Longtime CBC radio producer Michael Finlay dies after assault in Toronto | CBC News : r/canada Skip to main content

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Longtime CBC radio producer Michael Finlay dies after assault in Toronto | CBC News

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As someone who recently had to start taking the TTC more regularly, particularly the subway, the vibe down there is grim.

It’s changed dramatically since the pandemic. Yesterday alone there were three separate “incidents”.

Most concerning.

u/CT-96 avatar

Gotta give everyone the stink eye now. Watch anyone who goes to close to you.

I’m throwing horse eye with reckless abandon.

how does horse eye differ from stink eye?

It's like finding a horse's head in your bed. You hold up the horse's eye and everyone knows that you're in with the family and they don't want to fuck with you. Or you just pulled an eye from a horse and they don't want to fuck with you. Either way - win-win

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Horse’s eyes are on the side of his head so when you’re getting the horse eye it’s an intense single eye confrontation.

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Yeah, my brother saw one of those incidents and what he saw was just nasty. TTC is just getting nastier.

Now you’ve got my attention. Can you share?

It was the knife attack at union station during rush hour. My brother didnt see the actual attack but saw the outcome. He saw that what can be assumed to be the victim was covered in blood. He didn't give me much detail about anything else except that it was "bad".

Ooof. What happened to our fair city?

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It's only going to get worse. And its due to unsustainable mass immigration. NOT DUE TO THE IMMIGRANTS THEMSELVES. But because of the hardships its causing both current and new Canadians together. Rental vacancies are the lowest they've been in decades. Costs are out of control. Healthcare is in shambles. Homes are ridiculously priced. Its only going to get worse and worse. More and more people are ending up on the street. Those who scrape by are getting desperate and resorting to desperate measures to maintain what they do have.

u/Crezelle avatar

Calhoun did an experiment with overcrowding and rampant population growth in rats. They went neurotic and homocidal, stopped caring for young, and had an extinctive collapse of society. Look up “ universe 25” and “ behavioural sink”

u/stjohanssfw avatar

Meanwhile transit in Japan is impeccably clean, and relatively crime free.


And their population is shrinking. And their laws are vastly more strict. And they heavily limit immigration. What does that say?

They have other problems though. Such as suicide. Groping.

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Japan restricts immigration and are culturally homogenous. They are having problems with population replacement but they are a very safe society.

But they're struggling to reproduce... Just like in the experiment

Homogeneous society is a factor.

u/Crezelle avatar

Lots of groping if the media tells me anything. Lots of shut ins like the beautiful ones rats. Lots of suicides and a plummeting population

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u/Conscious_Use_7333 avatar

Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption. ...

Damn like little depressed, porn addict rat NEETs.

u/Crezelle avatar

Beautiful one’s totally are hikkikimori

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I recommend watching Fredrik Knudsen's 'Mouse Utopia Experiments - Down The Rabbit Hole' video on youtube on Calhoun's experiments to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's only 24 minutes long but it's a great mini documentary on the insights of Calhoun's work for anyone interested.

u/Crezelle avatar

I see way too much overlap with how things are now, in perspective of society straining and failing

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u/mrcrazy_monkey avatar

The most intresting part of that study, is after removing the rats from the utopia and putting them into "regular " rat society, the rats still didn't develop properly.

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In all of this, you failed to ascribe blame to the shit bag politicians who are most worried about themselves and their rich masters. Regardless of their party, all politicians are the same. People have to get angry and engage all politicians. Tell them all the ways in which they are failing the majority of Canadians.

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u/C-SWhiskey avatar

Last night I was on my way home from work and there was this shady looking guy on the streetcar. Kinda jittery, was making sudden movements up and down the car. I told myself I was probably being overcautious and a bit judgy until he pulled out what looked like a crack pipe and lit up across the aisle from me. Not a situation I want to deal with.

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This is happening in Calgary as well.

Mass transit around the country is falling apart morally. Some are possibly falling apart physically depending where you are located.

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I take my kids downtown occasionally for a game or just to walk around. My 7 yo doesn’t want to take the subway and honestly i can’t really think why I should force them to go on it when there’s a higher chance of an incident. So car it is.

Who would have thought quick and easy bail, light sentences with fast parole, non-existent mental healthcare, and a tolerance for addicted/alcoholic street people wandering the streets committing vandalism and thefts might lead to a more dangerous city!?

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I'm always on alert for anything on the TTC. just this morning, there was a person that was clearly hammered standing the middle of the southbound platform, and looked like they were going to fall over. There was someone with them.

Wasn't violent or anything but them standing on the platform and not sitting on the benches by the wall, gave me the craziest anxiety. I didn't want to be there if they fell on the tracks.

u/MysticalKittyHerder avatar

It's time to write to our MP's that Canada is no longer as safe as it used to be and maybe we should legalize self defense tools such as pepper spray

u/Hudre avatar

Personally I would prefer if everyone got a pair of nunchucks.

