Can I skip Matt Smith's series and go straight to Peter Capaldi? : r/doctorwho Skip to main content

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Can I skip Matt Smith's series and go straight to Peter Capaldi?


New fan here and I might get downvoted for this but I'm about to start watching Doctor Who because I really, really like David Tennant and Peter Capaldi and want to watch their series but I'm not really interested in seeing Matt Smith's series, no offence to him, I just don't really have the patience to sit through it, so I was wondering if his series leads directly into Peter's and whether I would be massively confused if I just went from David to Peter or if it wouldn't be such a big deal?

Also this might get me downvoted even more but would I be extremely confused if I skipped the first series with Christopher Eccleston, like is it possible to understand just from watching the regeneration and David's series or should I just watch Christopher's series to understand the Doctor Who lore?

I'm almost going in blind, I have basically no knowledge about any of the Doctor Who background and lore.


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u/Zolgrave avatar

so I was wondering if his series leads directly into Peter's and whether I would be massively confused if I just went from David to Peter or if it wouldn't be such a big deal?

Yes, it does. Without Smith's series, you'd be completely lost when, to put it lightly, certain episode/s happen & unfolds for the rest of Capaldi's era.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Ah I see, I'll watch it then thank you!

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u/ackzilla avatar

You absolutely cannot skip the Matt Smith period.

u/FutureBondVillain avatar

“I enjoy the show, I just don’t have the patience to watch it…” 🤷‍♂️🙃

u/revanite3956 avatar

The frequency with which I see this mindset in the Trek and Wars subs is mindboggling. ‘I decided to watch x, help me skip as much of it as possible’

u/ConsciousRoyal avatar

But watching 700 hours of something to get to the new stuff is exhausting - especially if it’s several series that you don’t enjoy.

u/FutureBondVillain avatar

There are shows I’ve rewatched so many times I should be evaluated by a medical professional (The Expanse, Westworld, Deadwood, soon to be Fallout…).

I just can’t wrap my head around enjoying something and wanting to rush through it or skip parts of it.

Is it an anxiety thing? Lack of attention? Did Tik tok really make us retarded?

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u/ackzilla avatar

You can't be a Bond villain if you don't have the patience to set your plot in motion.

u/FutureBondVillain avatar

You got the sarcasm, right? Unless something just went over my head. Would t be the first time.

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u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Listen I said I was interested in seeing David and Peter but I'm guessing I'll become a fan of the show anyway so I'm gonna end up watching Matt's as well

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u/JustASt0ry avatar

I second this. It is a crime against Doctor Who and punishable by severe judgement of some kind.

u/spacesuitguy avatar

It's definitely against several articles of the shadow proclamation.

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u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Alright alright I'll watch it too 😭

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You can do whatever you want. You don't need our permission.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Well thank you!

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You could possibly start Season 7B just to start with Clara and go from there. It’s not ideal, but it’s a pretty short amount that will at least prepare you for Capaldi’s run

u/Yet_One_More_Idiot avatar

Asylum of the Daleks and The Snowmen are needed to set up the backstory of why Eleven hooks up with present-day Clara. Then you'd be good to go. :)

u/ForlornMemory avatar

Well, yeah, Clara's backstory is only told in Matt Smith's era, but it's pretty much forgotten in Capaldi's era. Is it really necessary to watch it in order to understand Capaldi's run?

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Interesting, wait what's 7B?

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You should definitely watch Eccleston's run. It's only one season anyway and it's a GOOD one. It sets the tone for the whole DW revival. You can also familiarize yourself with Rose (and her family),, who was also Tennant/10's companion.

And if you want to skip Matt Smith's era, you can but watch his last season with Clara, since she is also Capaldi/12's companion later on.

u/spacesuitguy avatar

How could OP want to skip over the intro to capt jack. OP would regret that. The actor aside, he's still my favourite character.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Yeah, I ended up deciding to watch Eccleston's series as well I'm on the first episode right now and considering all the comments on this post I might as well watch Matt Smith as well 😭

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Whilst I wouldn't personally recommend skipping Smith (or Eccleston) you could probably still figure things out on the most part, so as long as you don't mind not understanding certain references, or are happy to look things up then give it a shot.

I would say there's one Matt Smith episode you probably will want to watch which is the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor.

The reason for this is because it's a multi Doctor story starring both Smith and Tennant (I've marked this as a spoiler just in case you do decide to watch Smith's run).

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

I think by the time I get to Smith's run I'll be willing to watch it because I decided to watch Eccleston as well also thank you for the info!

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u/Kersten_Eu avatar

I'd rather watch everything. One of the best moments in Capaldi era, makes way more sense watching Matt Smith era first.


I was in your shoes back in December and found the answer to both your questions is the same: you can't really skip the Smith or Eccleston series entirely. The reason is that both Tennant and Capaldi have the second half of an arc begun by the previous actor, sharing the same companion/co-lead when they begin, so you'd essentially miss the first half of the stories.

