How Rand Paul and RFK Jr. Avoided the Elephant in the Room on Covid, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review
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How Rand Paul and RFK Jr. Avoided the Elephant in the Room on Covid • 1h2m ▶
Credit: Gage Skidmore

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The Public Health Focus of Sen. Rand Paul

Last week I published a long article summarizing my controversial Covid origins analysis, prompted by the fourth anniversary of my first piece in that series.

Although the Covid epidemic has largely faded from the headlines, the consequences have been enormous, with well over a million Americans dying from the disease, along with tens of millions worldwide. The lives of many billions were greatly disrupted for years and our own government spent some $10 trillion to avert a total economic collapse, raising our national debt to its highest peak since the end of World War II. That comparison is an appropriate one since I would argue that the Covid outbreak was probably the most momentous world event since that titanic military conflict of the 1940s and impacted more lives around the world than anything else in the three generations that followed.

During the last few years I have published some two dozen major articles on that topic, all arguing that there was strong even overwhelming evidence that the global Covid epidemic had been caused by the blowback from a botched American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran), and I have stood almost alone on the Internet in advocating that extremely controversial hypothesis. Although my recent piece was quite long, it was essentially a review of my past arguments with very little new material presented, so it consisted almost entirely of excerpts or recapitulations of what I had previously written on that subject.

One of the very few new items was a brief discussion of a recent Rand Paul podcast interview, which had partly focused on the Covid origins issue. Sen. Paul has been a strong supporter of the lab-leak theory but seemed completely unaware of any of the powerful contrary arguments and his very one-sided analysis partly prompted me to produce my own article. I also discovered that he’d published an entire book on the topic last year, so I ordered and read it.


Like his own father Ron, Rand Paul is a medical doctor by training, and the bulk of his text presented his perspective on the dangers of the new viral disease and the highly-controversial public health measures deployed to control it, including lockdowns, masking, and vaccinations. Although I have devoted little effort to investigating these matters, many of his arguments seemed persuasive or at least reasonable to me, and I often already held some of his positions.

For example, it quickly became apparent that the dangers of a Covid infection were very sharply skewed by age, with the death rate for those over 60 being more than 100 times greater than for those under 40, while children or teenagers were almost totally safe from any ill effects. At the beginning of Paul’s last chapter, he helpfully quoted the relative mortality table of Harvard biostatistician Prof. Martin Kulldorff that had been released in April 2020:

AgeRelative Mortality

After the vaccines became available studies soon revealed that they were relatively ineffective in preventing infection or transmission, so their primary value lay in greatly reducing the risk of serious illness and death. Based upon those facts, vaccinating younger age cohorts was unnecessary and probably dangerously counter-productive given the significant adverse health risks of a vaccine based upon an entirely new biotechnology that had been rushed into release without the usual lengthy clinical trials. Paul claimed that the vaccination mortality rate was 4 in 10,000, extremely high for any vaccine, and I have no reason to doubt his figures.

Obviously, that risk was just a small fraction of the average Covid morality rate of 50 to 100 per 10,000; but that latter figure was very heavily skewed by the elderly, so vaccinating those younger than 50 was probably ill-advised, and perhaps even those below 60 would have been better off avoiding the jab. Meanwhile, the widespread pressure for the massive vaxxing and boosting of children and teenagers made absolutely no logical sense and was probably driven more by ideology, hysteria, and pharmaceutical lobbying than any valid scientific reasoning.

Paul also made a strong case that since Covid infections produced far higher levels of antibodies compared to vaccinations there was no reason for vaccinating those who had already gained immunity the natural way.

Some of his arguments regarding other public health measures also seemed plausible if not necessarily conclusive. He claimed that masking was completely ineffective because the size of the viral particles was so small relative to the filtration of the mask, but the rejoinder of proponents had been that the viral particles were usually embedded in much larger water droplets and those were successfully filtered out by masks. So the debate became an empirical matter and during 2020 and 2021 I remember reading several conflicting studies without personally coming to any solid conclusion. However, the fact that most East Asian countries very heavily emphasized masking and also proved far more successful in controlling their own Covid outbreaks should not be ignored.

Meanwhile, America’s year or two of episodic lockdowns provoked enormous opposition from conservatives and libertarians, and Paul was very skeptical that these measures had provided any benefits. Although I felt that they were probably justified during the earliest weeks of the outbreak when the true fatality rates and other factors were still unknown, I tended to agree with him that our haphazard and fragmentary lockdowns had little positive impact. In support of his position, he cited some evidence demonstrating that those states most energetic in implementing lockdowns had ultimately fared little better in overall health outcomes than those that had pursued the opposite approach.

However, China’s extremely strict lockdowns were highly successful in completely stamping out the virus, allowing daily life in the entire country to completely return to normal after just a few weeks while most Americans suffered from intermittent lockdowns and other major disruptions in their lives for the next year or two. Only the appearance of the ultra-contagious (but very mild) Omicron variant finally overwhelmed China’s public health controls, soon forcing the PRC government to abandon that effort and allow the relatively weak virus to sweep through and infect its entire population. But the end result was that most Americans experienced far greater disruption in their lives than the vast majority of Chinese, while also suffering a death rate roughly three times greater. So the moral of that story was that effective, Chinese-style lockdowns actually worked quite well, while ineffective American-style lockdowns resulted in the worst of both worlds, producing an unfortunate combination of severe social disruption together with far higher death rates.

Paul also argued that closing schools made no sense since Covid infections posed little risk to children. But here I would sharply disagree with him since the argument on the other side was that students might easily pick up Covid infections from their classmates and then take those home, spreading the virus to their families and perhaps endangering their grandparents or other older relatives. So the question of closing the schools was merely part of the broader debate over lockdowns.


Different individuals focus on different issues. I lack Paul’s medical expertise and unlike him, I only had slight interest in the bitter public health disputes that were his central focus, so all my verdicts on his positions, whether positive or negative, should be taken with a large grain of salt.

But I think the opposite situation applies with regard to the origin of the Covid virus. That topic had been my central focus from the earliest days of the outbreak, while towards the beginning of his book Paul emphasized that he had little interest in that issue and had merely followed and apparently accepted the mainstream media coverage for the first sixteen months of the epidemic prior to May 2021:

I read news reports of scientists that concluded COVID-19 came from animals just like SARS and MERS had. I didn’t give it a second thought, that is, until I came across Nicholas Wade’s amazing article on the subject, self-published on

However, I think Paul may be glossing over some important facts in his account. As a conservative/libertarian Republican, he surely must have noticed the enormous wave of “Covid conspiracy theories” that dominated his ideological sector of the Internet almost from the moment the Wuhan outbreak began. As I explained in my original April 2020 article:

Back in January, few Americans were paying much attention to the early reports of an unusual disease outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which was hardly a household name. Instead, overwhelming political attention was focused on the battle over Trump’s impeachment and the aftermath of our dangerous military confrontation with Iran. But towards the end of that month, I discovered that the fringes of the Internet were awash with claims that the disease was caused by a Chinese bioweapon accidentally released from that same Wuhan laboratory, with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon and ZeroHedge, a popular right-wing conspiracy-website, playing leading roles in advancing the theory. Indeed, the stories became so widespread in those ideological circles that Sen. Tom Cotton, a leading Republican Neocon, began promoting them on Twitter and FoxNews, thereby provoking an article in the NYT on those “fringe conspiracy theories.”

Indeed, exactly 200 pages after describing his initial lack of interest in the Covid origins issue, Paul denounced the Washington Post for having “blasted” Sen. Cotton in February 2020 for suggesting that Covid had leaked from the Wuhan lab, arguing that his Republican colleague had been vindicated by the publication of Wade’s seminal article in mid-2021:

Even the Washington Post—not famous for introspection and self-correction—reversed course…The Post had smeared Cotton’s suggestions as “conspiracy theory”—the standard left-wing attack tactic where facts be damned and name-calling is sufficient.

Thus, Paul was almost certainly well aware of the widespread early claims among right-wingers that Covid had leaked from the Wuhan lab, but he had apparently dismissed that idea at the time, instead accepting the uniform mainstream media narrative that Covid was a natural virus. So when he later discovered that he had been hoodwinked by a media propaganda-bubble and many of the scientists whose public statements he had taken at face value had privately believed something entirely different, he naturally reacted by becoming a leading proponent of the lab-leak theory, which he regarded as the only alternative. But as I have repeatedly pointed out, there was actually a third possibility, almost totally ignored by both the mainstream and alternative media:

For more than 30 months I have emphasized that there are actually three perfectly plausible hypotheses for the Covid outbreak. The virus might have been natural, randomly appearing in Wuhan during late 2019; the virus might have been the artificial product of a scientific lab in Wuhan, which accidentally leaked out at that time; or the virus might have been the bioengineered product of America’s hundred-billion-dollar biowarfare program, the oldest and largest in the world, a bioweapon deployed against China and Iran by elements of the Trump Administration at the height of our hostile international confrontation with those countries.

The first two possibilities have been very widely discussed and debated across the Western mainstream and alternative media, while the third has been almost totally ignored…

Probably none of Paul’s staffers, colleagues, or media sources had ever considered that excluded third possibility, so he would have entirely missed the important early clues that briefly appeared during the first year of the outbreak. Although these items were reported in the mainstream media, they immediately vanished and were quickly forgotten. Therefore, only those primed to recognize their significance would have noticed them.

As a physician and an important elected official, Paul was naturally focused upon the horrific consequences of America’s Covid epidemic and the controversial public health measures intended to control it, so he cannot be blamed for missing some of those crucial news items that I eventually made the centerpiece of my own analysis. I was hardly surprised that none of the important facts emphasized in my original April 2020 article were mentioned anywhere in Paul’s 500 page book.

During January, the journalists reporting on China’s mushrooming health crisis regularly emphasized that the mysterious new viral outbreak had occurred at the worst possible place and time, appearing in the major transport hub of Wuhan just prior to the Lunar New Year holiday, when hundreds of millions of Chinese would normally travel to their distant family homes for the celebration, thereby potentially spreading the disease to all parts of the country and producing a permanent, uncontrollable epidemic.

…during the previous two years, the Chinese economy had already suffered serious blows from other mysterious new diseases, although these had targeted farm animals rather than people. During 2018 a new Avian Flu virus had swept the country, eliminating large portions of China’s poultry industry, and during 2019 the Swine Flu viral epidemic had devastated China’s pig farms, destroying 40% of the nation’s primary domestic source of meat, with widespread claims that the latter disease was being spread by mysterious small drones. My morning newspapers had hardly ignored these important business stories, noting that the sudden collapse of much of China’s domestic food production might prove a huge boon to American farm exports at the height of our trade conflict, but I had never considered the obvious implications. So for three years in a row, China had been severely impacted by strange new viral diseases, though only the most recent had been deadly to humans. This evidence was merely circumstantial, but the pattern seemed highly suspicious.

…shortly before the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, that city had hosted 300 visiting American military officers, who came to participate in the 2019 Military World Games, an absolutely remarkable coincidence of timing. As I pointed out at the time, how would Americans react if 300 Chinese military officers had paid an extended visit to Chicago, and soon afterward a mysterious and deadly epidemic had suddenly broken out in that city? Once again, the evidence was merely circumstantial but certainly raised dark suspicions.

As the coronavirus gradually began to spread beyond China’s own borders, another development occurred that greatly multiplied my suspicions. Most of these early cases had occurred exactly where one might expect, among the East Asian countries bordering China. But by late February Iran had become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more surprisingly, its political elites had been especially hard-hit, with a full 10% of the entire Iranian parliament soon infected and at least a dozen of its officials and politicians dying of the disease, including some who were quite senior. Indeed, Neocon activists on Twitter began gleefully noting that their hated Iranian enemies were now dropping like flies.

Let us consider the implications of these facts. Across the entire world the only political elites that have yet suffered any significant human losses have been those of Iran, and they died at a very early stage, before significant outbreaks had even occurred almost anywhere else in the world outside China. Thus, we have America assassinating Iran’s top military commander on Jan. 2nd and then just a few weeks later large portions of the Iranian ruling elites became infected by a mysterious and deadly new virus, with many of them soon dying as a consequence. Could any rational individual possibly regard this as a mere coincidence?

But with the horrific consequences of our own later governmental inaction being obvious, elements within our intelligence agencies have sought to demonstrate that they were not the ones asleep at the switch. Earlier this month, an ABC News story cited four separate government sources to reveal that as far back as late November, a special medical intelligence unit within our Defense Intelligence Agency had produced a report warning that an out-of-control disease epidemic was occurring in the Wuhan area of China, and widely distributed that document throughout the top ranks of our government, warning that steps should be taken to protect US forces based in Asia. After the story aired, a Pentagon spokesman officially denied the existence of that November report, while various other top level government and intelligence officials refused to comment. But a few days later, Israeli television mentioned that in November American intelligence had indeed shared such a report on the Wuhan disease outbreak with its NATO and Israeli allies, thus seeming to independently confirm the complete accuracy of the original ABC News story and its several government sources.

It therefore appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I think this may have happened for the same reason that arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires.


Paul also seemed completely unaware that the lab-leak theory and many of his other arguments can actually be traced back to a suspiciously early American propaganda campaign linked to the CIA, an effort that began almost simultaneously with the Covid outbreak itself. As I explained last week:

Soon afterward, I discovered that many of the Covid theories promoted by these right-wing, anti-China activists apparently had their roots in American government propaganda efforts. As early as January 9th, before even a single Covid death had been officially reported, our CIA-associated Radio Free Asia outlet had begun running stories that Covid might be a Chinese bioweapon that had leaked from the Wuhan lab, and a couple of weeks later the right-wing Washington Times picked up on the same story, quoting unnamed U.S. government officials who seemed to lend it credence.

One of Paul’s key sources appears to have been Dr. Robert Kadlec, whom he describes as Assistant Secretary for Preparedness in the Trump Administration and head of the Pandemic Committee, and afterward went on to spend eighteen months investigating the origins of Covid for Paul’s own Senate Committee. But as I’d previously explained, Kadlec’s own background and activities immediately prior to the Covid outbreak raised very serious questions, and Paul seems not to realize this.

For example, in that same long 2021 article I’d noted that in 2017 Trump brought in Robert Kadlec, who since the 1990s had been one of America’s leading biowarfare advocates. The following year a mysterious 2018 viral epidemic hit China’s poultry industry and another mysterious viral epidemic devastated China’s pork industry in 2019…

From the earliest days of the administration, leading Trump officials had regarded China as America’s most formidable geopolitical adversary, and orchestrated a policy of confrontation. Then from January to August 2019, Kadlec’s department ran the “Crimson Contagion” simulation exercise, involving the hypothetical outbreak of a dangerous respiratory viral disease in China, which eventually spreads into the United States, with the participants focusing on the necessary measures to control it in this country. As one of America’s foremost biowarfare experts, Kadlec had emphasized the unique effectiveness of bioweapons as far back as the late 1990s and we must commend him for his considerable prescience in having organized a major viral epidemic exercise in 2019 that was so remarkably similar to what actually began in the real world just a few months later.

Although the account of the Crimson Contagion exercise had run during March 2020 as a major 3,000 word front page story in the New York Times, it quickly vanished from all subsequent media coverage and was never mentioned anywhere in Paul’s book. The Senator apparently worked closely with Kadlec for eighteen months on his committee, relying upon him to investigate the origins of Covid. But there is no indication that Kadlec was ever asked what had prompted him to spend eight full months leading a massive federal/state exercise in preparation for the hypothetical appearance of a Covid-like virus in China just before that same development suddenly occurred in the real world.


Despite his strong libertarian principles, Paul holds a seat in the U.S. Senate as a conservative Republican, so it is only natural that he has absorbed many of the beliefs of his caucus, including their intense demonization of China. For example, his book on three separate occasions cites the notorious Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 as demonstrating the cruelty and dishonesty of China’s Communist regime, and Paul even quotes Secretary of State and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Trump’s leading China hawk, who has on occasion claimed that up to 10,000 innocent Chinese civilians were killed in that supposedly brutal crackdown. But as I pointed out in my original Covid article, that alleged massacre probably never happened and was merely an American propaganda-hoax promoted to vilify China. If so, this demonstrates that the statements of our own government and media sources should be treated with considerable caution.

Although nearly all of Paul’s book was written in suitably sober fashion, I noticed that at the very beginning the half-dozen pages of his Preface and Introduction were filled with the sort of unsubstantiated and highly “conspiratorial” accusations against China’s government that are wildly popular in right-wing circles, and this may have helped ensure that his work received such glowing endorsements from prominent FoxNews pundits Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

For example, Paul claimed that a certain Wuhan lab researcher named Huang Yanling had been involved in the Covid lab-leak and was to “ultimately go missing.” Although this conspiratorial tale became widespread among right-wing Republicans during early 2020, Philippe Lemoine demonstrated in a long article published in Quillette that it seemed to merely be an Internet hoax.

Similarly, Chinese ophthamologist Li Wenliang mistakenly described Covid as an outbreak of very deadly SARS and was reprimanded for his panic-mongering by local government officials but subsequently lionized on Chinese social media as a whistle-blowing hero. Along with many other Chinese medical workers, Li soon died of Covid in February 2020 and was awarded a posthumous medal for his heroism, but Paul unreasonably suggested that he was actually murdered by the vengeful Chinese government.

Paul also seemed to accept unconfirmed U.S. intelligence claims that senior Chinese scientist Yusen Zhou died under “mysterious circumstances” in May 2020, even arguing that he may have been killed by his government for unleashing the Covid virus. But Kadlec was apparently the main source for this dramatic story and given China’s raging Covid epidemic, Zhou’s death might have had a much simpler explanation.

These conspiratorial incidents were based upon extremely thin and fragmentary evidence yet Paul fully accepted and reported all of them. But if he discovered that the ultra-high-profile Tiananmen Square Massacre—a landmark historical event that he had never questioned in 35 years—was merely a propaganda-hoax that our government and media had steadfastly maintained for more than three decades, I think he might become far more suspicious of these other tales.

The Inside Account of Dr. Jeremy Farrar


Paul’s assumption of sinister Chinese behavior also heavily colored his interpretation of some important elements in the account of Jeremy Farrar, a British M.D./Ph.D. who was a former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and then served as CEO of the Wellcome Trust, perhaps the world’s leading funder of biomedical research.

In July 2021 Farrar published a short book on the early months of the Covid outbreak. Although Paul obviously disagreed with Farrar’s emphatically mainstream views on the efficacy of lockdowns, masking, and vaccinations, he treated the scientist very respectfully and heavily cited his revelations, which constituted the candid account of a true insider to those momentous events. I’d also been quite impressed with Farrar’s material and in late 2022 I had briefly discussed his interesting book:

Jeremy Farrar served as Director of Britain’s Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s largest funders of public health projects, and he played a crucial role in organizing the immediate measures taken to contain the Covid epidemic. Spike, co-authored by journalist Anjana Ahuja, is his short narrative account of those important events beginning in the last days of 2019, and it provides the useful perspective of a leading insider. I was also particularly interested to discover that Wellcome’s chair was the former head of MI-5, Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, who may have helped provide the author with some important insights on certain matters.

In his account, Farrar repeatedly emphasized that the Covid outbreak had hit China at the absolute worst possible time, appearing on the eve of Chinese Lunar New Year, when 450 million Chinese might be traveling. This seemed likely to spread the disease to every corner of the huge country, and that gigantic, looming disaster was only averted by an immediate public health lockdown unprecedented in all of human history.

Farrar is the most respectable of establishmentarian figures, and I was surprised to discover that in the early days of the epidemic he and his circle of leading scientific experts freely discussed whether the virus had been bioengineered, with some of them thinking that likely, and he even mentioned the speculation that it might have been a bioweapon, deliberately released. But as the practical needs of the terrible public health crisis facing Britain and the rest of the West began absorbing all of his concentration, these theoretical issues understandably faded from their discussions.

However, Paul focused upon certain elements of Farrar’s narrative that I had failed to properly appreciate:

Farrar recounts that “by the second week in January [2020], I was beginning to realize the scale of what was happening. During that period, I would do things I had never done before: acquire a burner phone, hold clandestine meetings, keep difficult secrets.”

Farrar’s wife, Christiane, insists that he ring “people close to us, so they would understand what was going on in case anything happened to [you]” …Farrar also told his brother that British and American intelligence agencies were in the loop…Farrar painted a dangerous scenario: “‘If anything happens to me in the next few weeks,’ I told them nervously, ‘this is what you need to know.'”

Based upon Paul’s interesting excerpts, I decided to reread Farrar’s book, focusing especially upon the earliest chapters, and drew some important conclusions.

Paul had been puzzled by some of Farrar’s striking statements, wondering whether the scientist was fearful that the Chinese government could somehow reach out and do him harm in Britain, but my own interpretation was quite different. Farrar emphasized that in those early days he and many other top researchers were convinced that the virus had been bioengineered in a laboratory. He also speculated that it might have been deliberately released, striking China at the worst possible place and time, appearing in the major transit hub of Wuhan just before the Lunar New Year travels, and he even raised the possibility that this sort of incident could lead to a world war. Just as Paul claimed, he repeatedly expressed considerable fears for his own personal safety and actually entitled his first chapter “If Anything Happens to Me…”

The Wellcome chair was Eliza Manningham-Buller, the former head of Britain’s MI5 secret intelligence service, and Farrar discussed the alarming situation both with her and with Andrew Parker, her MI5 successor:

When I told Eliza about the suspicions over the origins of the new coronavirus, she advised that everyone involved in the delicate conversations should raise our guard, security-wise. We should use different phones; avoid putting things in emails; and ditch our normal email addresses and phone contacts.

Farrar was shocked by those suggestions and even included a copy of the urgent email he sent to his staff requesting they provision him with a second, “burner” phone. But the date of that note immediately jumped out at me.

Paul has probably forgotten that in late January 2020, a dawn raid by the FBI suddenly arrested Prof. Charles Lieber, one of Harvard University’s top scientists and Chairman of its Chemistry Department, someone characterized as a potential future Nobel Laureate. Prof. Lieber had long had close research ties with China and was an expert on virology, and although the charges against him were extremely obscure—alleged reporting violations in the disclosure portions of his government grant applications—he was dragged off to prison in shackles and threatened with many years of federal incarceration. As I speculated in my original April 2020 article:

But I think a far more likely possibility is that Lieber began to wonder whether the epidemic in China might not be the result of an American biowarfare attack, and was perhaps a little too free in voicing his suspicions, thereby drawing the wrath of our national security establishment. Inflicting such extremely harsh treatment upon a top Harvard scientist would greatly intimidate all of his lesser colleagues elsewhere, who would surely now think twice before broaching certain controversial theories to any journalist.

It may be more than pure coincidence that Farrar’s urgent request for a “burner” phone was sent almost simultaneously with Lieber’s sudden arrest. Unlike Paul, I very much doubt that Farrar was worried that the Chinese secret police could somehow threaten his safety in Britain. But other intelligence services might indeed constitute a very serious menace, especially if the private speculations of Farrar and his colleagues had extended far beyond the fleeting references he eventually published in Spike.

The Canadian Perspective of Elaine Dewar

Much later in his book, Paul also brought another important fact to my attention that I’d somehow previously missed. Unlike SARS and many other diseases, pre-symptomatic Covid cases were highly infectious and 30-40% of asymptomatic victims were also contagious, so only difficult, mass-testing was able to contain a local outbreak. According to Dr. Steven Quay, those characteristics were apparently due to certain rather unusual aspects of the Covid virus and the proteins that it synthesized, and Quay stated that he was “aware of no other new respiratory virus that is asymptomatic when it first entered the human population.” However, such properties would obviously be ideal in a bioweapon aimed at disrupting a society.

In that same chapter and the following one, Paul cited an additional book on the origins of the Covid epidemic by Canadian journalist Elaine Dewar that I’d somehow missed, so I ordered and read it.


Published in 2021, On the Origin of the Deadliest Pandemic in 100 Years: An Investigation was a relatively short paperback, apparently released by a tiny press and inconveniently lacking both chapter headings and any index. Dewar was a long-time free-lance writer, and she spent her 2020 lockdowns becoming more and more intrigued by the origins of Covid, gradually accumulating a huge collection of newsclips and Internet web-pages on the topic.

Much like Paul, she seemed intensely suspicious of China and hostile to its government, believing that many of the Chinese students and scholars at Canadian universities and research institutes probably had military ties and were involved in espionage. As with so many other Westerners, she repeatedly pointed to the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre hoax as proof of Chinese government malevolence. In late 2018 America persuaded her government to arrest one of China’s most important technology executives who was changing planes in a Canadian airport, with that stunned victim suddenly facing extradition and a possible long American prison sentence on charges of violating our unilateral trade sanctions against Iran. Dewar seemed outraged that the Chinese soon retaliated by arresting two Canadian businessmen living in their own country as bargaining chips.

China’s extremely forceful public health measures quickly stamped out the Covid virus in that country, limiting the number of fatalities to just a few thousand, but like many other Westerners, Dewar found it impossible to accept this embarrassing contrast between Chinese success and the concurrent disastrous public health failures in Canada, the U.S., and most of Europe. Therefore, she gullibly repeated American propaganda that the Chinese government was concealing enormous numbers of Covid deaths, failing to consider that most other East Asian countries as well as Australia and New Zealand had done just as well as China.

Dewar sometimes ignored important facts that failed to conform to her framework. For example, Canada had a very large Chinese population so it was hardly surprising that most of the early cases appeared in individuals returning from trips to that country. But she noted with considerable surprise that one of the first Covid cases in Vancouver was diagnosed in a woman returning from a mid-February trip to Iran, indicating how early that country’s own outbreak must have begun. Perhaps if Dewar had been less convinced of China’s villainy, she might have noticed that the first two outbreaks in the world began in China and Iran, the two countries that were the greatest targets of American hostility.

Along with Paul, Dewar also took very seriously an anonymous private report claiming that cellphone activity had disappeared in a high-security portion of the Wuhan lab during a couple of weeks in mid-October 2019, implying that it had been shut down due to a lab-leak. But I think this demonstrates a total lack of common sense by both those individuals and the many others who promoted that same story when it appeared. After all, Mike Pompeo and the rest of the American government were then making every possible effort to find evidence that a Wuhan lab-leak had been responsible for the Covid outbreak, and our own NSA obviously possessed vastly superior access to such cellphone activity data than any random private researcher, so if our officials never attempted to make that claim, it was obviously false. Indeed, when NBC News broke the story, the reporters emphasized that both US and UK intelligence agencies had already investigated that theory and failed to find any supporting evidence.

But although I was far from impressed by Dewar’s knowledge or her thoughtfulness, I found some aspects of her book quite useful. Among other things, she provided a basic, continuous narrative of the first year or so of the Covid epidemic, refreshing my memory of developments that I had long since forgotten. Towards the end of her text, she also provided a good description of DRASTIC, the group of Twitter-based Internet activists and researchers who played a major role in compiling the early evidence that Covid had been bioengineered in a lab rather than found in nature, who proposed China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology as the likeliest source. Her bias on that score seemed quite strong, but the information was still useful to me.

Just like Paul and virtually every other advocate of the lab-leak hypothesis, Dewar seemed never to have even considered the possibility of an American biowarfare attack and was totally unaware of the strong evidence pointing in that direction, such as the secret DIA report in November 2019 or the Crimson Contagion exercise held earlier that same year. On a couple of occasions, she briefly mentioned that the Chinese government had suggested that the Covid virus might have been brought to Wuhan by the 300 U.S. military servicemen who visited the city at exactly the time that the virus appeared, but she casually dismissed that possibility as ridiculous Communist propaganda.

The Conspiratorial Credulity of RFK Jr.


Sen. Rand Paul is certainly one of the leading elected officials who challenged the establishment position on vaxxing and other Covid public health measures and advocated the lab-leak hypothesis. But in reading his long and comprehensive book, I noticed something quite odd. There was absolutely no mention anywhere of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., probably America’s single most prominent proponent of those same positions, whose massively popular #1 Amazon bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci became the core text of the entire movement. Although they might sharply differ on other ideological matters, I regarded them as quite closely aligned on Covid issues, and with Kennedy having now become a serious independent candidate for the Presidency, his visibility should have been further elevated. So perhaps some of Kennedy’s more extreme ideas and the controversy surrounding them had led Paul to carefully avoid mentioning his name.

Since I had been quite skeptical of the Covid anti-vaxxing movement, I’d initially paid no attention to Kennedy’s book when it was released in late 2021. But someone convinced me to read it and I was very glad that I did, discovering that most of it had nothing to do with Covid but instead provided a rather convincing analysis of other controversial medical ideas that I’d never previously considered. My own long, very favorable review attracted a great deal of readership and was highlighted on one of Kennedy’s own websites.


Soon after I finished that book, I discovered that Kennedy already had a sequel on Covid origins in the pipeline, scheduled for release in mid-2022, so I immediately pre-ordered it on Amazon. However, the release date was delayed over and over again, and it only finally appeared at the end of 2023. Unfortunately for the author, Covid was no longer a hot topic by then and the book never attracted even a fraction of the attention or sales of his previous volume. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race was very long and detailed, running nearly 600 pages with almost 3,500 endnotes, but although I read it upon release and considered it a very useful source of references, I was completely unimpressed with its credibility or its analysis so I didn’t bother discussing the book at that time.

The explosive issue of biowarfare was Kennedy’s central theme, and just a few months earlier he had made some incendiary public remarks at a private dinner that produced a media firestorm and also revealed that he was extremely credulous on that important topic.

Although some of the attacks against him were obviously unfair, a couple of his quotes easily explained the explosive media reaction:

COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese…We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.

And we need to talk about bioweapons. I know a lot about bioweapons because I’ve been doing a book on them for the past two and a half years. And… the technology we now have… we’ve put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes. The Chinese have done the same thing…. We know the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnically targeted bioweapons, and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. That’s what all those labs in the Ukraine are about. They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so they can target people by race.

At the time I was very sympathetic to Kennedy’s candidacy, but I still felt that I had to be forthright in discussing the controversy and his statements that provoked it.

Kennedy was clearly suggesting that Covid may have been developed as an ethnically-targeted bioweapon, aimed at killing white Gentiles and blacks. Since he also claims that Jews and Chinese “are most immune,” he seems to be implying that they are the likeliest suspects in the release of a virus that has probably killed over twenty million people worldwide, including more than a million Americans. These are absolutely incendiary statements by a Presidential candidate, far more outrageous than anything Donald Trump ever spouted, and therefore the incident fully warranted the heavy coverage that resulted.

However, the media attacked Kennedy for his remarks without attempting to refute him, leading Lawrence and many other observers to assume he had been “politically incorrect” but “scientifically correct.” We should therefore consider whether the Presidential candidate had any factual basis for his shocking theories.

The possible creation of ethnically-targeted bioweapons has been discussed for decades and over the years there have been news reports of major research efforts to develop them. For example, as far back in November 1998, the London Sunday Times revealed that Israel was developing an “ethnic-bomb” weapon targeting the genetic characteristics of Arab populations, and surely other countries have been doing similar military research during the decades since then. In 2007, Russia discovered that various Western organizations were collecting Russian DNA samples, raising plausible concerns that we were developing ethnic bioweapons aimed at their population.

So in a broad sense, Kennedy’s concerns are perfectly reasonable ones and a very appropriate topic for a potential American leader. However, anyone—let alone a Presidential candidate—who raises ultra-controversial issues should be ultra-careful with his facts, and that doesn’t seem to have been the case with Kennedy.

