14 habits of people who are always happy (even in tough times)

by Tina Fey | April 25, 2024, 9:15 pm

Happiness, resilience, optimism – how do some people manage to keep these traits alive even during the most challenging times? The answer is simple: habits.

Yes, it’s the habits that they cultivate and nurture over time which help them stay cheerful and positive, come what may.

So, grab your favorite beverage and let’s delve into the world of these happy folks.

We’re about to unveil 14 habits of people who are always happy, even when the going gets tough.

Get ready to explore, learn and perhaps even adopt some of these traits.

1) They practice gratitude

One of the most powerful habits I’ve noticed among people who are consistently happy, even in tough times, is the practice of gratitude.

They don’t just express gratitude when things are going well; they also find something to be grateful for during their most challenging days.

Even in the face of adversity, they focus on the silver linings.

This habit of recognizing and appreciating the good in every situation, no matter how small, helps them maintain a positive outlook on life.

It’s a simple practice, but it makes a significant difference.

2) They surround themselves with positive people

You know that saying, ‘you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’? It’s true.

I once had a friend who was always negative. Every time we met, she would complain about something – her job, her relationships, her life.

And guess what? Her negativity started rubbing off on me.

So I made a choice – to surround myself with people who uplifted me instead of dragging me down. It made a world of difference to my happiness levels.

Remember, positivity is contagious. Surround yourself with those who radiate it and you’ll find yourself smiling more often than not.

3) They take care of their physical health

One of the habits that contribute greatly to the happiness of individuals, even during challenging times, is taking care of their physical health.

They understand that a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind.

They prioritize regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest.

They know that by keeping their bodies fit and well-nourished, they are better equipped to handle stress and stay positive.

These individuals also understand the importance of rest and rejuvenation. They ensure they get enough sleep and take time to relax and recharge.

4) They practice mindfulness

The habit of practicing mindfulness is another common trait among people who maintain their happiness.

They understand the power of living in the present moment.

Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future uncertainties, they focus on the now.

They take time each day to quiet their minds, often through meditation or other mindfulness practices.

This helps them to stay grounded and remain calm in the face of adversity.

It increases their awareness of their emotions, enabling them to manage them better and maintain a positive outlook.

5) They embrace failure

The Wright brothers, known for inventing the world’s first successful airplane, faced numerous failures and rejections before their first successful flight.

Instead of getting disheartened, they chose to see each failure as a stepping stone towards success.

This mindset allowed them to persist and eventually, they achieved their goal.

Happy people understand that failure is a part of life. It’s not a dead-end, but a detour to the right path.

So, they don’t fear failure – they embrace it. They see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. And this perspective makes all the difference.

6) They practice forgiveness

Holding onto anger, resentment, or grudges can be like carrying a heavy weight.

It drains your energy, stirs up negative emotions, and prevents you from moving forward.

Happy people understand this. They know that forgiveness isn’t about letting someone else off the hook for their actions, but about freeing themselves from the burden of negativity.

They choose to let go of resentment and forgive, not necessarily because the person who wronged them deserves forgiveness, but because they deserve peace.

Practicing forgiveness can be a difficult journey, but it’s one that leads to increased happiness and peace of mind. Start small, be patient with yourself, and remember: you’re doing this for you.

7) They maintain a balanced life

One habit that happy people follow consistently is maintaining a balanced life. They understand the importance of balancing different aspects of their lives such as work, family, hobbies, and personal time.

They strive to allocate time for each area and avoid letting one aspect dominate at the expense of others.

They know that overworking can lead to stress and burnout while neglecting personal interests can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

So, they make an effort to keep a healthy balance in their lives which boosts their overall happiness and well-being, even during challenging periods.

Creating a harmonious balance between different aspects of your life is essential for maintaining happiness and contentment.

8) They help others

I’ve got to admit, there’s something incredibly fulfilling about helping others.

I remember when I was a college student, I volunteered at a local shelter on weekends. It was a small act, but the smiles and gratitude I received were priceless.

It taught me a valuable lesson – happiness doesn’t just come from receiving, but also from giving.

When we help others, it not only makes them happy but also brings a sense of satisfaction and joy to our own lives.

So every now and then, I make it a point to lend a helping hand, whether it’s volunteering in my community or simply helping an elderly neighbor with their groceries.

It truly does make a difference.

9) They confront their emotions

People who remain happy in tough times don’t suppress or avoid their emotions.

They confront them. It’s not always easy and it’s certainly not always pleasant, but they understand that it’s necessary.

Whether it’s sadness, anger, disappointment, or fear, they allow themselves to feel these emotions fully.

They don’t judge themselves for having these feelings. Instead, they acknowledge them, understand them, and then let them go.

They know that bottling up emotions only leads to more pain in the long run. So, they deal with them head-on, process them, and then move forward.

This emotional honesty with themselves keeps their mental health in check and contributes to their overall happiness.

10) They set personal goals

Another habit of people who stay happy even in tough times is setting personal goals. They understand that having clear, achievable goals gives them a sense of direction and purpose.

These goals can range from career aspirations to personal growth targets. They serve as a roadmap, guiding them towards their desired outcomes, keeping them motivated and focused.

Having these goals also provides a sense of accomplishment when they are achieved, which boosts their morale and happiness.

So, if you want to enhance your happiness, consider setting some personal goals. They will not only give you something to strive for but also make the journey more meaningful and enjoyable.

11) They embrace change

People who maintain their happiness, even during tough times, have the habit of embracing change.

They understand that change is an inevitable part of life and instead of resisting it, they adapt to it.

They see change as an opportunity for growth and learning. Instead of fearing the unknown, they step out of their comfort zone and welcome new experiences.

This adaptability helps them navigate through life’s ups and downs with optimism and resilience, contributing to their overall happiness.

12) They disconnect to reconnect

In a world dominated by technology, it might seem odd to disconnect intentionally. But that’s exactly what perpetually happy people do.

They understand the value of unplugging from digital noise to connect more deeply with themselves and those around them.

They’re not constantly checking their emails or scrolling through social media feeds.

Instead, they embrace moments of quiet and reflection, focusing on real-life interactions and experiences.

This isn’t a complete rejection of technology, but rather a mindful approach to its use. They use it as a tool to enhance their lives, not dominate them.

Disconnecting in this digital age might seem challenging. But once you make space for real connections, you’ll notice an increase in your happiness level.

13) They embrace imperfection

Here’s the real deal: people who are always happy aren’t perfect. They don’t have perfect lives, and they certainly don’t pretend to.

Instead, they embrace imperfection – in themselves, in others, and in life in general.

They know that mistakes are a part of life, and that it’s through these mistakes that we grow and learn.

They don’t beat themselves up over every little thing that goes wrong, nor do they expect others to be flawless.

Rather than striving for perfection – an impossible goal that only leads to stress and disappointment – they strive for growth and improvement.

They celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and they see every setback as an opportunity to learn something new.

14) They practice self-love

As I’ve delved into the habits of perpetually happy people, one thread has remained prominent throughout: self-love.

You see, all these habits – from embracing positivity and accepting imperfection to practicing forgiveness – they all stem from a place of self-love.

People who are always happy aren’t just good at managing their external circumstances; they’re masters of nurturing their internal environment.

This is probably the most important lesson we can take away from them: to love ourselves unconditionally.

Because at the end of the day, our relationship with ourselves sets the tone for all other relationships in our lives.

So as you embark on this journey towards perpetual happiness, I encourage you to start with self-love. Be kind to yourself. Celebrate your victories, big and small. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them.

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