Personally, I ended up loving Eccleston's era so I saw the whole thing, but I didn't like Smith's. At that point, I used the new viewer's guide on the Tardis wiki that lists the "must watch" episodes of each series. I watched only those episodes (plus a few more with interesting premises or guest actors I liked) until I finally found another pairing I enjoyed again. There are obviously gaps in my knowledge but nothing that detracted from following along. Especially in the later episodes, the show makes so many references to the classic series that I became used to going with the flow when I didn't understand something anyway.

In sum, you can't skip all of it IMO, but you can skip a lot safely with an episode guide. Have fun!

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Thank you for understanding me! I made this post 2 days ago and when it said the moderators had to approve I thought it would be deleted and completely forgot about it. I only opened Reddit again just now and saw my notifications blowing up and everyone telling me I'd be crazy to skip either one LMAOO what a crazy ride!

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I’m going to go against the grain and say that as long as you’re ok with understanding that the show is calling back to things you missed (and you don’t mind googling things, checking out the tardis wiki or reading episode summaries to fill yourself in), then yes you can indeed skip.

Will every Capaldi or Tennant episode be as rewarding without having watched Eccleston (Nine) or Smith (Eleven)? No. But they’re still be plenty for you to enjoy and get swept up into the emotions of. Lots of episodes really don’t call back to things at all and you can still enjoy the character dynamics without knowing their complete history. Plus, you may surprise yourself by wanting to go back and fully check out what you missed.

If anything, I’d say Eccleston would be a priority over Smith — primarily because the former is so short. Just one series of 13 episodes! And it’s fantastic. So it’s very easy and enjoyable to get through quickly.

u/anninnzanni avatar

This only makes sense if OP only cares about the doctor themselves. Because doing this would damage completely both Clara and Rose's arcs. The Impossible Girl and Bad Wolf are the main reasons why the Doctor is so attached and obsessed with them, their characters will fall flat without it And while writing this I just noticed how unnervingly similar they are omg

True! Though OP’s question makes me think they don’t really care about overarching stories or character development that much anyway… and that they’re more in it for episode by episode fun. Because otherwise, the answer to their question (even without seeing the show) should be obvious that you gotta watch it all. Wouldn’t view it as a task you have to have the patience for.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Honestly, after seeing all these comment I think once I get a few episodes in I actually will end up caring about character development and arches, thank you for giving me advice though!


Oh good! Honestly, there’s really no wrong way to watch the show — so long as you enjoy it! :)

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Matt Smith is an amazing doctor imo. You'd really be missing out if you skip him

u/Cirick1661 avatar

Don't rush the experience, if you do enjoy Doctor Who and do it your way, your just going to end up going back and watching it all and when you do you'll wonder why you skipped past any episodes.

I skip past some on a rewatch, but even stories that fall outside an overarching plot serve to flesh out the Doctor, their companions, and their relationships.

I didn't like Matt Smith at first but ended up loving it. I do not recommend skipping it.


For me, Eccleston and Smith are great bridges towards Tennant and Capaldi; the continuity just wouldn’t go well without having watched the latter’s predecessors.

Each Doctor is a soft reboot that can be an entry point. Either way there is 60 years of continuity that exists but isn’t a prerequisite.

I would suggest watching Smith’s last two specials (Day of the Doctor with Tennant and Time of the Doctor Christmas episode) you can get accustomed to the companion and what’s going on. But if you want to just jump in to Deep Breath it still works.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Interesting, thank you!

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u/mrrpdrrpss avatar

You'll miss some of the most heart-wrenching but also joyful episodes of all the doctors. IMO Matt Smith perfectly embodies being an old soul in a new body. He has such a stark contrast between moments of the purest childlike wonder and the quiet fury of a very, very old man who has been hurt too much. His episodes, to me, have the most heart, and there's a strong emphasis on kindness and believing in humanity. I may be biased but he has the funniest moments hands down across all NuWho doctors, and Matt Smith just radiates so much personality with his incarnation.

Of course, everyone has their preferences and opinions, but 11 is what drew me into the series. His seasons will always have a special place in my heart, and 11 to me, as River Song might say, is "my doctor". I will make the biggest case to give him a chance.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

You make a compelling argument and I'm glad to say I've decided I will watch his season!

u/mrrpdrrpss avatar

That's awesome! Thanks for giving him a chance! If you want a preview, here's two clips that do not have any major plot spoilers: Closing Time S6 EP 12, (ADHD child energy): The Rings of Akhaten S7 EP2 (his most heart-wrenching speech, IMO. Old soul in a young body)

If you'd like a good standalone episode that will break your heart and then fill it again, I recommend Vincent and the Doctor S5 EP 10. That episode was life changing and brought me so much hope and comfort during very dark times.

