One size fits all? Flashcards | Quizlet
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One size fits all?

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Charles Darwin
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Terms in this set (21)
Charles Darwin
The origin of Species
Gregor Mendel
inheritance of "factors" in pea plants
Flemming, Strasburger & Benden
chromosome distribution during cell division
Archibald Garrod
human diseases are due to "inborn errors of metabolism" that result from the lack of a specific enzyme
Asbjorn Folling
PKU (phenylketonuria)
Herman J. Muller
used x-rays to cause artificial gene mutations in Drosophila
Fred Griffith
some unknown "principle" had transformed the harmless R strain of Diplococcus to the virulent S strain
Jean Brachet
DNA is found in chromosomes and RNA is present in the cytoplasm of all cells
George Beaddle & Edward Tatum (Channing's dad)
neurosprora - one gene encodes one protein
Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty
purified DNA as the genetic material
Erwin Chargaff
discovered a 1:1 ratio of A to T & G to C in DNA samples
Joe Tito
humans have 46 chromosomes
Marshall, Gobind, Sydney, and Francis Crick
triplet mRNA codons specify each of 20 AAs
animal gene cloned at Stanford & UCSF
Genetech formed