OLD | significado en inglés - Cambridge Dictionary

Significado de old en inglés

(Definición de old del Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definición de old del Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Ejemplos de old

Meanwhile, the state granted tracts of land to nobles or permitted them to purchase land in what had become the old borderlands.
It is based on a one-year qualitative research project, which seeks to explore the experiences of social dance for older dancers.
Specifically, the younger children might be expected to show greater phonetic sensitivity to the input than older children.
Any categorisation of chronological age obscures the physiological, psychological and social diversity of older people.
The unsatisfactory housing of these older people can be expected to have consequences for their physical and psychological well-being.
Psychological distress among older primary care attenders is associated with frequent attendance.
A group of 27 older adults in inpatient rehabilitation were interviewed during the programme and after returning home.
Science advances by replacing old theories with new ones that make better predictions.
This does seem to be a somewhat anthropocentric viewpoint and one, moreover, that effectively replaces the old culture/nature dualism with a human/non-human dualism.
Some fences have been replaced and moved compared to older maps, but it is still quite easy to recognize the localities from former studies.
Perhaps only older children understand indirect requests as observers.
This new policy contrasts clearly with the party's old policy, which rarely reflected the interests of consumers.
Over the past five years older children have become unruly.
That older actresses play fewer roles than older men is perhaps not surprising.
Training should be multidisciplinary and multi-agency and involve older people and carers to develop a shared understanding of roles and needs.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de old

en chino (tradicional)
存在多年的, 老的, 年老的…
en chino (simplificado)
存在多年的, 老的, 年老的…
en español
viejo, antiguo, de edad…
en portugués
velho, antigo, de longa data…
en más idiomas
in Marathi
en japonés
en turco
en francés
en catalán
in Dutch
in Tamil
in Hindi
in Gujarati
en danés
in Swedish
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Urdu
in Ukrainian
en ruso
in Telugu
en árabe
in Bengali
en checo
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en coreano
en italiano
जुना/ जुनी/ जुनं / म्हातारा/म्हातारी, वर्ष / एखाद्याचे वय सांगायला/विचारायला वापरले जाते., जुने…
年をとった, 古い, 昔の…
yaşlı, ihtiyar, eski…
vieux [masculine], vieil [masculine], vieille [feminine]…
vell, antic…
பல ஆண்டுகளாக வாழ்ந்த அல்லது இருந்த, ஒருவரின் வயதைப் பற்றி விவரிக்க அல்லது கேட்க பயன்படுகிறது, கடந்த காலத்தில் ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட காலகட்டத்திலிருந்து…
पुराना, बूढ़ा, किसी की उम्र का विवरण करने या उसके विषय में पूछने हेतु प्रयुक्त…
વૃદ્ધ, જૂનું, ઉમર…
tua, tahun, lama…
alt, vergangen…
gammel, avlagt, tidligere…
بوڑھا, ضعیف, پرانا…
старий, при вказівці на вік, зношений…
старый, поношенный, такого-то возраста…
ముసలి/పాత, వయస్సు, పాత…
عَجوز, قَديم…
পুরোনো, বহু বছর ধরে বেঁচে থাকা বা বিদ্যমান, কারও বয়স সম্পর্কে বর্ণনা বা জিজ্ঞাসা করতে ব্যবহৃত…
starý, dávný…
tua, berumur, usang…
ที่มีอายุมาก, อายุ, เก่าแก่…
già, tuổi, già dặn…
stary, w wieku, starożytny…
나이가 많은, 오래된, 옛날의…
vecchio, antico, di prima…
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