Honestly 11 inspires me to never forget that child-like sense of wonder and joy for the little things. He has some dark moments but he keeps going and bursts in excitement over a fez, bowties, stetsons, bunk beds, and dinosaurs on a spaceship. My life has improved significantly by embracing the joy over little things.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Aw that's so nice to hear thank you so much for being so inviting and giving me these links and advice!!

u/mrrpdrrpss avatar

If you ever have questions or want someone to talk to Doctor Who about (especially 11) I love discussing the series.

It's sad to hear someone thinking they'd get down voted for asking a genuine question, but I hope this shows that at least some of us are accepting towards new fans.

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Skipping Matt Smith is a wild thing to say

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Now I can see you're right lmaooo

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You really can’t. I don’t recommend skipping either Eccleston or Smith, but Capaldi’s era HEAVILY builds upon Smith’s. Also, Tennant’s first series builds upon Eccleston’s, with Eccleston’s era doing a much better job introducing the concepts.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Yeah, that makes sense thank you!

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u/anninnzanni avatar

"can I skip 11?"

Oh it's ok some people just don't like the tone of his series and are more interested in future series, it's not the best idea but if it fits their taste they should go for it ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ

"can I skip 9?"

Get the fu©k out.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

wow that's crazy anyways, noted

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u/spacesuitguy avatar

Definitely worth it to start with Eccleston and go all the way through to Ncuti. When I first started, I rushed through the series because I couldn't wait to watch Silence in the Library. Big mistake, huge! Savour this show if you enjoy it. New episodes come out rarely and in moderation. Matt has some brilliant episodes and story arcs that are very worth the investment.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Silence in the Library

Cool I've never heard of that what is it? Also I've come to the conclusion I might as well take my time and watch the whole show no matter how long it takes considering how much everyone is singing it's praises

Silence in the Library is an episode in series 4. (So, with Tennant.) It’s a wonderful story but definitely not a good starting place.

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Ehhh, maybe see if there are season recaps on YouTube..?

Watch literally the last three episodes of Smith's run and that'll be, more or less, enough context for Capaldi

Yes, Watch Eccleston. It’s only one series, and a lot of the characters and plotlines end up carrying over into Tennant’s era.

As for Matt Smith, I’d say that the only episode you need to watch in order to understand the Capaldi era is ‘The Day of the Doctor.’ It’ll give you a brief introduction to Clara, as well as establishing some of the plotlines that crop up in the Capaldi era. Plus, David Tennant makes a guest appearance.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Plus, David Tennant makes a guest appearance.

That's so cool wow and thank you for your insight!

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u/ConsciousRoyal avatar

The only way to understand it all is to go back to William Hartnell in 1963 and start from the beginning (including tracking down the episodes that are missing)

You are definitely going to miss some nuances if you skip to Capaldi. But if you don’t like Smith then it’s better to watch stuff you enjoy than spend weeks slogging through stuff you hate.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

The only way to understand it all is to go back to William Hartnell in 1963 and start from the beginning (including tracking down the episodes that are missing)

Wow wouldn't that take an extremely long time though because there's so many doctors and series? Have young people on this sub actually also taken the time to go back and watch the old series too?

u/ConsciousRoyal avatar

Yes - some people have. Some parts are very difficult to get past for modern audiences (10 parters in B&W for example) but it’s been done.

If you have the time it’s really worth doing. But I would always recommend just watching the parts you like. Life too short to spend hours watching something you dislike to get to the good stuff.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Life too short to spend hours watching something you dislike to get to the good stuff.

You're definitely right

I personally wouldn't go back and watch the old parts too but I'll watch the revived era for sure

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u/Y-draig avatar

Give it a try, and if you don't really vibe with it. Then season 10 works pretty well as a stand alone thing.

The rest of Capaldi is pretty tied in with Matt Smiths run. Even season 10 is but it also works as a stand alone

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Thanks, I will!

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u/Mysterious_Bat_3780 avatar

I usually just say do whatever you want, even though it's best to experience all of it, but skipping Eccleston would be such a tragedy. You'll fall in love with 9, guaranteed. His run is the shortest of the current era, just watch it.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Honestly I never knew people really liked him all I heard about him was that he left the show for some reason I think fallout with the directors/producers and David Tennant replaced him is that true?

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u/Over_Construction215 avatar

Don't skip any

u/Tiny-Sandwich avatar

Can you skip 1/4 of the show and follow what's going on? No, not really.

Christopher Eccleston and Matt Smith are excellent Doctors. It would be ludicrous to skip both of them.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Yeah, makes sense I was just wondering if anyone's done it before

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u/ackzilla avatar

Virtually all of River Song is in the Matt Smith era, and it's why Karen Gillan got cast in Guardians of the Galaxy.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Wait who or what is River Song? Also I knew Karen Gillan was in his seasons but I never knew that's how she got cast in Guardians that's so cool!

u/ackzilla avatar

River Song is the Doctor's wife, and his bespoke assassin.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Wow I never knew the Doctor would get married interesting

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You can skip some parts of it. There’s a lot of Matt Smith I’ve never watched and you’ll be fine as long as you hit the important ones.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Interesting, thank you!

