‎Reviews of Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate • Letterboxd
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  • almaju
  • Beth


    neeeeee, mejor nadota

  • Samuel Carranza


  • Dora


    Não assisti mas já entendi que é esse filme é ruim pra cacete que parece que foi feito pelo cao

  • Reneson ★


    me enterteu até

  • Netin Camelo

    Isso é ruim, tipo MUITO RUIM

  • jen


    esse filme foi como o titanic: um desastre total

  • alma


    Lo lograron, finalmente lo rompieron. Destrozaron a alguien que siempre estaba feliz, alguien que siempre estaba sonriendo.

  • JumpycoolYT

    Now you are probably wondering, why did I watch this movie? Well in my recent Splatfest collab with Dannyredninja I said if we lost the Splatfest I would watch Megamind 2. Danny wanted to join me but due to literally unable to due to Peacock not being available where we live and any way we could watch the movie together is illegal, I chose to watch it myself so Danny didn’t have to suffer like me.

    And oh boy what…

  • Brandonheroe98

    Pesima película de este año no le tuvieron el mismo cariño con su antecesora.
    La historia es muy plana, animación fatal, muy somnífera y soporifera, nada tiene sentido y muchas ideas desperdiciadas.
    Si hubiera hecho a un mejor como lo hizo su antecesora si la disfrutaría mucho pero queda muy corta para su antecesora.
    La peor del año.

  • 𝗗𝘂𝗱𝗮

    miraculous animation must be better than this one

  • ShayMaguire

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    I'm a good chunk into this, not finished it. And I have a few words to say.
    The animation can get so rough at times. Megamind is now a prick for no reason at Minion. Why is his name changed btw? And then there's so many plot holes. The poster looks like a video game cover. The villains look like they're from PAW Patrol, Miraculous and Bionicle respectively. Guess which one is which.

    First off, Schaffrillas was right. Megamind could…