more en español | Traductor inglés-español | Nglish de Britannica
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merriam webster

4 Resultados de traducción para more en español

adverb | adjective | determiner | verbo

more adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
more adverb

  • The shot hurt more than I expected.
  • It happens more often than it used to.
  • The building looks more like a museum than a library.
  • The players grew more intense as the game went on.
  • To me, there's nothing more exciting than playing football.
  • She more closely resembles her aunt than her mother.
  • He struggled to find a more comfortable position.
  • It's the same product—they've done nothing more than change the label.
  • a couple of times more
  • What more could you ask for?

much adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

more determiner

unfavorite favorite play sound

morar verbo

to dwell, to reside

Frases relacionadas para more

Traducción inversa para more

más  - more, most, longer, rather