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Michael Sucsy
Award-winning filmmaker and storyteller. I make movies that make you feel something. My work is about connection, creativity and collaboration. 🎥 🏳️‍🌈 ❤️ 🔥
Los September 2008

Michael Sucsy’s Tweets

I just spent 3 hours on a zoom w the DGA staff and negotiators and while there are some details that could have been even better, I now believe that this is a good deal for us! Thank you all. Now let’s get a great deal for the WGA !!
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Big deal!!!! ❤️
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BREAKING: IATSE gives $2 million to industry charities for support of members affected by ongoing WGA strike
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Not to sound dramatic, but streaming ruined one of the most profitable businesses, decimated the livelihood of thousands of writers, and further divided society by robbing them of ongoing stories and shared pop culture experiences that drive connection and empathy.
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— “Historic” increases don’t keep up with basic projected inflation — Gaping loopholes in steaming residual increases — Zero insight into streaming platform viewership numbers As a DGA member, I vote NO on ratification. Let’s get real here. TOGETHER. #UnionStrong
A friend of mine, WGA writer/showrunner, is selling his house in Los Angeles & reassessing if this is still a viable career in the day & age of streaming. We picket bc we are fighting for our existence/our way of life. The AMPTP is eviscerating the working middleclass. #WGAstrong
I keep seeing folks saying that a trans lifestyle is being shoved down their throat. I have never had a trans person knock on my door and try to convert me. I have never had a trans person leave lit on my car. I’ve never had a trans person threaten me with fire if I don’t agree.
For those under 50 Life wasn't like this just a few decades ago Those stories of 1 job per family w/ a pension, wages enough to buy a house, a car, put your kids through college and STILL have a few bucks to save Its not a fantasy They took it all away for greedy corporations
This👇!!! The blatant disrespect is telling…
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BTW, the correct framing of this story is "Rebranded service MAX really steps in it right out of the gate by ignoring credit definitions of producers, writers, and directors." It is NOT about how us widdle writers are "irked."
Another great podcast about #wgastrong
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Replying to @MebFaber
The scope and economics of the #writersstrike with @errollouis and @warrenleightTV - cc: @michaelsucsy @DavidHSteinberg @abnormalreturns
Producers are not the AMPTP. Good producers are creatives who care about the scripts. They develop. Give notes. Problem solve in support of the film. This idea of greedy money-grabbing suits is archaic. In fact, they're often the 1st to cut their own salary to get greenlit. /rant
If a writer says, "I sold a pilot for $100k," the public misconception is that this person just made a lot of money and shouldn't be complaining when [INSERT OTHER PROFESSION] makes less. Here's how industry news publications COULD help dispel this myth, if they wanted to...
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Minimum staff size. I keep getting asked about it. I myself didn’t entirely understand until the Showrunner Meeting. Even then, it took three people asking the same question until the pieces locked together for many of us. It is literally for the survival of our union. Why?
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