9 things genuinely happy people do differently - Jeanette Brown

9 things genuinely happy people do differently

I’ve always believed there’s a special recipe for people to feel happier in their life. It’s not about having all the money in the world or a perfect life, it’s about doing things differently.

Genuinely happy people have a unique approach to life that sets them apart. They do certain things, follow certain practices that others might not even consider.

In this article, I’ll share with you these nine things genuinely happy people do differently. These aren’t complex secrets or unattainable goals. They’re simple, everyday actions that can make all the difference between a life of joy and one of discontent.

Ready? Let’s dive in and uncover the secret to genuine happiness!

1) Genuinely happy people practice gratitude

One of the key ingredients in the recipe for genuine happiness is gratitude.

It’s something we might often overlook, but genuinely happy people have honed the habit of recognizing and appreciating the good things in their life.

Gratitude isn’t about ignoring problems or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about shifting your focus from what’s wrong to what’s right.

Think about it. How often do you take a moment to appreciate the good things in your life? The small wins, the simple pleasures, the people who make your day a little brighter?

Genuinely happy people do this consistently. They understand that, even on bad days, there’s always something to be thankful for.

And practicing gratitude doesn’t just make you happier; it also improves your physical health and strengthens your relationships.

So if you want to increase your happiness, start by cultivating a sense of gratitude. It’s a simple step, but it can make all the difference.

2) They prioritize their well-being

Genuinely happy people understand that taking care of their well-being is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.

I’ve noticed this in my own life. A few years ago, I was juggling a demanding career, a hectic personal life, and a bucket load of stress. I was constantly on the go, trying to keep up with everything and everyone. But in the midst of all that chaos, I realized something important: I had stopped taking care of myself.

I wasn’t eating right, I wasn’t exercising, and I definitely wasn’t getting enough sleep. And guess what? I was miserable.

That’s when I made a decision. I decided to make my well-being a priority. I started eating healthier, getting regular exercise, and ensuring I got enough rest. And soon, I noticed a significant shift in my mood and overall happiness.

Genuinely happy people understand this. They know that their physical health directly impacts their mental well-being. And they make conscious choices to nurture their body and mind.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritizing your well-being isn’t selfish; it’s essential for genuine happiness.

3) They embrace failure as part of growth

Genuinely happy people don’t shy away from failure. Instead, they see it as a stepping stone towards success.

Did you know that J.K. Rowling, the author of the famed Harry Potter series, was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury Publishing decided to give her a chance?

Rowling didn’t let these rejections deter her. She embraced them as part of her journey and used them to fuel her determination. Today, she’s one of the most successful authors in the world.

Genuinely happy people understand that failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of it. They see each setback as an opportunity to learn and grow. And this positive attitude towards failure allows them to approach life with optimism and resilience.

4) They practice mindfulness

If there’s one thing genuinely happy people understand, it’s the importance of being present.

In a world that often demands us to always look ahead, to plan for the future or dwell on the past, happy people realize the value of the here and now.

Mindfulness is about fully engaging with the present moment. It’s about paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment.

Practicing mindfulness allows genuinely happy people to fully enjoy their experiences. They savor their meals, appreciate their conversations, and value their downtime.

And here’s the kicker: mindfulness doesn’t just increase happiness. It reduces stress, improves focus, and boosts overall well-being.

So if you want to follow in the footsteps of genuinely happy people, start by practicing mindfulness. It might take some time to get the hang of it, but once you do, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your happiness levels.

5) They cultivate positive relationships

Genuinely happy people understand the importance of surrounding themselves with positive, uplifting individuals.

They value meaningful connections and seek out relationships that enrich their lives. They cultivate friendships with those who inspire them, motivate them, and make them want to be better.

But it’s not only about surrounding themselves with the right people. Genuinely happy individuals also invest time and effort into these relationships. They are there for their friends during tough times and celebrate with them during victories.

These positive relationships provide a support system, a sense of belonging, and a source of joy. And in turn, these connections significantly contribute to their happiness.

