THE MIRACLE WORKER (ACT II) Flashcards | Quizlet


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A dramatic speech or monologue in which a character talks aloud to himself, revealing his thoughts or feelings to the audience is called a(n) ________________________.
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A dramatic speech or monologue in which a character talks aloud to himself, revealing his thoughts or feelings to the audience is called a(n) ________________________.
Annie told James that she considered _____________________ to be the original sin.
Giving up.
When they first moved to the garden house, Helen: _____.
stumbled around looking for her mother
screamed and tore the room apart when she could not find her mother
Annie taught Percy a new word which Helen did not know. That word was _____.
After the breakfast scene, Mr. Keller intended to _____.
send Annie back to Boston
In her letter Annie wrote, "The more I think the more certain I am that ___________________ is the gateway through which knowledge enters the mind of the child."
Kate told Annie that Helen was attempting to speak at _____.
6 months of age
At that early age, Helen would say "_____."
Who is Robert E. Lee?
Commander of the South
Who is John L. Sullivan?
Heavyweight boxing champion
On which side did General Pemberton fight?
The South