Mother?" said I, when we had brought her a little round: "you are frightening Pet, my dear." "Yes, I know that, Father," says Mother, "but I think it's through my loving her so much, that it ever came into my head." "That ever what came into your head, Mother?" "O dear, dear!" cried Mother, breaking out again, "when I saw all those children ranged tier above tier, and appealing from the father none of them has ever known on earth, to the great Father of us all in Heaven, I thought, does any wretched mother ever come here, and look among those young faces, wondering which is the poor child she brought into this forlorn world, never through all its life to know her love, her kiss, her face, her voice, even her name!" Now that was practical in Mother, and I told her so.
Let us take one of those same little children to be a little maid to Pet. We are practical people.
The name of Beadle being out of the question, and the originator of the Institution for these poor foundlings having been a blessed creature of the name of Coram, we gave that name to Pet's little maid.
Pet had a twin sister who died when we could just see her eyes--exactly like Pet's--above the table, as she stood on tiptoe holding by it.'
Pet and her baby sister were so exactly alike, and so completely one, that in our thoughts we have never been able to separate them since.
Then, her mother and I were not young when we married, and Pet has always had a sort of grown-up life with us, though we have tried to adapt ourselves to her.
Pet had to translate this passage to Mr Meagles, who never by any accident acquired any knowledge whatever of the language of any country into which he travelled.
Pet had moved up to her (she had been the subject of remark among her family and Mr Clennam, who were now the only other occupants of the room), and was standing at her side.
'Are you'--she turned her eyes, and Pet faltered--'expecting any one to meet you here, Miss Wade?'
'We are afraid,' said Pet, sitting down beside her, shyly and half tenderly, 'that you will feel quite deserted when we are all gone.'
'Not,' said Pet, apologetically and embarrassed by her eyes, 'not, of course, that we are any company to you, or that we have been able to be so, or that we thought you wished it.'
But--in short,' said Pet, timidly touching her hand as it lay impassive on the sofa between them, 'will you not allow Father to tender you any slight assistance or service?