In essence, nurturing positive relationships is like watering a garden. The more you care for it, the more it blooms. And for genuinely happy people, this garden of relationships is a key source of their joy.

6) They practice kindness

Genuinely happy people have a secret weapon that fuels their happiness: kindness.

There’s something incredibly heartwarming about the act of kindness. Whether it’s helping a stranger, volunteering for a cause, or simply offering a kind word to someone in need, these acts of generosity have a profound effect not just on the receiver, but also on the giver.

Genuinely happy people understand this. They know that every act of kindness, no matter how small, adds a little more happiness to their lives.

It’s like tossing a pebble into a pond. The ripples of kindness spread outwards, touching lives and creating a wave of positivity.

Kindness doesn’t require grand gestures or huge sacrifices. It’s about being thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate in our everyday interactions.

So if you want to boost your happiness, try spreading some kindness. It will warm your heart, brighten someone’s day, and create ripples of joy that can make the world a little happier.

7) They take time to recharge

In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. But genuinely happy people understand the importance of taking a step back and recharging.

There was a time in my life when I was always on the go, always busy, always working towards the next goal. I thought that was the key to success and happiness. But all it led to was burnout.

That’s when I realized the importance of rest. Just like a car needs refueling to keep going, we too need downtime to recharge and rejuvenate.

Now, I make sure to take time for myself every day – whether it’s a quiet cup of coffee in the morning, a walk in the park, or simply sitting down with a good book.

This downtime allows me to reconnect with myself, refresh my mind, and come back stronger. It gives me the energy and motivation I need to tackle each day with enthusiasm.

Genuinely happy people understand this. They know that taking time for themselves isn’t selfish; it’s essential for their well-being and happiness. So they make sure to recharge their batteries regularly, giving them the energy and enthusiasm they need to truly enjoy life.

8) They set and pursue meaningful goals

Genuinely happy people don’t just drift through life. They have a sense of purpose, a direction. And they set meaningful goals that align with their values and passions.

These aren’t necessarily grand, far-reaching goals. They could be as simple as learning a new skill, improving a relationship, or contributing to a cause they care about.

The key here is that these goals provide a sense of purpose and direction. They give genuinely happy people something to strive for, something that brings them joy and fulfillment.

And when they achieve these goals, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction boosts their happiness even further.

So if you’re looking to increase your happiness, consider setting a few meaningful goals. Make sure they align with your values and passions, and then pursue them with determination.

Remember, the journey towards achieving a goal is just as important as the destination. So make sure to enjoy the process and celebrate your progress along the way.

9) They choose to be happy

Above all, genuinely happy people understand that happiness is a choice.

It’s not about having a perfect life, free from challenges or setbacks. It’s about choosing to focus on the positive, to appreciate the good in each day, and to keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

Genuinely happy people choose to be happy. They decide to embrace life with optimism and positivity. And this choice, more than anything else, fuels their happiness.

So if there’s one thing you should take away from this, it’s this: Choose to be happy. It’s the most powerful decision you can make.

Final thoughts: Happiness is a journey, not a destination

As we navigate through life, it’s crucial to remember that happiness isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s a deeply personal and unique journey that varies from person to person.

What stands out in genuinely happy people is their approach towards life. They choose to focus on the positives, practice gratitude, prioritize their well-being, embrace failures, practice mindfulness, cultivate positive relationships, show kindness, take time to recharge, set meaningful goals, and most importantly, they choose to be happy.

Each of these habits reflects the wisdom of the Dalai Lama’s words: “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”

The journey to genuine happiness may not always be easy. There will be obstacles and setbacks. But as we’ve learned from genuinely happy people, it’s how we navigate these challenges and our daily habits that make all the difference.

So as you move forward on your happiness journey, remember that it’s not about reaching a perfect state of bliss but about making consistent choices each day that align with your values and contribute to your overall well-being.

And with each step you take on this path, you’ll find that genuine happiness isn’t just about the destination—it’s about the journey.


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Tina Fey

Journey with Jeanette Brown

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