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This popped a few weeks ago in my Youtube feed, and it stuck with me as I use public transport in Montreal pretty frequently.


It's a clip from a podcast, provides a little insight on how the average citizen can make him / herself look like less of a target while in public going about their day. It might help, might not, check it out, perhaps theres something there to help ya out a bit.

Sad that this video offers very useful advice.

People in Japan, Singapore, South Korea, etc. don't need this video.

We have regressed back to nature where the weak are preyed upon by predators.


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Travels as a reporter to some of the most remote places in the world, dies from an attack in his home town of Toronto. What a shame, he will be very much missed.


What's crazy and worrisome isn't just the amount of murders in Toronto, it's how random they are...

Wasn't even at night, happened in the middle of the afternoon on a busy street.


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u/Equal-Young3288 avatar

Halafuckingluya..these people need help and a level of care they can't comprehend so pick them up and take them to a place where they can get their life back. And while your at it establish farms where the homeless can go to raise crops and livestock to reestablish a positive sense of purpose. While they deal with their demons and get back on their feet, they can learn new skills and feed the community while they are doing it.


Yeah there needs to be an avenue to learn some skills, not just mental health help. Like imagine someone getting the opportunity to get clean from drugs and learn a trade. That could work for a lot of people, easier to fit into a trade than some office environment if you have a checkered past and mental issues. Also we need tradespeople.

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No reason to spend all that money on long term institutions, rehabilitation, treatment and medical services. We’ll just ban guns and that’ll fix everything.

u/OG3NUNOBY avatar

Or build more highways, expand the Gardiner.

I hate our governments.

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u/Hime_MiMi avatar

yeah like those teens girls which killed a homeless guy, obviously they were homeless meth heads.

No one said we couldn’t open a teen girl loonie bin

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Things will be getting a lot worse in Canada. People who can't afford housing and food. Survival mode is kicking in.

Michael Finley was not robbed.

Whoever killed him did it just for fun.

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u/NotInsane_Yet avatar

Wait u til you realise it has nothing to do with poverty.

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u/Low-HangingFruit avatar

Yeah, it's not gang related or done by people known to each other. It's random. That's the problem.

u/jormungandrsjig avatar

Yeah, it's not gang related or done by people known to each other. It's random. That's the problem.

and the Government will keep ignoring the mental health crisis happening in our country.

and the Government will keep ignoring creating the mental health crisis happening in our country.

Yes! One of Fords first acts with his election was to cancel at least 2 mental health and addiction facilities. The 2 I am aware of were in the Niagara LHIN catchment. There were probably others.

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and the Government will keep ignoring creating the mental health material conditions crisis happening in our country.

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Literally keep cutting from programs designed to help troubled people. Its ridiculous. My partner works as a child and youth worker and their pay is fucking disgustingly bad.. Should be making at a minimum around $30 an hour, but she only gets paid after being there for around 15 years $23 an hour.

u/cheddarcrow avatar

I’m in the helping profession and going into real estate because there is NO fucking way I’m going to work in overcrowded and dangerous congregate setting for $23 an hour. I’m a man and don’t have the opportunity to marry rich, so I’m getting the fuck out of this field.

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"If only there was something we could've done. But alas, it's impossible"


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u/TROPtastic avatar

Just having mental health holds in police stations would be putting a bandaid on the problem. We need to reopen the long term mental care institutions that the ignorant love to hate and then start with the involuntary holds.

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It's more than that. The wealth inequality in this country is higher than pre-revolution France. When there are many poor people then crime increases and things become unsafe on the streets.

The corporations and wealthy (who heavily influence our government) have a large role to play here.

If they had been paying their share and raising people's incomes then we would already have the money for the kind of social programs that prevent the stuff we see happening today.

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u/pecpecpec avatar

And the population will continue to chastise anyone suggesting taxe increases

u/mrcrazy_monkey avatar

Hey man, I think most Canadians would be OK with paying more taxes if the government had any accountability for it and didn't spend 6 million on quarantine hotels you still gotta pay 1k to use or 55 million on the Arrive Canada App. 🤷

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I've always thought that the crime stats should report domestic, "fellow criminal", and random violence separately as, I would venture, each has different causes and remedies.

u/GameDoesntStop avatar

They do for murders at least: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00015/tbl/tbl05-eng.htm

Women (%) Men (%)
Family relationship 60% 18%
Spousal relationship 33% 4%
Other family relationship 28% 15%
Intimate relationship (non-spousal) 12% 3%
Acquaintance 18% 51%
Criminal relationship 2% 9%
Stranger 8% 18%

Men are much more likely than women to get murdered in the first place (nearly 3x). Then, of solved murders, they have more than double the chance to be murdered by a stranger (though still just 18%, compared to 8% for women).