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U can skip em, but not if u wanna understand the lore. There's a lot going on in the Eccelston and Matt Smith Era. Capaldi is my absolute fav Doctor and becomes so much more delightful after watching em all imo

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Honestly, the lore didn't interest me much before but I'm gonna give it all a go and see anyway

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It’s a time travel show, you can do what you want. However, I strongly recommend you watch the Matt Smith run. It’s really great.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Alright, I will thank you!

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You should watch Series 7B to lead up into Series 8, but then at that point you should watch the rest of the era to realize what the Ponds mean to him and why he became a hermit between 7A and 7B, or it might be nagging in the back of your head. I've already given you too much.

Eccleston introduces quite a lot to NuWho, especially for RTD's era, and so skipping that would also be silly. Nine lasted one season, and it was fantastic, at least watch him.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

I've already given you too much.

Oof alright I'll watch everything and see

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u/Ryuk128 avatar

Up to you really. There are some good eps of Matt smiths era. Just heads up, Peter’s Doctor stars off a bit more colder and bit of a dick but lightens up.

Personally I liked the more colder Doctor but it’s down to preference

I’d say start Matt’s era, see if ya like it.

However, with river song, it is quite important

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

Peter’s Doctor stars off a bit more colder and bit of a dick but lightens up.

Damn that sounds interesting I can't lie

However, with river song, it is quite important

I keep seeing this everywhere idk what it means what's river song?

u/Ryuk128 avatar

Some character Steven Moffat wrote. Complicated relationship with doctor but there’s nothing really to her as a character. She’s just flirty, that’s it. They make needlessly complicated too. Literally nearly every plot twist in series 6 is basically her in some way. It gets tiresome. Her second to last appearance was just…yeah she didn’t add anything to the story outside of “witty”

u/Orange-Turtle-Power avatar

What are you going on about? She’s an amazing character who is intricately tied into the lore.

u/Ryuk128 avatar

Different opinion. I’m allowed it

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u/StreetDetective95 avatar

That's a wild name I thought people were referring to a place or event or episode not person 💀 I'm kind of interested now to see her because it sounds like she's divisive in the fandom

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u/Idontwanttousethis avatar

Why do you not want to watch Matt Smith?

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

I don't have anything against him it's just that at the moment I'm not necessarily a fan of the whole concept of Doctor Who itself, it's more like I want to watch the show because of the actors I like in it, not because of the plot but I have a feeling that's gonna change so I'll watch his season as well

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u/VorfelanR avatar

It seems like you don't want to answer any of the comments, but I'll try asking again.

Why do you want to skip the Matt Smith era?

What has made you "not interested" in watching it?

Why don't you have patience for this era but you do for later?

Without providing more details on why you're not interested and which parts you do and do not care about, it's not easy to answer your question in the most thorough fashion.

I think every single episode and series is worth watching at least one time. On rewatches, I definitely skip an episode here or there. Sometimes because I don't like the episode much and sometimes just because I'm not in the mood for that particular episode. Some of my favorite episodes are with Matt Smith, and I wouldn't want you to miss out just because you don't want to give it a chance.

Basically, I think it's better to not miss out on something you potentially might enjoy rather than deciding "I'm not going to enjoy this" and pre-judging multiple entire series before you've watched them.

u/StreetDetective95 avatar

It seems like you don't want to answer any of the comments, but I'll try asking again.

Believe it or not I completely forgot I made this post because I haven't been on Reddit since then until right now and when I saw all the notifications I remembered

Why do you want to skip the Matt Smith era?

I replied to another comment above it's not that I don't like him it's more that I'm a fan of David Tennant and Peter Capaldi and just wanted to watch their seasons of the show and didn't plan on watching anyone else's but after seeing all these comments I'm gonna watch Christopher and Matt as well so I can understand

Wait, also I just realized I never mentioned in the post and this is gonna sound stupid but I didn't plan on continuing after Peter Capaldi at first but now I'm thinking by the time I get to him I will just end up watching all the way to Ncuti Gatwa and onwards

Why don't you have patience for this era but you do for later?

Like I said it's because I'm a fan of Peter Capaldi 😭 but to reiterate I WILL watch Christopher and Matt don't worry!!!

u/VorfelanR avatar

I see where you're coming from now.

I mean, you'd be missing a lot of good content, but if you're really just in it to watch Tennant and Capaldi then sure, go for it. It's not what I would do, but to each their own.

Hope you enjoy and end up getting hooked to watch everyone else!