OMORI Achievements Guide - Neoseeker
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OMORI Achievements Guide



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yyeoj7 Jan 21, 21 | reply
the good dog achievement is completed in the vast forest, theres a entrance on the right i think? with a bone in the side, when you enter, dont run and there should be a shadow dog. pet the shadow dog and you get the achievement.
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Desox Jan 22, 21 | reply
Thank you for your contribution! It has been added to the page.
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Stevoisiak Jan 22, 21 | reply
The "A Bit Less Lonely" achievement can be gotten on the Hikikomori Route. Return to the Last Resort and get the check from Jawsum's Office. Then return to the golden statue of Hero and you can commission statues of Omori's friends.
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Desox Jan 22, 21 | reply
And thank you too! With the help of both, we managed to complete the achievement list. Much obliged.
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Maggre Jan 23, 21 | reply
There's a mirror near southern-most pyrefly picnic, west of the picnic.
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Maggre Jan 23, 21 | reply
Also, there are 3 picnics in last resort, the two you mention, and the one in the other elevator that goes between floor B-5
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Melheck Jan 24, 21 | reply
Just want to add that there's another mirror in Humphrey, in Molly's sector near the bomb. (Apparently the last one missing for the achievement "We'll always be there for you OMORI"
Thanks a lot for the guide
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Desox Jan 24, 21 | reply
Thank you for your comment.
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Harukii Jan 31, 21 | reply
Where is the "Orange lake"? (I'm doing the "We'll always be there for you, OMORI" achievement)
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Desox Jan 31, 21 | reply
In the very middle of the Orange Oasis, there should be a lake with a citric in the middle (I guess it's an orange given this area's name).
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glowingseal Feb 3, 21 | reply
The R.I.P. achievement can be obtained in a normal route too, the dev room is accessible from the Black Space room that looks like an abandoned town, with streets and deers running. You interact with one of the graves at the top of the map (one next to what seems to be a hanged body) and it'll take you there
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Dyzon Feb 12, 21 | reply
Also, I am not sure if it's by complete luck in the hikikomori route either. I found it by pressing one of the bodies that you can find after you climb the ladder in Forest Maze 2. I've also seen a report on Reddit that there's also a chance if you press the wall in the same place.
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Dyzon Feb 12, 21 | reply
The rewards of the Recycling Machine aren't random and you always need the same amount of trash for the achievement. You get every reward for a specific number of trash recycled, in this order: Seer Goggles (5 trash), Flashlight (10 trash), Cellphone (25 trash), and Universal Remote (50 trash).
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Mental Feb 18, 21 | reply
So I fought Roboheart too, beat her in like 2 turns caused I wanted to see the moveset, and she never attacked me. I'm pretty sure her fight is a joke, as she doesn't attack because she's following the first law of robotics
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name Mar 10, 21 | reply
For the achievement, “ Anytime is a good time for a picnic!” There is no picnic at the theatre, but there is one in the lost library, which isn’t labeled here.
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Diego Mar 10, 21 | reply
Is it possible to go back to the place in which you fight the bread twins after defeating them? I think it was called the bread breaven. I forgot to get the refreshment at Mari’s picnic there and I need it for an achievement, thank you.
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abordned Mar 11, 21 | reply
Hi, I'd just like to mention that I got the flowers from the Hobbeez Shopkeep, despite not actually using the pet rock after I bought it. I think the flag for it might just be buying the pet rock in the first place.
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Desox Mar 13, 21 | reply
Hm... could it be that they changed it? I actually didn't get the flowers from the Shopkeep and didn't do the pet rock, and thought it was that way because I had asked.
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Owen Mar 14, 21 | reply
Where is the mirror in Sprout Mole Colony
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piblo Mar 15, 21 | reply
the total cost of getting the Patron of the Arts achievement was 106k clams for me
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stone Mar 24, 21 | reply
You can also get the Good Dog achievement by petting LUCAS in the artist's home!
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Natalie Bonilla May 9, 21 | reply
For the "Father and Son" achievement, what house is it?
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Unknown May 29, 21 | reply
I had all the flowers and didn't receive the achievement. I even triple checked while I was still on the hospital scene. I had replayed for the thrid time to do my last achievements and that is the only left. Does anybody else have this issue?
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Anonymous Jun 12, 21 | reply
Please add to the Chicken achievement that the chicken at the top of Dino Dig never respawns.
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Name Jul 6, 21 | reply
I was just checking and there doesn't seem to be a mirror in Sweetheart's Castle past the kitchen in the quarters.
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Scye Jul 23, 21 | reply
I think the "So majestic... so beautiful..." achievement can only be obtained if you saw the certificate after you got it, because in my first playthrough I made that quest before go to the Otherworld and didn't have it. I realized that I could check the certificate when I was in Sprout Mole Village already. My second time playing the game from the beginning was when I got the achievement. Anyways, I don't know if it was just me...
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amongus Sep 18, 21 | reply
you can get the good dog achievement as well by petting the dog inside the artist's house in faraway town
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Blank Oct 24, 21 | reply
Potential spoiler for anyone reading, but you should consider adding on the Foe Facts! achievement that it is unattainable if you drop the anvil on King Carnivore or skip fighting the ghost bunny in the Lost Forest. I've read about plenty of people soft locking themselves out of this achievement and having to replay the entire Hikkomori route again!
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amogusette May 20, 22 | reply
I'm 100% certain you don't need all the jokes for Weeping Willow. Last time I skipped most and only told her the construction joke and she gave me the sword immediately.

Possible that it's just random which joke works and I just got lucky guessing, or it could always be that one. Not sure.
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Calista24 May 23, 22 | reply
This is correct! I have updated the quest compendium with this information, thank you for the reminder!
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skyforg3r Jun 10, 22 | reply
Hey there! Just wanted to add that I obtained the "Good Dog" achievement by petting Kel's dog, Hector, in Faraway Town. However, you need to wait until the Two Days Left section before you can access Kel's yard.
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sleeping egg Aug 10, 22 | reply
For “Any time is a good time for a picnic!”, there’s also a picnic in the lost library piano room.
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tia Dec 20, 22 | reply
not sure if this matters or applies, but you can defeat roboheart on a normal run! however, not sure it counts for the achievement, i already had it (achieved during an OMORI route playthru) when i beat her during my normal playthru
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Nate Feb 19, 23 | reply
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Nate Feb 19, 23 | reply
I would like to apologize for the comment I just left. That was immature, but maybe you should add some clarification. I'm just glad I left a backup save on three days left so I don't have to replay the entire Vast Forest/Otherworld segment
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Desox Feb 21, 23 | reply
Sorry to be a bit late, but could you please specify the specific problem you've had with the directions given for Mincy? I'm trying to understand where is it that things are not clear, so that we could fix that up.

Are you referring to having to visit her during the morning at one location then somewhere else during the evening? I'll try to rewrite that so that it's clearer, if that's the case.
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sunny :D Apr 29, 23 | reply
hii, im doing the grammar whiz achievement. does it still count if you dont do it back to back? i accidently messed it up first time around, can i do the one on the second day and then the first day right sfter? or does the order of it matter?