That said, a staggering number of murders are unsolved, especially murders of men (20% unsolved for women, 38% unsolved for men). I assume that these unsolved murders are disproportionately committed by strangers, as those are just going to be inherently tougher to solve.

u/PoliteCanadian avatar

I think that's a really good idea. Organized crime, domestic, and random violence are very different.

Random acts of violence is the basis of terrorism. It's a mass assault, because everybody, not just the direct victim, feels the reality that they could have been them.


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Makes a lot of sense

u/notnorthwest avatar

Not sure it's much of a value add. Just because two people are convicted of criminal offenses doesn't mean that their shared criminal history was the motive for a crime.

u/twenty_characters020 avatar

True, but I care infinitely less about private gang violence than attacks on random innocent people.

u/notnorthwest avatar

That's fine, the OP's suggestion doesn't inform you one way or the other though.

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u/drs43821 avatar

For the longest time i am trying to convince people prairies cities (Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina) aren’t particularly unsafe despite high murder rate because it’s mostly gang activity and they are mostly targeted. This is clearly something else…

u/Vandergrif avatar

I feel like this is a good time to point out how people who are properly fed, properly clothed, properly housed, and raised in stable and safe environments are considerably less likely to commit crimes. It's almost as if it would be in everyone's best interest to ensure every Canadian has those basic needs covered... Especially in a time where housing costs, grocery prices, general cost of living, and inflation are making those basic needs all the more difficult to manage for a great many people.

I would suggest that those are as much or more an expression of the real underlying differences -- a lack of social bonds. People are motivated to avoid crime and deviance because they have a negative impact on the social bonds that tie them to society -- they might lose their job, or their friends, or opportunities within society that they value.

While building those bonds early on would probably help prevent crime, creating systems that guarantee some or all of those social benefits in the face of crime might well have the opposite effect; by taking away the possibility of losing those things as a consequence of crime, it might well weaken the power of those bonds to control our behaviour in society.

For social bonds and the benefits attendant to remain valuable and create incentives to conform to pro-social values, the possibility of losing them must exist. For those people capable of exercising self-control, avoiding hardship is an excellent motivator.

It might therefore make sense to strengthen the welfare state, but make elements of it conditional on some view of compliance with social values -- maybe not the absence of a criminal record per se, but perhaps a suspension of some elements (though not all -- we don't want people turning to crime out of severe deprivation either) of the welfare state on either or both the absence of recent charges/convictions, and/or evidence of attempted self-improvement (schooling, attendance at rehab, therapy, or other counselling where appropriate, working or attempting to find work, that sort of thing).

u/Vandergrif avatar

That's a very good point. Plus there's a thorough lack of community in a lot of people's lives in this day and age, and a considerable emphasis has been placed on individualism for decades to an extent that I think has reinforced a lot of antisocial behavior.

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This is a very simplified version of the world. Homelessness can't just have money thrown at it. Am an ED doc, deal with the best and worse of these patients regularly. Some of these patients don't want to go to the shelter because they hate everyone there and get in fights repeatedly to the point they are banned, don't want a job as they cannot relate or cope with anyone telling them what to do .. .even when we're trying to save their life. Their personality disorders and psych issues are such that they have no desire to live in what you think is comfort, don't want your basic comforts and/or have had them provided and still failed re-integration programs where EVERYTHING was provided, they simply have no desire to receive help. These are unfortunately not the fully psychotic or completely "disorganized" patients that we can declare incompetent, even those are allowed to self discharge the minute they've been treated and competent again ....

So no ... it's not that simple. And as an ED doc for more than 2 decades who has seen the pendulum swing, we have reached a limit where some of these people do need to be taken out of the general population without waiting for them to commit some egregious crime like murder. Their rights should end where the rights of civilized members of society begin. The tenth damn time they're brought in for assaulting people and raging through public areas threatening everyone and spitting on people and being generally absolutely uncivil and uncontrollably violent ... out of society. You want to make it a camp where they get therapy and everything is roses, that's fine with me, I'm not vengeful, I am just tired of watching them hurt people. Keep them away from potential victims. I watch these patients walk out with more rights than I have ; if I punched a kid in the face and kicked a pregnant woman's belly I'd be in Jail ... patient with no frank schizohrenia, known drug abuse issues, and personality disorders with a history of doing this repeatedly gets brought to ED by police, noone pressed charges, cops don't feel like doing the paperwork, and they're brought too ED's because "they're psych" ...

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u/QuantumHamster avatar

absolutely. Canada, you're headed down the usa's path


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u/mdlt97 avatar

The amount is actually not worrisome at all, for the population it basically makes us the sad test city in Canada after Quebec City

The randomness might be a little

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u/GoTouchGrassPlease avatar

I feel sick. When you listen to someone's work for so long, you feel like you know them personally, and this loss certainly feels that way.

RIP Michael. 🌹

u/SnowFlakeUsername2 avatar