For example, I strongly suspect that America’s massive biowarfare infrastructure—the largest and oldest in the world—has indeed done research and development work on ethnically-targeted bioweapons, but I’ve never seen any solid evidence of that, and unless he has such evidence, Kennedy shouldn’t have stated it as a fact.

Moreover, he also declared “We know the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnically targeted bioweapons.” I’ve read several of the fiercely anti-China Covid books, and I don’t recall any of them making such a claim let alone providing any documentation to back it up. So either Kennedy has a unique source of vital intelligence information, or he’s merely promoting as fact the propaganda-lies of fringe conspiracy-activists, a very serious failing for a Presidential candidate.

Unfortunately, I strongly suspect it’s the latter situation. Over the last couple of years, exactly those sorts of wild accusations have become widespread among anti-China activists, none of whom have ever had any solid evidence, and that group heavily overlaps with the anti-vaxxers who probably constitute an important part of Kennedy’s personal political circle. It’s natural for a candidate to gradually absorb the beliefs of those around him who share his views on other subjects.

Kennedy’s claim that Jews and Chinese are much less vulnerable to Covid than blacks or white Gentiles seems equally doubtful, being based upon a 2020 scientific research study that has been widely misinterpreted in fringe conspiratorial circles.

That paper had looked at one particular genetic susceptibility trait involving ACE2 receptors and found that the deleterious variations were fairly common among blacks and white Gentiles while being rare among Latinos, East and South Asians, and Jews. But the paper never quantified the impact of those variants: was the increase in Covid susceptibility 2% or 20% or 50%?

Furthermore, for Covid any ethnic skew in that range would be completely swamped by other factors, especially the impact of age. Individuals over 60 are perhaps 10,000% more vulnerable to Covid than those under 40, so a difference of 15% or 20% due to genetic factors would be totally negligible by comparison.

Anyway, the best means of determining ethnic vulnerability to Covid is to rely upon actual empirical data rather than the ambiguous theoretical arguments of a paper published very early in the outbreak. Kennedy lives in California, and the 39 million residents of his state include enormous numbers of whites, Asians, Latinos, and blacks, with the local government carefully reporting the mortality rates for all of those groups. It only took me five minutes to locate that data on the Internet and another ten minutes to produce a simple chart showing their relative death rates, stratified by different age ranges.

As anyone can see, these real-world mortality statistics are totally different than those suggested by the theoretical research paper that Kennedy had cited. Although the Asian death rate is somewhat lower than that for whites, the difference is not large and is totally negligible across the working-age 18-64-year-old population. The small white-Asian gap could easily be explained by differences in lifestyle, obesity, or cultural factors rather than any genetic influence. Furthermore, the research study had predicted that Latino death rates would be lower than those for whites, but instead they have been far, far higher, especially in the working-age years. The California government doesn’t separate out Jewish mortality rates, but given that all the other scientific claims in that early study turned out to be totally wrong, we have no reason to believe that those regarding Jews were any better.

Empirical reality always trumps theoretical speculation, and Kennedy should be sharply criticized for never having bothered examining the actual data before expounding his explosive and erroneous claims…

Kennedy is a lawyer by training rather than a scientist, and as a non-scientist he probably has an inflated respect for any published scientific paper. So he casually misconstrued the implications of an academic journal article and never bothered checking his conclusions against easily available public statistics. For a private individual, that’s hardly a major problem, but it’s a far more serious failing for a Presidential candidate making such incendiary public accusations.


Unfortunately, when I subsequently read Kennedy’s 600 page book a few months later, I found exactly these same sorts of problems in the text and the analysis, and many more besides, causing me to dismiss the author as overly credulous and tendentious, his thousands of endnotes notwithstanding. It hardly helped that much of his long text was written in a rather hysterical style, sometimes even reminiscent of the sort of anonymous comments that are left on conspiracy websites.

As a single factual example, Kennedy hailed India’s extremely successful management of its Covid outbreak based upon its widespread reliance on ivermectin, ridiculing Western public health modelers who had warned of over a million Indian deaths. But although the official 2021 count reported by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s right-wing populist government was only about 300,000, his regime has become notorious for its dishonest, absurdly boastful propaganda, and the actual numbers based upon “excess deaths” may have been ten times as high. The Economist maintains the most authoritative international estimates, and despite being quite friendly towards Modi’s free-market-oriented government, they currently put India’s “excess deaths” at between 2.8 and 10 million. Given the extremely youthful skew of India’s population curve and its very low obesity levels, these are abominable Covid mortality results, probably the worst in the world for any major country.

While Kennedy was quite enthusiastic about Modi’s India, he was intensely hostile towards neighboring China, but despite his enormous focus upon that latter country, he seemed ignorant of even the most basic facts. For example, at one point he suggested that the Chinese GDP might overtake our own by 2030. For decades, most serious analysts have focused upon Real GDP based upon PPP as the most realistic measure of an economy, and by that metric China had surpassed America around 2014. Anyone can confirm this fact by simply consulting the CIA’s own World Factbook page.

But perhaps Kennedy simply dismisses all such mundane international statistics as being the fraudulent output of a hidden globalist cabal. Indeed, throughout his wild-eyed and extremely conspiratorial book, Kennedy’s leading villains are China, the CIA, Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci, and he seems to believe all these disparate malefactors are secretly in collusion with each other, along with various lesser devils. Very early on he emphasized the “sinister alliance between US spy and public health agencies and the Chinese military.”

All of this seems quite unlikely to me. For nearly a decade, everyone in DC political and policy circles has been warning of “The Thucydides Trap”, assuming that the world faced an almost inevitable global conflict between China and America, and since 2016 the relations between those two countries have sharply deteriorated. So the notion that the CIA and our other intelligence agencies are secret allies of the Chinese Communist Party seems a very unrealistic one.

One of Kennedy’s many problems was that he appeared unable to evaluate the quality and the credibility of the enormous number of sources he cited, seemingly giving equal weight to the findings of peer-reviewed academic journals and the views of very doubtful publications of the conspiratorial fringe, with the latter sometimes providing his most explosive information. As an example, he took very seriously the views of the ferociously anti-PRC Epoch Times, an outlet closely affiliated with the Falun Gong religious cult and widely suspected of being funded by the CIA as an anti-China propaganda organ.

Yet, oddly enough, although Kennedy seemed to embrace and promote almost every imaginable conspiracy theory regard Covid and bioweapons, the only one he very carefully avoided was the simple possibility that Covid might have been an American bioweapon deployed by elements of our own government to attack and cripple China, and none of his nearly 3,500 endnotes cover any of the simple facts I have presented in my own analysis. There was no mention anywhere of Robert Kadlec’s Crimson Contagion exercise, no mention of the secret November DIA report on a “cataclysmic” disease outbreak in China, and no mention of the suspiciously early Covid outbreak in Iran, with Iran never even appearing in the index. Both the Iranian and Russian governments have publicly accused America and its military establishment of being responsible for the release of Covid in a deliberate, illegal biowarfare attack and China has strongly suggested the same thing, but no one would learn those facts from Kennedy’s very long and comprehensive book.

The silence represented by so many important omissions was actually so notable that I wondered whether it might constitute a case of “the Dog That Didn’t Bark.” Perhaps Kennedy became aware of those striking items during his two and a half years of exhaustive research, but decided to deliberately exclude them because they so severely contradicted the narrative he had settled upon, which involved a secret global collaboration between our own intelligence agencies and military-industrial complex together with the Chinese Communist Party and its military forces.

But precisely because of Kennedy’s implausible belief in that secret, long-time partnership between our Pentagon and Communist China, he sometimes raised important points ignored by nearly all the other writers on Covid origins. For example, about half-way through the book, one of his sentences jumped out at me:

The deliberate transfer of our superior bioweapons knowledge to the Chinese—a potential enemy—makes little sense to citizens who think in terms of conventional rivalries between nations.

Yet that seemingly absurd hypothesis actually represents an accurate description of the activities of the EcoHealth Alliance and its Pentagon and American biodefense paymasters, and is absolutely central to the conventional Wuhan lab-leak scenario firmly embraced by Paul, Dewar, and so many other Republicans and conservatives. But if those individuals were faced with such a stark and simple formulation of their framework, perhaps some of them might begin to reconsider a few of their fundamental assumptions.

Related Reading:

The China/America Series
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  1. JimDandy says:

    “Therefore, vaccinating younger age cohorts was unnecessary and probably dangerously counter-productive considering the significant adverse health risks of a vaccine which was based upon an entirely new biotechnology and had been rushed into release without the unusual lengthy clinical trials. Paul claimed that the vaccination mortality rate was 4 in 10,000, extremely high for any vaccine, and I have no reason to doubt his figures.”

    Thanks. So, to be clear: some young healthy people who were at no risk of dying from Covid died or were injured because they were pressured to take the vax. The only question is how many.

    (And no third-party lives were saved because young healthy people were pressured to take the vax.)

    • Agree: Mike Tre
    • Replies: @Dutch Boy
    , @Mr Gen
  2. JimDandy says:

    The statement that most of the people dying of Covid were over a certain age is a bit misleading. Were healthy 65-year-olds dropping dead of Covid? I didn’t know a single one. SICK older people–with multiple co-morbidities–were dying WITH Covid, including people in hospice with a life expectancy of three weeks.

  3. Rich23 says:

    False premises abound.

    False: “well over a million Americans dying from the disease,”

    Fact: The CDC stated on the CDC website that they counted 1. Flu deaths 2. Pneumonia deaths and 3. COVID deaths ALL TOGETHER as in one big number

    False: “our own government spent some $10 trillion to avert a total economic collapse”

    Facts: Overnight Repo Operations started in September 2019 at $75billion to $85billion an iteration AND QE Quantitative Easing 3 or 4 was executed by The Federal Reserve by December 2019 at ~$2.4 trillion

    Who was saved from economic collapse except Fortune 500 companies, big 4 banks and the rising of fortune of bullionaires?

  4. The Covid death stats, at least in the USA, are fake. Tens of millions die from influenza every single year, except 2020-2021 when they cooked the numbers and pretended even car crashes and my aunt’s diabetes and heart disease was Covid.

    Still working through Bobby Jr.’s Wuhan book, it is depressing as hell. Agreed with Ron that a US bioweapon release and inadvertent blowback is plausible. China and Russia and Zone B are not our problem.

    Appreciate this site.

  5. Although I assumed from late 2019 that COVID was a lab leak, I recently became agnostic on the issue after reading the account of this debate on lab leak vs zoonosis…

    I think Mr. Unz should keep updating on the zoonosis question.

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
    , @Jonas Salk
  6. More dogshit flu analysis from Ron, and now he’s pretending he wasn’t a rabid vaxx shill who banned commenters that questioned the science.

    • Agree: Emslander, Mike Tre, Zane
    • Replies: @Kumbaresu
    , @Anon
  7. Alita99 says:

    It’s a figment of Financial Imagination.
    A Mass Media work of art.

    • Agree: Anonymous534
    • LOL: bike-anarkist
  8. “Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up” has 478 rave reviews at Amazon. Presumably all those reviewers were fan-boys, for I was unable to locate a single book review by ANYONE claiming to be a professional anywhere near the field of virology.

    I might consider getting a prescription for eyeglasses from Rand Paul, but I sure as hell wouldn’t consult the man for any other ailment or condition. The average poster at UNZ and other internet sites knows at least as much as Senator Paul about bacteria, viruses, or miscellaneous fungal diseases.

    Rand Paul attacks Anthony Fauci – something anyone with access to the Internet Tubes could do equally well – because Fauci is merely a different sort of quack.

    Paul claimed that the vaccination mortality rate was 4 in 10,000, extremely high for any vaccine, and I have no reason to doubt his figures.

    That’s not very helpful, for statistics mean nothing at all without knowing both their source and who may have fiddled with them. Witness this short piece from the vaccinations in Taiwan:

    Without knowing details, Paul’s claims are ridiculous. AND very high.

    Paul also argued that closing schools made no sense since Covid infections posed little risk to children. But here I would sharply disagree with him since the argument made was students might pick up Covid infections from their classmates and take those home, spreading the virus to their families and perhaps endangering their grandparents or other older relatives. So the efficacy of closing the schools was merely part of the broader lockdown question.

    Paul was as usual being an idiot here, but Mr. Unz overlooks an even more important factor. If the Powers That Be hadn’t immediately declared that Covid couldn’t be transmitted by aerosols through the air, schools could have been quickly fitted out with a combination of disinfection and ventilation systems. But that would have involved spending money, and any such ideas were immediately trashed. It’s my private concern that though Covid doesn’t promptly kill many children, it is setting them up for a lifetime of hurt as they age. Remember, a horrible case of shingles in an elderly person originated from his/her infection with chickenpox while they were young. Lurking Covid within their bodies may well do the same sort of thing in future decades to today’s kids. The so-called “Long Covid” might be an early precursor of that future.

    Mr. Unz goes on to remark he ‘lacks Paul’s medical expertise’. I want to assure him this is NOT any kind of a problem, for the dumbest Middle School Dropout you’ll ever find is at least as qualified as Rand Paul on Covid and other medical issues not related to human eyes.

    I’m not going to waste any of my time with RFK jr. That pitiful creature is desperate to get into US history books, and figures throwing the 2024 Presidential Election to Donald Trump is the best way of doing that. The advisors to the fat orange p*ssy grabber have convinced the Great Man that Kennedy’s participation is far more likely to re-elect Genocide Joe, and all of them have begun to act on that belief.

    • LOL: amor fati, Ani
    • Replies: @Bro43rd
    , @Corpse Tooth
    , @Ani
  9. @Thor Walhovd

    Tens of millions die from influenza every single year, except 2020-2021 when they cooked the numbers

    Globally, only 700,000 people on average die each year from influenza.

    • Replies: @Thekid
  10. HBM says:

    I was skeptical at first of Mr. Unz’s theory but have been generally in sympathy with it for a while now. Why not with intent– to produce the kind of election results we got? And why not a lab escape with the help of someone working for Western IC? Shi was trained in the US.

  11. The corruption in government and industry is so widespread that we shold be looking at a generalized method.

    Everything is a lie and it starts with our currency!

    Strike at the root: Nothing of substance can happen until the nature of our currency reverts to the nature of an honest money—and that requires that the Synagogue of Satan no longer controls its issuance via signatures on bogus promissory notes to a fraudulent banking system!

    See my website and scroll down past bio information to read and critique a proposed Constitutional Amendment revamping our currency and wresting control from the hands of a vile financier class!

  12. Ron Unz is notoriously extremely slow on the uptake. In about five years from now, I expect he will publish an extremely long article on how “like many” he was completely fooled by the propaganda around the Covid-19 pandemic, only to find after much research and reading articles that “astonished” him, that there never was a pandemic in the first place.

    • Agree: Agent76
  13. for nearly a decade, everyone in DC political and policy circles has been warning of “The Thucydides Trap” leading to an almost inevitable military conflict between China and America, while our relations have sharply deteriorated since 2016. So the notion that the CIA and our other intelligence agencies are secret allies of the Chinese Communist Party seems a very unrealistic one.

    Not so incredible.

    US-China relations have long been ambivalent. China was seen as both a potential rival and junior partner.
    Likewise, US-Japan relations in the drive up to the embargo-then-war was often hot and cold, sometimes cooperative and friendly, sometimes hostile and suspicious.

    And Germany and USSR cooperated closely in many areas before the total war that broke out in June of 41.

  14. Very good article. Seems to me the most likely theory.

    I would only add that the “vaccine” rollout was handled by the military. Also, Peter Daszak has a British accent and I believe some kind of Eastern European (possibly Ukrainian) accent, so I would suspect some degree of British involvement in the failed U.S. bioweapons attack.

  15. @JimDandy

    I agree.
    Am I to believe that Ron doesnt realize that most non violent deaths occur among old people anyway, whether there’s pandemic or not??? Hasn’t that always been the case, old people naturally die more often than the young? I know, it’s a revolutionary theory of mine.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  16. A dash of epistemology might be welcome in these sorts of discussions: some things are clearly knowable, some things are clearly not knowable, some things are based on reasonable inference or belief and so we say that, well, maybe they may not be strictly knowable but they are plausible; (and in a crisis in the absence of certainty, sometimes we feel the need to run with the plausible rather than wait around for the knowable to emerge).

    And some things are based on unreasonable inference or belief, or ideology, or delusion, or perhaps even… the concrete interests of interested parties who are unethical enough to lie or falsely persuade about the facts, in order to gain an advantage not directly related to our original epistemic questions.

    Some things we might say about the COVID era, in light of those observations….

    1. The situation was new, it was very large, it was not yet well or fully understood, it was potentially very dangerous, and it was not entirely clear and obvious which course was the best way to proceed;

    2. That being said, epidemiology and public health are well-established disciplines, and there should have been a variety of well-tested models available for debate about how to proceed, rather than the panicky headless-chicken ignorant policy protocols we actually witnessed;

    3. There were clearly powerful interested parties with numerous seats in the game, both economically and politically, who clearly advocated protocols which served their interests and not the commonweal.

    4. Sometimes there’s a bunch of math to do, and you have to do it.

    5. It might be worth recalling exactly how guillotines work.

    • Replies: @Mr Gen
  17. Art says:

    Hmm —- sorry to say this, but me thinks Bobby should take a vaccine that wards off bullets.

    • Agree: bike-anarkist
  18. man says:

    This is exactly as you Ron have been avoiding deaths from so called Covid vacs.
    Your elephant in the room is even bigger. Face it and do not avoid it, there is enough evidence everywhere.

  19. Mark G. says:

    I was 63 when the epidemic hit. I went a year without catching it and then contracted the disease while trying to recover from a serious accident. Even then, at the age of 64, I still recovered from Covid.

    Big pharma donates money to politicians, politicians pick the heads of the federal health agencies, then the federal health agencies promote whatever maximizes profits for big pharma. As Ron Unz points out, the vaccines were probably not a wise idea for people under 60 but more big pharma profits were possible if everyone got them. In addition to this, low cost expired patent drugs to treat Covid were demonized while costly patented drugs were promoted.

    • Agree: Rich
    • Replies: @amor fati
  20. All these conspiratorial incidents that Paul accepts and reports were based upon extremely thin and fragmentary evidence.

    There was evidence that the workers at the Wuhan labs did not adhere to the strict protocols for handling the contagious viral material they were responsible for in their experiments. There was also evidence that Chines authorities deleted or covered up their research after the local outbreak became known and then failed to cooperate with international investigators after it had spread to other parts of the world. This is a clear sign of culpability.

    By contrast, the malicious conspiracy narrative being promoted here remains entirely conjectural because key aspects rely upon suppositions for which there is no hard evidence. As I pointed out a few days ago, trying to logically infer support for it, from alleged “smoking gun” revelations, leads to logical contradictions (reductio ad absurdum). Therefore, the respective plausibilities associated with these differing explanations must be assessed.

    …the best means of determining ethnic vulnerability to Covid is to rely upon actual empirical data rather than the ambiguous theoretical arguments of a paper published very early in the outbreak.
    …California…relative death rates…

    The arguments in the paper were based on microbiological examinations relating to the density od receptor cells for different ethnicities. Such findings, even if tentative, would provide the primary motivation for continued research in this area, however reprehensible that may be perceived.

    The mortality rate data for California, broken down by age, which are presented in the graphs, are distorted by various factors, foremost differing health (nutrition, obesity, affordability), but also sample sizes and reporting standards, so that they cannot serve as a reliable proxy for drawing universally valid conclusions or to nullify the observed microcellular phenomena.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  21. 400 bio-weapon laboratories world-wide and this is the best they can come up with, an extended sniffle? Where’s the value for money?

    At least we can be confident that the bird-flu rollout will be a humdinger and is merely intended cover for the impending vaxx clean sweep.

    As Dr. Luc Magnier remarked, spike protein injectees have no possibility for survival.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  22. Covid might have been an American bioweapon deployed by elements of our own government to attack and cripple China […] no mention of the secret November DIA report on a “cataclysmic” disease outbreak in China, and no mention of the suspiciously early Covid outbreak in Iran, with Iran never even appearing in the index. Both the Iranian and Russian governments have publicly accused America and its military establishment of being responsible for the Covid outbreak as a deliberate, illegal biowarfare attack and China has strongly suggested the same thing

    If indeed Covid was a biowarfare attack by elements of the Trump regime (or his supporters in the military) against Iran, Russia, and China … then it should be considered as the first shot in the declaration of war by the Zio-Anglo-Saxons (led by Trump/Biden/Netanyahu – Biden continuing the policies initiated by Trump), against their perceived enemies … in other worlds, the start of World War III … with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the Iranian-backed assault on Israel, being the answer to this opening shot. But if this is true, and if China and Iran were the primary targets, along with Russia perhaps, then why has China not retaliated with its own attack? Is it possible that China is preparing its own attack and will unleash it at the appropriate time, as the third and final assault on the Zio-Anglo-Saxons (led by Trump/Biden/Netanyahu)? Or does China prefer to not retaliate at all, and continue to work towards leading the world by far in terms of technology and science within a decade?

    If this biowarfare attack originated in the US, during the Trump regime, which also saw a major assault on Iran in the form of assassinations, sabotage, and maximum pressure sanctions, and now the genocidal assault on Palestinians by the Netanyahu regime, do we not have evidence that the US and Israel are genocidal states that attack the innocent with weapons of mass destruction?

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  23. Bruno says:

    For Ron Unz :

    1) (almost) everything China says is true and (almost) everything USA says is suspicious (very culture of critique, many Jews criticize their homeland and find the next spot as a paradise Babylone/Greek/Rome/Western Europe/Mittle Europa/East Europe/America etc etc )

    2) someone shot in the street by a bullet would count as a Covid death in oecd countries. So mortality tables are probably false. There may be only 30k pure covid death instead of 30M. When average dead is 83, life elapsed is the main factor lol

    3) Confinement in China was a disaster and is presented as a clever solution

    4) the article is so long that all the many assumptions are diluted and the asymmetrical treatment of Chinese and USA allegations destroy all the demonstration even if it’s hidden through a rational and informed, detailed perspective.

    It’s Q Anon for internationalist high IQ persons …

    It’s a bit similar, to the lower IQ crowd theory, by the French Faits et Documents journalists who think they have almost proved by reasonable facts that Brigitte Macron is in fact her brother Jean-Michel Trogneux. Extreme criticism of the public narrative and more relaxed criteria on their own perspective

  24. Wasn’t it that great hero of the Anglosphere, Winston S. Chrichill who said that he only believed in statistics that he doctored himself? Let’s agree that we disagree completely re the whole Covid affair.

  25. meamjojo says:
    @Thor Walhovd

    “Agreed with Ron that a US bioweapon release and inadvertent blowback is plausible.”

    I would disagree. If we were building a bioweapon, WHY would we do in a Chinese lab, when we know that anything of note that occurs in China gets reported to the authorities? This would be highly secret stuff.

    I think NIH/Fauci were just like to many scientists wanting to see what happened IF they did something to make a virus stronger. They may have been thinking that they would be better prepared for an eventual natural development with this work. But still, WHY do it in China?

    • Replies: @Notsofast
    , @Brás Cubas
  26. eah says:

    Apparently Unz is mega butthurt that the mainstream won’t take the bioweapon thesis seriously, nor acknowledge his part in uncovering that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon deliberately employed by the US against China — I can’t say I really blame him, as he seems genuinely convinced of this, and assuming he and the others who say the same thing are correct (I’ll get to this), that’s a pretty big deal, right? — so it’s understandable he would be annoyed and frustrated.

    I’ve never found the evidence he’s presented entirely convincing, perhaps partly because it’s usually buried under a 10k+ word mountain of rhetorical rubble — I’m tempted to conclude that Unz was smokin’ in the boys’ room when they taught Strunk & White in high school, but then he doesn’t seem to be the type.

    Anyway, here’s a suggestion Unz: create a set of bullet points presenting in a concise, logical fashion, the specific evidence you see as establishing, to beyond a reasonable doubt, that 1) SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon, i.e. it was constructed in a lab, and 2) the US deliberately employed this bioweapon, e.g. against China.

    This may help your case.

  27. If Covid19 were naturally occurring in bats, the first cases should have occurred, or been traced to, those individuals, who were afflicted with Coved 19 from the cave in which these bats lived.

    How many people in the area of the caves which the host bats inhabited were infected?

    Ed Manfredonia

  28. Anonymous[708] • Disclaimer says:


    First, the biowar people are courting disaster. COVID was apparently made by splicing introns from other human fatal viruses into an RNA virus, then “enhanced” by hosting it for several viral generations in cultures of human cells. Presumably the population from which the human cells were drawn would be the most vulnerable to the resultant RNA virus.

    That is a very crude technique, and it produced a disease that was, as Ron Unz says, at most a counter-economy biowar agent. Further, I would expect an RNA virus to mutate after release and hence to lose its racial specificity.

    But I would expect the crude technique to produce widely varying and unpredictable lethalities in different production runs. That such a process could have been used at all bespeaks Fauci level incompetent management, equivalent roughly to setting up a nitroglycerine factory in a dense urban area.

    Historically, plagues were not much of problem for well fed, housed, and clothed populations. R0man era urban populations were stunted by microorganism load, but did not die wholesale until the volcanic eruptions of AD 536 kicked off the Late Antique Little Ice Age and greatly reduced food supply. After that, recurrent plagues caused mass casualties so severe that recruiting adequate numbers of troops became an insolvable problem for the Roman government.

    And we are, now, looking at the decline of globalism (Red Sea and Persian Gulf are now shut to most traffic), which will reduce gross global product, to include food.

    So we have a new failure mechanism: Biowar agent escapes (or is released) into a starving population. Some poor fool might think that’s a good idea, “kill off the surplus weak”. The agent turns out to be unusually deadly, or mutates into something unusually deadly. Bingo.

    The whole “biowar” effort seems to be counterproductive.

  29. I’m sure it was a wonderful article, very insightful, well written, succinctly edited, and perfectly spelled. Unfortunately I didn’t read one fucking word of it.
    You know why?


    Hang the criminal traitors, then analyze who and what the fuck happened, but in the mean time the fox is laughing at you while dining on chicken cordon bleu… The criminals are getting away with the crime while you dispense worthless bullshit in articles like this. What are we going to do, sue Fauci’s kids for the money they will inherit and give that to the victims? HANG THAT EVER LOVING PIECE OF SHIT ON PRIME TIME TEE VEE, or else I don’t give a flying FUCK what you have to say about the subject. You’re wasting time twittering away like the senators while Rome burns! Re-arranging some deck chairs on the Titanic would be more useful than yet another article telling everyone what we already fucking know!!!!!

    • Thanks: Anonymous534
    • Replies: @Michael Meo
  30. EdwardM says:

    But the end result was that most American experienced far greater disruption in their lives than the vast majority of Chinese, while also suffering a death rate roughly three times greater. So the moral of that story seems to be that effective, Chinese-style lockdowns actually worked quite well, while ineffective American-style lockdowns produced the worst of both worlds, a combination of much more severe social disruption and also far higher death rates.

    Do you believe the Chinese government’s statistics?

  31. Sesto says:

    You neglect to mention that Wuhan was the first city worldwide to implement a 5G network.

    The adoption of 5G around the world involved the issuance of up to 15,000 new satellites and a massive ground infrastructure promoting the high-frequency radiation that has been linked to health problems in animals and humans. See for more information.

    In all likelihood, the coronavirus was not the cause of the massive sickness outbreaks of 2020 but merely an effect of the profound global environmental change ushered in by the new 5G telecommunications network.

    As you should know by now, microbes like viruses themselves do not cause illness but are a reflection of the distress of their host. One should look for a structural explanation to understand why people get sick with no obvious explanation. As Louis Pasteur, the founder of germ theory, confessed on his deathbed, “ Le germe n’est rien, c’est le terrain qui est tout.”

    Please read Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell’s 2020 book “The Contagion Myth” for a solid overview of terrain theory.

  32. @Unbornawakened

    why has China not retaliated with its own attack?

    Maybe China did retaliate, but not overtly, except no one is talking about it. Not on the US side, because the US does not like to admit defeat. And not on the Chinese side, because doing so may inflame public opinion in the US, putting pressure on politicians to do something big.

    How could China retaliate covertly? It is easy to imagine many possible scenarios. (One story I remember reading at the time, on one site, is that China was shipping a large number of COVID-infected $1 US bills to the USA.)

    Therefore, if my speculation is correct, China was the first to retaliate by throwing back the virus at the US, (while itself taking the most drastic measures to prevent the disease from spreading in China proper).

    Russia was the second to retaliate, overtly, directly, and militarily in Ukraine.

    Iran was the third to retaliate ( after ensuring it joined the SCO and BRICS) — but not directly like Russia. Instead doing so through its allies in the Arab world, in particular Hamas who was the spearhead of the frontal attack on Israel.

    Assuming the US COVID biowarfare hypothesis is correct, the Trump regime is responsible with starting WWIII, with prodding from Netanyahu and his agents in Washington D.C.

    Trump never started any wars, say his supporters, but if this hypothesis is correct, he is the only US leader who has initiated a worldwide war, WWIII.

  33. Mr Unz: is it not true that the US government paid a premium to hospitals that linked deaths to “Covid” even when the most obvious causes of mortality were otherwise? Could not this be understood as an incentive to report such fatalities as Covid-caused and thus radically skew the mortality statistics on which you rely?

  34. I include Mr. Unz’s Covid Theory as one of the four or five possible ‘alternative narratives’ of the Covid Event. All should be discussed seriously by those of us who disbelieve the ‘official narrative’.

    1) Mr Unz: ‘Covid was a death bringer brought by the USA Deep State as a bio weapon against China and Iran

    2) Peter McCullough/Didier Raoult etc ‘Covid was indeed a novel disease which caused death because of lack of early treatment, and suppression repurposed drugs (ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine)

    3) Panda/Nick Hudson etc: ‘Covid never existed, it was a psy op based on the fraudulent PCR test and a renaming of the flu

    4) C. J. Hopkins (former contributor) etc: Covid was a plan to usher in managed Global Capitalism soldifying rule by economic elites over a world proletariat via state coercion

    5) describe your own narrative here

  35. Mefobills says:

    Ron touches on something important, that few people notice in their day to day interactions. If you are a fish in water, you think water is normal.

    Although nearly all of Paul’s book was written in suitably sober fashion, I noticed that at the very beginning the half-dozen pages of his Preface and Introduction were filled with the sort of unsubstantiated and highly “conspiratorial” accusations against China’s government that are wildly popular in right-wing circles, and his may have helped to ensure that his work received glowing endorsements from prominent FoxNews pundits Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham

    In the very first moments of a meeting, the first moments of a book, the first assumptions of a debate: that is when you have to be on high alert. Yet, that time is fleeting and overlooked. Even if you are on high alert, the moment can pass faster than you can react.

    What happens next is narratives built on faulty foundations. For example, the bulk of Paul’s book, is then spent assuming that you agreed with his first assumptions. The founding assumptions were wrong, and everybody went along with it, in some sort of group hypnosis. And if late in the game, you point out that the “emperor has no clothes,” enough time has gone by, and you look like the idiot. Don’t you know the earth is flat?

    The human animal has many defects and this is a big one, where first assumptions are not challenged. What you think you know may be entirely incorrect. How many doctors went along with narratives issued by government about Covid, even though they were trained in immunology and government mouthpieces were the equivalent of grade school hall monitors? How many medical doctors even bothered to look at mRNA and its unique biological pathways relative to more mundane inactivated viral material – that formerly were called vaccines. Just renaming gene therapy as “vaccines” using a neat word switch, was enough to pass the assumption filter of most normies (and that includes normie medical doctors).

