Welcome from the Head | Oakfield Preparatory School

Welcome from the Head

Oakfield Preparatory School

Welcome from the Head

Oakfield is proud to have played its part in educating children here in Dulwich for over 130 years, and whether you are a member of our school family, a prospective parent or simply an interested visitor. I hope you will find something on our website to interest and inspire you.

We are unwavering in our belief, throughout our richly diverse school community, that happy children learn. We are strong in our commitment to expect and encourage every child, to be the very best that they can be. And it is right that each individual’s ‘best’ is recognised and celebrated. 

We have an enviable record of preparing children for a range of prestigious Senior Schools that will suit and nurture their individual strengths, whilst at the same time providing an exciting programme of cultural, sporting and extra-curricular activities which ensure that they enjoy the precious time that is childhood. 

Highly skilled, creative teachers provide outstanding pastoral care which enables our children to be adventurous learners, confident in taking risks and embracing challenge.  Character education sits alongside the academic, as they develop resilience, perseverance, communication and collaborative skills which prepare them for their future as global citizens in a world of opportunity.  Philosophy for Children, established here since 2011, promotes imagination and respect for others, as well as the ability to think deeply and critically, reason and form opinions. 

There is kindness here, thoughtfulness, a sense of service and much fun and laughter.  We love the happy, positive buzz spilling from every classroom and we enjoy learning and growing together.  Please do come and see for yourself; you will be most welcome. 

Moyra Thompson

Head of Oakfield Preparatory School