Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide

Ned Bigby’s got the tips, tricks, and skills you need for Middle School. The key to surviving it is whether you’re ready...or not.

About Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide

It's just what you’ve been waiting for! The ultimate school survival guide full of tips and tricks to help you get over those embarrassing, awkward moments of junior high! We’re talkin’ your first kiss, first dumping, big bullies, stinky locker mates, your physical appearance, and of course teachers and school work! Enter Ned Bigby, your typical kid. Ned, along with his two best friends, Cookie and Moze, work together to survive James K. Polk Middle School. And Ned’s got all kinds of tips and advice compiled in his very own school survival guide to help anyone from getting stuck in the dangerous trappings of middle school!