    No high civilization is possible without using the Trivium style of education. (Unfortunately, I was a victim of the American style, Didactic teaching from on high, usually from a woman, which then turns your brain into mush. The woman teacher wants her students to sit neatly in their chairs and brokers no deviation from her teaching guides. Cue to Pink Floyd’s the Wall)

    The Trivium forces the students to challenge their assumptions.

    Quote from Randall Hart at link above:

    A Nation at Risk (1984) became widely known for the following paragraph which served as an impetus for many of the report’s recommendations:

    If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains in student achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, we have dismantled the essential support systems which helped make those gains possible. We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament.

    Clown world requires a population that is trained in group think, and the most important vector is American public education, which grabs the child early in life. This then means, that as an American (I’m an American) you have to do extra due diligence, to look at founding assumptions about everything, and realize that your fellow citizens are perhaps the most heavily propagandized people on the planet. You are swimming in normies, like a fish in water, and it was a purposeful act, to create a compliant unthinking citizenry.

    Quote from Ron:

    Paul seems to have entirely missed the important early clues that briefly appeared during the first year of the outbreak. Although these items were reported in the mainstream media, they quickly vanished and were forgotten. Therefore, they might easily have been missed by anyone not already primed to recognize their significance.

    Early clues briefly appeared, and quickly vanished. New assumptions were then implanted into the brains of the population.

    The very first information you hear is preferentially taken up by the human brain, and then myelin sheathed. It takes some six times the effort to re-write the faulty information. Time goes by, and the population has accepted a faulty belief system.

    • Thanks: Arthur MacBride
    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @stjm
  36. @JimDandy

    My friend and False Flag Weekly News co-host Rev. John Shuck died of COVID at age 60. It ravaged his lungs by promoting an auto-immune reaction. X-rays of people like John show lungs full of what looks like ground glass. During his last few days his family was looking for a possible lung transplant. All of my friends and relatives in medicine agree that COVID occasionally does this (to one in however many hundred or thousand, depending on age, health, and so on). Those friends and frequent radio guests include people like Meryl Nass and Eric Beeth, both MDs who have had to fight heroically for their professional lives because they have accurately questioned COVID orthodoxy.

    My excitable but highly intelligent and courageous over-70 friend Jim Fetzer was hospitalized with a near-fatal case of COVID. Another “conspiracist” friend, Dave Gahary, had an even worse near-fatal COVID case and spent I forget how many weeks or months in a coma. Another dissident friend Linh Dinh survived a pretty bad COVID illness, as I recall, though he now thinks the real problem is the “Jewjabs.” I’m also inclined to think that another red-pilled colleague, Robert David Steele, probably did die of COVID as alleged. Those who believe otherwise never cite any evidence.

    My first of two rounds of COVID damaged my lungs. The effect reminded me of when I stupidly hung fiberglas insulation without a respirator as a teenager.

    Everyone mentioned above was unvaxxed. I also know a few vaxxed people who were hospitalized with bad COVID. My 70-ish friend and fully-vaxxed producer Alan Rees likely died from the jab. Like John Shuck, Alan was unlucky, statistically speaking. We’d have to get deeply quantitative to sort out who was unluckier.

    So based on personal experience, which aligns fairly well with my understanding of the data, I think COVID most likely was a bioweapon designed to kill one out of every several hundred people. Though most victims were old and/or unhealthy, there were plenty of exceptions.

  37. drdann says:

    Many thanks to Ron Unz for keeping us abreast of his continuing examinations of the COVID bioweapon attack. There is a fourth possibility that is left unexamined – that the deadliest bioweapon, and the real endgame of COVID, was the mRNA jab.

    Unz Review readers would do well to consider the research presented in Thomas Mayer’s 2022 book, Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective:

  38. Pandemic not real. There were few excess deaths worldwide. The flood of excess deaths was and still is from the fake vax.

  39. Sprumford says:

    There was NO Pandemic. Period. End of story.
    The “pandemic” was created by two things:

    1. The gross and criminal misuse/misinterpretation of the PCR method.
    2. A massive highly coordinated worldwide media propaganda campaign.

    That’s it.

    The entire thing was based on the “gold standard” PCR “test”. It’s funny that the term “gold standard” was used for the PCR test because PCR had never been widely used before to diagnose colds/flu before 2020. It wasn’t a “standard” at all. Diagnosing viral illness was always done thru viral culture tests. PCR is not a viral illness test. It’s not a test at all. It’s molecular amplification tool… a research tool. It’s process involves running “cycles” that double the amount of material with each cycle. If you run PCR enough cycles you can make it “positive” for ANYTHING. Take one molecule. Then double it. Double it again…and again….and again. Do that 40 or 50 times and you will have an astonishing number. That’s how PCR works.

    This has been well documented by the man who won a Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR method, the late Kary Mullis. He said the results do not mean you “were sick, are sick, or the thing you have was going to hurt you at all”.

    Kary Mullis was a genius, a lifelong critic of Tony Fauci (who ironically became the “face” of Covid), and he passed away a mere few months before his invention was used to fool the world.

    Video Link

    • Agree: Rich23
    • Thanks: Agent76
  40. Anonymous[949] • Disclaimer says:

    “vaxxing and boosting of children made absolutely no logical sense and was probably driven more by ideology, hysteria, and pharmaceutical lobbying than any valid scientific reasoning”

    In support of the Unz Indictment (which shoulda been a Frederick Forsyth title,) Risch, in a Congressional hearing, stated that coercive vaccination was a pretext to maintain that CIA’s banned biological weapons development was defensive. If the US had not defended against the pandemic they caused, their evident, documented offensive development would be undeclared war.

    In the delusional ideations of CIA mad scientists, medical experimentation with vaccines takes advantage of a loophole in the BWC. While, if you’re sane, medical experimentation is a related crime against humanity, another count in the bill of indictment of CIA’s common plan and conspiracy for sneak-attack aggression with banned biological weapons.

  41. Anonymous[166] • Disclaimer says:

    China urges U.S. to address intl. concern over its bio-laboratories


    …those laboratories are completely led by the U.S. side and ordered by the U.S. Defense Ministry to study dangerous diseases targeted at specific groups of people or even conduct some research projects that are prohibited in the United States.

    “The United States has established a number of biological laboratories in former Soviet Union countries but has kept quiet about their functions, uses and safety factors,” Geng said, noting the move has raised deep concern among local people and neighboring countries, and some people strongly demand the closure of relevant laboratories.

    The U.S. government and its Mockingbird Bird media scoffed at such ludicrous fantasies.

    Then close to 2 years later…

    As the former insider and advisor to U.S. presidents, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, says, the U.S. government and its stenographers in the Western media lie about everything.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
  42. Trumpeter says:

    I think we need to put out a condensed version for the less intellectually gifted, which IS most of us (present company excepted.)
    There has never been a serious pandemic that was not made worse by the reaction of the medical/governmental establishment. From Small Pox to 1917 Flu to Swine Flu to COVID. Usually much worse. Small Pox and 1917 have been documented here as well as other sites.
    As a teaser, the medical/governmental recomdation for the 1917 flu, influenced by Bayer recomdation) was 8 to 30 grams of Aspirin per dose. Thirty grams is more than an ounce. It is an entire bottle of 90 pills of regular strength 325 mg. This is a sure fatal dose higher than the LD-50! Symptoms would be fluid leakage in the lungs.
    When a pandemic comes, avoid the ‘experts’ because your Gramma knew better. Wash your hands, eat healthy, get lots of exercise and sunlight and avoid shit hole cities and you will be fine.

    • Replies: @Trumpeter
  43. @Chrisnonymous

    Their stongest opponenents:

    See also Alex Washburne’s substack – and twitter-posts

  44. However, China’s extremely strict lockdowns were successful in completely stamping out the virus, allowing daily life in the entire country to completely return to normal after just a few weeks…

    Okay. I’ll ask, as I always have when this claim is made: Did they actually succeed in this manner, or did they merely TELL everybody else they did so, all the while hunting the poor victims of COVID outbreaks like elephants in the jungle? I do not find one thing paranoid about not believing a word the ChiComs say – about anything. If Xi told me to my face that the sky was blue, I’d go look out the nearest window.

    I’ve also heard it alluded to that COVID was actually in the US at least a month or more before it’s commonly said to have arrived here. I have reason to entertain that idea. So, as the taco commercial girl asked, “Why not both?” We know that the Democrats are all chummy with the ChiComs, and the USG in general fawns over Israel, who is at mortal odds with Iran. So why couldn’t COVID have been Gates/Fauci enhanced, gotten loose, and then been weaponized by the Dem/CCP/Mossad alliance, to smack down Iran AND provide the excuse to commit mail-in ballot fraud on a record scale?

    I’ve really come to understand that the fuckery taking place in this world has more layers that almost anyone is willing to believe.

  45. Trumpeter says:

    Just to hammer this home, in the decade pre COVID flu and pneumonia deaths were collected together and labeled Flu & Pneumonia. The CDC tests 100,000’s of ‘flu’ swabs every season. The number of deaths in the Flu & Pneumonia category who have verified diagnosis of flu is generally less than 10!

    That’s right, almost zero confirmed cases of flu causing death. Oh and the flu vaccine is fake too!

    • Replies: @Ed Case
  46. Buickman says:

    the virus was never isolated because it was the flu.

    CONVID (incl clot shot)

    governors as murderers.

    remdesivir pure poison, ventilators killing machines.

    follow the money.

    • Replies: @Sprumford
  47. Mike Tre says:

    “with well over a million Americans dying from the disease”

    So kovid is a disease, like ALS or pancreatic cancer. Which means the flu and the common cold are also diseases. Technically true I suppose, but were the two latter illnesses ever defined as diseases? Not that I recall. But using “disease” sounds more sensational, and a weak premise needs as much structural support as it can get.

    “The lives of many billions were greatly disrupted for years and our own government spent some $10 trillion to avert a total economic collapse”

    Funny, with all the small businesses that closed forever, it seems like economic collapse was a feature of the entire kovid scam.

    Pravda, indeed.

    Just a friendly reminded to the simple truth: Average age of death was over 70. Comorbidities were over 90%. Healthy people under 25 were invulnerable.

    The true elephant in this room is that the worldwide government response to the unremarkable covid-19 virus was a malicious and malevolent experiment testing the limits of unchecked totalitarianism upon the masses, setting a terrible precedent for future experiments, and resulting in the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.

    • Agree: Bro43rd
  48. Kumbaresu says:
    @Half Norwegian

    Sometime in future, Unz will publish a long article where he will explain, the he came across a new bomb shell evidence that the COVID pandemic was fake, and the audience will applaud him as always. A bit later he will publish articles about the Ukraine war and Gaza genocide with similar conclusions. Bravo, Ron!

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  49. Anon[289] • Disclaimer says:

    Sure, Kennedy didn’t come out and say the obvious, he didn’t want to take a shortcut through the kitchen. Kennedy, like the political opportunists of the 70s, is surfing a tsunami of international pressure on CIA crime. If he’s smart, he will withhold such big reveals till CIA has clearly lost the WWIII they started, and regime change is in view.

    This will not be over until Kadlec, Daszak, Baric, Fauci, Pompeo, Kimber, and Haines are twisting slowly in the wind in Khabarovsk.

  50. Anonymous[474] • Disclaimer says:

    Charles “Pumpkin” Lieber was Chair of Biological Chemistry at Farthard, not Chemistry.

  51. Kellte says:

    The covid hoax is as old as the lie – virus or the lie – virology? It is laughable to read “scientific” articles like this which are the result of 100% lies.
    PCR – no disease or causation is found.
    Virus – there is no disease
    The false – MSM alarmism – there is no disease
    etc. Etc.
    Vaccines, “hospital care that poisons and kills”, genocide of hundreds of millions of patients and not, lies, propaganda is the whole story.

    • Agree: bike-anarkist
  52. @Dieter Kief

    It’s turtles all the way down.

    Kennedy is promoting a narrative. Paul is telling a narrative. Unz is selling a third. When the plan includes multiple levels of deception from the get-go there is no way to think oneself out of it. James Jesus Angleton hall of mirrors.

    The Simulacra began November 1963 and there is no escaping it now.

    Is it true you guys got legal weed in Germany? That’s what it said in the papers.

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
  53. eah says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    So based on personal experience, which aligns fairly well with my understanding of the data, I think COVID most likely was a bioweapon designed to kill one out of every several hundred people.

    See comment #25.

  54. JimDandy says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    So, you knew one person under 70 who you believe died OF Covid–Rev. John Shuck. Would you describe him as healthy when he got Covid? Without comorbidities? He looks obese in some of the pictures I found of him.

    “I think COVID most likely was a bioweapon designed to kill one out of every several hundred people”

    What does that mean?

    • Replies: @Kevin Barrett
  55. Covid-19 does not exist, it is an illusion created by the WEF, the WHO, UN Agenda 2030, the NIH, the CDC, etc., to terrify people into taking the genocide MRNA shots, which destroyed the immune system and led to millions of injuries and deaths, as part of the globalists depopulation agenda.

    The PCR which the inventor of the test, Kary Mullis said , was never to be used to diagnose diseases, was used to determine the so called covid-19 and was so discredited that even the CDC acknowledged that it was flawed and withdrew the PCR test , also Kary Mullis died in August 2019, just before the roll out of the covid-19 scam and psyop on October 18, 2019 in a rehearsal event in NYC put on by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the WEF and the Bloomberg Foundation.

    What covid-19 is, is the flu and colds and pneumonia , all rebranded as covid-19 in one of the most diabolical, demonic and draconian events in world history aimed at depopulating the world and sadly many people fell for it and were killed and injured by this globalist depopulation scam and now they are trying the same deal with the bird flu scam and psyop, using the same discredited PCR test, they never quit, these are the ghouls of death riding the pale horse of death and destruction.

  56. Anonymous[853] • Disclaimer says:

    400 bio-weapon laboratories world-wide and this is the best they can come up with, an extended sniffle?

    Yep. The USSR’s biowarfare effort yielded the same results. Back in the 1970s Science, journal of the AAAS, reported a biolab escape in the USSR. Some idiot had botched a filter change, and unfiltered air was pumped into the atmosphere for quite some time. The lab was, with typical governmental cleverness, in a city, and quite a few people caught the weaponized influenza, but the report said it didn’t spread beyond the city. Apparently no quarantine Net result: a few old age pensioners died, so the USSR saved itself some pension money. And that was it.

    Where’s the value for money?

    The value is there, it’s just negative — an injury.



    It turns out that the genetic code is much to complex to be decoded as yet. Among other things, it is self referential ( ) and epigenetic ( ), relying on some set of environmental keys to unlock genetic expression as proteins. Further, somehow the proteins that DNA specifies must be folded correctly, and that is performed by yet other cellular microstructures. This is elementary biology, see Campbell’s Biology for the full gory details.

    So something like a computer virus except it’s biological isn’t practical now. Designing the super-plague that takes clever advantage of the human immune system is not possible — no knowledge base. Asking for such a design would be like asking a medical doctor to write a computer virus. The MD’s knowledge is vast (or half-vast) and valuable (when not overruled by management), but it has nothing to do with writing computer viruses. It would be roughly equivalent to asking the MD to design a suspension bridge.

    The dangers are:

    a) That making random changes in an already unstable virus could cause random change that makes the virus deadly. HIV is an RNA virus, and unstable to begin with. Released into the human population, it mutates. Fortunately, the mutations tend to be towards lessened mortality. Competition between viruses apparently does not favor viral suicide from killing the host.

    b) An artificially antibiotic resistant natural plague microorganism could be produced (supposedly the USSR had stocks of this, and IMHO most likely the US does now) by simply running the virus through host cell cultures with antibiotics or other chemical treatment agents present, and repeating that for several generations. This mirrors large scale use of antibiotics on domestic livestock. As the American Empire breaks up, the reduction in international trade (currently, the Suez Canal and Persian Gulf are interdicted) will result in poorly fed and immunologically compromised populations, world wide.
    Couldn’t happen? Has happened. The US population was convinced by US media in the 1960s to eat more carbohydrates, apparently to make feeding it cheaper, and has become much more obese. The Arab Spring was about food supply. And those were economically good times.
    Couple semi- or full- starvation with accidental or deliberate release of BW agents, and you have serious mortality. See: , which happened after AD 536 ff. volcanic eruptions started the Late Antique Little Ice Age, and drastically reduced harvests throughout the world. ( )


    BW is a blind alley for the present. Unfortunately, it’s a blind alley that contains several muggers, and people will do silly things, and so, as the poem goes,
    ” Morrison’s Mother
    Drove to the end of the town.
    James James
    Morrison’s Mother
    Said to herself, said she:
    “I can get right down to the end of the town
    and be back in time for tea.”
    . . .
    James James
    Morrison’s mother
    Hasn’t been heard of since.
    King John
    Said he was sorry,
    So did the Queen and Prince.
    King John
    (Somebody told me)
    Said to a man he knew:
    If people go down to the end of the town, well,
    what can anyone do?

    . . .

    “Disobedience”, Milne,

    Ron Unz’s theory that the US BW program is a vast conspiracy is, of course, true. Almost everything done in “our Democracy” is a vast conspiracy. Lawfare against Trump, border invasion, making DoD a brothel, COVID, all are done as a rather transparent conspiracy.

    And it is all so damned stupid and destabilizing. Our leaders are demonstrably somewhat less intelligent than Rhyolite, a mineral that has not done anything very bad after that unfortunate episode of the Siberian Traps and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic extinction event. Our leaders are semi-suicidal, destabilizing their own political enterprise.

  57. eah says:

    And Unz, while I’m at it, I’ll mention another ‘elephant in the room’, one you have to date totally ignored, namely the unreliability of the tests for the virus — excess deaths are one thing (assuming there were), but what caused them is another.

    Every death attributed to COVID necessarily relied on a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 — there is literally no other justification for saying a person died of COVID.

    I know I’m not the only one who noticed that the tests appeared to be wildly inaccurate, e.g. Elon Musk tweeted that there was something wrong with the testing because he was given 4 tests within a relatively short period of time, result: 2x positive, 2x negative — this became so common that I started saving screenshots of stories about what were obviously false positive results (I have several hundred) — at one point, an official UK government website about COVID said roughly: ‘One third of those infected with the virus show no symptoms’ — so a virus supposedly responsible for a deadly pandemic had no effect on one third of the people ‘infected’? — all of this was compounded by the large scale testing of millions and millions of people, often regularly (another mandate) — I guess even authorities and people in the media took notice, because the language in a typical story changed from ‘was diagnosed with COVID’, to ‘tested positive’ — of course this was due to the huge numbers of people who were testing positive but had no typical COVID symptoms — they were never ill.

  58. Agent76 says:

    APRIL 12, 2024 The Death and Resurrection of Science

    After two years of draconian lockdowns, governments around the world suddenly dismantled their unprecedented campaigns against Covid-19 in silence. From one day to another, the whole thing was supposed to be forgotten. Looking back, it seems appropriate to abbreviate the Covid-19 pandemic as the Covid-19 panic, or to call it the pandemic of censorship and poor science.

    Apr 18, 2024 Dr. Phil Rips Covid Experts! The Jimmy Dore Show

  59. Emslander says:

    In other words, Mr. Unz, no one is buying your dead horse.

  60. Anogomous says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    I think COVID most likely was a bioweapon designed to kill one out of every several hundred people.

    I you want a roomful of virologists to laugh at you, task them with developing a weapon like that. “No one could see, but there was a 4th Stooge.”/Shatnervoice. I’m cereal, dude, that sounds like the card game Fizzbin on the original Star Trek: a virus that kills when it’s dark on a Tuesday.

    #29 @Sesto:

    The adoption of 5G around the world involved the issuance of up to 15,000 new satellites

    And what space planet are you from? Orderly! One more for the Bonaparte Suite!

    Rich23 in #3 makes some very good and bonus, true points but I would caution him against poking Napoleon Bonaparte.

    I have stood almost alone on the Internet in proclaiming…

    Says it like it’s a good thing.

    China recovered in a couple weeks? What space planet are you from? Don’t ‘member welding Chinapeople’s doors shut so they couldn’t leave their apartments? I ‘member.

    So your story is that the U.S. sent or took the virus to Chingchong China as Rosie O’Donnell would say, killed a couple of (targeted?) Chinapeople, then sent or took the virus to Iran and killed some (targeted?) Iranians.

    The speaker is a cunning drugger. The meaning is left as an exercise.

    • Replies: @Rich23
  61. Maybe I missed it in this long, complicated article but if true why hasn’t the Chinese government launched a worldwide self defense of its behavior in regards to the whole affair? Maybe they did but has been suppressed by interested parties too?

  62. A side bar issue arises about how it seems regular cash infusions have to be administered by the government to keep the U.S. economy afloat. COVID being another “excuse” to give the economy another “cash jab”.

  63. Sen. Paul has been a strong advocate of the lab-leak theory but seemed completely unaware of any of the powerful contrary arguments and his very one-sided analysis partly prompted me to produce my own article.

    It seems unlikely to me that Sen. Paul is unaware of the other theories.

    It is more likely that he is aware of the consequences for going outside the pale.

  64. I see a lot of nitpickers in the comment section.
    Until today, I have never seen anyone touch on this topic from this perspective.
    Thank you Mr. Unz

  65. doesnt make much sense to distrust the us government but trust the chinese government. l dont trust any government. l particuarly do not trust the us governement and l particuarly do not trust the chinese government.

    • Agree: Bro43rd, Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @Rational Racist
  66. COVID explained:

  67. Bro43rd says:
    @Zachary Smith

    Rand Paul is not an optometrist you dufus. He’s a surgeon (eye specialist). Big difference, so your comment is bunk, pure political vitriol from an obvious leftist.

    • Agree: acementhead
  68. Sprumford says:

    For around two years, they labeled EVERYTHING as “Covid”. Common Cold, Flu, Bronchitis, Pneumonia… was all called “Covid-19”. Yet the Flu magically disappeared! Most people still bought it.

  69. IronForge says:

    Per my Newslink submittal for those who don’t partake in reading:

    Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as ‘Evil Practices of Science’


    The modified mRNA COVID shots cause myocarditis according to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine

    • Thanks: frankie p
  70. Wild Man says:

    “Paul claimed that the vaccination mortality rate was 4 in 10,000, extremely high for any vaccine, and I have no reason to doubt his figures.”

    Isn’t that within Steve Kirsch’s ballpark figuring? When did you change your mind? Why? You do realize this changing data point, you now seemingly accept, is much worse than the 1 per 50,000 death rate per jab for the western experimental vaxxo-shite-type death rate, that the readership (like me, for instance) hi-lighted for you, back in the late spring/early summer of 2021, … as sort of the least bad interpretation of the emerging epidemiological signals. And at that time, it was absolutely clear that there was negative self-interest quotient for jab-takers of under the age of 30, based on the 1 per 50,000 per jab estimated best case scenario, as I for one repetitively shared with you, by way of very simple back of envelope calcs that any school boy can do for themselves. And then all that massive social coercion followed, to take the damn vaxxo-shite anyway, as was government mandated. None of that is in any way shape or form excusable. So, … are you willing to now say, given that it seems you now believe the western experimental vaxxo-shite death rate is much worse than 1 per 50,000 per jab, …. that this is a hugely bad signal, and in no way shape or form, a nothingburger, like you have tried to maintain all along (and seemingly, still are, to boot)? It’s a very bad signal at even a 1 per 50,000 per jab western vaxxo-shite death rate for crissakes.

    What’s going on here?

    • Agree: acementhead
  71. @so complex

    doesnt make much sense to distrust the us government but trust the chinese government. l dont trust any government. l particuarly do not trust the us governement and l particuarly do not trust the chinese government.

    Circa 2016, anti-China war propaganda was just heating up: Obama renamed Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific & declared Asian pivot. Rhetoric was mild.

    COVID gave license & normalized racism against China & Chinese people.

    Geopolitically, US bioweapon against China make most sense.
    Mr. Unz isn’t ‘believing CCP’ but using logic.

  72. anonymous[139] • Disclaimer says:

    The stats out of India are suspect but the ones out of China are accepted as accurate. It would be best to be skeptical about the latter also. That the US and China have a collaborative relationship in this gain of function research is rather puzzling. No wonder some people come up with seemingly wild speculations about the real underlying reasons for this.

  73. seventabs says:

    Vaccine mortality rate is hard to assess for a number of reasons. The authorities hide the data. The authorities (e.g. in the US) don’t even track the vaccine effects. The VAERS database data is underreported and there are cases when medical professionals were fired for reporting it. It took a whistleblower, Barry Young of New Zealand, who has spent some time under arrest and is facing years in prison for him blowing the whistle, to get this data known for at least one western world country.

    Then, we have different vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, J&J) and different batches that surprisingly (not, because the product was rushed and of likely low quality) show different mortality rates. Plus, the rates are different for different age groups, as young and healthy seem to be the most impacted.

    My own, admittedly extremely rough, estimation is the mortality rates of the Pfizer are in the vicinity of 30 per 10,000. That’s not a small fraction of the COVID death rates, especially, and up to getting even reversed, for younger cohorts. More like COVID deaths for such cohorts are a fraction of vaccine deaths and that’s not counting the injuries.

    Besides the NZ data another few ways to assess the MR of the vaccines are independent surveys and attempts to assess the “under-reporting factor” of VAERS (which shows roughly 22K COVID vaccine deaths in 2021 in the USA: ), because the medical professionals in the USA aren’t required to report vaccine deaths or injuries to VAERS and moreover were likely discouraged from doing it during the pandemic.

    Steve Kirsch, a COVID vaccine jihadist, did all three, I highly recommend everyone to learn his arguments and read his analysis in his substack page:


    Despite a relative uncertainty of the vaccine mortality numbers, the fact that the authorities hide the data, don’t collect it in the first place, and punish those who work on reporting it or on refining these numbers, is the fact we all should be concerned most about. It’s not good at all. This pandemic and mass vaccination program is arguably behind us, but what is coming next?

    Still, if these numbers check out, the vaccine question can be arguably bigger than the COVID pandemic question Ron works on establishing the responsibility for and the vaccine question may need similar if not higher amount of efforts to analyze and report on. Definitely not act dismissively, as Ron does, on a few occasions.

  74. I think of RFK Jr’s relationship to the Democrat Establishment as parallel to the relationship between His Fordship, Mustapha Mond, and his junior, Alpha-Plus colleague, Bernard Marx.

    Mond could be taken to represent the “conservatives” in the World State polity. Mond’s dialogues with Marx sometimes involve an attempt to persuade Marx to come into the establishment. But Marx also plays a vital role, continually questioning and introducing new ideas into the top leadership.

    (The link between the class structure in Brave New World as reflection of greater Germany’s incorporation of Johann Fichte’s 1808-1818 “Addresses to the German Nation”, can be most directly discerned, in the massive influence of Wilhelm Wundt’s behavioral psychology over virtually all world educational systems, as shown in Paolo Lionni’s “Leipzig Connection” An interpretation of Fichte’s thrust is that it was a demand for universal, compulsory, deliberately dumbed-down schooling, laying fault for the Prussian defeat by the French in the 1806 Battle of Jena at the feet of Napoleon’s motto “every corporal with a field marshal’s baton in his rucksack”–in other words, non-commissioned, non-professional infantry were formally directed to countermand orders from the elite, stratified professional Prussian officer class when local battlefield situations dynamically change. “The French let their commoners loose with too much independence, that’s why we lost to them” is the essence of this interpretation of what Fichte told the King of Prussia.)

    RFK Jr. never really strays far from the DNC orthodoxy (Democratic National Committee/Dilation N Curettage as its primary technique for life as a disease process for which death is the “cure”). RFK Jr. temporarily staves off the DNC from absolute cerebral ossification. But it never occurs to him that abortion feminism is the purest realization of the Population Control foundations’ original foundational principle of biotechnocracy.

    • Thanks: Dieter Kief
  75. @JimDandy

    A virus that kills one out of 300 people will kill a million Americans. That’s the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on a city. Any country hit with such a bioweapon will likely suffer serious economic harm as it struggles to contain the damage. The perfect economic bioweapon needs to be spreadable before symptoms occur, and hit most people mildly so they continue to spread it. To spread a virus, people have to be walking around, rather than sick in bed. Super-lethal pathogens typically don’t spread, because they take their victims out of circulation too quickly. COVID hit pretty close to the classic “sweet spot” posited by biowar theorists. Read up on the topic.

  76. Ron writes: “So the moral of that story seemed to be that effective, Chinese-style lockdowns actually worked quite well, while ineffective American-style lockdowns produced the worst of both worlds, ”

    Not true. Transmission among East Asians was simply lower, as places like Japan without any lockdowns showed. Masks made no difference either, as every serious study and meta-study confirmed. And students were at no risk and should have developed natural immunity as quickly as possible to prevent transmission.

    Chinese lockdowns were an absolute nightmare, not just in 2020 but also in 2021 and 2022. And ultimately they were in vain. Chinese mortality was similar to most Western countries.

  77. Ron writes: “But as I have repeatedly pointed out, there was actually a third possibility, almost totally ignored by both the mainstream and alternative media”

    Not true, either. The idea that the U.S. released the virus was and is the most popular alternative conspiracy theory out there. It’s just that Ron’s version of this theory has been debunked long ago.

  78. Herschy says:

    This is not a highly credible analysis.

  79. JimDandy says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Even if that were true, “killing” a million Americans who were mostly about to die anyway wouldn’t be the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb, it would be accelerating nature by a few weeks. The insane (or calculated?) overreaction did cost the US money–but the rich got richer and Big Pharma hit the jackpot. Who would benefit from a bioweapon that killed the old, sick, and fat and made the rich richer?

    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  80. JimDandy says:

    Well, he’s already publishing articles like that about Gaza and Ukraine, isn’t he?

  81. JimDandy says:

    I was curious about this, too:

    “Given the extremely youthful skew of India’s population curve and its very low obesity levels, these are abominable Covid mortality results, probably the worst in the world for any major country.”

    Low obesity levels in a country where people are starving isn’t automatically a good thing, even where Covid is concerned. Malnutrition and compromised immune systems would make India a prime candidate for relatively high mortality in any situation. I’ve read that a million people in India die every year because of the pollution.

  82. This sad old jew still pushes Covid.


    • Replies: @Kumbaresu
  83. More mistakes:

    Asymptomatic transmission is typical of corona viruses and flu viruses. It enables epidemics and pandemics, but makes these viruses useless as bioweapons because you cannot control their spread. When the Chinese noticed the outbreak the virus was already in Europe and the U.S.

    Charles Lieber was arrested because of undisclosed funding and work in China. It had nothing to do with Covid. Farrar used a burner phone to prevent FOIA requests. Intelligence services obviously can still monitor burner phones. And Farrar always promoted a natural origin!!

    As another commenter said, Covid really has become Ron’s tar baby. At least he finally acknowledges that vaccinating people up to 60 years old was a mistake. But he didn’t speak up when it mattered. And in elderly people the vaccine wasn’t as effective.

    The worst thing is that he still defends Chinese lockdowns, even though they were a complete failure and couldn’t prevent 100% infection in China and a death rate similar to Europe.

  84. @Emil Nikola Richard

    The Simulacra began November 1963 and there is no escaping it now.

