percentage point

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Related to percentage point: basis point
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.percentage point - the dot at the left of a decimal fraction
mathematical notation - a notation used by mathematicians
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

percentage point

npunto percentuale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
KPV LV also saw an increase in its ratings in August - by one percentage point to 2.6 percent.
Perante, of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Regional Statistical Service Office, said the decrease was 0.4 percentage point lower than the 2.0 percent the month earlier, and 4.2 percentage points lower than the 5.8 percent in the same period last year.
The BBS showed non-food inflation in May increased by 0.20 percentage point to 5.84 per cent from that of 5.64 per cent in the previous month.
In 2018, the poverty gap-which measures the depth of poverty by estimating how far off households are from the poverty line-was estimated at 7.2 percent, a decrease by 0.5 percentage point from 2016.
Three of them said they anticipated a hike of one percentage point, two expected an increase of between one and two percentage points, one predicted a rise of between 1.5 and two percentage points and two saw a two-percentage-point hike.
In the euro area, the unemployment rate reached its lowest level since October 2008, declining by 0.1 percentage point in November, to 7.9 per cent, with decreases of 0.2 percentage point in Luxembourg (to 5.0 per cent) and the Netherlands (to 3.5 per cent).
The BOK said the debt service ratio (DSR) of households, or how much of their income should be spent to pay back loans, rises on average by 1.5 percentage points if their loan rate is raised by 1 percentage point.
Regionally, while sentiment about job prospects edged up one percentage point to 45 per cent, personal finances sentiment declined two percentage points to 58 per cent, and immediate spending intentions declined three percentage points to 36 per cent from the first quarter.
The seasonally adjusted rate fell 0.2 percentage point in February month on month to 74.4 percent.
The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) indicated that the NMI registered 54.2 percent in October, 0.9 percentage point lower than the 55.1 percent registered in September, indicating a continued growth this month at a slightly slower rate in the non-manufacturing sector.

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