One Misty, Moisty Morning - Nursery Rhyme One Misty, Moisty Morning Lyrics, Tune and Music
Nursery rhymes with lyrics and music.

One Misty, Moisty Morning

Nursery Rhyme One Misty, Moisty Morning with Lyrics and Music

One Misty, Moisty Morning - Nursery rhyme - Music, tune and lyrics

One Misty, Moisty Morning is an old Enligh nursery rhyme. In this rhyme, we sing about a misty, moisty morning with cloudy weather. This makes this rhyme perfect to sing if it is - yeah right - a misty, moisty and cloudy morning!

Enjoy singing this old nursery rhyme!

More weather rhymes? See all nursery rhymes about weather!

Don't you remember the "One Misty, Moisty Morning" tune? You can listen to it at the bottom of this page...

One Misty, Moisty Morning - Lyrics
One misty, moisty, morning,
When cloudy was the weather,
There I met an old man,
Clothed all in leather,
Clothed all in leather,
With a cap under his chin.
How do you do?
And how do you do?
And how do you do again?

One Misty, Moisty Morning Music/Video

Press the play-icon to listen to the nursery rhyme "One Misty, Moisty Morning". Enjoy, and sing along!

YOUR Experiences With One Misty, Moisty Morning
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