    That’s good ol’ Calvin, isn’t it? – We’re all sinners. And God is – for the chosen ones . . . – – the only way out – – .
    But on the other hand: God has bestowed us with arguments and reason.
    If you ask me whether reason will prevail: I refer to Dr. Freud, hehe, who once famously remarked, that reason does have a voice in this world (if – not a loud one – but: It can be persistant. – So: I’m in it for long home-runs – – – – (now think of Supertramp! – and Paul Neslon’s – also: famous! – Dylan essay, and – one of the most famous of paragraphs in it: “Dylan has hit some of the longest home-runs in the history of Rock ‘n’ Roll” – if not in world-history, hehe. Of course: I also like Bobby Zimmi…

    Is it true you guys got legal weed in Germany? That’s what it said in the papers.

    Parliament ruled last week that Cannabis-products can be brought to school too. – It is still prohibited to smoke in class rooms though.
    (This was for sure the last thing we needed but – – -there we go – – – – . . . )

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  85. MGB says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    KB, see no. 2 below from a 2010 paper.

    Ground glass opacity (GGO) is defined as diffuse pulmonary infiltration which does not obscure vessels and bronchial walls and is due to intra-alveolar or interstitial processes of pulmonary parenchyma which only partially replace air. The etiology is variable including edema, airspace and interstitial pneumonia due to different organisms, non-infectious pneumonitis as well as tumor manifestations. Physiological processes, such as poor ventilation of dependent lung areas and effects of expiration can also present as ground glass opacity.This review describes the physiology and pathophysiology of GGO, illustrates different examples of common diseases presenting with GGO and reviews how GGO may be used for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease.

    and various other symptoms of covid shared with the flu and other respiratory viruses. this ‘ground glass’ narrative was one of many scare the ‘shit out them’ talking points, along with killing grandma, used to promote the unique danger that covid was/is ad campaign.

    since it is a pet peeve of mine, unz’s mask argument is nonsense, droplets or not. when this all kicked off, i pulled up the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidance for the use of masks in the hospital/healthcare setting. According to the 2018/2019 guidelines, clothe and surgical masks do not prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses, period, only properly used N95 masks, which were initially being withheld from the general public so health care workers could be assured of having access to 95s at work. same with his ‘saving lives’ BS about the vaccines. until they stopped issuing the stats, because people were ‘misusing’ them, the UK HSA was publishing monthly figures on death/illness attributed to covid. the numbers for vaxxed versus unvaxxed were nearly identical for all age groups. (IIRC the numbers for younger persons, were actually slightly more favorable to the prevention of illness/death for the vaxxed, which of course does not make any sense, as everyone now seems to acknowledge that the young are covid-proof.) a death was any person dying within however many days (i forget how many) of a positive PCR, and illness due to covid was similarly counted for any persons hospitalized for any illness within however many days of a positive test. yet, unz and the economist know the numbers. no one knows the numbers, since no one ever gave a shit about knowing the numbers.

  86. @Rich23

    Oh, goodness. Facts?! On here? Will wonders never cease.

    • Replies: @Rich23
  87. @Kevin Barrett

    A virus that kills one out of 300 people will kill a million Americans. That’s the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on a city.

    BS. Itdepends who the virus kills (and of course what other effects it has Cp. radiation dickness)
    Nearly all the Amrricans killed were useless eaters completely unlike the death toll if a nuclear weapon was used.

    How can you be taken seriously?

    (Rhetorical question: anyone who says something so dopey can’t be)

    • Replies: @Art
  88. Notsofast says:

    it’s quite elementary trolljojo, just like the schoolchildren you diddle,

    because the darpa funded gain of function research, ralph baric used to receive 2015 patent for attaching a bat spike protein complex to an existing corona virus, had been banned in the u.s. due to it’s intrinsically dangerous nature. fauci and baric then moved their “research” it to wuhan, for two reasons: first, to finish their work on the mrna based “vaccine” for their bioweapon.

    secondly, to be able to blame the chinese for the disease, by releasing their bioweapon during the wuhan military games, two weeks after event 201, in which they announced their intentions to start ww3 (and to celebrate the billions they would reap, by forcing the world populous, to serve as human guinea pigs in their demonic genetic engineering experiment, disguised as a vaccine).

    yes jojo, it’s so simple even an elementary school student could understand, why don’t you ask one to explain it to you.

  89. @Mefobills

    Thanks, Mefo.
    I wished to congratulate Ron Unz for this latest, including/especially his ability to sort the (very few) grains of wheat from the (very large) amount of chaff in people like Dewar, as well as remind him that the “vaccination” remains a major fault-line in the entire cv-19 operation. I’m convinced that his theory of it being a US bioweapon, which was used on perceived enemies of USA, is 100% correct.
    As also Russia, Iran and China (and others) are convinced.

    Your eloquent and accurate post on education forestalled my cruder point about the unfortunate Paul and even more unfortunate RFK jr. As well as an entire body of “national representatives” repeatedly/shamefully getting to their feet to applaud a mass murderer and subsequently continuing to vote large tranches of treasure to continue the oppression, displacements, torture and slaughters in Palestine.
    And Heavenly Kingdom Ukraine.
    That the thought patterns of Americans, even supposedly intelligent ones, are in almost all cases hopelessly brainwashed. The problem essentially is “America” wherein very many Americans are totally blind to the rancid evil of their zio-satanist-masonic “government” and think that evil is good and good is evil.

    It is my opinion that this mindset is due to be challenged and overcome, as is happening now. But also that there are going to arrive in the not distant future far-reaching legal investigations into US policy, the millions killed in Iraq for just one example. I hope, as a non-American, that there will be righteous Americans to weather this coming storm and set to rights their nation, which has every possibility of becoming a Failed State.

  90. @CharlesOconnell

    Ha, what did Fichte know? History is bunk 😉

    Mond actually granted ‘Savage’s right to be unhappy but it doesn’t seem the present World Controllers want to give us the same choice. We will own nothing and we will be happy. I’m assuming the latter will be ensured via the mandated equivalent of soma.

    When I read BNW I thought it a cautionary tale of dystopia. Evidently some folks see it as an instruction manual and the human condition as a disease in need of a cure.

  91. , the consequences have been enormous, with well over a million Americans dying from the disease, along with tens of millions worldwide.

    Are we in a clown world time warp?
    WTF! Pure, unmitigated, unproven, under or non-researched and still the Jew-Jab King lays his Jewhood, again on the line, to please WHO?

    There isn’t any understanding that the Global BORG, the Zio/Globo/Homo orchestrated this miasma all from mis-education, dis-information and tyranny, turned into a massive global asset grab.

    Ron, you have to stop lying aboiut the CoronaPrank, as all the outcomes that are NOT medical have become front and centre due to the CoronaPrank.

    …and all because the casual gods declared that “human immunity is now ILLEGAL!”

  92. I agree with Ron that Covid was/is a bioweapon engineered primarily in US labs and was probably intentionally released in China by the US. Why would the US do this? Answer: to damage the surging Chinese economy that US elites view as the most serious threat to US world economic dominance.

    The US attack was not unprecedented. There is considerable evidence the CIA staged a crude bioweapons attack against North Korea and China during the Korean War.

    BTW, I also believe the US also may have used weather warfare against China for the same purpose: to damage the Chinese economy. The flooding in China last summer was nothing less than catastrophic — yet I saw very little coverage of this in the US.

    Given the evidence that Covid is a bioweapon, I do not understand Ron’s blind refusal to consider the possibility — for which there is even more evidence — that the mRNA vaxxines were much worse than Covid. If a million plus Americans died from Covid, the vax has killed vastly more. Watch the short address by Dr Peter McCullough before the EU about eight months ago. He states unequivocally that 4% of those who got the jab suffered damage. McCullough also states that 75% of the deaths that occurred after the rollout were caused by the vax — not Covid.

    Ron, are you listening?

  93. … students might easily pick up Covid infections from their classmates and then take those home, spreading the virus to their families and perhaps endangering their grandparents or other older relatives.

    How many children live with their grandparents these days?

    • Replies: @bike-anarkist
    , @MGB
  94. @Kevin Barrett

    The truth is that Kevin was probably the source of this entire bioweapon panic due to some early fake reports by some Iranian hotheads. It was Kevin who made Ron paranoid. Elderly, sick or obese people like Fetzer and Steele would have died during any flu pandemic. This is life. Former CIA chief Allen Dulles died during the Hong Kong flu. Was it a Soviet bioweapon attack? Of course not. And the idea to stop such a virus with lockdowns is beyond ludicrous. It’s time to get over it.

    Ron again referred to India but India was praised by the WHO for its extreme lockdowns which of course totally failed. And yet its total death rate was only 0.3%. It was a non-issue.

    • Thanks: bike-anarkist
  95. There is a illuminating 2 part documentary on Bitchute by a scientific researcher that documents that most of the major research into viruses has been conducted by, that’s right Jews. Verry interestingk.
    Of equal interest is Dr. David E Martin’s research that has come up with documentary evidence that a plandemic was engineered decades before the orchestrated covid panic was launched. Furthermore, the so called sars 2 covid virus never actually existed. The jewnited Nations crime syndicate concocted a brew of 20 or more symptoms and dubbed it covid.
    One thing I would like considered is that the conjured up virus was never the real cause of millions of deaths due to the lock step response by ALL the Zionist controlled governments around the world. Instead it was a combination of the yearly flu, the deadly Pfizer clot shot and hospital malfeasance for profit. Pfizer worked closely with Israhell and so a suspicion arises that Pfizer supplied Israhell with a placebo for it’s people?

  96. Leon says: • Website

    Bill Clinton, Chinese treaty. Fort Dietrich, Maryland…
    The mysterious Vaping Disease…
    Blood samples from Americans by the Red Cross…
    Autopsies illegal…
    Military Olympics…

  97. @Mark H. Gaffney

    Ron doesn’t believe that the human body is capable of immunity that, somehow after ~ 300,000 years has become ineffective, by simply, political decree.

    His fellow Red Sea Pedestrians are on the hook for so much now, I guess there is the need to throw a bone to distract from the mounting documentation of inhumanity against them.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  98. @Priss Factor

    Ron, when it gets to him that the readers are NOT just followers, he just attempts at treating them as less-than-human.

  99. @Mark H. Gaffney

    The CoronaPrank was set up by the authorities to freak the masses out; then were ready to administer the Death Jab.
    CoVid1984 has become a PANDEMIC of vaccine abuse.

  100. On the subject of whether ethnic bioweapons have been devoped and tested the answer is yes. Mainly by the US and South Africa. See the national book critic award winning “Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present,” by Harriet A Washington. See the US Navy tests involving Rift Valley Fever starting in the 1940s and subsequent followup by South Africa and mention of Israeli interest in developing anti-Arab bioweapons. It’s located around page 375 and following. You can download it on Kindle from Amazon.

  101. MGB says:
    @Priss Factor

    Good point. And if oldsters were at risk by being exposed to youngsters, they could’ve just isolated the oldsters, like they did anyway, without traumatizing the youngsters. But there’s no fun in that.

  102. Notsofast says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    everyone seems to think there’s only one covid 19 but please remember when they came out with the highly inaccurate pcr test (whose creator said, should never be used as a diagnostic tool, and oddly enough died of “pneumonia” in aug of 2019, what a strange coincidence), they told us they could not differentiate between different strains of covid, and by the end of the panic they admitted it couldn’t even differentiate between covid and influenza.

    i have been saying since the very beginning that baric and the boys at darpa created several distinct strains, some far more deadly such as the strain with which they attacked the iranians, that killed so many in their government, in a deliberate targeted bioweapon attack. the iranians have always accused the u.s. of a bioweapon attack, but everyone ignores them.

    the strain they used on the iranian government, was most likely used on high profile covid dissenters as well, in order to scare their flocks into compliance. covid 19 was the ultimate terrorist weapon, designed primarily to scare us into compliance with their new rules based orders, that superseded the constitution, bill of rights and nuremburg code.

    • Replies: @MGB
  103. @The Original Joe Blow

    You would indict, try, convict, and execute people whom you allege to be responsible for covid before any conclusive investigation into the actual origin of covid.
    I can sense your bloodlust, but I do wonder how you answer those who expect jurors to conclude guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, when we are tasked to hang the criminal first, and then “figure out what happened”.
    You appear to be urging the methods used in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, brother.

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  104. Anon[359] • Disclaimer says:

    former lefty is ten of Savile’s prolapsed bumboys in 77th Brigade, furiously spouting irrelevant shit to obfuscate CIA responsibility for banned biological weapons use.

    CIA cutouts from their MI-6 satellite state show how neuralgic this issue is for CIA. Some of these cowardly ratfuckers are going to wind up in the trunk with Dan Mitrione, and they’re getting very nervous. When Avril gets flown off to Khabarovsk on a litter for the tribunal, they should raffle off the honor of giving her the enema and buttplug. I would buy a zillion tickets.

  105. @Zachary Smith

    “it is setting them up for a lifetime of hurt as they age”

    “Long-Covid” is a cover term for damage caused by the gene-therapy drug mRNA which includes cardiac and immune system disruption. Scientism is an ultimately sinister ideology that was a result of the corporatist corruption of science. This is the foul legacy of the Boomers.

  106. Art says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    BS. Itdepends who the virus kills (and of course what other effects it has Cp. radiation dickness)

    Nearly all the Amrricans killed were useless eaters completely unlike the death toll if a nuclear weapon was used.

    This Wiz guy is a Jew — his words betray him — his contempt for human life is emblematic of the hateful Jew mindset. He is what the Jews are doing in Gaza.

    Wiz is the enemy of Western culture. His contempt and scorn for human life is anti-Christian.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  107. MGB says:

    the strain they used on the iranian government . . .

    strains and batches. which batch of which vaccine was administered and where? with these types, every conflict is the spanish civil war, another opportunity to test new weaponry.

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  108. “Certain people” were not only well embedded in Wuhan, but are also working inside these labs as senior advisors. It’s not difficult to imagine that these people staged the viral release with Xi’s permission, with the goal of crippling White civilization.

    Releasing the virus had positive effects for China, which was beginning to experience a serious, predicted, long-term economic downturn:

    1) Culling the old and weak will never be seen as a negative by hive-minded totalitarians. Austerity and starvation are serious threats to standing regimes. The manufactured virus accomplished the perfect population cull for Xi while ostensibly keeping his hands clean.

    2) Trump was the primary thorn in China’s side. The manufactured Corona virus response was a tactic used to steal the 2020 US Presidential Election. The BLM terrorist campaign fit hand and glove with the virus response. The BLM terrorism campaign was planned, staged, and facilitated by a powerful collective of anti-White entities using BLM and Antifa as pawns. It seems reasonable to suggest that the virus release was also planned as the indispensable part of this operation.

    3) The virus was an excuse to decimate the American middle class. The American middle class is more responsible for global freedom than any other entity, despite 164 years of unconscionable abuse directed at it from the District of Columbia. It’s no secret that when the American middle class has been annihilated, human rights will utterly vanish off of the face of the Earth. This achievement would be worthy of great sacrifice to our enemies, but on the contrary they have thrived from the virus response, economic collapse, and rule under an unelected puppet-government of anti-White despots, both in America and abroad.

    4) Did the Communist rulers of totalitarian China profit in any way from the vaccine terror campaign? My guess would be “yes,” but that needs to be investigated.

    The motive and opportunity for the release of the manufactured Corona virus lies somewhere outside of Trump’s backstabbing Neo-Con administration, in my thinking. I would investigate a Mossad/Chinese connection for the virus release. Obviously, the full force of the usual globalist suspects were behind the synchronized virus response, the BLM terrorist campaign, the presidential election steal, and the government oppression forcing mandatory vaccination.

    The lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations were inexcusable human rights violations that were crimes against humanity, and should be prosecuted as such. I tend to agree that the virus release and response was the most sinister single event since WW2, and those responsible should be held accountable. (Is there a connection between these two things and JFK and 911?) However, ethnic replacement is genocide, and this current and ongoing genocide taking place in White nations is the the worst crime against humanity in history, in my opinion; and rightfully should be the opinion of all White people.

    • Replies: @Dutch Boy
  109. I suggest doing a search of RT’s articles on biowarfare research that was being done by the Pentagon in Ukraine, according to Russian investigators who allege they were targeting ethnic groups.

    It’s also helpful to learn some of this history from Francis Boyle’s book, Biowarfare & Terrorism (2005) –

    Professor Boyle also authored the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989. He has asserted that “more pandemics are coming” –

    • Agree: Dutch Boy
    • Replies: @Dutch Boy
  110. Mike Tre says:

    Kevin doesn’t seem to mind jewish billionaires raking in even more money from shuttering business and selling people a fake vaccine.

    • Agree: Mike Tre
    • Replies: @JimDandy
  111. Notsofast says:

    that’s a whole other question, that is the same question in the end, immho.

  112. Anon[352] • Disclaimer says:
    @Half Norwegian

    More dogshit flu analysis from Ron, and now he’s pretending he wasn’t a rabid vaxx shill who banned commenters that questioned the science.


    Ron was as bad as fucking sadistic Communist Germaphobe Chomsky.

    Now, like a lying manipulative bitch, Ron’s trying to edit the past.

    If you want another good laugh, listen to Ron’s latest podcast with E. Michael Jones, where Ron will tell you that a significant number of the Jew billionaires running these operations are simply misinformed as they get their information from the MSM.

  113. JIM123 says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    In Massachusetts, from 2015-2022, daily deaths average ~170/day.

    There are spikes during influenza season, roughly December through February peak-time; in warmer months, late spring to early fall: less deaths.

    However, in April 2020 and May 2020, daily deaths doubled: & so many elderly people died, in this 60-day span, that the average age of death, along with the median age of death, actually spiked up, as well, during this two-month period.

    Following December 2020 deployment of mRNA shots, Massachusetts deaths during it’s influenza seasons soared, at levels never seen according to all death records in the state since 2015.

    What happened in Massachusetts, circa April 2020 & May 2020?

    And why have three most recent, consecutive influenza seasons, been the worst, by far, in terms of deaths?

    We actually don’t know why — officially, at any rate — why so many more elderly people with morbidities died in Massachusetts, in hospitals, at nursing homes, in their homes, etc. April & May 2020.

    There is no peer-reviewed study that even asks the question how much of these deaths could have been due to medical doctor and medical industry abuse and neglect and failure to treat. Ask Meryl Nass about it, there are many others to ask.

    Social segregation is a form of torture; this was one of the government’s “Counter Measures,” by the way.

    People barred from visiting their loved ones in hospital, in nursing homes, children segregated from each other via evidence-free school lock downs. Something teachers and teachers unions and administrators and their unions, and parents sitting on school boards all went along with. Don’t say these things didn’t happen. Yet the refrain is always: we love our children! Tell this to Ripley’s Believe it or Not.

    Amherst, among the very few school districts in the country that mandated mRNA shots for students, approved by the town’s municipal health director and board of health.

    A 16-year old Amherst student and athlete, in Sept. 2022, running a cross-country meet, collapsed, and died a few days later in hospital.

    The student’s mother, a medical doctor, and a professor in public health at a leading university, [a school, as with nearly all colleges and universities here in this state] imposed mandate to get the mRNA shots. Otherwise barred from college and employment.

    This MD posted on a blog that her child died “and we don’t know why.”


    This medical doctor outright lied to the public? pretending not to know why her child died.

    MDs go to school for many years, including to learn and to name a very important thing, naming the cause of death; but not so with this MD. How many liars and charlatans and worse occupy chairs in teaching hospitals, medical centers, private practice and universities and colleges?

    Fragmented consciousness, ignorance, greed and lust to maintain some social status rank among our collective enemies in this search for truths viz. corona-911 operation.

    Kevin has interviewed Nass a few times, but based on this comment, I’m left wondering if some of it went in one ear and out the other? Interview her some more, interview Sasha Latypova, Brook Jackson, Michael Yeadon, Anthony Fauci — after he left office, he wrote in a paper what he always knew about vaccine efficacy and vaccine effectiveness involving . . . .The former Amherst public health director said during a meeting that she loved Dr. Fauci. She went around town inoculating as many as she could, then resigned her job. The town had its evidence-free mask mandate, and hired college students to go around telling people in public to mask up, get the shots, segregate from one another, and so on and so forth.

    As for Kildorff, he is a fool to have argued in April 2020
    [Just as in war, we must exploit the characteristics of the enemy in order to defeat it with the minimum number of casualties. Since COVID-19 operates in a highly age specific manner, mandated counter measures must also be age specific. If not, lives will be unnecessarily lost.]

    He liked the idea of Social Segregation; he just wanted it to be more refined. Even his refined segregationist-ideas met with derision by the likes of Fauci and his boss, NIH Director Francis Collins — who brooked no dissent against wholesale social segregation, and thus they attacked the Great Barrington Declaration. . . .another scandal in this scandal-ridden corrupt scheme, ongoing crime still in progress.

    I believe USMC Major Joseph Murphy did a wonderful job, save for any insinuation China government was part of this crime still in progress:


    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  114. Rich23 says:

    Tongue in cheek?

    Go to the CDC website and verify. I’m not retracing my steps back to 2020 nor as a physician am I awaiting an actuarial to “crunch” data 3 years after the fact.

    Ron’s nonsense about “saving” the world financially is classic megalomaniacal Acquisitive Projective Identification.

    I met iL Fauci (hat-tip to iL Duce) in 1985 and he, then, was every bit The Acquisitive Megalomaniac he demonstrated in 2020 AND I call it long before Kerry Mullis, he of Nobel prize for PCR the process bastardized by iL Fauci as “a COVID test”…so all of it was evident to me

    once again

    March/April 2020 COVID emergency declared

    Sept 2019 Overnight Repo Operations started

    Dec 2019 QE 3 or4 at ~$2.4 trillion

    Btw China tried to warn us as early as Sept 2019 just as Russia”s warning about The Tsarnev brothers was ignored by DHS and FBI (maybe because FBI “handled” the patsies)

  115. Great piece, Ron. Thanks a lot for your integrity. Much appreciate!

  116. Dutch Boy says:

    The investigative reporter Alex Berenson thinks even the supposed benefits to older people are illusory. After about a three month period of protection, you need another shot and within about nine months, you are more vulnerable than those who did not get the shots.

    • Agree: JimDandy
  117. Dutch Boy says:
    @William Everett

    Why would anyone take disease statistics from a police state at face value anyway? Why is Mr. Unz so sure that China’s Covid policies were so much more effective than other countries? Who is going to be allowed to check what actually happened in China?

  118. Dutch Boy says:

    Probably a serious bird flu.

  119. @Michael Meo

    You appear to be urging the methods used in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, brother.

    Back here on planet Earth in the past five years, Derek Chauvin, the McMichaels, William Bryan, the Charlottesville demonstrators, the J6 Capitol tourists, and Donald Trump would have been far more likely to get a fair trial from Deputy Governor Danforth and a jury of the goodmen and goodwives of 1692–93 Salem than from the mob of unprincipled Judeo-black thieves, killers, and revenge-driven, white-Christian-hating morons who have wrecked their lives.

    Furthermore, unlike Anthony Fauci, none of the people listed above ever murdered tens of thousands of homosexuals with AZT, nor did they prohibit doctors from obeying their Hippocratic Recommendation Oath to do no harm to their patients who had the bad luck to contract the COVID virus during the psy-op plandemic.

    Please confine your virtue-signaling fantasy life to your fellow (((Narrative))) consumers.

    • Thanks: JimDandy, Liza
  120. @JIM123

    This medical doctor outright lied to the public? pretending not to know why her child died.

    Aldous Huxley:

    There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.

    Kid died because mom was beguiled in her servitude. It isn’t totally false for her to plead ignorance.

    • Replies: @Jim123
  121. @meamjojo

    I would disagree. If we were building a bioweapon, WHY would we do in a Chinese lab, when we know that anything of note that occurs in China gets reported to the authorities? This would be highly secret stuff.

    That would be perfectly obvious even to a 5-year-old. And yet, in his final paragraph Ron Unz writes:

    Yet that seemingly absurd hypothesis represents an accurate description of the activities of the EcoHealth Alliance and its Pentagon and American biodefense paymasters (…)

    Does he mean that the EcoHealth Alliance was somehow transferring information to the Chinese that was deemed safe while the real bioweapon was really being (or had already been) developed in the U.S.? I suppose that’s what he has in mind, though I’m not sure.

  122. meamjojo says:

    Just off the presses today.

    New Study From Czech Republic Confirms Covid Vaccines Have Around Zero Efficacy Against Death
    by Dr Eyal Shahar
    29 April 2024 5:13 PM

    In 2021, we were flooded with visuals showing us how effective the mRNA vaccines were against death from Covid. We saw, for example, that the Covid mortality graph of those who completed the two-dose protocol was substantially lower than that of the unvaccinated. To strengthen the point, we were shown a consistent pattern across age groups or after age adjustment.

    Much of this was an illusion. Back then, they did not display comparable graphs for non-Covid deaths. If they did, we would have seen that the vaccinated also fared better on non-Covid mortality. Of course, no one expects these vaccines to prevent death from cancer, heart disease, stroke and so on.

    The pseudo-effectiveness of Covid vaccines against death from unrelated causes is not a new observation. The same kind of pseudo-effectiveness was discovered long ago for the flu vaccines. It is called the ‘healthy vaccinee effect’. For various reasons unrelated to the vaccines, people who are vaccinated have better background health on average than people who are not, and therefore they are less likely to die from ‘anything’, including flu and Covid. Vaccinated or not, they would have had lower Covid mortality than their unvaccinated counterparts.

    • Replies: @anonymicical
    , @Brás Cubas
  123. How about the hundreds of thousands of small biznesses that were kiboshed by covid?

    I thought you rightwhateveryouareists all just love the free market and capitalism and all that (funny words that really are superannuated beyond belief–having no real modern meaning), and small biznesses, aren’t they the epitome of all that is good about “free market capitalism” (hardehar: what a dumb meaningless term)?

    Apparently not. All you covid true-believers believe free market capitalism is just some friendly neighborhood hobby that is nice to contemplate, except when it gets in the way, and then you crush it, without a smidgeon of shame.

  124. Ed Case says:

    That’s interesting.
    About 25 years ago, I was discussing the results of an indeterminate Q-Fever Test.
    I told the doctor that i had been ill for a fortnite in 1974 with a fever that included coughing up a gallon of black mucus and hallucinations while being unable to get out of bed for a week.
    The doctor responded that this sounded like Influenza and that what most people call the Flu is just a bad cold.

  125. @ron quoted himself saying:

    The possible creation of ethnically-targeted bioweapons has been discussed for decades and over the years there have been news reports of major research efforts to develop them. For example, as far back in November 1998, the London Sunday Times revealed that Israel was developing an “ethnic-bomb” weapon targeting the genetic characteristics of Arab populations,

    If thinking people were not aware that news organizations are full of idiots who spout stupid shit all the time, this should clue them in.

    All the data I have seen tells us that Jewish Israelis are genetically closely clustered with Arabs. They are both Semitic peoples after all.

    Any such bioweapon would have much greater blowback potential than SARS-CoV-2 seems to have had.

    Of course, it still does not explain why Rand Paul doesn’t have a clue.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  126. Kumbaresu says:
    @Not Important

    I am also a sad, old, jew but I am allergic to stupid bullshit such as Moonshine landing, 9/11 horseshit, Covid dogshit, Ukraine ratshit, Gaza goatshit, etc. Unz is different as he does BS for a living. I have to admit that he did an excellent job on WWII history, but when truth is delivered with such a huge delay and then mixed with lies about our recent history, it looks like an intentional disinformation.

  127. @meamjojo

    This posting is not about the Covid-19 Vaccines (or modRNA gene therapy treatment, if you prefer.)

    It is about Rand Paul’s inability to understand or mention the other possibilities for how the virus was released on the world.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  128. Anogomous says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    #76 @Kevin Barrett

    A virus that kills one out of 300 people will kill a million Americans.

    No. Full Stop. You’re assuming everyone‘s infected. What space planet are you from? For an adult this is beyond stupid.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  129. @bike-anarkist

    Ron doesn’t believe that the human body is capable of immunity that, somehow after ~ 300,000 years has become ineffective, by simply, political decree.

    So you would describe the pre-vaccine smallpox outbreaks as the glory days when humans could show off how their immune system could beat any virus?

    Smallpox: A disease that killed 400,000 Europeans per year before the invention of the vaccine

    • Replies: @JasonT
    , @Anogomous
  130. @Kevin Barrett

    A virus that kills one out of 300 people will kill a million Americans. That’s the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on a city. Any country hit with such a bioweapon will likely suffer serious economic harm as it struggles to contain the damage.

    COVID hit pretty close to the classic “sweet spot” posited by biowar theorists. Read up on the topic.

    The fact that the deaths were mostly in the over 70 crowd makes it more likely that it was an accident or wasn’t fully finished. A biowar virus would be designed to kill the workforce.

    If the US did absolutely nothing (I am NOT advocating that position) there probably would have been economic savings from a reduced number of SS benefits. It’s very expensive for the government to keep people in nursing homes on SS. Obese Americans are even more expensive. We are talking 6 to 8 thousand dollars a month for board alone. That doesn’t include on-call doctor visits. An obese 75 year old can easily rack up two hundred thousand dollars in a single year.

    • Replies: @amor fati
  131. Thekid says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Except here in Alberta where we were told, at the height of ‘covid’, miraculously, there were zero deaths from the seasonal flu.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  132. @Anogomous

    A virus that kills one out of 300 people will kill a million Americans.

    No. Full Stop. You’re assuming everyone‘s infected. What space planet are you from? For an adult this is beyond stupid.

    Well the infection rate is over 80% at this point.

    But it should be noted that said figure includes the newer mutations which are much lighter than the original. More contagious but less deadly which is the same path that the flu has taken. The original COVID actually infected much deeper in the lungs. It gave people the creepy COVID cough that is the stuff of nightmares. At some point they can’t stop coughing to even finish a sentence. A lot of the long COVID is from damage to your lungs. They aren’t designed to cough constantly for weeks straight. Some victims are permanently on oxygen from lung damage. I know someone who still doesn’t have his taste back from the original infection. The doctors don’t think it will ever come back. He can’t taste practically anything. He said Coke tastes like motor oil.

    • LOL: JimDandy
    • Replies: @meamjojo
  133. Von Rho says:

    “He claimed that masking was completely ineffective because the size of the viral particles was so small relative to the filtration of the mask, but the rejoinder of proponents had been that the viral particles were usually embedded in much larger water droplets and those were successfully filtered out by masks.”
    How can a doctor not know this obviousness?

    • Replies: @Cabystander
    , @meamjojo
  134. “Although the Covid epidemic has largely faded from the headlines, the consequences have been enormous, with well over a million Americans dying from the disease, along with tens of millions worldwide.”

    Second sentence in the article and i quit right there. Unz is still blindly accepting everything the govt says. I doubt covid killed even 20,000 americans.

  135. JimDandy says:
    @Mike Tre

    More like JEWclear bomb, amirite?

    • Agree: Mike Tre
  136. @Thekid

    Except here in Alberta where we were told, at the height of ‘covid’, miraculously, there were zero deaths from the seasonal flu.

    There was no miracle or mystery.

    Flu levels were at an all time low in numerous countries

    The lockdowns were actually effective against the flu. This is because COVID has the problem of asymptomatic cases. Someone can feel fine and pass it to a dozen people at a house party. But if you have the flu then you will have symptoms.

    To be clear that is not an endorsement of the lockdowns. If we all live in bunkers then of course there will be a drop in flu levels. But there is also this thing called the economy.

