Spiraling/anxious about Match Day
I am so happy my husband matched, but I’m feeling sick to my stomach about Match Day. He has seven ranks and four of them are in cities I really, really don’t want to live in. Living in these places would cause a huge strain on our relationship and happiness.
How are you all coping? What are your plans for processing Match Day emotions on Friday?
I think I am first going to try and be very happy for my fiancé no matter what and find something to be excited about in the new city, besides it’s her day and she’s worked so hard for this. I can always be upset later and figure out a plan. But I am also worried about some of her rank choices...it sucks for everyone so I just need to remind myself she’s more nervous than I am.
This is where I am at, 100%
I’m freaking out, FREAKING OUT, meanwhile my med spouse is like “I’ll start getting anxious tomorrow at 11:30AM”. No one I know irl understands this process so I can’t talk about it to them, and I can’t talk about it to anyone at work because they don’t know I’m leaving yet so I am just straight up spiraling down anxiety lane alone.
I’ll sit and start some work and then think about how tomorrow is going to go and start freaking out again, honestly I’m not handling my emotions at all and I’m worried I’m going to break down at work. It’s so ridiculous but I’ve never felt this amount of anxiety before
ME TOO! This is such an awkward position to be in. Not being able to talk about with people makes it so much worse. I've been trying to just put my favorite playlist on and focus on one task at a time. When that fails I listen to a podcast that requires my attention. It's not perfect but it's helping.
It really is. I always thought I was a resilient person but the entire match week has shown me otherwise. I’m trying to distract myself but my god, the closer tonight gets, the more I’m going to be stressing.
I find gratitude and specific things to enjoy in whatever my life circumstances are. I generally like my life, where it takes me. That's a choice.
We didn't match to our top spot, but I still created a life I loved. Now it's hard to decide what to do after training because I know I could be happy anywhere.
If you're concerned for your personal safety, I would look into your options on match day. If you're a WOC (I guess I'm assuming woman) and it's a city with a particularly problematic recent history, maybe you could have a long-distance relationship during residency. Or look for safer neighborhoods where you won't need to worry about being perceived in a way that could threaten your safety if you're a POC and/or gay man.
Right there with ya! Depending on where s/o matches, we may have to do long distance for a few years due to my license being non-transferrable to certain states. Hoping for top 4!
I've been distracting myself with work and planning a small get together for a handful of his medical school friends. It'll only be for 4 people, but I'm going all out with a balloon arch, brunch board and mimosas/bloody mary's.
Best of luck to you and your medspouse!!
Ugh, I feel this so much. After my husband's top 4 things kind of drop off. Good programs but very far from family (i.e. we are midwest located and one is in the SW) or hard for me to find a job that I like (mechanical engineer) or small town programs we don't really want to go to.
For now I am trying to hype up the good things about each place to myself (and to him). Maybe a good job opportunity for me despite it being so far, maybe just being close to family even if it is in a small town program, or maybe cost of living. Whatever it is, try to find it and focus on it. Will it make you thrilled to go there? Probably not. But it will at least help create the mindset that it isn't so bad and we could make it work for 3/4/5 years.
On Match Day, we are going to play it by ear. If it's #1 (or even 2-4) we'll probably celebrate quite a bit on Friday. If it's lower, then I know we're both going to need time to process individually and then sit down together and create a plan. I think diving into the moving process will really help keep us busy and not wallowing about matching in, say, Nebraska.
Even if you end up somewhere you never expected to live, it will be okay. It’s temporary. Celebrate them. Drink and complain to a trusted friend later. You will find new friends/community wherever you land!! (I have been in your shoes, for both med school and now residency) it’s okay to be freaked out, and to be bummed, but also know it will not last forever! ♥️♥️♥️I hope you guys land where you want!!!
Honestly, I’m just thrilled that my husband matched. I’ll find a way to like or love wherever we happen to be moving to. It’s 100000% better than having to deal with SOAP or trying again in 2022. This year sucked for so many people. My husband was the only person in his Step 2 Kaplan class that will receive an offer, and by no means were the other students less qualified. It will be interesting to see the results of how many matched, what the average scores were, and to which specialty the majority matched once they are released.
Leading up to all this I thought I would be worried about Friday but it turns out I’m just so relieved my wife matched into her specialty of choice that I’m ok with wherever we wind up. There’s about 10 different states it may be come tomorrow, although luckily with my job I can commute to work from wherever we end up. I understand being worried about it though. I just look at it as a temporary thing. Four years from now we will have the freedom to move wherever we’d like. I wish you luck in getting the three you prefer!
It’s SO hard. My husband matched to his 4th program. It’s a good program but the city/location is undesirable. Honestly we (mostly I) are still struggling with the adjustment. Here’s to hoping fellowship will be somewhere better and making the most of what we are given!
I just got into medical school and we are hoping my partner matches where I'm at. We've been long distance for most of our relationship and want to finally be in the same state. We are both so anxious and I'm in finals week too for my grad program. Sending good vibes your way!
Hi! I am the person who matched and There are several places on my list that neither I nor my husband prefers to live in. So I understand the anxiety of uncertainty for tomorrow and the feeling that your future/happiness depends on tomorrow. So to cope with that, I think it’s important to recognize that it’s an amazing thing to be matched (congrats to you and your husband!). And wherever you are in the next few years, as unfavorable as it is, it’s a temporary stage of your life and it will end. You will have more power and freedom to decide where you want to be after that. You can pull through this stage like how you pulled through medical school. It will strengthen your relationship wherever you are. And home is wherever you are together. In the end, it is precious that he will achieve his life dream of being a physician and you will be there to witness that.
Maybe you could try this?
You could come up with at least 1 thing that would be good about matching at each rank. It might help you focus on the bright side and maybe keep the damper off match day.