Chapter 13 -- Third 18 Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 13 -- Third 18

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Which of the following choices does NOT correctly categorize the biological kingdom with the form of reproduction used by the organisms within it?
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Which of the following choices does NOT correctly categorize the biological kingdom with the form of reproduction used by the organisms within it?
b) Fungi: asexual reproduction only
Protists that spread without any individual cells moving, but instead by adding new cells at the edge of the colony are called:
d) slime molds.
A Paramecium feeds by the process of:
d) phagocytosis.
In evolutionary time, the nuclear membrane was probably first formed by:
d) the fusion of folds of the plasma membrane that surrounded the cell.
The first eukaryotes were:
b) protists.
How did mitochondria originate in protists?
b) They derived from bacterial cells that were taken in and later specialized.
The oldest known eukaryotes were:
b) acritarchs.
Protists are alike in that they all are:
d) eukaryotic.
Most archaean species:
e) have yet to be discovered.
Members of the Archaea have been observed most commonly in:
c) very extreme (with respect to temperature, salinity, pressure, etc.) environments.
You discover bright orange organisms living near a volcanic vent. These organisms are most likely:
d) archaeans.
Antibiotics have no effect on:
c) viruses.
In the United States, about 25 million pounds of antibiotics, more than eight times as much as used in human medicine, are used in:
d) agriculture.
Why do antibiotics quickly lose their effectiveness in the treatment of bacterial infections?
c) Some bacterial strains have natural resistance to antibiotics and using antibiotics selects for these strains.
Is it important to take all of the antibiotic prescribed to you by your physician, even after your symptoms clear up?
d) Yes, even after your symptoms clear up, harmful bacteria that are the most resistant to the antibiotic are still present in your system. It is important to reduce their population size and expose them to competition from other types of bacteria.