    • Replies: @former lefty
  137. @ron says:

    For more than 30 months I have emphasized that there are actually three perfectly plausible hypotheses for the Covid outbreak. The virus might have been natural, randomly appearing in Wuhan during late 2019; the virus might have been the artificial product of a scientific lab in Wuhan, which accidentally leaked out at that time; or the virus might have been the bioengineered product of America’s hundred-billion-dollar biowarfare program, the oldest and largest in the world, a bioweapon deployed against China and Iran by elements of the Trump Administration at the height of our hostile international confrontation with those countries.

    Why do you discount or fail to mention two additional possibilities:

    1. China developed and released the bioweapon mainly against the US because it was aware the US was trying to hurt their economy and in retaliation for the two previous attacks on poultry and pigs in China, and
    2. Russia developed and released the bioweapon on the US because of US work on bioweapons in Ukraine?

    • Troll: mulga mumblebrain
    • Replies: @amor fati
  138. @Kevin Barrett

    Hi Kevin. I’m sure you’re familiar with Ryan Christian of The Last American Vagabond. Ryan was doing some fairly deep research into the origins of Covid very early on in the psyop and did a number of shows on the subject. I remember him reporting on mysterious illnesses in the vicinity of Fort Dietrick Maryland in the latter months of 2019. There were mainstream reports of a mysterious lung disease featuring X-rays showing ground glass opacity in the lungs. It was attributed by the mainstream as being due to vaping, however of course no viable evidence for this claim was provided. In my opinion, the Covid bioweapon, if it existed, was created in Fort Dietrick and then shipped to Wuhan as a cover story. That’s why Zion Don continuously referred to it (in his typical obnoxious style) as the “China” virus.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  139. Anonymous[245] • Disclaimer says:
    @Dieter Kief

    (This was for sure the last thing we needed but – – -there we go – – – – . . . )

    I admit it: I will be watching to see what happens to German productivity during the next half-decade.

    Between ourselves, I do not expect the sensible Germans to go mad with this. However, I will be interested to see whether legalisation turns out to be a net boon for the country, or if the benefits are largely illusory.

    I noticed the Californians were jolly noisy about legalisation when it first took hold there some years back, but seem strangely silent on the subject nowadays.

    (Whether this is because they are so overwhelmed by the much-ballyhooed economic benefits or if it is a simple matter of the entire state being enveloped in an impenetrable cloud of reefer smoke I leave to the reader to decide.)

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
  140. Rich23 says:

    You snuck it in there.
    I’ve encountered several pretentious fucks, pricks and cunts on iL Fauci’s level in my career AND what they lack in stupidity and dishonesty they more than compensate with exceptional vindictiveness.

    “I have stood almost alone on the Internet in proclaiming”
    Down boy. Projection of your inner object state is, well, that.
    The proclamation belongs to the CDC.

    Do you think the facts are wrong?
    Take a few weeks or months and read the Bob Gallo-Luc Montagnier-iL Fauci-AIDS-HIV-LAV Saga.
    iL Fauci is monumental prick about the pint-size of Nap Bonaparte. So what.
    Kerry Mullis did iL Fauci wrong but accurately. Are you suggesting Kerry paid the price for tugging on less-than-superman’s cape?

    I wish someone would prove the CDC wrong. Those facts are CDCs assertions in the rigged game. It worked. My hat tip to their industrial scale beguiling of The People. Unremitting it seems

  141. @Von Rho

    “…successfully filtered out by masks”
    Sounds reasonable. But “science” isn’t conducted by “Sounds reasonable “.
    Where was the science determining the effectiveness of masks.?
    What “Sounds reasonable ” to me is that before you mandate masks for the entire nation, you do a little science.
    Since I assume the worst of those in power, the fact we saw no science supporting masks, the six ft social distancing, etc. Was because there was NO supporting science.

    • Replies: @Von Rho
    , @Father Coughlin
  142. @JasonT

    Smallpox was eradicated by improved nutrition and sanitation (including hygiene), especially sanitation – not vaccination.

    Your WordPress blog source shows that people continued to die of small pox for years with the implication that it didn’t work.

    The fact that people continued to die of smallpox for over a hundred years was already well known.

    The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1796. Did you expect everyone to run to their local doctor for a shot? It was arm-to-arm vaccination up until the late 1800s.

    Are you suggesting that the original vaccine didn’t work or that all of the smallpox vaccines are fake?

    Was Jenner correct that exposure to cowpox could protect someone to smallpox?

    Napolean actually gave Jenner an award for his discovery as it protected his soldiers. Was Napolean wrong and only imagined that it worked?

    What a strange time we live in where White men not only start denying their history but also their inventions that changed the world. The top anti-vaxxers are as White as a mayonnaise commercial.

    • Agree: amor fati
    • Troll: JimDandy
  143. Unlike SARS and many other diseases, pre-symptomatic Covid cases were highly infectious and 30-40% of asymptomatic victims were also contagious, so only difficult, mass-testing was able to contain a local outbreak.

    I haven’t kept up to date with this topic, but there was some real debate about this at the time. Has asymptomatic transmission been settled then ? Pre-symptomatic I could get as possible.

    I think a far more likely possibility is that Lieber began to wonder whether the epidemic in China might not be the result of an American biowarfare attack, and was perhaps a little too free in voicing his suspicions

    I haven’t followed this closely either. It’s possible he was suspected of having doubts, and if he had sufficient prestige in this field and went public it could be a big problem. Or he saw too much, too many things he shouldn’t. Or he was a Jew, doing typical ‘Jew’ stuff, but then who overstepped some lines somewhere.

    But I’m not yet prepared to rule out the virus was actually a product of stupid arrogant globalization.

    It may be more than pure coincidence that Farrar’s urgent request for a “burner” phone was sent almost simultaneously with Lieber’s sudden arrest. Unlike Paul, I very much doubt that Farrar was worried that the Chinese secret police could somehow threaten his safety in Britain. But other intelligence services might indeed constitute a very serious threat, especially if the private speculations of Farrar and his colleagues had extended far beyond the fleeting references he later published in Spike.

    Again, he may have been someone who saw a lot of stuff over time that when this happened now put him in a certain risk profile. A potential dot joiner. This guy may have also been thinking about what happened to British biowarfare expert David Kelly during the Iraq War.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  144. @Chrisnonymous

    The author of the astralcodex article is a psychiatrist

    Run, don’t walk!

  145. JasonT says:

    Napoleon is your source for what is right? LOL

    Despite people not running “to their local doctor for a shot” smallpox was still eradicated. Why? Nutrition and sanitation, especially the latter.

    Of course people continued to die of smallpox until better sanitation was ubiquitous enough to eradicate it.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  146. Thrallman says:

    It’s very interesting that neither Rand Paul nor Robert Kennedy Jr. found anything to say about the Crimson Contagion exercise.

    If the global elite believe that the greatest threat to human survival is the virus, then obviously they need to develop a response. Crimson Contagion the dry run, Covid-19 the live-ammo drill.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  147. @John Johnson

    What a strange time we live in where White men not only start denying their history but also their inventions that changed the world.

    That’s how I feel. Vaccines are one of the marvels of Western science and civilization. Now it seems we have folks on here denying virology all together.

    The covid vaccines were a bit of a special case because they were rushed to the public. It was rational to be at least somewhat skeptical (I was, for a while) but the relentless truculence, denial of evidence and bizarre clinging to all sorts of alternative theories and “facts” displayed by anti-vaxxers on this site over the last four years indicate that the anti-vaccine movement is not rational. It’s a neurosis. Possibly an inevitable one, given the erosion in trust for our establishment.

  148. Sesto says:
    @John Johnson

    There is not one vaccine that can replace adequate nutrition to prevent “smallpox” or any other so-called sickness.

    Like so many, you attribute the cause of illness to a microbe, when what is really to blame is the body or the environment surrounding it.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  149. Mark Hunter says: • Website

    Ron Unz

    … I very much doubt that Farrar was worried that the Chinese secret police could somehow threaten his safety in Britain. But other intelligence services might indeed constitute a very serious threat …

    Yes, and it wouldn’t have been the first time British Intelligence turned on a British citizen.  Remember  the case of David Kelly.

  150. Mr Gen says:

    This is news to you?

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  151. Mr Gen says:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Epistemology – I realised by April 2020 that the entire pandemic was nonsense, and the art of learning was primarily needed to negotiate my way through a sea of illiterate and murderous normies. Glad you are on board…now

  152. Sesto says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Dr. Barrett,

    Please consider the possibility that “Covid-19” was a reflection of the global shift to 5G beginning back in the fall of 2019.

    Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, although not principally attributing this shift to the pandemic, has done an excellent presentation on the similarity between many of the symptoms of Covid and radiation sickness, something potentially, directly related to (the relatively) high-frequency radiation produced by Fifth Generation wireless technology, 5G (as compared with Fourth Generation 4G tech).

    Please take a look:

    Dr Shiva was also one of the leading proponents of a systems response to treating Covid back in 2020: a vitamin protocol to boost the immune system. He saved many lives in the process. In this vein please consider the following case:

    If you would like more information regarding a systemic understanding of the recent Corona pandemic, please read “The Contagion Myth” by Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell.

    Please also consider Dr Shiva, who is running for President of the United States, as a guest on your show. He’s the most prominent anti-Zionist candidate I know of and he founded the movement for Truth Freedom and Health, the effort to understand life from a systems perspective.

    Thank you.

  153. Maybe Mr. Unz’s hypothesis is correct. So now we know why Fauci, Barrick and the rest of CDC/NIH spent years assisting the Chinese in developing this bio-weapon. Certainly none of them had foreseen the possibility that such a virus could make it’s way back to the USA. Nonsense! The media hype began in earnest well before it made it’s way to the USA and the lockdowns and warp-speed implemented immediately. The whole worldwide globalist Covid/Vaccine/Lockdown Psyop was created, planned and wargamed for 5 to 10 years prior to the event by Fauci and Klauss Schwab and their whole gang of globalist psychopaths. And Donald Trump was just an idiot actor put in power to assure it would be implemented without serious opposition from the Right.

  154. amor fati says:
    @Mark G.

    Unz makes mention of one inexpensive drug that got in the way of very expensive drugs and globally broadcast experimental vaccines, here:

    As a single factual example, Kennedy hailed India’s extremely successful management of its Covid outbreak based upon its widespread reliance on ivermectin, ridiculing Western public health modelers who had warned of over a million Indian deaths.

    But then Unz drifts off about India failing to accurately report deaths from Covid while he himself fails to address the evidence about the efficacy of ivermectin. Allow me:

    Ivermectin outperforms antivirals like Paxlovid and remdesivir, and offers additional benefits…

    “If the 7 million patients reported to have died from COVID 19 had been treated with ivermectin, an estimated 4.9 million lives could potentially have been saved based on the 70 percent reduced mortality rates from the I-TECH study; 4.5 million lives could have been saved based on the 64 percent reduction of mortality in the PRINCIPLE study…

    “A new drug or vaccine cannot achieve and emergency use authorization status if there is an existing viable therapeutic available…

    “Peer reviewed studies showing the efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19 have been retracted without explanation, and doctors have been demonized, censored, and doxxed for speaking the truth.”

    How Ivermectin Trials Were Designed to Fail.
    By Yuhong Dong
    in Epoch Times, April 24, 2024

    p.s. “Misinformation” gets plenty of attention in the Lancet’s 50 page Covid 19 Commission report on “lessons learned”. But not censorship. And nothing on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin either. They omitted that. Honest Abe Jeff Sachs, head of the commission, also omits Lancet-gate, that horrid cause of scientific fraud that facilitated the Emergency Use Authorization for the Vaccines to the Rescue lie.

    • Thanks: Mark G.
  155. amor fati says:

    If Covid 19 is a GMO and was intentionally released, the suspects cannot be limited to some “rogue element” in USA. That is a silly assertion. Everyone capable of releasing such a GMO must be considered a potential suspect in this “third explanation”, not just USA. The Unz Hunch suffers from this sort of myopia in a variety of other ways; it is not good detective work.

  156. amor fati says:
    @John Johnson

    If the US did absolutely nothing (I am NOT advocating that position) there probably would have been economic savings from a reduced number of SS benefits.

    As if the worst performer on earth would have done more worse by doing less? Ha. Censor me that.

    p.s. Rand Paul’s thesis, along with Dr. Peter McCullough and a large number other practitioners and experts, is that a lot of the excess deaths in USA were iatrogenic, i.e. the result of inappropriate and harmful intervention. Even Unz is finally coming around to admitting this ugly fact. Though Unz still calls the public health response and gross abuse of power merely “controversial”, it was absolutely responsible for the preponderance of the catastrophe.

  157. meamjojo says:

    It’s always hard to figure out what Ron is writing about what with thousands of words of rambling text and large blocks of cut and paste from past writings. Usually, I just read the final couple of paragraphs.

    Can’t you do 4 or 5 bullet point Executive summary Ron?

  158. meamjojo says:
    @John Johnson

    “He said Coke tastes like motor oil. ”

    That is a good thing as Coke isn’t something you should put in your body. 10 teaspoons of sugar per can! Would you put that much sugar in your tea or coffee?

  159. meamjojo says:
    @Von Rho

    “He claimed that masking was completely ineffective because the size of the viral particles was so small relative to the filtration of the mask, but the rejoinder of proponents had been that the viral particles were usually embedded in much larger water droplets and those were successfully filtered out by masks.”

    Yes, SOME particles would be entrapped in fluid droplets and get entangled in the mesh of the mask. BUT many others would not.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  160. @Been_there_done_that

    What ‘evidence’ you lying troll? MSM reports in Western disinfo sewers? Reports from US diplothugs, recidivist liars. Based on the sort of moronic race hatred that implies that ‘Chinks’ cannot perform complex tasks, unlike geniuses like Has Been.
    Ditto the mendacious garbage about Chinese actions-pure racist lies, from a lying racist.

    • Replies: @amor fati
  161. @Dutch Abraham

    Christian has often had the excellent Whitney Webb on the program, and she has outlined the US bio-warfare programs in great detail. There is no real doubt that this was a bio-warfare attack on China, with a bio-weapon, the SARS CoV2 spike protein, that has been refined into a multipurpose menace to humanity. And, in tandem with the modified mRNA gene therapy injections, it still has the potential to reduce humanity’s population by many, many, millions, perhaps billions.

  162. @anonymicical

    The long investigations by South Africa, under apartheid, and the other apartheid state, Israel, to develop ethnically specific bio-weapons were extensively outlined at the South African ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’. The South Africans ceased such studies, but you can bet that the Zionazis did NOT.

    • Replies: @anonymicical
  163. @Anonymous

    Between ourselves, I do not expect the sensible Germans to go mad with this. However, I will be interested to see whether legalisation turns out to be a net boon for the country, or if the benefits are largely illusory.

    As so often, there was not much of a problem in the legal hindsight before. –

    But there are quite some young people severely hurt (especially mentally) by Cannabis. Every psychiatrist has them among his patients.

  164. stjm says:

    Trivium resurggent can never be defeated!

    So that’s all right then.

  165. BuelahMan says:

    Eventually, with enough time, Ron will be able to completely change his original assertions to what actually happened (an intentional plan to genocide Americans with this bioweapon MRNA shots).

    I’m betting 2027 (after its over and done).

  166. @meamjojo

    Those are interesting considerations, and I confess to never having heard of the healthy vaccinee bias factor before. That being said, if that bias was really a factor unaccounted for, all that it would prove is that the studies which were conducted without taking that bias into account were less conclusive than they purported to be. Certainly that is a far cry from confirming, as that daily septic rag claims, that “Covid Vaccines Have Around Zero Efficacy Against Death”.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  167. dogismyth says:

    Sorry to say, but there is no one (I repeat NO ONE) in Congress or the Executive and/or Cabinet positions that are not in on this ruse. This includes the Pauls.

    Good cop bad cop. Its all a show with a well-reviewed script and you folks are eating it up.

    Only true answers lie within a good waterboarding episode for our beloved politicians, shills and the dual citizens quasi-jews. Time to turn the tables on these motherfckrs.

  168. Boll says:

    Official statistics display the average age of Covid-deaths in Germany at 83 years, one year above average life expectancy. A natural cause of death and by no means a dangerous disease. A nothingburger of a bio-weapon. The whole campaign was just an additional attempt to derail the Trump presidency and make big bucks along the way with fake-testing, ventilators and vaccines. Bio-weapons and blaming the Chinese is just another chapter in this pathetic play.

  169. @John Johnson

    Your WordPress blog source shows that people continued to die of small pox for years with the implication that it didn’t work.

    Seatbelts are claimed to save lives but some people still die in car accidents.

    Clearly, seatbelts are worthless.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  170. @mulga mumblebrain

    Yes, I guess I confused desire and capability.

    In any event, based on the data @Ron summarized from CA, Covid-19 does look like an ethnically targeted bioweapon against blacks and Hispanics. Maybe it was just an accident.

  171. @Thrallman

    It’s a show.

    The elephant in the room is that 95% of the advertising on these viruses–all of them; swine flu, HIV, SARS I, Zika, Corona Nineteen–is made up B. S.

    Bill Gates banged Epstein’s girls and the CIA and Mossad have it on video.

    Phoebe Gates and her man:

  172. @Punch Brother Punch

    Sorry, @ron, this is far afield from what your article is about …


    It’s amazing that you and @sesto seem to be different sides of the same fake coin.

    On the one hand you seem to think vaccines are the “greatest invention evah” and Sesto seems to think they do nothing at all.

    And neither of you seems to understand anything about the adaptive immune system (since vaccines target a response by the adaptive immune system not the innate immune system.)

    Toxoid vaccines like the ones for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis are very useful. It’s a pity they had/have shit in them like mercury and/or aluminum salts that are neurotoxins and can/do penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

    All vaccines also depend on the recipient having good levels of serum D3 because those pesky T-cells need the activated form of D3 to allow them to signal to B-cells (plasma cells) to generate antibodies. And, in the process of such signaling, they consume the D3. Pumping vaccines into someone who has low serum D3 levels is useless. They get all the negatives of the side-effects of the vaccine and none of the alleged benefits.

    On the other hand, @sesto sounds like one of those “viruses don’t exist” people.

    It would be extremely surprising if viruses did not exist for a couple of reasons:

    1. Our cellular machinery does not prevent degenerate/non-self RNA (or DNA) from hijacking the translational and transcriptional machinery in them,
    2. And, our innate immune systems contain lots of anti-viral (and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal) machinery. Why is that?

  173. @JasonT

    Napoleon is your source for what is right? LOL

    Napolean along with hundreds of volumes of medical literature.

    Despite people not running “to their local doctor for a shot” smallpox was still eradicated. Why? Nutrition and sanitation, especially the latter.

    Are you suggesting the original smallpox vaccine didn’t work or none of them?

    Smallpox killed humans for thousands of years but *just happen* to go into decline after the vaccine was developed?

  174. Anogomous says:
    @John Johnson

    #130 John Johnson

    So you would describe the pre-vaccine smallpox outbreaks as the glory days when humans could show off how their immune system could beat any virus?

    That’s actually true if the immune machinery is doing its g-d c-sucking job. Kinda how the system is meant to work. Guy who came up with vaccination did so because he observed that milkmaids where cool when smallpox came to town. A virus that can’t take out a milkmaid? What a wuss! To quote the great philosopher Spicoli, “Those guys are fags!”


    It’s very expensive for the government to keep people in nursing homes on SS. Obese Americans are even more expensive. We are talking 6 to 8 thousand dollars a month for board alone.

    Look ladies and gennulmen, a stupid idiot! I’n’t he wunnerful? Give him a hand!

    SS doesn’t pay for nursing homes.

    In your universe obese old people leave their nursing homes and go to Ruth’s Chris? Obese people don’t eat $200 worth of food a day. And nursing homes aren’t Sizzler or wherever you get your brain food; it’s not all you can eat at Shady Pines.


    Well the infection rate is over 80% at this point.

    Prove it. It’s not.


    The lockdowns were actually effective against the flu. This is because COVID has the problem of asymptomatic cases. Someone can feel fine and pass it to a dozen people at a house party. But if you have the flu then you will have symptoms.

    Good Lord, you’ve got brainorrhea. “But if you have the flu then you will have symptoms.” Prove it. You won’t. You’re just making shit up and I don’t know if it’s OCD or the Burgers or just a fanatical devotion to ManBearPig. Let’s walk through that last sentence:

    “But if you have the flu then you will have symptoms.” People without symptoms don’t ask themselves if they have the flu and more importantly don’t get tested for flu so you have no data and are simply making stuff up. It would be more correct but still not perfect to say “If you have symptoms then you have the flu.”
    “Let’s lay the covid patients down, it’ll create a lovely pooling effect in their lungs.” – a Fauci

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  175. @anonymicical

    Your WordPress blog source shows that people continued to die of small pox for years with the implication that it didn’t work.

    Seatbelts are claimed to save lives but some people still die in car accidents.

    Clearly, seatbelts are worthless.

    I don’t see how the analogy applies to anything I have stated.

    I’m not an anti-vaxxer and I don’t deny that Jenner’s cowpox vaccine experiment worked. I don’t believe he was lying or that thousands of doctors have since taken part in a grand conspiracy to only make it look like the vaccine works.

    If anyone wants to claim that the smallpox vaccine doesn’t work then they first need to state which generation. As I said before it was arm to arm transmission up until the late 1800s. I need to know where someone stands on the denial scale before responding.

  176. JimDandy says:
    @Mr Gen

    No. Any more questions?

  177. Sesto says:

    Of course viruses exist, they’re called exosomes! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.

    Don’t play wack-a-mole with vaccines!

    Better to look at things with a sense of hope and fortify the immune system then live in fear and submit oneself to endless rounds of vaccination.

    Above all else, take responsibility for everything you do and say. It’s all you, man!

  178. @Sesto

    There is not one vaccine that can replace adequate nutrition to prevent “smallpox” or any other so-called sickness.

    So you are stating that none of the smallpox vaccines worked?

    Yea well that position is not tenable as the smallpox vaccine was rolled out to the third world in various stages.

    Care to guess what happened:
    1. Third world countries that adopted the vaccine wiped out smallpox in the order that received they vaccine
    2. Nothing and they demanded a refund for this fake Western invention

    Maybe try reading about vaccines from a reputable source and not some anti-vaxx lunatic with a WordPress blog.

    • Replies: @Sesto
  179. @Anogomous

    That’s actually true if the immune machinery is doing its g-d c-sucking job. Kinda how the system is meant to work. Guy who came up with vaccination did so because he observed that milkmaids where cool when smallpox came to town. A virus that can’t take out a milkmaid? What a wuss! To quote the great philosopher Spicoli, “Those guys are fags!”

    Instead of making strange references to cock sucking and an 80s movie how about just making your position clear. Are you claiming Jenner’s vaccine didn’t work?

    Look ladies and gennulmen, a stupid idiot! I’n’t he wunnerful? Give him a hand!

    SS doesn’t pay for nursing homes.

    It’s technically Medicaid but SS is shorthand for all of it.

    What do you think happens to someone who is 85 and has no caretakers?

    They are put in rural or scary urban nursing homes and the government takes the bill. They aren’t put on the street. Which makes my statement correct in that it’s very expensive for the government.

    Maybe ask next time for clarification instead of calling people names.

    I know people in the medical world and I’ve heard about how expensive these cases can get. People 100 years ago didn’t live to 85 while expecting the latest in treatment. That is one of the unspoken problems with the system. The middle class has long wait times for clinics in part because so many medical workers are needed for these nursing homes.

    So I don’t believe there would have been a net economic loss if the government did nothing. Again I am not taking that position. I think a middle ground between Sweden and the US would have been the right balance.

    Well the infection rate is over 80% at this point.

    Prove it. It’s not.

    It’s an estimate based on sampling. Why would 80% be difficult to believe when half of Americans reported having COVID at some point in 2022?

    Good Lord, you’ve got brainorrhea. “But if you have the flu then you will have symptoms.” Prove it. You won’t.

    Prove that the flu has symptoms? Um ok here you go:

    You sound emotionally agitated. What is your overall point here? Are you also going to deny that flu levels dropped during the lockdowns? In multiple countries?

    • Replies: @Anogomous
  180. @Art

    Amd Art is a “useess non thinker/maybe MAGA) – amazing that. he even has words that can betray him as he drags his. knucles round TUR not even able to pick up the overwhelming proof that I have lots of Irish and Scots ancestry in my midlands English ancestors but not a drop of Jewish blood in 2000 years. What a fatuous dope! Mmm -but you are not the only self identified “useless eater”to use the convenient shorthand onthis site. Haven’t you heard the expression used? It is almost always jokingly and for the simple minded perhaps I should have put it in inveerted commas. Now pull your head in to use a
    good old Aussie expression.Try an apology if you don’t think you are going to need too many.

    • Replies: @Art
  181. Sparkon says:

    Yes, SOME particles would be entrapped in fluid droplets and get entangled in the mesh of the mask. BUT many others would not.

    According to virtually every reputable source, SARS-CoV-2 viral particles rarely escape the lungs unless they are riding in/on a droplet of moisture.

    Beyond that, an N95 mask is designed to trap or filter out 95% of 100 nanometer-sized particles. According to many studies, the average size of SARS-CoV-2 is 100 nm, ranging from 50 nm to 140 nm.

    In my book 95% easily qualifies for the descriptor “most,” and of course 100 nm is the average size of the raw virion or viral particle before it hitches a ride on a much larger droplet.

    You may recall that it took WHO two full freaking years to acknowledge that COVID-19 was spread by aerosols and tiny airborne droplets expelled from the lungs of infected individuals.

    Virtually any kind of face covering helps block the passage of some disease bearing aerosols and droplets which can be expelled from the lungs with some force when an infected individual sneezes, shouts, coughs and so on.

    That’s for an infected person.

    But of course, for most of us who are healthy and uninfected, the overriding objective is to avoid getting the friggin’ virus into our lungs in the first place.

    An N95 mask simply enhances the body’s existing first line of defense – our innate immune system:

    The innate immune system includes physical and anatomical barriers as well as effector cells, antimicrobial peptides, soluble mediators, and cell receptors. Skin and mucosa provide an effective immune barrier between the internal and external environment.

    Meanwhile, Stanford researchers may have made a significant breakthrough:

    The lung-cell type that’s most susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is not the one previously assumed to be most vulnerable. What’s more, the virus enters this susceptible cell via an unexpected route. The medical consequences may be significant.

    Stanford Medicine investigators have implicated a type of immune cell known as an interstitial macrophage in the critical transition from a merely bothersome COVID-19 case to a potentially deadly one. Interstitial macrophages are situated deep in the lungs, ordinarily protecting that precious organ by, among other things, engorging viruses, bacteria, fungi and dust particles that make their way down our airways. But it’s these very cells, the researchers have shown in a study published online April 10 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, that of all known types of cells composing lung tissue are most susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2.

    The long and short of it is SARS-CoV-2 is able to infect critical interstitial macrophages by using a previously unrecognized receptor called CD209 rather than the expected ACE2.

    “SARS-CoV-2 was not using ACE2 to get into interstitial macrophages,” Krasnow said. “It enters via another receptor called CD209.”

    That would seem to explain why monoclonal antibodies developed specifically to block SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 interaction failed to mitigate or prevent severe COVID-19 cases.

    It’s time to find a whole new set of drugs that can impede SARS-CoV-2/CD209 binding. Now, Krasnow said.

    [my bold]

    • Replies: @meamjojo
    , @anonymicical
  182. @JasonT

    Smallpox was eradicated by improved nutrition and sanitation (including hygiene), especially sanitation – not vaccination.

    Smallpox is spread by bodily contact or transmission of germs through the air. You cannot combat such a disease through improved sanitation or nutrition. The second link you provided (the Walter Lloyd article from 1898) refutes your own argument.

    • Replies: @Ani
  183. Anogomous says:
    @John Johnson

    Are you also going to deny that flu levels dropped during the lockdowns? In multiple countries?

    Yes I am. Are you going to document it? No you’re not. Calling flu “Covid” doesn’t make it not flu, it just means someone’s lying. As for my mental state, I’m rememberized of the old joke from Playboy:

    “Is that Hortense?”
    “No, I’d say she’s very relaxed.”

    You, on the other hand, seem to have all four of your Tom Thumbs deep deep deep in the Asspie. Have you looked at your number of posts in this thread alone? Yes I count the big toe as a thumb.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  184. @anonymicical

    And neither of you seems to understand anything about the adaptive immune system (since vaccines target a response by the adaptive immune system not the innate immune system.)

    Given that you’ve only been commenting for a few days I suspect you’re someone who got banned and created a new account so you could continue trolling. And given that your response appears to be a bunch of irrelevant pseudo-medical-sounding gobbledygook, I shouldn’t bother with it.

    By you should know that a quick Google search was sufficient to suggest that you have no idea what you’re talking about:

    Both the innate and adaptive immune subsystems are necessary to provide an effective immune response to an immunization…Under ideal conditions, vaccines should trigger the innate immune system and both arms of the adaptive immune system

    I don’t particularly care about the nuts and bolts of how vaccines work, and I don’t see how “active vs. innate immune systems” or “serum D3 levels” have anything to do with what we were discussing. It appears you’re just attempting to show off your medical pseudoknowledge, likely gleaned from fringe conspiracy websites and blogs.

  185. Jim123 says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    This place in relief Social Behaviorism, as a social theory, its content and value and meaning (if not its purpose).

    Huxley’s social behaviorism illuminate social theory’s agency/structure mantra–if simply via ignoring individual agency altogether?

    Utility of this perspectives puts in relief one of the three great 20th century crimes: Nuremberg and the trial’s conclusion — that individual soldiers, themselves, are responsible for war crimes committed. And saying the child’s death, due to mother, beguiled in her servitude, exonerates this critique of Nuremberg, itself a crime of crimes.

    Extending a man in war to an Amherst 16 year old’s mother, in terms of each’s relative agency — if true, obviously has all sorts of implications, consequences, and so on and so forth.

    Is it really accurate to say a mother raising a child possess same agency-deficit of man in war on behalf of his government?

    An irony, here, is that mom, it appears to me at least, was part of team to “distract” people “from any desire to rebel” via the “propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.”

    When is Christine Blasey Ford testifying, some more, before Congress; and would it matter if she’s under oath; ditto Hunter Biden — and including their inquisitors, most of whom, it appears, possess agency-deficit serving on behalf of government ?

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  186. amor fati says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    There was nothing racist about his comment. You should check yourself for rabies.

    One of the papers RFK Jr. probably was referring to is: New Insights into Genetic Susceptibility of Covid 19; an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis, by Hou et al. (a bunch of Chinese researchers) in BMC Medicine journal*.

    Been There makes a salient point about Unz’s 5 minute data dig to drum up a refutation to the findings from this research, here

    … mortality rate data for California, broken down by age, which are presented in the graphs, are distorted by various factors, foremost differing health (nutrition, obesity, affordability), but also sample sizes and reporting standards, so that they cannot serve as a reliable proxy for drawing universally valid conclusions or to nullify the observed microcellular phenomena.

    In other words, Unz did not settle it by a long shot. Declared Covid 19 death numbers are very different between countries with large Asian populations and large White populations. Under and overreporting might correct a lot of that. The super severe lockdowns in China proper may explain a little, but cannot account for the low death rate in poor countries like Laos, Cambodia and Philippines where social distancing etc. could never have been practiced better than all the western nations. That is completely ridiculous = Something else is going on. Targeting genetic susceptibility , i.e. a hot gene war, may be remote but cannot be automatically ruled out, except when you leave discussion of research to Jewish thought control freaks. Because

    What is clear as day is MSM instantly made chopped liver out of RFK Jr. — smearing him as a bigot and anti-semite — for mere mention of this type of research (done by the Chinese in Singapore). This is what pushed Bobby into the arms of that toxic dickface, Rabbi Shmuley, who kindly agreed to serve as his “defender”/handler. That probably was no accident. (RIP Michael Jackson.)

