Meet Nick

Meet Nick

The Actors' High Performance Coach

Join over 3245 + Actors who know the old way of thinking about acting simply does not work.

Join the revolution and discover a whole NEW way of thinking about Acting, self taping and the Business of Acting!

Nick has been seen in...

The Night I Gave It All Up...

The Importance Of Being Earnest. York Theatre Royal. UK.

It was a dark and miserable night, it was raining, it was press night and my whole body was shaking with fear! I knew one thing for certain and I knew it with such clarity, I was not going on stage that night. In fact I had made up my mind I was never going on stage again. Ever...


Something had to change...

But what?! I knew my mind and body were causing me pain and keeping me away my dream of becoming a "proper actor".... So I started to look deeply into the study of psychology, I wanted to know HOW the mind works and how it affected the body. I wanted to know what made some people be able to act effortlessly and with total confidence and why others seemed destined to repeat the failures of the past and seemed unable to escape their own conditioning, me included...eventually I trained as an NLP Master Practitioner, and Master Results coach, a High Performance Coach and a Master Hypnotist. And things started to change, my mind began to work for me not against me...

My results got better and better, faster and faster...

I got work on The Tudors, (Henry Cavill, Jonathan Rhys Myers, Natalie Dormer), The Iron Lady (With Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent and Olivia Coleman), Da Vinci's Demons, with David S Goyer, (Batman and Superman), Hatfield's and McCoy's (Kevin Costner, Bill Paxton, Tom Berenger and Boyd Holbrook) and many more...and now I want to share these amazing discoveries and strategies with you and actors like you...

""Hi Nick, Just a quick note to say thank you and keep it up as it works, I will explain. January in a time of very little work and I must say probably lacking confidence I went through the T.A.M. (Total Audition Magician) manual and followed all the exercises . Now September, I began leafing through my diary until I came across the Precise End Step and could hardly believe it. It read.... I see myself at the airport long term parking, sitting into my Saab with full leather trim, checking my messages from my new London agent, a pile of scripts sides and call sheets in my bag, e-mail from wardrobe on my next TV show looking for sizes, racing back to make a studio on Baggot St in time for my VO, all after having wrapped on another TV show. Well, currently I am in London working with James Nesbitt on Lucky Man for SKY Atlantic, my blue Saab with leather trim was delivered last Saturday, I have an offer from a respectable Boutique agency on Warwick St, I am needed for the new campaign of radio ads for Nissan when I get back and I am meeting Debbie McWilliams (casting) on Tuesday for a series regular on a Cable TV show . and yes my bag is stuffed with call sheets, sides and highlighted scripts. So thanks Nick, Stay great Lochlann"

Lochlann O'Mearain
Into The Badlands, Genius, Lucky Man, Women On The Verge

How to influence casting directors online

Quickly and ethically and with a sense of humour!








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