    Back to vaccine injury news


    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
  187. Rich says:

    Mr Unz has convinced me this was an American made bioweapon. Not that my opinion actually matters in the scheme of things, but his well thought out explanation makes the most sense.

    • Replies: @Anogomous
  188. FWIW
    on tg. Don’t know location. Appears to be from a “Daily Mail” article.
    Guessing that this will not be the last of similar cases.

    🇺🇲 “AstraZeneca, in a tense legal battle with victims of a “flawed vaccine,” admitted in court for the first time that its Covid drug could cause a rare side effect”: The company has officially admitted that blood clotting and thrombosis are a side effect of the vaccine.

    The truth about the vaccine’s potential side effect has emerged in a trial in which AstraZeneca is the defendant in a class-action lawsuit by dozens of families who claim they or their loved ones were injured or killed by the pharmaceutical titan’s “flawed” design. Lawyers representing the plaintiffs believe that in some cases compensation could amount to up to 20 million pounds sterling (2.3 billion rubles). For two years, blood clotting was only a suspected side effect. AstraZeneca has admitted for the first time that those vaccinated with its drug may encounter similar problems.”

  189. @amor fati

    Highly vaccinated countries did best with Covid – – –
    Data for Japan and South-Korea look also exceptionally good :

  190. @Jim123

    Is it really accurate to say a mother raising a child possess same agency-deficit of man in war on behalf of his government?

    The medical cartel is an armed force of tyranny. For the ultimate contest they can and will have us killed. And their own children exposed to danger of same. Just following orders. If they actually knew what they were doing we would be in deep trouble.

    If you get covid whatever you do don’t go to the hospital. Remember that?

    Don’t let anybody you know forget it.

  191. Dyl says:

    The type that infects Taiwan only exists in Australia and the US, and since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have only come from the US.
    The basic logic is that the geographic location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source, because a single strain cannot emerge from nowhere. It showed that only the US has all five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore and England, Belgium and Germany) , which constitutes a thesis that the haplotypes of other nations may have originated in the USA.
    Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype to China’s virus, perhaps more infectious but much less deadly, which would explain a mortality rate of only 1/3 that of China.
    Neither Iran nor Italy were included in the previous tests, but both countries have already deciphered the locally predominant genome and declared them different varieties from China, which means that they do not originate from China, but were introduced out of necessity from other source. It should be noted that the Italian variety has roughly the same mortality rate as that of China, three times higher than that of other nations, while the haplotype from Iran appears to be the deadliest, with a mortality rate of between 10%. and 25%.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @amor fati
  192. vinteuil says:

    The fundamental problem with RKU’s theory of the case – that the whole Covid thing was a bio-warfare attack engineered by some anti-CCP officials in the Trump administration, meant to damage the Chinese economy – is that the CCP was, quite obviously, much better prepared than the USA to implement the sort of totalitarian lockdown measures which he, amazingly, continues to endorse.

    • Replies: @Mulga mumblebrain
  193. Anogomous says:

    #189 Rich:

    Mr Unz has convinced me this was an American made bioweapon. Not that my opinion actually matters in the scheme of things, but his well thought out explanation makes the most sense.

    He hasn’t convinced me, but you’ve looked, read, and drawn a conclusion. Fair enough, doesn’t jostle my cocktail party, we can all go about our day. Many colors in the homo rainbow…

    • Replies: @Rich
  194. Ron Unz seems to be stuck in some weird place on Covid, without much scientific background and pushing his theory that Covid is a bioweapon (but there are some researchers such as Geert van den Bossche, that believe Covid will come back with a bang, largely due to the un-necessary mRNA vaccine mandates.)

    The official number of global Covid deaths is just over 7 million, according to the WHO, and and, the last two sites having no axes to grind. Did people of pneumonia, black fungus, respirator incompetence, and failure to treat with effective drugs (such as glucocorticords?) Of course, people in India died of starvation due to failed Covid policies, but these were not even listed as Covid deaths in most cases.

    Most Covid deaths were in people over age 80 (median between 81 and 85 in most countries). Most of these people would have likely died within ten years without Covid. Most countries found few if any healthy children dying of Covid. Israel claimed no Covid deaths under age 50.

    “After the vaccines became available studies soon revealed that they were relatively ineffective in preventing infection or transmission, so their primary value lay in greatly reducing the risk of serious illness and death. ” The EUA clinical trials found that the mRNA vaccines had some effect on reducing symptomatic Covid infection. That was the basis of their approval by the FDA. They actually INCREASED deaths relative to placebo controls although the difference was not statistically significant (Table 1: )
    In contrast to Unz’s statement, the mRNA vaccines had ZERO Value in reducing serious illness or death. This was based on the Gold Standard double blinded, placebo controlled FDA-approved clinical trials with combined over 70,000 subjects. I know of no other Gold Standard clinical trials on mRNA vaccines reducing death; perhaps Ron Unz can provide links to such Gold Standard trials? Remember there were over 100 clinical trials showing efficacy of ivermectin ( but they were dismissed since none included enough subjects, or were not correctly blinded and placebo controlled. We know from (using the CDC’s data) that most Covid deaths since April 2022 were in the vaccinated; this is inconceivable in a REAL vaccine, such as measles. In a different article (again working with the CDC) disclosed that vaccinated people were not officially counted as “vaccinated” until three weeks after the second jab; Prof Norm Fenton claims this intentional mischaracterization of the “Vaccinated” as “unvaccinated” led to the the “Epidemic of the Unvaccinated”. It is well known that viruses and vaccines, including those to coronaviruses, initially produce ADE; the antibodies which first arise actually increase infection (and thus death). The bat lady has an important publication on this phenomenon:

    Finally it is important to note that natural immunity (not allowed to be discussed for most of the pandemic was much more protective (27-fold according to the Gazit group in Israel) than the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Natural immunity was known to be the best protection against Covid early on:
    There is no additional value in vaccinated someone who has previously been infected by Covid as many groups have shown (>95% of children had been infected by end of 2022).

    Do the mRNA vaccines INTERFERE with natural immunity? Quite possibly. Paxlovid is a similar big moneymaker with little if any efficacy. Monotherapy with mRNA vaccines was insane for a virus easily treated in other animals with a combination of glucocorticoids (to block overactivation of the immune system) and antibiotics (to block secondary bacterial infections causing pneumonia), standard of care for stubborn respiratory viral infections in veterinary medicine.

  195. meamjojo says:
    @Brás Cubas

    “That being said, if that bias was really a factor unaccounted for, all that it would prove is that the studies which were conducted without taking that bias into account were less conclusive than they purported to be”

    This site tracks scientific papers retracted. Here’s a current list of Covid-19 papers pulled:

    Retracted coronavirus (COVID-19) papers

  196. @Anogomous

    Are you also going to deny that flu levels dropped during the lockdowns? In multiple countries?

    Yes I am. Are you going to document it? No you’re not.

    Why would multiple states and countries lie about flu levels? What would be the point?

    What am I supposed to document?

    No you’re not. Calling flu “Covid” doesn’t make it not flu, it just means someone’s lying.

    So you believe that COVID is actually the flu?

    Have you looked at your number of posts in this thread alone?

    You are probably assuming I spend a lot of time on these posts.

    I type around 80 wpm but my wife thinks it is faster. I don’t care enough to test. I type just as fast as I blab.

    • Replies: @Anogomous
  197. meamjojo says:

    According to virtually every reputable source, SARS-CoV-2 viral particles rarely escape the lungs unless they are riding in/on a droplet of moisture.

    Bullcrap! Run this simple search and read plenty of “reputable” articles on Covid transmission as an aerosol.

    Beyond that, an N95 mask is designed to trap or filter out 95% of 100 nanometer-sized particles. According to many studies, the average size of SARS-CoV-2 is 100 nm, ranging from 50 nm to 140 nm.

    Very few people wear N-95 masks. The vast majority of people wear the blue surgical masks and like me, wear them poorly, loosely and often pulled down below the nose.

    And re: the blue surgical masks, you should also find this article from way back in 2015 of interest:

    J R Soc Med. 2015 Jun; 108(6): 223–228.
    doi: 10.1177/0141076815583167
    PMCID: PMC4480558
    PMID: 26085560
    Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery
    Charlie Da Zhou,corresponding author1 Pamela Sivathondan,2 and Ashok Handa2


    The use of surgical facemasks is ubiquitous in surgical practice. Facemasks have long been thought to confer protection to the patient from wound infection and contamination from the operating surgeon and other members of the surgical staff. More recently, protection of the theatre staff from patient-derived blood/bodily fluid splashes has also been offered as a reason for their continued use. In light of current NHS budget constraints and cost-cutting strategies, we examined the evidence base behind the use of surgical facemasks.

    Examination of the literature revealed much of the published work on the matter to be quite dated and often studies had poorly elucidated methodologies. As a result, we recommend caution in extrapolating their findings to contemporary surgical practice. However, overall there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination. More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks.

    Picture a surgeon operating in a theatre, and chances are that you will imagine them wearing a surgical facemask. Masks are a quintessential part of the surgical attire that has become so deeply ingrained in the public perception of the profession. However, even today, it remains unclear as to whether they confer any tangible benefits to surgical outcomes. As ‘efficiency’ and ‘cost-cutting’ have increasingly become the topics du jour in the National Health Service, it seems reasonable to assess the efficacy, effectiveness and cost-to-benefit ratio for this particular component of the surgical uniform.

    • Agree: bike-anarkist
  198. Chebyshev says:

    Robert Kadlec helping Senator Rand Paul investigate the origins of Covid is like O.J. helping search for the murderers of his ex-wife and that waiter. Kadlec, along with a couple of accomplices, killed millions of innocent Indian Hindus and hasn’t even been questioned about it. Meanwhile, professor Charles Lieber is now under supervised release most likely for speculating about Covid’s origins as an American bioengineered virus. Does that mean Lieber has to meet with a parole officer every month? This is some sort of sick joke.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  199. @michael888

    Geert van den Bossche, that believe Covid will come back with a bang, largely due to the un-necessary mRNA vaccine mandates.)

    He is a nutcase veterinarian that made the same claim back in 2021.

    The virus mutated to become less deadly and more contagious. There was no mass die-off due to a mutation that circumvented the vaccine.

    His doomsday predictions were wrong.

    • Replies: @michael888
  200. @meamjojo

    Very few people wear N-95 masks. The vast majority of people wear the blue surgical masks and like me, wear them poorly, loosely and often pulled down below the nose.

    I wore one of those UV boating smocks when masks were required.

    I didn’t expect it to work at all against COVID but it was quite comfortable and blocked the sun.

  201. @Dyl

    Very important if true. Noted.

  202. Von Rho says:

    The point is that Moron Paul doesn’t know that viruses are not expelled in isolation, but in droplets.

  203. Sparkon says:

    Bullcrap! Run this simple search and read plenty of “reputable” articles on Covid transmission as an aerosol.

    I guess you just skipped right over the short paragraph where I wrote:

    You may recall that it took WHO two full freaking years to acknowledge that COVID-19 was spread by aerosols and tiny airborne droplets expelled from the lungs of infected individuals.

    You also wrote:

    Very few people wear N-95 masks. The vast majority of people wear the blue surgical masks and like me, wear them poorly, loosely and often pulled down below the nose.

    And re: the blue surgical masks, you should also find this article from way back in 2015 of interest:

    What few people or many people do or don’t do is entirely beyond my control. All I can do here is pass along what I’ve learned and what my analysis shows.

    And so I’ve already been over all this about surgical masks and N95 masks numerous times here at Unz Review as you will quickly learn if you check my commenting history.

    Scroll down in my comment for a picture of poorly fitting surgical mask. These types of masks were never designed to prevent transmission of airborne viruses.

    Here, a number of my previous comments on the N95 masks, which, if worn properly, offer good protection against SARS-CoV-2, although I think COVID-19 medical workers need a higher standard of protection.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  204. Rich says:

    Go back to your cell and wash your jock’s laundry. I don’t play with punks.

    • Replies: @Anogomous
  205. Anonymous[245] • Disclaimer says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    The covid vaccines were a bit of a special case because they were rushed to the public.

    A bit of a special case, indeed.

    As near as I can tell, the Covid “vaccine” did not do what a vaccine is supposed to do: prevent the recipient from contracting a particular disease.

    What it did, instead, was alleviate some of the symptoms of Covid, and it didn’t even do that particularly well. Worse, if you did not take the dubious “vaccine,” in many cases, you stood a good chance of losing your job.

    If the vaccine was all it was cracked up to be, why not simply allow those who have faith in it to take it and those who do not can go their own way? Yet, somehow, this option never seemed to be on the table.

    What I took away from the whole Covid business is that politicians can get away with anything they wish provided they do it under the guise of “science.” I may have despised the Tin Foil Hat Brigade going into the affair, but I must say, when all the smoke cleared, they came off looking a good deal better to me than those who insist we Follow the Science.*

    *Unless, of course, doing so goes against their political aims, in which case, never mind.

  206. @Anonymous

    As near as I can tell, the Covid “vaccine” did not do what a vaccine is supposed to do: prevent the recipient from contracting a particular disease.

    Vaccines have never provided 100% protection against contracting diseases. Various factors enter into their efficacy: the nature of the disease/strain; idiosyncratic response to the vaccine (“non-responders”); age, ethnicity, genes of the recipient, etc. (for example, the elderly are less responsive to vaccines due to the phenomenon of “immunosenescence.”)

    “Breakthrough infections” have occurred not just with the Covid vaccines, but with those for mumps, chickenpox, influenza and measles. The common flu vaccine only provides immunity to 58% of recipients. Typically in these breakthrough cases, the disease is less virulent than for the unvaccinated.

    All in all, the data paint a stark, simple picture: vaccines are not perfect, but in the long run they make disease numbers go down.

  207. @michael888

    their primary value lay in greatly reducing the risk of serious illness and death.

    This is the claim. There is no evidence to support this claim I have ever seen.

    • Agree: michael888
    • Replies: @John Johnson
  208. Ani says:
    @Zachary Smith

    It’s my private concern that though Covid doesn’t promptly kill many children, it is setting them up for a lifetime of hurt as they age. Remember, a horrible case of shingles in an elderly person originated from his/her infection with chickenpox while they were young. Lurking Covid within their bodies may well do the same sort of thing in future decades to today’s kids.

    Varicella zoster virus is a retrovirus that enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body (“viraemia”). “Retro-virus” means an RNA virus that uses reverse transcriptase to transform itself into DNA and embed itself in the nucleus (genome) of a latent infected cell.

    It can cause shingles when a latent infected nerve cell “reactivates”.

    By contrast SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA coronavirus that *doesn’t* cause viraemia, is *not* a retrovirus (and hence cannot cause a latent infection). As such there is no “lurking COVID”. It infects mucosa in the respiratory tract (epithelial alveoliar cells in severe cases), burns itself out (the infectious cycle lasts 5-7 days), and then it is gone.

    Nothing to worry about “lurking” or “long” COVID.

  209. Anogomous says:
    @John Johnson

    No you’re not. Calling flu “Covid” doesn’t make it not flu, it just means someone’s lying.

    So you believe that COVID is actually the flu?
    Calling flu “Covid” doesn’t make it not flu, it just means someone’s lying. It was IN THE SENTENCE. It WAS the sentence. Like the black principal with the baseball bat would say, YOU CAN BARELY READ!!! And “barely” is the kind version making allowance for your issues.

    Have you looked at your number of posts in this thread alone?

    You are probably assuming I spend a lot of time on these posts.
    If by “spend a lot of time” you mean “send them from where I am institutionalized” then yes.

    I type around 80 wpm but my wife thinks it is faster. I don’t care enough to test. I type just as fast as I blab.
    How many times did you have to tell the cops she just wouldn’t listen until she came around to the correct view on your typing speed? Does she look perpetually surprised and seem light as a balloon?

    Sorry, not getting into another Whack-A-Mental-Patient battle.

  210. Sesto says:
    @John Johnson

    The rollout of vaccines has often followed the decrease in illness those vaccines were purportedly designed to effect. The real causes of the decrease, nutrition and sanitation, have usually been swept under the rug. I don’t wish to dispute the efficacy of the smallpox vaccine or any other given one, per se. Moles can be wacked. But nature itself is a far better “vaccine” than some needle-wielding moron in a white coat with his head stuck far-too-far up his ass.

  211. @michael888

    The numerous studies showing ivermectin’s efficacy were rejected because they threatened Big Pharma profits, and, probably, the population reduction project to be realised through the combination of the extensively manipulated, cytotoxic, spike protein, and the modifiedmRNA gene therapy injections that make the spike protein ubiquitous in the host’s body, for up to 280 odd days, the limit of studies so far.

    • Replies: @michael888
    , @Von Rho
  212. @Anonymous

    This is not really on topic, but:

    As near as I can tell, the Covid “vaccine” did not do what a vaccine is supposed to do: prevent the recipient from contracting a particular disease.

    Indeed. It did not prevent people from contracting the disease because, according to Morens, Taubenberger and Fauci (remember him?), the virus infects your nasal epithelium and is transmitted before you adaptive immune system even notices it:

    In this review, we examine challenges that have impeded development of effective mucosal respiratory vaccines, emphasizing that all of these viruses replicate extremely rapidly in the surface epithelium and are quickly transmitted to other hosts, within a narrow window of time before adaptive immune responses are fully marshaled.

    Who knows. Maybe Fauci is full of shit.

    What it did, instead, was alleviate some of the symptoms of Covid, and it didn’t even do that particularly well.

    Maybe that has something to do with the IgG4 class switch caused by the modRNA vaccines as documented by several papers.

    The downside is all those IgG4 Related Diseases (IgG4-RD) that are documented.

  213. Ani says:

    For example, it quickly became apparent that the dangers of a Covid infection were very sharply skewed by age, with the death rate for those over 60 being more than 100 times greater than for those under 40, while children or teenagers were almost totally safe from any ill effects. At the beginning of Paul’s last chapter, he helpfully quoted the relative mortality table of Harvard biostatistician Prof. Martin Kulldorff that had been released in April 2020:

    This is one of the many COVID anomalies that people just seem to want to ignore. “COVID” was a “pandemic”. That means it was the same thing occurring everywhere. Supposedly. Paul is correct here to note that the relative mortality of “COVID” (or those unfortunate enough to test positive “for COVID” in the wrong health care setting) is highly skewed to the elderly. But there is something very strange about mortality in one city in particular.

    Here are the number of deaths for people under 40 in New York City in the months of March through May of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. These are not “COVID” deaths they are all deaths and only for the spring months but it should give a rough ballpark about what was going on:

    2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023:
    695 / 703 / 1227 (x2) / 852 / 836 / 877

    1881 / 1815 / 5287 (x2.8) / 2563 / 1965 / 1891

    Here’s Chicago (one of the cities “hit by COVID” in spring 2020) by comparison, again these are March-May for 2018/19/20/21/22/23:

    657 / 729 / 915 (x1.3) / 869 / 825 / 826

    1477 / 1475 / 2187 (x1.5) / 1808 / 1520 / 1499

    On a weekly basis, peak mortality in these “young age cohorts” was actually up to 500% higher than normal in New York City, even if the 3 month period was 2-2.8 times higher on a tri-monthly basis.

    New York City spring 2020 (and the weeks surrounding it) sticks out like a *sore thumb*. It’s fatality rate, especially in young people (under 60) was unseen anywhere else on the planet.

    What the hell happened in New York City? It cannot have been “DUH VIWUS” because we should have started to see 200% and 300% increases in monthly mortality among the young all over the world, not just this one big city this one time.

    • Replies: @Faurisson
    , @Wild Man
  214. Faurisson says:

    I remember watching chinamen literally falling on the pavement in 2020 and thinking what a monumental scam it was. They already tried with the idiotic swine flu in 2009. I went in Mexico that year where it supposedly started. I quickly realized it was all fake and locals had no idea. Mr Unz is butthurt because he was fooled into taking the V. It’s hard to admit you were completely wrong. The evidence is there, after the holohoax it’s the biggest fraud in human history.
    Have a nice day and all.

    • Agree: Ani
  215. @Sesto

    The real causes of the decrease, nutrition and sanitation, have usually been swept under the rug.

    Improved nutrition and sanitation would have little to no impact on the spread of airborne viruses like smallpox or measles.

    Improved sanitation would only impact diseases like cholera that are spread through unsafe water or food. Improved nutrition would only help those infected better withstand the effects of the disease.

    Things like cleaning up the water supply and properly disposing of trash have no impact on people’s ability to spread a virus through breathing. This should be simple to understand.

    • Disagree: amor fati
  216. Ani says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Smallpox is spread by bodily contact or transmission of germs through the air. You cannot combat such a disease through improved sanitation or nutrition. The second link you provided (the Walter Lloyd article from 1898) refutes your own argument.

    If you thought, you would realize that it is actually completely necessary to stop such a disease, or any disease for that matter.

    Vaccines don’t do anything by themselves, this should be intuitively obvious. The whole point of a “vaccine” is to inject little chemicals (“antigen”) into your body with an something to stimulate the “innate immune system” (“adjuvant”) to generate an inflammatory response and “present” the antigen to your adaptive immune system. Your so-called “adaptive immune system” (B and T cells) will over the next few days create long-lasting memory cells that can “recognize” the antigens of interest, that can be “re-activated” very quickly if you do later become infected.

    Upon re-infection, your adaptive immune system can quickly mount a response and destroy the pathogen before it causes disease. That is, of course, if your innate immune system can’t deal with the infection itself, as your innate immune system also can destroy pathogens and/or infected cells without regard to so-called “prior immunity” or “vaccination”.

    All of this is predicated on someone being healthy enough that their immune system, you know, actually works correctly. Which necessarily involves sanitation and nutrition.

    In addition to sanitation and nutrition being important to prevent the spread of disease itself.

    • Agree: anonymicical
  217. @Emil Nikola Richard

    their primary value lay in greatly reducing the risk of serious illness and death.

    This is the claim. There is no evidence to support this claim I have ever seen.

    I doubt you have tried looking for it. It definitely works at keeping people out of the hospital.

    Unvaccinated far more likely to be hospitalized

    All COVID patients in LA County-run hospitals are unvaccinated, official says

    Covid-19: Vaccination reduces severity and duration of long covid, study finds

    The vaccines work. 2/3 vaccines were in fact pulled because the Pfizer vaccine was so effective.

    There goes the anti-vaxx theory of grand collusion between drug companies. J&J stock is back to pre-vaccine levels. I guess they didn’t get the memo on it being a grand conspiracy with profit for all.

    • Replies: @Ani
    , @amor fati
  218. @Sesto

    The rollout of vaccines has often followed the decrease in illness those vaccines were purportedly designed to effect. The real causes of the decrease, nutrition and sanitation, have usually been swept under the rug.

    So you believe that India primarily reduced their smallpox rates through nutrition and sanitation? Is that right? The White man’s invention didn’t compare to Indian cleanliness?

    Do you really want to go down this path? Maybe re-think what you read on wordpress blogs.

    • Replies: @Sesto
  219. meamjojo says:

    You made two statements:

    “1. According to virtually every reputable source, SARS-CoV-2 viral particles rarely escape the lungs unless they are riding in/on a droplet of moisture. According to virtually every reputable source, SARS-CoV-2 viral particles rarely escape the lungs unless they are riding in/on a droplet of moisture. ”

    “2. Beyond that, an N95 mask is designed to trap or filter out 95% of 100 nanometer-sized particles. According to many studies, the average size of SARS-CoV-2 is 100 nm, ranging from 50 nm to 140 nm.”

    I addressed statement #1 by providing a link that refutes the statement you made with REAL “reputable” sources, not some nebulous “According to virtually every reputable source” that you made and did not back up with any references to said “reputable sources”.

    You then made another catch-all statement about the quality of N-95 masks. I replied that few wore such masks, making whatever capability they had against the Covid virus of little matter. I again provided a “reputable” reference discussing the essential uselessness of the blue surgical masks.

    I felt that was enough of a lesson for you and had no need to go through the remainder of another of your unfocused and rambling post.

    Suggest you attempt to write with focus and sufficiently, instead of weaving multiple points into one post to the effect that no one has any idea what you are actually talking about. Although that may be as you intend.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  220. Faurisson says:

    How many times do we need to explain the fakery of so called convid deaths ? It’s all based on the fake pcr test and MSM whores repeating the lie ad nauseam.. Enough with this nonsense!

  221. @Ani

    Wait. You mean if their Serum D3 levels are too low (but high enough to prevent Rickets) their memory T-cells cannot stimulate their B-cells to create antibodies? If they are already sick because of poor nutrition or unsanitary conditions causing a depletion of Serum D3 due to it being used by memory T-Cells stimulating B-cells to create antibodies for other diseases caused by the unsanitary conditions.

    Surely that’s not true. After all, we are assured that Vaccines are the Greatest Invention of Western Civilization EVAH! They must be immune to such mundane considerations.

    • Replies: @Mom's basement II
  222. @Ani

    All of this is predicated on someone being healthy enough that their immune system, you know, actually works correctly.

    The key phrase here is “healthy enough.” You don’t need an optimally functioning immune system in order for a vaccine to work. Moreover, all the sanitation and nutrition in the world won’t preclude the existence of immuno-compromised individuals or the inevitable diminishment of immune system health in the elderly due to immunosenescence. Nor will sanitation or nutrition render small children immune to deadly infectious disease. One of the main reasons for vaccinations is to protect the most vulnerable members of the population.

    And you can wash your hands 50 times a day and consume all the vitamins and vegetables you wish, but you still need to breath. The eradication of an airbone disease like smallpox was due to vaccines. There’s no getting around it.

  223. Ani says:
    @John Johnson

    That’s some old stale 2021 propaganda John.

    “It’s all the unvaccinated, we swear!”

    It’s not entirely clear they actually bothered to really keep track of people’s “vaccination” status for people in hospitals. But it’s clearly bunk.

    Here’s just one reason:

    An “unvaccinated” person is anyone up to a month after their second jab. So if you are hospitalized or die within 42 days of your first jab (second jab 14 days later, “vaccinated” status granted 28 more days later) – or if you never get your second jab – you are “unvaccinated.” If there were an increase in deaths around when people get their jabs, or even 42 days later, you’d have a lot of “unvaccinated” people in hospitals.

    We could go on. I mean LA hospitals filled with “unvaccinated COVID patients.” Good lord. 80%+ of these people are elderly and California (supposedly) vaccinated 95% of their elderly. The entire idea that the remaining 5% of elderly people clogging up the hospitals.

    It’s so dumb and super stale 2021 propaganda.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Rich23
  224. Alfred says:

    Even the Wall Street Journal recently confessed that “Covid-19” is the regular flu. And if you stay away from all “vaccines”, eat well and get some sunshine every winter, you will never get the flu.

  225. @vinteuil

    The PRC was capable of facing the attack because its system values ALL its citizens, unlike the USA which could not give a fuck if you live or die, dollars only having value. Moreover the PRC is a meritocracy with intelligent leaders, whereas the USA is a pathocracy where the real rulers are the rich and politicians are merely stooges beholden to them, particularly the Jewish elites. And you may have noticed that the PRC did NOT use modifiedmRNA gene therapy injections as ‘vaccines’.

    • Replies: @vinteuil
  226. amor fati says:
    @John Johnson

    There goes the anti-vaxx theory of grand collusion between drug companies.

    Passage of the Emergency Use Authorization for the Covid vaccines could only happen if it was determined that no existing therapeutics were available. Since Lancet-gate helped pave the way for the EUA, Do you think Big Dope could have been behind the Lancet-gate fraud?

    Highly informed critics of the Covid 19 public health response like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Robert Kennedy Jr. were among the people who were censored on Twitter and other social media. Do you believe Big Dope was behind the blanket censorship that targeted a lot of dissent surrounding the lockdowns, masking rules, closures, vaccine mandates, etc.

    Pfizer and Big Dope knew all along that their new experimental “vaccine” products did not prevent infection or transmission of Covid 19. Yet POTUS and others told us it did. CDC knew the children had near zero risk of dying from Covid, yet CDC continued to advocate that children, even under five years of age, get vaccinated. Do you think Big Dope had any role in cajoling CDC to pressure parents to vaccinate their kids with this unnecessary?

    Then there are the principles of the sanctity of the individual, the doctor-client relationship, and the medical right of informed consent which were all discarded during the Covid 19 Great Plague as vaccine mandates made injections compulsory for hundreds of millions of people around the world. It is very clear that Big Dope profited enormously from passage of the EUA, the blanket censorship of dissent, and the disposal of informed consent as Operation Warp Speed rolled over everything in its way. It was indeed a juggernaut and it would be quite surprising if Big Dope did not have a hand in pushing it. You may not agree but I hope you will understand why some have this belief.

    p.s. What is your position on the individual’s right to informed consent? I could never get a straight answer out of Ron Unz about this simple question.Thx.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  227. amor fati says:

    Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype to China’s virus, perhaps more infectious but much less deadly, which would explain a mortality rate of only 1/3 that of China.

    According to Worldometer, in China the declared Covid 19 deaths per million is 4 (four per million). Whereas in Taiwan it is recorded as 796/million and South Korea stands at 700. Both of them are nearly 200 times as many as China. Please explain. Taiwan is #15. China is #92 and S. Korea is listed as #6. Thx.

    • Replies: @anonymicical
  228. @John Johnson

    Probably. But the crazy Belgian has been proven correct many times in the past.

    The initial ADE after vaccination probably resulted in many more Covid deaths (part of the reason you do not vaccinate during outbreaks). Of course people who pointed out that the vaccinated (not counted officially “vaccinated” for 5+ weeks after vaccination formed the major part of the “unvaccinated” deaths, according to Norm Fenton, and many other heavily censored researchers, who were accused of promoting “vaccine hesitancy”, which they were, some with good science-based reasons.

    We know natural immunity to SARS lasts as long as it has been studied. SARS-Cov2 natural immunity is similar, at least what little has made it though to publication. With natural immunity, Covid would be expected to become more contagious, as as happened, and much less dangerous (Omicron was called the “Jesus Virus” because it saved so many people, imparting natural immunity even in many who had been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines.) We know that people who have only mRNA vaccine immunity become more susceptible to Covid infection than the unvaccinated as the vaccine antibody levels drop; this likely also reflects ADE.

    Exposure to a virus produces Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) which is very different from the OAS produced by the mRNA vaccines. Geert vanden Bossche believes the “bad” OAS immunity of the vaccinated will result in selection of more deadly Covid variants, just as many escape variants were selected in the vaccinated during 2021 and 2022. Hopefully he is wrong and Covid becomes a common cold just like several other coronaviruses. But like many other scientists, his views should have been debated. Instead we had horrific mishandling of the Covid response, refusing to acknowledge Natural Immunity and forcing vaccine mandates on people at no serious risk from Covid. The US had a four fold higher Covid death rate than the global average. But the poorly efficacious mRNA vaccines and paxlovid made LOTS OF MONEY.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  229. @Mulga mumblebrain

    I’ve heard the argument that effective alternative treatments like glucocorticoids, vitamin D and ivermectin would invalidate the Emergency Use Approval of the mRNA vaccines. That would not have happened; Fauci championed Moderna and made lots of money from them (like stock trading in Congress, there are no conflicts of interest in the federal bureaucracy!) Monotherapy is rarely the most effective treatment; combined treatments, even on top of the mRNA vaccines, would likely have saved many lives.

    The hazards of the mRNA vaccines for Covid will not be known for some time. At the moment adverse effects are still treated as “anecdotal”. Even myocarditis, singularly dangerous in vaccinated young men, is dismissed claiming “Covid does the same” (true in serious hospitalized and fatal cases, myocarditis is observed along with destroyed lungs and kidneys and massive inflammation everywhere); the heart effects of the un-necessarily vaccinated young healthy men often are observed with no other adverse side effects. With all the “anecdotal” mRNA vaccine side effects, and variability across populations, it will take some time before the prevalence of side effects are agreed on.

    In the bigger picture, mRNA vaccines and treatments are a major new form of medicine for all sorts of ailments, even bigger than effective monoclonal antibody therapies (and much cheaper to produce). With over 12 billion jabs given, Covid vaccines allowed the biggest, fastest, most expensive (but mostly government funded) novel treatment experiment in Big Pharma history. As you note, side effects will be dismissed as “specific to the Spike Protein” which may be, partially, true but we don’t know that mRNA vaccines or treatments as a class are safe or effective. Usually this is worked out first in cancers with no good treatments.

  230. @amor fati

    1. The Chinese in the China mainland might be lying.

    2. The Chinese might be only classifying Covid-19 deaths for people who had clear symptoms of Covid-19 and not just those who died in a motorbike accident who tested positive for SARS-CoV-19 post mortem.

    3. The South Koreans and Chinese in Taiwan might be inflating Covid-19 deaths.

    4. The Chinese in the China mainland might be super human on average.

    I may have forgotten some possibilities.

    • Thanks: amor fati
  231. @Ani

    It’s not entirely clear they actually bothered to really keep track of people’s “vaccination” status for people in hospitals. But it’s clearly bunk.

    No it is quite clear.

    Your vaccination status is a record that can be shared with the hospital

    So you believe the vaccines don’t work?

    If it is all a conspiracy then why did they pull 2 out of 3 vaccines for being less effective? What would be the point if they are all fake?

    Is the polio vaccine fake?

  232. @amor fati

    Pfizer and Big Dope knew all along that their new experimental “vaccine” products did not prevent infection or transmission of Covid 19. Yet POTUS and others told us it did.

    I don’t actually rely on a real estate con artist to give accurate information on a vaccine.

    The same president also said the virus would go away which didn’t make sense given what we know about coronaviruses.

    The flu vaccine also doesn’t prevent transmission. Does that mean it is ineffective or part of a conspiracy?

    What is your position on the individual’s right to informed consent? I could never get a straight answer out of Ron Unz about this simple question. Thx.

    You’d have to explain exactly what you mean but I never supported the proposed mandate for Federal workers. I thought that was the wrong approach. A national mandate never existed and in fact they backed off on the idea of tying tax credits to the vaccine out of a concern for angering Blacks.

    • LOL: amor fati
  233. You, Rand Paul, RFK and Ron Johnson do not acknowledge the detailed facts as presented by David Martin as part of this bioweapon development. The fact that Moderna was granted a patent for a “vaccine” before there was a “virus” might lead to additional questions that need answers. None of those involved in the articles and books have addressed this gorilla in the room.

  234. @michael888

    Exposure to a virus produces Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) which is very different from the OAS produced by the mRNA vaccines. Geert vanden Bossche believes the “bad” OAS immunity of the vaccinated will result in selection of more deadly Covid variants, just as many escape variants were selected in the vaccinated during 2021 and 2022. Hopefully he is wrong and Covid becomes a common cold just like several other coronaviruses.

    He was already wrong and his crackpot theory has another major problem which is that most people are not getting vaccinated.

    The mRNA exposure is a minority.

    When the mRNA flu vaccines are released I’m sure the Belgium veterinarian can apply his doomsday theory yet again. It really speaks volumes that anti-vaxxers rally around a veterinarian who was already wrong. Kind of scraping the barrel.

    refusing to acknowledge Natural Immunity and forcing vaccine mandates on people at no serious risk from Covid

    Why didn’t natural immunity stop the virus to begin with? Why were there mass graves being dug in Milan?

    The US had a four fold higher Covid death rate than the global average.

    We don’t know the true global average because of the third world. No one knows how many people in India died of COVID. Even mid-tier countries didn’t employ adequate testing. Poor countries adopted the strategy of no test = no COVID.

    COVID fatalities correlated with the elderly and obese. When you have a lot of fat on your lungs your breathing is already compromised. Of course the US would have more fatalities from a virus than a country where everyone is in shape. To measure the efficacy of a vaccine you have to break down the numbers further. The unvaccinated were more likely to end up in the hospital and that was a global correlation.

  235. Sparkon says:

    I addressed statement #1 by providing a link that refutes the statement you made with REAL “reputable” sources, not some nebulous “According to virtually every reputable source” that you made and did not back up with any references to said “reputable sources”.

    Look slick, aerosols are composed of tiny droplets and particles, so you haven’t refuted anything. Rather, you’re merely quibbling about the term I used in my introductory paragraph.

    The difference between a droplet and an aerosol is determined by the size of the particle or droplet, although there is no consensus on the dividing line between the two, but both are wet at the outset when first exiting the lungs. Later, they dry out when their moisture evaporates.

    I suppose you may have noticed at some point in your brilliant life that your breath is damp.

    Spread of COVID-19 occurs via airborne particles and droplets. People who are infected with COVID can release particles and droplets of respiratory fluids that contain the SARS CoV-2 virus into the air when they exhale (e.g., quiet breathing, speaking, singing, exercise, coughing, sneezing). The droplets or aerosol particles vary across a wide range of sizes – from visible to microscopic.

    [my bold]

    I have never disputed aerosol and droplet transmission of COVID-19, although I sometimes just use the shorthand “droplet” to refer to both aerosols and droplets, because, once again, aerosols are composed of tiny droplets and/or particles,

    Both are just tiny blobs of moisture from the moist environment of the lungs that can carry the active virus to the outside world.

    The virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from one person to another in tiny particles of water and virus called aerosols. We make these aerosols when we breathe, and we make more of them when we talk, yell, or sing. Aerosols are different than larger droplets that spread COVID-19. Larger droplets fall to the ground quickly, three to six feet from the person who makes them. Aerosols can stay floating in the air for hours and can travel long distances. Aerosols have less virus in them than the larger droplets, so you have to inhale more aerosols to get sick. Aerosols can build up if the air inside is not circulated the right way.

    Apparently you again didn’t even bother reading or comprehending what I wrote in reply to you, nor the links I provided, because here you are again going on about flipping surgical masks.

    I mean, c’mon. Have a little self-respect and quit wasting my time!

    I have never recommended surgical masks, and have criticized the oft-cited DANMASK study for using them, not that the surgical masks were the only shortcoming of that study.

    Again, I have no control over what you or anyone else does, but I do recommend you get rid of that cheesy surgical mask, get a good N95 mask, and wear it properly when around others who may be infected with COVID-19.

    Of course, you’re completely free to nitpick that, or ignore it entirely.

  236. Anogomous says:

    Go back to your cell and wash your jock’s laundry. I don’t play with punks.

    That got ugly real fast didn’t it Pottymouth Patti? The sad tale of a young girl whimpering herself to sleep because even punks won’t play with him. Largely because of that cauliflower between two pillows that greets your gentlemen callers. Prolapse don’t play in Happy People Valley. And the lonely cauliflower whimpers itself to sleep.

    • Replies: @Rich
  237. @John Johnson

    Why didn’t natural immunity stop the virus to begin with? Why were there mass graves being dug in Milan?

    Do you have the age distribution for deaths in Milan?

    Old people die easily when they get infected. Even rhino viruses can kill old people.

    Old people spend almost their entire day inside where they are not getting vitamin D from sunlight and are not getting fresh air.

    Younger people who get more sunlight and fresh air were vastly less likely to be killed by SARS-CoV-2 according to all the stats I have seen.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  238. GF says:

    Why is it people are not paying attention to the work of Dr. David Martin. Dr. Martin has the black and white evidence…which is publicly available…to put Fauci, Dassic, (sp?), Ralph Barric and a host of others in prison forever for their admitted creation of a bioweapon. The patents go back well before the “pandemic” and were obviously planned and openly spoken. Dr. Paul has that information, yet dances around threatening, but his threats are hollow.

    Dr. Martin has given dozens of presentations globally, including at the EU council on covid, where his presentation was heard by literally billions of people…800,000 on Tik Tok alone. I’ll bet you saw/heard at least one.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  239. @Sparkon

    Again, I have no control over what you or anyone else does, but I do recommend you get rid of that cheesy surgical mask, get a good N95 mask, and wear it properly when around others who may be infected with COVID-19.

    I don’t know why you guys are going over this when COVID levels are at a low.

    Yes it would have made more sense for everyone to wear N95 masks instead of the cheap hospital masks. Having people crammed in a restaurant while breathing the same air through cracks in a cheap mask was the epitome of government absurdity. Some type of mask policy could make sense in an epidemic but not from our government. Both Democrats and Republicans proved that they are mostly incompetent and unable to read studies on their own. Democrats would trust “the science” aka anything with a sample and Republicans would be skeptical but then fallback on even better sources like AM radio hosts or Fox News commentators.

    But it was all a moot point when you would see people with their noses exposed or removing them to talk.

    It makes sense to have people wear a mask when they are coughing at a doctors office or hospital. But COVID maskworld was mostly an exercise in futility and there was a huge social cost. You’re removing a core part of human interaction. I was completely against it at some point and started wearing a UV smock with my nose exposed to remind everyone that the whole thing is a joke.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  240. amor fati says:

    Again, I have no control over what you or anyone else does, but I do recommend you get rid of that cheesy surgical mask, get a good N95 mask, and wear it properly when around others who may be infected with COVID-19.

    Or you and your good friends will punch him out, right? No harm in mixing some blood from his face to your knuckles to make sure the air we breath is safe. Thank you for all the inane tyranny. Because, let’s face it, every stranger you meet “may be infected with Covid 19”, anywhere and forever.

    p.s. Imagine being age five and having to wear a mask all the time to age six or 7. Or even from age ten to 12. What does that do to a person’s development? How do people learn to speak a language if they cannot see how the shape of the face changes to create the sounds?

    Never mind what Industrial Hygiene 101 says about the futility of wearing cheapo masks to block the inhalation or exhalation of air borne viruses, look what we did to the kids. Hundreds of millions of kids around the world. We failed them — literally and figuratively — with the school closures and the contagion of fear. And while we did that we further dehumanized them with your retarded Hijab masks to obey the Cult of Covid to protect civilization. Or more important, democracy…

    I did not ask that kids do this for me. Did you? Those who did should admit they were wrong.

  241. Von Rho says:
    @Mulga mumblebrain

    Ivermectine does not work in this case. Read a basic pharmacology handbook. It is a virus, folks!

    • Replies: @anonymicical
  242. Vonu says:

    History will tell us in the end that more people died from the “vaccines” than the virus, regardless of where it came from, assuming it ever existed.

  243. amor fati says:
    @John Johnson

    refusing to acknowledge Natural Immunity and forcing vaccine mandates on people at no serious risk from Covid

    Why didn’t natural immunity stop the virus to begin with? Why were there mass graves being dug in Milan?

    Why do you refuse to acknowledge the public officials refused to acknowledge the reality of naturally acquired immunity? After all, once acquired (assuming you survive), it offers more protection and lasts longer too. Why put people in double jeopardy? This is what did to my mother. I am very bitter about her being injured from the vaccination a month after she had recovered just fine from Covid. Could it have triggered antibody ADE* or was it just a bad batch? WHO does not care, nor did the rest home; her case was not reported to VAERS (thanks to the lazy hospice hag).

    And Why do you also skip over the fact that the mandates made it compulsory — NO JAB NO JOB — and hundreds of millions of people were stripped of their right to informed consent?

    Sounds like you have no respect for natural immunity, and less for the individual’s right to informed consent as codified in the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration. Does it follow that you are also perfectly comfortable with the mass censorship that has become the norm these days?
    Mr. Unz still seems convinced the lockdowns in USA, Canada and many European nations were not strict enough:

    So the moral of that story was that effective, Chinese-style lockdowns actually worked quite well, while ineffective American-style lockdowns resulted in the worst of both worlds, producing an unfortunate combination of severe social disruption together with far higher death rates.

    But behind door number three was something called the Great Barrington Declaration and the lessons from Sweden.



  244. RMP says:

    I find this interesting because, at the beginning of the COVID crisis, the Chinese reported that this was a U.S. military operation, suggesting it came from Fort Dietrich. Then we claimed it came from the Wuhan lab, then WHO and others supported a wet market, and then finally back to a lab leak. And now it’s back to the U.S. Military which is probably true. Not sure about it being part of an operation to kill Chinese and Iranians, but….. as a world order change agent? Sure.

  245. @Cabystander

    To me, the mask debate was always one of cost-benefit. Just like if the debate was about wearing some sort of helmet to stop Covid. Or to analogize, making every single intersection in America a Cloverleaf to avoid intersection crashes.

    No one disputes that it “works”. The question is, “Is it worth it?”. And since the liberal bias is always to ignore the unseen costs, and emphasize the heartstring-pulling outcomes, it was guaranteed that America and the West were going to over-mask. And no one was going to study the adverse-effects of modifying God’s respiratory system by wearing an impeding cloth 14-hours a day. No one.

    Citing Asian masking practices, only goes so far. Asia is more crowded. Just like in the 1916 Spanish Flu epidemic, you saw masks in American city streets that were choc-a-bloc and where 95% of people traveled by mass transit. If you’re a strap hanger, and have to sneeze, in which of the six-people standing around you’s faces are you going to sneeze? Wear a mask! There may also be cultural reasons where masking is more preferred. See the campus Free Palestine protestors. Extreme risk averse people, whether it’s real or imagined risk, are always going to mask just like before 2020 theymade a normal practice of taking a lot of other precautions that most normal people don’t

    Personally, I never masked unless I was on a crowded elevator. Also never vaxxed and went every place I normally go. And I have two supposed high-risk factors. And never got Covid. And I waited on my wife hand-and-foot, unmasked, when she got Covid.
    To paraphrase the Good Shepherd, “I know my immune system. And my immune system knows me.”. No way was I going to betray my life-long friend and introduce that hussy warp-speed mRNA vax into our body.

  246. Sparkon says:
    @John Johnson

    I don’t know why you guys are going over this when COVID levels are at a low.

    It may seem academic at this point, but checking just now with LA County’s COVID dashboard, I see the daily average number of COVID-positive hospitalizations in L.A. is still well over 100, having fallen steadily and significantly from over 700 on 01/21/2024 to 154 on 4/03 to 115 on 4/24/2024. Many of these cases or at least the “outbreaks,” seem to be associated with “Healthcare Facilities,” and as always, the elderly are the most affected by a wide margin.

    Most of the other relevant numbers have been falling too, but still the thing is not quite dead yet.

    And beyond that, COVID-19 probably will not be the last pandemic mankind will face.

  247. Ani says:
    @John Johnson

    Why didn’t natural immunity stop the virus to begin with? Why were there mass graves being dug in Milan?

    Stuff like this is the dog that didn’t bark.

    Namely, why weren’t mass graves dug anywhere in central or southern Italy for the dead, or for that matter, anywhere else in the world except for a few places hither and yon.

    Why did Milan need mass graves *once* and then they simply had no need for them again in the December/January 2020/2021 timeframe, or with “Delta variant” and so on.

    A “virus” that causes 1000% mortality spikes in Milan and a few surrounding *northern* Italian areas (and *northern* Italy only) in the spring, but can’t do it again in later winters, and also can’t cause even a 20% mortality spike anywhere else in Italy, can’t cross the border and perform such feats in Austria, etc.

    It’s a pretty magic virus.

    Or maybe it wasn’t the virus doing any of this at all.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  248. Wild Man says:

    Yeah that is interesting. Like maybe the jurisdiction that decided to send covid patients to nursing homes, in early innings (despite the navel hospital ship anchoring at harbor, left empty and unused though) in order to make room within the hospitals for younger covid patients, so that they could be euthanized by way of inappropriate intubation in combination with a withholding of generic drugs known to reduce disease-vector type inflammation, and use other non-generic drugs with rather lethal looking side effects.

    Like maybe if you live in NY you better have one of those special doctors, reserved for the very richest, that will ensure, if sickened, you would not be submitted as a subject for such experimental treatment meant for the peons.

    The faux-west corporatist globalist supremacism is just more apparent in NYC (more such globalists there), and so you are more likely to see glaring signals of it (extreme callousness), now and again, is my guess. The Jews made many movies about it, actually (about this, about the NYC region). It is not a hidden thing, really. It is actually, subliminally very well advertised, but in subliminal fashion. Sort of a mocking. I am with Kevin Barrett and Celia Farber (see Barrett’s latest article), as to why the globalist supremacist operation is conducted in this fashion. It’s the slippery slope (i.e. – maybe the evil demons are actually instead part of our overall individual psyches, ….. which is the psychological explanation I favor, .. but maybe not quite like Barrett and Farber think, … but the point being, in either case [is it the Jungian sense of ‘the shadow’ or is it straight-up non-human demons?], the mode of operation is ‘slippery slope’).

  249. @John Johnson

    95% of those Americans over age 65, the only very susceptible group to Covid death, received at least one jab. 93% of these people are fully vaccinated:
    (these were CDC data but they seem, once again, to have removed their data, following only 2023-2024 data today).

    Of course there was never a reason for any healthy person under age 50 to receive the Covid mRNA vaccine. Most Covid deaths were in those over age 80, vaccinated or unvaccinated. Two thirds of Covid deaths (from 2021 on ) occurred after the universal mRNA vaccine campaigns:

    Poor countries that could not afford the mRNA vaccines fared much better against Covid than those in heavily vaccinated countries. The “African Paradox” which noted early waves of Covid deaths similar to Western countries, most African countries remained unvaccinated yet had a much lower Covid death rate than the vaccinated: 260,000 Covid deaths per 1.2 billion population (or 217 per million vs 3642 per million in the US. The vast majority of African Covid deaths were in vaccinated South Africa and vaccinated north African countries and vaccinated Tunisia).

    Natural immunity after Covid infection is 27-fold more protective against symptomatic Covid and much longer lasting than the Pfizer mRNA vaccine:

    The Italians who died were mostly old men in their 70s and 80s, the same men who die every year from influenza. The difference is most of these old men have some immunity against flu and survive. They died from Covid before their natural immunity could be induced to protect them.

    You may not realize it but the mRNA vaccines can not treat Covid infections; it is only a prophylactic effect. According to citing the CDC, no one was officially counted “Vaccinated” until three weeks after their second vaccination. Many vaccinated were dead by then, the basis for the “epidemic of the unvaccinated”.

    No Americans should disparage Geert vanden Bossche with scientific imbeciles like Trump and Biden taking charge; “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”– Joe Biden, July 21, 2021 (by then it was clear the vaccines did not block infection nor transmission.) But “no one is safe, until everyone is safe” and most of those vaccinated were safe without the vaccines, and the insane useless mandates appeared.

    • Thanks: Mark G., bike-anarkist
    • Replies: @John Johnson
  250. Wild Man says:

    In Barrett’s April 26th, 2024 article entitled: ‘Ron Unz on COVID Origins and Israeli Assassinations’, Unz is quoted as saying:

    “The single best eyewitness we have from the Wuhan lab, Danielle Anderson, an experienced virologist who was working at the lab at that point in time, says there’s absolutely no evidence, no hints from the people she was working with, that any sort of lab leak had occurred, or any indications that they were working on that type of virus.”

    Here is a recent article from the Brownstone Institute, that gives more background on Dani Anderson:

    Apparently Dani Anderson is not so willing to conclude that her anecdotal lack of evidence is necessarily evidence of general lack thereof, quite as much as Unz. Somebody has got apparent bias.

    The prior events, … the CCP taking down the shared database around the joint genomic work on these virus clades they were working on in tandem with western parties, … in September 2019, is not a nothingburger either (like Unz maintains), to my mind. All this evidence is more in keeping with a theory that the CCP figured they were being played as patsy-dupes, by September 2019, …. because some things didn’t make sense about sickness cases emerging somewhere in Wuhan’s research-lab matrix, at that time, … and the CCP figured it out. Canada’s Alina Chan and others maintain they have identified those such some sick people in Wuhan lab settings at that time, and shared this info. But perhaps the CCP successfully extinguished it all, …. until November 2019, … when something happened and they no longer were able to (either an unrecognized break-through-to-spread case, perhaps perplexingly not exactly the same as the earlier escaped clades, …. but perplexingly in the same family inclusive of bio-engineered hallmarks.,…. or …… the faux-west corporatist globalists that control the U.S., ….went to plan B after the initial ploys for Wuhan-lab-clade-leakage-false-flags didn’t take, ….. more-or-less as Unz claims (release by way of international police athletic-type-games at Wuhan, or something similar, … probably still featuring a clade somewhat novel to the Chinese researchers).

    Then, from here, we must consider why all the government parties then (western and CCP alike), have remained tight-lipped, with the info they clearly possess, with all the general publics of the entire world (we all deserve to know and I don’t care too much who spills the beans first, … just spill the beans already). That’s where then, we have to start entertaining notions that we are now in fact living in clown world. Just crazy, this. But there it is.

  251. @Dieter Kief

    I think the debate addresses the biorxiv article. You and Unz should watch the whole thing carefully.

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
  252. Rich says:

    You homosexuals really like to write in flowery terms, eh? Beat it. Go back to your glory hole and leave me alone.

    • Replies: @Anogomous
  253. @anonymicical

    I won’t be surprised if low vitamin D status proved to be a risk factor for vaccine injury as well as for Covid and other respiratory infections. Although vitamin D’s role in optimizing immune response is fairly well known, it turns out that vitamin D also plays a role in digesting and clearing out protein fragments involved in the clotting process – fibrin, actin, amyloid, etc. This has been known for many years, but the exact mechanism has not be clarified.

    Typically, the elderly no longer make vitamin D on their skin, regardless of whether they live at the equator or one of the polar regions. Vitamin D deficiency is especially rampant in third world countries in which the elderly are not supplemented with Vitamin D in order to stave off bone loss. I don’t think anyone is going to offer these large populations adequate vitamin D supplementation just to decrease mortality from infections or the “clot shots.”

    Since reinfection is increasingly common and side effects from injections can take years to manifest, it would be wise for everyone to take supplemental vitamin D from here on out.

  254. Anogomous says:

    I’ll be beating it Sweetie. In a room wallpapered with pictures of you. On my weight bench. Naked with the door open to encourage intruders. I’ll be glistening. Do you glisten?

    • Troll: Rich
  255. @anonymicical

    Why didn’t natural immunity stop the virus to begin with? Why were there mass graves being dug in Milan?

    Younger people who get more sunlight and fresh air were vastly less likely to be killed by SARS-CoV-2 according to all the stats I have seen.

    Why can’t we have healthy living and vaccines?

    Some gene sets have been identified as being vulnerable to COVID so no it isn’t as simple as age.

    Researchers identify more than 1,000 genes linked to severe COVID-19

    What is your position exactly? Let old people needlessly die because you don’t like vaccines?

    Humans are not developed to fight off any virus. There used to be a Smallpox die-off every so often until the vaccine was developed. Smallpox has even been detected in Egyptian mummies.

  256. @michael888

    Of course there was never a reason for any healthy person under age 50 to receive the Covid mRNA vaccine. Most Covid deaths were in those over age 80, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

    If you get the vaccine you are less likely to spread it to someone that is over 80.

    There is your reason.

    I really don’t care if anyone gets the vaccine at this point. Vulnerable anti-vaxxers like Marc Bernier are already dead. They died showing us that it isn’t a big deal. Marc in fact said that natural living will cure it.

    Anti-vaxx radio host dies of COVID

    Poor countries that could not afford the mRNA vaccines fared much better against Covid than those in heavily vaccinated countries.

    Third world countries had lower fatality rates before the vaccines were developed.

    It’s a combination of half living outside and not caring about testing.

    Of course some in shape African who walks a mile a day to get water is less like to get COVID than a fat American in a rascal. Kind of a big duh. Third worlders also don’t live as long. They can’t afford to keep 85 year olds on million dollar treatments.

    The Italians who died were mostly old men in their 70s and 80s, the same men who die every year from influenza.

    The same men who die every year from influenza?

    You only die once and the fatality rate was much higher than any flu year on record. Or maybe you can cite the year that Italy dug mass graves for flu victims.

    No Americans should disparage Geert vanden Bossche with scientific imbeciles like Trump and Biden taking charge

    I don’t trust real estate cons or a nutcase veterinarian who claimed he had his own special vaccine that could save everyone. Bossche was already wrong in his doomsday prediction so maybe he should go back to treating cats. mRNA flu vaccines are in development and they will be more effective than traditional vaccines. Maybe he can wait and make another doomsday prediction. No one cares.

    • Replies: @Ani
  257. @Ani

    Why didn’t natural immunity stop the virus to begin with? Why were there mass graves being dug in Milan?

    Namely, why weren’t mass graves dug anywhere in central or southern Italy for the dead, or for that matter, anywhere else in the world except for a few places hither and yon.

    They were hit early and it wasn’t the entire country.

    Italy has a very old population that is concentrated in the cities. One of the worst Western countries for fertility.

    Why did Milan need mass graves *once* and then they simply had no need for them again in the December/January 2020/2021 timeframe, or with “Delta variant” and so on.

    You can only kill someone once. I’m not sure why you would find it surprising that they were initially overwhelmed with bodies and then eventually adapted.

    A “virus” that causes 1000% mortality spikes in Milan and a few surrounding *northern* Italian areas (and *northern* Italy only) in the spring, but can’t do it again in later winters

    I don’t know the actual rate but the same pattern happened around the globe. It wasn’t consistent across every city. Milan was hit hard because they got it early and were completely unprepared. They also didn’t take it seriously until the bodies were stacking up.

    Once you kill off 85 year olds in nursing homes there is no second wave of killing the same people.

    It’s a pretty magic virus.

    No it’s actually a pretty standard virus. High fatality rates in the first wave and then it drops because you can’t kill the vulnerable twice.

    Or maybe it wasn’t the virus doing any of this at all.

    You do realize we can see the virus under an electron microscope? Do you understand how COVID kills people? The virus continues to reproduce in your lungs. It destroys your lung cells and at some point you can’t breathe.

    • Replies: @bike-anarkist
  258. orack says:

    I suggest to read Prof. Chodourovsky who had the correct analysis of “COVID” since day one.

    Not that Ron Unz’s thoery lacks of interest but it doesn’t even scrap the surface of this global manufactured crisis of which the man-made climate change hoax is the logical follower and the now multi-crises world is the logical consequence.

    If you look at one crise alone it doesn’t make sense, if you look at the general plan or goal the global “elites” repeatedly tell you about since decades, then it starts to make sense.

    Already decades ago David Rockefeller told us that they will have a world government by consent or by force.

    Covid was one step of their plan.

    The big picture tells us that despite Ron Unz having an interesting theory, he’s off the mark.

    People din;t die of “covid”, they died of everything else, a death certificate is very easy to forge, it was even a “covid” rule at the time.

    RFK was one of the very few to raise the alarm in 2020. He was right, he saw covid as what it is: a global coup.

    The next plandemic they come-up with might involve this time a bigger rate of mass murder and since they have succeeded in convincing billions to get injected by poison, it could be that the disease is already in their bodies to be triggered.

    Depopulation is a big part of the UN 2030/2050 agenda along with global resources grabbing.

    • Replies: @bike-anarkist
  259. @orack

    This researcher summed it up very eloquently.

    And, since the CoronaPrank the concept of “herd immunity” or an individual’s own inherent immunity is fully ignored.

    Four years ignoring the most powerful bulwark against contagion, biological immunity, illustrates the dumbing down of the population.

    Give me convenience or give me death! The normies will never stop speaking such self-harming lickspittle.

  260. @John Johnson

    It’s been proven time and again that the rigors of preparing specimens for electronmicrographs have killed the specimen, and changed it’s surface and shape.

    In fact, the existance of exosomes that are ~ the same size, have been identified as the “proof” of the virus! But alas, they are not the virus.

  261. @Sparkon

    Sparkon: masks don’t work as tyrannically emphasized.
    Don’t bring back fraudulent pseuo-science… unless it pays your bills?

    I suggest double plastic bagging over head, securely held by a double looped elastic.

    • Agree: Ani
    • Replies: @Sparkon
    , @Anogomous
  262. Sparkon says:

    Sparkon: masks don’t work as tyrannically emphasized.

    The N95 mask and its homemade predecessors have kept me free of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.


  263. Ani says:
    @John Johnson

    If you get the vaccine you are less likely to spread it to someone that is over 80.

    Keep in mind no one – not even “the authorities” – claims anymore that it “stops the spread.”

    Also keep in mind the guy saying this in other comments has noted that he has *gotten COVID four to five times already*.

    Jesus John your “vaccine” clearly doesn’t work.

    • Agree: anonymicical
  264. Ani says:

    My maskless carefree lifestyle of going to bars and strip clubs during the “pandemic” kept me COVID free!

    You do know the best estimates are you breathe in several millions of bacteria and virions (or at least virus-like particles) per day, right?

    Filtering out 95% of that is pissing in the wind.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  265. @Von Rho

    And yet IVM is a PAK1 blocker and PAK1 blockers prevent SARS-CoV-2 from rewiring the microvilli and escaping from infected epithelial cells:

    It turns out that D3 is also a PAK1 blocker.

    You have not kept up with the literature, have you?

    • Replies: @Von Rho
  266. @Ani

    Yes, they lied about that and Morens, Taubenberger and Fauci admitted that in January 2023 in the following paper:

    Of course, some people don’t bother keeping up with the literature.

    • Agree: Ani
  267. Ron Unz says:

    Robert Kadlec helping Senator Rand Paul investigate the origins of Covid is like O.J. helping search for the murderers of his ex-wife and that waiter. Kadlec, along with a couple of accomplices, killed millions of innocent Indian Hindus and hasn’t even been questioned about it. Meanwhile, professor Charles Lieber is now under supervised release most likely for speculating about Covid’s origins as an American bioengineered virus. Does that mean Lieber has to meet with a parole officer every month? This is some sort of sick joke.

    Those would certainly be ironies, but please don’t assume my speculations are more solid than I consider them. I always try to always be very cautious in my claims.

    For example, I think the timing of Kadlec’s Crimson Contagion exercise is exceptionally suspicious, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he himself was one of the Covid plotters. For example, if he were put under oath and asked to explain why he decided to hold the exercise, it’s very possible that he might say “Well, Mike Pompeo felt there was always a risk of another respiratory virus someday appearing in China, so he said we should probably organize an exercise to prepare for that contingency.”

    Similarly, the timing and nature of Lieber’s arrest seems extremely suspicious to me, but I was just speculating about what triggered it. Maybe it was his loose talk about Covid or maybe it was something entirely different. Perhaps if somebody offered him a full pardon in exchange for his story, we’d find out.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Chebyshev
  268. Ron Unz says:

    Why is it people are not paying attention to the work of Dr. David Martin. Dr. Martin has the black and white evidence…

    Dr. Martin has given dozens of presentations globally, including at the EU council on covid, where his presentation was heard by literally billions of people…800,000 on Tik Tok alone. I’ll bet you saw/heard at least one.

    Well, a couple of years back Dr. Martin claimed that 700 million(!) people worldwide would soon be dead from vaxxing, including about one-third of all Americans:

    Since I haven’t seen any indications of that yet, I’m rather skeptical of everything else he says.

    However, if hundreds of millions of people soon start keeling over, I’d be the first to admit he deserves five or ten Nobel Prizes.

    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  269. Anogomous says:

    “Local Man Wears Condoms on Ears. Afraid of Hearing Aids.”

  270. @bike-anarkist

    Would you be so good as to provide less well ingormed UR readers with links where one can find the scientific , peer reviewed preferably, reports which support what you say has beenproven time and again.

  271. @Ron Unz

    please don’t assume my speculations are more solid than I consider them. I always try to always be very c autious in my claims


    That’s what I like about you Ron. After all these years the cleverest boy in America [1600 SAT in Grade 11 no less] hasn’t become a proud old prig and lost his sense of humour.

    BTW I rejoice in learning that atheist utilitarian Ashkenazi cousin of yours, Ron, as one of the old boomers (b.1947), Peter Singer, is returning to Melbourne full time from Princeton. I know him well enough to hope that I might enlist him in my avocational sports team: the Ron Teasers.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  272. Forget the Chinese: Look at the outcome for the Amish, especially if you exclude the Mennonite communities, whom researches mixed in in an attempt to discredit the successful Amish response of doing nothing other than treating it like just another cold or flu.

  273. Rich23 says:

    Very nice!

    Except the POWERS THAT BE and The Spellbinders like iL Fauci, Gottlieb and Walensky won’t appreciate it. Their loyal followers won’t like it at all.
    Ditto for CDC, FBI, DoD, CIA etcetera

  274. Sparkon says:

    You do know the best estimates are you breathe in several millions of bacteria and virions (or at least virus-like particles) per day, right?

    Filtering out 95% of that is pissing in the wind.

    Not really.

    Any significant reduction in the innate immune system’s workload is bound to be beneficial, especially for those (statistically) most at risk, i.e. the elderly and others with a compromised or reduced immune response.

    The face mask is simply an extension and strengthening of the body’s innate immune system, which by itself in a healthy person is capable of identifying and neutralizing most potentially harmful pathogens even before the body’s adaptive immune system goes to work.

    Reduction of The Grim Reaper’s Force by 95% could easily be the critical difference between life and death, especially for those with compromised or reduced immune response, which includes most obese people and those on (certain) medications.

    In the same way, 95% reduction in the size of the crowds at your favorite clubs is likely to reduce the stripper’s tips by a similar amount to the point where she just might get dressed and go home.

    • Replies: @Ani
  275. @John Johnson

    Lockdowns had no effect on the flu. Covid was the new dominant virus which temporarily displaced most other respiratory viruses. Happened in all previous pandemics. Both flu and Covid have asymptomatic transmission. It’s frankly shocking such a garbage comment gets highlighted.

  276. @Wizard of Oz

    I know him well enough to hope that I might enlist him in my avocational sports team: the Ron Teasers.

    Maybe you could point him to the following article and tell us of his reaction:
    ‘Sex with Animals in a Weimar Democracy’

  277. Ani says:

    No, the reason you are not constantly getting infected with bajillions of bacteria, viruses, and mold is because your respiratory tract acts like a mask, naturally. Just like your skin prevents infections by creating an impermeable layer to (most) infectious material, the mucosa of your respiratory tract secretes mucous containing enzymes, anti-microbial peptides (with anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties), some secretory immunogoblin A (for some neutralization of viruses), and so on.

    You can and do inhale infectious material all day long (in fact, with every breath), and most of the time it does not require your immune system to do *anything* anymore than your immune system having to “do something” when you are gardening and your fingers get covered in bacteria-laden soil.

    • Agree: anonymicical
    • Replies: @Sparkon
    , @anonymicical
  278. Sparkon says:

    No, the reason you are not constantly getting infected with bajillions of bacteria, viruses, and mold is because your respiratory tract acts like a mask,

    No? Don’t you mean to say “yes”?

    You are merely describing (part of) the innate immune system I’ve just been writing about, so I must conclude your reading comprehension is very poor, you don’t really understand the innate immune system, and/or you are just a disagreeable person.

    • Replies: @Ani
  279. vinteuil says:
    @Mulga mumblebrain

    The PRC was capable of facing the attack because its system values ALL its citizens,

    Unfortunately, as an American, I can no longer make fun of this sort of thing.

  280. @Punch Brother Punch

    Excellent book on the subject using government data from Public Health England and the ONS (office of national statistics)

    Dissolving Illusions Disease, Vaccines And The Forgotten History.

    Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true?Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  281. @Chrisnonymous

    I’ve read astralcodex’ – long – article.
    I follow the impressive Covid-work of Alex Washburne*** – together with Michael Levitt, amongst others – since 2020 and wonderered why astralcodex did not refer to him.

    ***lots of it free on substack

  282. Sesto says:
    @John Johnson

    So you believe that India primarily reduced their smallpox rates through nutrition and sanitation? Is that right? The White man’s invention didn’t compare to Indian cleanliness?

    India is indeed a little cleaner and eating better: that’s where you should start for if you really want “answers” in this regard.

    Any effort to laud vaccines smacks of Bill Gates worship, and we all know that White man and his woeful track record.

    Do you really want to go down this path? Maybe re-think what you read on wordpress blogs.

    WordPress blog? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Dr. Shiva’s discussion about Covid and the vaccines back in 2021 might be a good place for you to start. Search for Covid on his website

  283. @Anonymous 1

    Why do you types think it’s impressive to send links to books, blogs and videos produced by fringe, unknown characters?

    One of the authors of this book, Suzanne Humphries, is a homeopath. Homeopathy is the stupidest healing superstition short of witch doctoring.

    • Replies: @Ani
  284. Ani says:

    No, I get it. But a face mask will not “enhance” your so-called innate immune system any more than it already exists. This is known because people (and wildlife) would constantly be getting tons of severe infections for lack of masks all the time, and they don’t. Prior to the “pandemic” everyone in the Western world sat in waiting rooms at hospitals or doctor’s offices around people coughing and sneezing – and rarely if anything happens to them. “SARS-CoV-2” is not the only virus – or even “novel” virus – circulating in the air.

    The epidemiology of even well-studied viruses like influenza is poorly known if not entirely not unknown. For example human challenge studies (where people deliberately inhale cultured aerosolized virus cultivated via passage in animals or cell lines) rarely result in any manifestation of disease, or mild to moderate disease at best. If directly snorting large doses of virus can’t cause severe illness then what exactly are the mechanisms that cause this to happen “naturally”? Surely people would inhale “much less virus” “naturally” then when snorting tens of thousands of infectious virions directly up their nose. Ergo the volume of “inhaled virus” (purportedly minimized with “a proper fitting N95”) probably doesn’t have much to do with the risk of infection.

    The epidemiology of respiratory viruses really is mostly unknown although there are lots of hypotheses (dry air in winter months facilitates unimpeded aerosol travel in the air, or dries out mucous increasing the risk of infection, or via lack of vitamin D synthesized from sun exposure, or via people being indoors more often, or …)

    Moreover just about nobody will have a “properly fitted N95”, certainly not throughout the day. Facial hair and bandages will prevent a proper seal, and day-long properly fitted N95’s would result in facial bruising and abrasions.

    The masks are one thing and one thing only: dumb.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  285. Ani says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    All you have to do is download vital statistics records from the government and you will see there was a precipitous decline in infectious disease of all kinds (by around 90-95% since 1910 or so) before any “vaccines” for such illnesses were rolled out, as well as for diseases for which there is no vaccine.

    People like to show a graph starting from, say, 5-10 years prior to vaccine rollout, and say “see a 90% decline in cases”. Cool, they were already all declining in the Western world.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  286. Ani says:

    This is in relation to “HPAI” contaminated milk but wait!

    As previously noted and outlined in our summary below, qPCR-positive results do not necessarily represent actual virus that may be a risk to consumers. Additional testing is required to determine whether intact pathogen is still present and if it remains infectious, which would help inform a determination of whether there is any risk of illness associated with consuming the product.

    Because qPCR findings do not represent actual virus that may be a risk to consumers, the FDA is further assessing any positive findings through egg inoculation tests, a gold-standard for determining viable virus.

    Common sense, as well as a cursory understanding of a PCR test, would tell you that “testing positive” is not evidence of A) a virus B) an infectious virus C) an infection D) a disease.

    They explain why in the context of milk:

    Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a screening tool used to determine the presence or absence of an organism’s genetic material in a sample. A positive qPCR means that the genetic material from the targeted pathogen was detected in the sample, but that does not mean that the sample contains an intact, infectious pathogen. That’s because qPCR tests will also detect the residual genetic material from pathogens killed by heat, like pasteurization, or other food safety treatments.

    But it turns out residual genetic material can exist from pathogens circulating in the air, or that are trapped or killed via “NETs”, neutralized by SIgA or via direct interaction of AMPS, or viruses that were destroyed and now only exist in pieces, or found in defective viral genomes, or …

    Why were positive PCR tests “for COVID” treated as evidence of an infection or a “case”?

  287. niceland says:

    Some Icelandic experience:
    Much is written about masks. I certainly didn’t like the idea and was rather upset when some bloke in a hardware store told me I had to wear a mask early in 2020. That company decided to demand masks in it’s stores, before it the government laid out any mask rules. The guy was rude so I just left and went to different hardware store.

    Shortly after the government decided people had to use masks in stores and restaurants etc.. dependent on area and persons per square area and so forth. It was fairly reasonable – assuming mask did any good.

    It was rather obvious this couldn’t be large variable in stopping transmission since people were using all kinds of silly masks in ways unlikely stop much of anything. Still, the line from the government was – it’s to stop droplets. Well it was boring having to keeps masks in the car to put on when shopping for groceries and so forth. And silly when going to a restaurant and keeping the mask on until dinner arrived and then the masks were dropped and live went back to normal until you put the mask on only to walk out of the door.

    However during this time the ‘mask’ situation was the only thing to keep me from forgetting there was a pandemic going on so to speak. It was a reminder every day. I understood the government policy regarding masks as a tool to remind the public to be careful. Running for groceries and half way into the door I saw everyone wearing a mask. Curse-words and back to the car to put on a mask. When inside the store with a mask and everyone else as well it was a reminder to be careful or mindful? So we only touched what we were buying and kept a small distance to each others. And we didn’t swing by our old parents house on our way home except for a good reason. Not to spread the virus into vulnerable groups.

    I don’t know, cant be sure but this is my interpretation about how our health officials used masks. They didn’t sound overly convinced mask stopped the virus but still stood firm about mask usage in certain circumstances. Perhaps for the reason I stated above. From the gov. side there was little if any enforcement and no hard measures. Almost all “behaved” in their own way. This was more or less relaxed and easy going and only a tiny minority was upset about this ‘oppression’. Usual suspects so to speak.

    Overall, perhaps this mask situation came about because there was a pandemic, the economy was crashing across the world, good ideas were in short supply, tycoons of business and industry were demanding actions from politicians to bring the wheels of economy back to speed. Budgets of nations and cities were failing and the politicians who were scared and confused decided to ‘follow the “science”‘ (to escape risk) demanded everyone and their dog to be vaxxed and boosted and to wear masks and the rest of it. Much easier to digest than global conspiracy of some sort.

    • Replies: @amor fati
    , @Ani
  288. Chebyshev says:
    @Ron Unz

    For example, I think the timing of Kadlec’s Crimson Contagion exercise is exceptionally suspicious, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he himself was one of the Covid plotters.

    Well, wouldn’t it be pretty incredible if the big advocate for biowarfare who was serving as a major Trump administration official wasn’t a witting participant in the large biowarfare attack perpetrated by Trump officials? Bolton or Pompeo would have to trust him a lot, though. I suppose it’s possible that Kadlec didn’t knowingly help with the plot.

    Similarly, the timing and nature of Lieber’s arrest seems extremely suspicious to me, but I was just speculating about what triggered it. Maybe it was his loose talk about Covid or maybe it was something entirely different.

    I think your speculative scenario is the most likely one. I can’t think of what else could’ve triggered Lieber’s arrest. If he was guilty of a serious crime, wouldn’t he be charged with it? I guess he could’ve said something extremely controversial about a topic other than Covid – maybe it was about Mossad assassinations.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  289. Ron Unz says:
    @Vagrant Rightist

    This guy may have also been thinking about what happened to British biowarfare expert David Kelly during the Iraq War.

    Exactly. The David Kelly case was in the back of my mind as well, but it would have taken a couple of sentences to explain it, diverting the flow of the text, so I didn’t. But but given Farrar’s statements and behavior, he probably was thinking of Kelly.

  290. Ron Unz says:

    Well, wouldn’t it be pretty incredible if the big advocate for biowarfare who was serving as a major Trump administration official wasn’t a witting participant in the large biowarfare attack perpetrated by Trump officials? Bolton or Pompeo would have to trust him a lot, though. I suppose it’s possible that Kadlec didn’t knowingly help with the plot.

    Sure, that’s the whole issue. I just don’t know anything about the personal relationships between those Trump officials, which ones were friendly and which one were bitter personal enemies.

    In my mental model, the plot would have involved a very small, tight group, maybe someone like Pompeo and three or four of his closest aides whom he trusted the most (plus the lower-level people at Ft. Detrick or the CIA who were told it was a fully authorized government operation).

    Kadlec was part of HHS and probably part of Fauci’s circle, so it might have been a huge risk bringing him in unless there was a close personal bond of trust. After all, if he told Fauci or Trump, the whole plan would have collapsed and all the people behind it might have gotten fired.

    Anyway, since Kadlec wasn’t connected at that time with Ft. Detrick or the CIA or Special Forces, it’s not clear what value he could have provided to the plotters. But since he was an MD who’d spent so many years in Biodefense, maybe he would have warned them that the virus would probably spread worldwide and might hit America pretty hard so the plan was a very stupid one…

    • Thanks: Chebyshev
    • LOL: H. L. M
    • Replies: @Chebyshev
  291. amor fati says:

    When inside the store with a mask and everyone else as well it was a reminder to be careful or mindful?

    A. It was a sign of obedience.

    Note: In January 2022 the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) was still seeking to push a vaccine mandate for all “health professionals” (including manicurists etc.) as well as a masking order in all public building across the state — FOREVER. These public health orders where being considered when 50% of all new Covid 19 cases reported in Oregon were of the “breakthrough” variety, i.e. they were among people who had been vaccinated. So much for the “effective” part of the vaccine claims.

    They dropped it, after getting flamed during two days of public testimony. (Not “hearings” because OHA officials were not there to hear anything.) How could OHA have been so ridiculously stupid and out of touch? Federal funding might help explain it.

  292. Ani says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Wow you are quoting a really dumb Medium/Wordpress article from some vaxophile engaged in deranged conspiracy theories and a type B cluster personality of sillybilly dingdong bullshit.

    No, you just have to download vital statistics data and plot a graph. It really is quite clear.

    Right now, you are “unvaccinated” against newly discovered viruses that live in your nose and may be implicated in severe disease. In fact, scientists will always discover new viruses and we will always find out we are “unvaccinated” against this or that.

    I’m sorry, but even diseases that don’t have vaccines have declined precipitously before “vaccines” existed for them.

    You really should learn what a “vaccine” is before you start quoting random WordPress and Medium vaxophile articles.

  293. Ani says:

    The masks existed to convince you there was a pandemic and as a punitive measure for you to take the “vaccines.”

    No masks, no one would know there was a pandemic.

    I have yet to find a single WalMart, Target, BestBuy, Buffalo Wild Wings, McDonalds, TSA line, etc etc etc where *anyone* died “of the virus” or knows *anyone* “at their job” who died of it.

    If no one was wearing the idiotic masks literally nobody on Earth would have noticed “the pandemic.”

    • Replies: @Ani
  294. Ani says:

    By the way all mammals “can get COVID.” Anyone’s dog or cat “die of COVID”? Any wave of deer or chimpanzee deaths? Do wild animals have to “wear masks” to “stop the spread”?

    Anyone’s vet swab their dog’s nose and then forcibly ventilate it and kill it and say “golly geebonkers, it was COBID!”


    COVID was Idiocracy.

    • Agree: acementhead
  295. Some may find this interesting

    Democrats join with Republican fascists to witch-hunt scientist Peter Daszak

    The WSWS is standing up for the EcoHealth Alliance.

    • Replies: @amor fati
  296. Mike Tre says:
    @Ron Unz

    You covid lunatics were bleating that 100’s of millions of people would die from the virus, so you’re not really in a position to mock wild claims.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  297. @eah

    Apparently Unz is mega butthurt that the mainstream won’t take the bioweapon thesis seriously

    Objectively speaking, more people believe Unz’s counter-narrative than believe the Zionist States of America’s narrative, just not in America.

  298. Sparkon says:

    No, I get it.


    But a face mask will not “enhance” your so-called innate immune system any more than it already exists. This is known because people (and wildlife) would constantly be getting tons of severe infections for lack of masks all the time, and they don’t

    Animals can’t “grow” a face mask, but people can, more or less, and I’m sorry to break it to you, but animals too suffer from respiratory illnesses, and die.

    You’ve never heard of swine flu or bird flu? Other creatures have their own flu too, and those diseases can and have jumped to humans.

    Animals Are Dying in Droves. What Are They Telling Us?

    From flu-ridden sea lions to elephant die-offs, mass mortality events are becoming more common. We understand very little about their repercussions.

    The article claims one in four (25%) of the die-offs are caused by disease, and of course they had to work in climate change, which is entirely natural, but which can upset some of the prevailing balances in nature.

    COVID-19 was originally called a “novel” coronavirus. Since it was new, our adaptive immune system had no antibodies to fight it, but new or old, the innate immune system knows what to do with most invading pathogens. The innate immune system is multi-faceted – it has many parts, and some of those parts are able to catch, kill, or wash away pathogens, like the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, sebaceous glands, ear wax, saliva, tears. Even those interstitial macrophages are part of the innate immune system.

    Wearing a face mask simply adds another layer of traps and protection. I see that extra layer of protection as a welcome extension and strengthening of the innate immune system that is entirely in my own hands. If you can’t or don’t want to see it that way, I can’t help you anymore.

    You make fair points about the masks, but that is up to the individual to get a good mask, wear it when needed, and ensure it is fitting snugly. The simple act of social distancing adds another extension or layer of protection – air space – to the innate immune system. I avoid crowds while others seek them out. I enjoy my solitude because I can get a lot more done when I’m alone.

    Originally, I wore a mask only when shopping, usually taking not quite an hour, and do it early when traffic is light and there are few shoppers. However, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to deal also with wildfires and wildfire smoke, and guess what? The N95 mask filters out most of the pathogens in wildfire smoke, along with windblown dust, and even pollen.

    Now I wear a mask when I have work to do outside and the AQI is bad, and/or when it’s windy, dusty, or allergy season. Because of my study of airborne pathogens and increasing concerns about potential toxins in household dust, I have also increased (tripled) the volumetric air filtration capacity of my indoor air purifiers, with very good results, but of course I don’t wear a mask at home.

    You closed:

    The masks are one thing and one thing only: dumb.

    COVID-19 has potential long-term health effects that are not yet well understood, but its known short-term health effects include death.

    Wearing a face mask has protected me from contracting COVID-19 from the outset of the pandemic right down up to the present day.

    You may call that dumb, but I think it’s pretty darn smart.

  299. Von Rho says:

    I noticed you think as a right winger. Despite all their conservative values, materialism prevails (Zizek would say this is the Real among ideology). By in vitro experiences everything can work. Even dipirone works for sarcov2. But medicine is an empirical science. So, both IVM and HCQ do not work for covid.

  300. @Ani

    I’m sorry, but even diseases that don’t have vaccines have declined precipitously before “vaccines” existed for them.

    Totally meaningless unless you specify which diseases you’re talking about and how they’re spread.

    In fact, scientists will always discover new viruses and we will always find out we are “unvaccinated” against this or that.

    Irrelevant to the 30+ vaccines that have been developed so far. Just because new viruses will be discovered in the future doesn’t mean great progress hasn’t been made addressing what had been highly damaging diseases.

    By the way all mammals “can get COVID.” Anyone’s dog or cat “die of COVID”?

    Rarely. Just like how dogs very occasionally catch the human common flu.

    I have yet to find a single WalMart, Target, BestBuy, Buffalo Wild Wings, McDonalds…where *anyone* died “of the virus” or knows *anyone* “at their job” who died of it.

    Boy, between this generic corporate crap and strip clubs you really need to expand your horizons. And how do you know this? Do you closely interact with everyone you come across at WalMart or Buffalo Wild Wings and follow how their lives or the lives of their co-workers turned out? How do you know you weren’t waiting in a checkout-line back in 2021 with someone who eventually succumbed to Covid?

    • Replies: @Ani
    , @Ani
  301. Chebyshev says:
    @Ron Unz

    I just don’t know anything about the personal relationships between those Trump officials, which ones were friendly and which one were bitter personal enemies.

    The trillion dollar question: Were Mike Pompeo and Robert Kadlec friends?

  302. Ani says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Boy, between this generic corporate crap and strip clubs you really need to expand your horizons. And how do you know this? Do you closely interact with everyone you come across at WalMart or Buffalo Wild Wings and follow how their lives or the lives of their co-workers turned out? How do you know you weren’t waiting in a checkout-line back in 2021 with someone who eventually succumbed to Covid?

    Because I ask everyone at every business establishment I go to “Did anyone who works here die of COVID?” and the answer has consistently been “nobody, I guess we got lucky.”

    If an “essential worker” type at a big box store (etc) had any employees “die of COVID” they would know. For one thing there’d be contact tracing, mandatory tests, etc. (Or they would be at least 2020-early 2022). So by simply asking one checkout lady at a Sam’s Club you actually get an indication that zero out of 150 people working there “died of COVID.”

    How do you know you weren’t waiting in a checkout-line back in 2021 with someone who eventually succumbed to Covid?

    For one thing, because in nearly all age groups, “COVID” according to official statistics kills people less often (in nearly all age groups including toddlers) then heart disease, cancer, for working-aged adults then drug overdoses, for younger adults, car crashes, and so on.

    So the odds of that happening are near zero, or less than the odds of, for example, any given toddler you see drowning in their own bathtub in the near future.

    And anyhow “COVID” deaths are “deaths with a positive test”, which doesn’t mean “actually died of a disease.”

    So even nearer zero.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  303. Ani says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Totally meaningless unless you specify which diseases you’re talking about and how they’re spread.

    Okay, pick a “virus”: measles, mumps, polio. Etc. All of those cases and deaths were declining precipitously prior to vaccine campaigns.

    The manner of spread is also meaningless. It’s all up to your immune system, which, by the way, the “adaptive” portion (the part that is the “target” of a vaccine) is actually not always necessary to fight infection.

    “You need a vaccine to stop airborne transmission of virus.” No, because vaccines never stop infections or “transmission” or “spreading.” At all. If anyone believes this about a vaccine they are seriously misinformed.

  304. @Ani

    Because I ask everyone at every business establishment I go to “Did anyone who works here die of COVID?”

    Wow, you sound like a real pest.

    And anyhow “COVID” deaths are “deaths with a positive test”,

    So why did excess deaths go up dramatically in 2020? Did nearly 500,000 more people (the U.S. excess death toll in 2020) die of heart attacks, cancer, and other normal causes of death than expected from statistical trends? If so, why? This is a remarkable occurrence. It needs to be explained.

    Okay, pick a “virus”: measles, mumps, polio. Etc. All of those cases and deaths were declining precipitously prior to vaccine campaigns.

    This is just anti-vaccine propaganda misinformation. We don’t even have good statistics for most vaccine diseases prior to the middle of the 20th century. What we do have indicates no real change from the beginning of the record to when the vaccine was introduced. After that, the numbers go into permanent decline. Smallpox, for instance (which killed 300 million-plus in the 20th century alone; gratitude, anti-vaxxers?), was at close to the same level of reported cases in 1958, when the movement to eradicate the disease through vaccines began, as it was in 1921:

    Reported cases of measles were higher in 1963, when the first vaccine was introduced, than they were in 1950:

    The manner of spread is also meaningless

    It matters if your argument is that better sanitation and nutrition caused the decline in particular infectious diseases.

    No, because vaccines never stop infections or “transmission” or “spreading.”

    Many of them do prevent transmission, actually. Not all of them. Vaccines all work differently.

  305. seventabs says:

    Paul also argued that closing schools made no sense since Covid infections posed little risk to children. But here I would sharply disagree with him since the argument on the other side was that students might easily pick up Covid infections from their classmates and then take those home, spreading the virus to their families and perhaps endangering their grandparents or other older relatives.

    I quote the “Great Barrington Declaration”, which states the basic things that reasonable epidemiologist would have done:

    “…Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals. ”

    and for schools:

    “Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home.”

    I doubt that Rand Paul would write something against these measures (I barely read books and didn’t read the one you refer to) which, please note, do not force potentially infected on the vulnerable, moreover, prescribe basic measures to separate. Even more so, letting the youth back to school would’ve achieved the herd immunity sooner and reduced the time needed to maintain separate treatment for vulnerable and not vulnerable. Instead of years long separation we ended up with, with widespread blood testing for the virus anti-bodies, the children and grandchildren could resume the usual way of communicating with their elderly in a month or two.

    You seem to be wrong here, Ron, by sharply disagreeing and definitely not with me, but with mainstream epidemiologists who signed the GBD facing a lot of adversity and risking their careers.

  306. Ron Unz says:
    @Mike Tre

    You covid lunatics were bleating that 100’s of millions of people would die from the virus, so you’re not really in a position to mock wild claims.

    LOL. You’re just a typically innumerate anti-vaxxer.

    From very early in the epidemic, it became clear that the Covid mortality rate for populations along American lines was between 0.5% and 1%, while it was substantially lower for the much younger and less obese global population.

    So if you multiply out those numbers you can see no sensible person ever predicted that “100’s of millions” would die. Instead, they were concerned that the expected mortality might be in the tens of millions, which is exactly what actually happened.

    • LOL: Mike Tre, H. L. M
  307. @Ron Unz

    Neil Ferguson

    Yes my prediction was off. The Times. 7 Aug 2021.

    no paywall:

    Sober article. Like the whole thing was not too big a deal.

  308. @bike-anarkist

    It’s been proven time and again that the rigors of preparing specimens for electronmicrographs have killed the specimen, and changed it’s surface and shape.

    Viruses are not alive.

    COVID is an RNA strand.

    But I don’t believe your claim would be true for microorganisms so let’s see a source on that.

    In fact, the existance of exosomes that are ~ the same size, have been identified as the “proof” of the virus! But alas, they are not the virus.

    So you are suggesting that all images of coronaviruses are fake? Is that also true for the cold?

    Why would people fake images of the common cold? To make it look like electron microscopes work?

    How are electron microscopes sold for $15,000 if they don’t actually work?

    • Replies: @anonymicical
  309. @Ani

    I’m sorry, but even diseases that don’t have vaccines have declined precipitously before “vaccines” existed for them.

    So you don’t believe that vaccines work?

    Why did smallpox cases in India flatline to near zero?

    • Replies: @amor fati
  310. @Ani

    Absolutely correct. And some viruses, like SARS-CoV-2 are so large they cannot get out of the mucus once so entrapped.

    In addition, healthy humans express sialic acid in their mucus which also traps Influenza viruses (since they bind to sialic acid on cells.)

    A healthy human is pretty much immune to those viruses.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  311. @John Johnson

    COVID is an RNA strand.

    That is absolutely not correct. You are very ignorant.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  312. amor fati says:
    @Commentator Mike

    The WSWS is standing up for the EcoHealth Alliance.

    I just watched a couple hours of the sub-committee hearing questioning Daszak. He got shoved around some. But it was going nowhere. He may be right that Covid 19 emerged naturally and not in a lab. Even if Covid was a GMO I do not think he is the root of the problem.

    Meddling with the code of life is the problem. Biotechnology, genetic engineering and molecular biologists’ zeal and hubris has conjured up a tidal wave of chimeras. Then military minds research the applications of how to weaponize GMO germs and “win” future wars. You thought the physicists made a mess with their atomic weapons. Just wait a little longer and see what the genetic engineers unleash.

    Another problem much bigger than the question of Covid 19 origins was the abuse of power under the guise of “public health”. This terrific abuse of power occurred around the world. Much of it was certainly driven by some force of malfeasance. The mass censorship, the lies, the lockdowns, crackdowns and arrests, the masking, EUA and vaccine mandates… this was unwarranted and caused more harm to public health, mental health, the economy, children’s welfare, etc. than did Covid 19.

    p.s. The person Congress should drag in for questioning is Benjamin Netanyahu. Instead they obey his command to trample on the US First Amendment. Cowards, less than traitors.

  313. Mike Tre says:
    @Ron Unz

    ” You’re just a typically innumerate anti-vaxxer.”

    Projection bro. Kovid Kultists labeling people anti-vaxxers are the equivalent of Al Sharpton labeling anyone he doesn’t like a racist.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  314. Sparkon says:

    Please try to get it through your thick skull:

    Mucous membranes are a vital part of the body’s Innate Immune System!

    I’ve been emphasizing that point over and over again here, including in my discussion with Ani, but somehow you seem to have missed all that, or are merely trying to dodge it.

    In addition, the mucosal innate immune system acts as both a physical and an immunological boundary, playing a key role in the sensing and eliminating of pathogens and in the creating of symbiosis. The mucus layer covering the mucosal epithelium acts as a first physical and biochemical barrier.

    Innate immunity in the mucosal immune system

    The immune system is complex and is divided in two categories: i) the innate or nonspecific immunity, which consists of the activation and participation of preexistent mechanisms including the natural barriers (skin and mucosa) and secretions;

    But keep on trying to portray the ignorant party (Ani) as “absolutely correct.”

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  315. Wild Man says:
    @Mike Tre

    Well Unz tends to be pretty sharp with the numbers (when it suits him), but otherwise, yeah …. I just happened upon Nassim Taleb’s channel, by accident (re another unrelated topic re currencies) and find that back during the contentious time period in 2021, he shared Unz’s view, which was Steven Hsu’s view, which was all these eggheads view on us anti-vaxx nuts.

    And then these so-called brilliant eggheads (told their whole life how right they always are, apparently) are all wrong. Either they are not so brilliant, or they are collectively hiding something. Right now, I tend to think it is the former actually (except with Hsu, … perhaps not, perhaps there really is a dark agenda at play with him). On some level, I am actually very surprised how dumb these guys can be on certain issues, … just full of what seems to me to be unearned arrogance, ….. you know I have always had a certain view of these ‘consultant’ types that corporations hire to preach to us corporate middle management peon-types on occasion, …. also construction project management was one small part of my overall duties, and so I contracted with alot of consultants (top notch outfits for the top notch real estate portfolio I was managing, … the best of the best), including lawyers…. it always turned out there was hubris apparent, each and every time. Like I am smarter than all the fucking so-called world-changing consultants, apparently, at least all the ones I came across (the ones I was not personally directing though, were far far worse, … like human resources consultants, for instance). No. Been there, done that. Show me better. If I was hiring/contracting, consultant-wise, on this narrow topic, I would have long ago fired, if you know what I mean. Massive failures. Maybe I would think about suing now, too. It transpired like I theorized and not like they theorized. Some of these eggheads are not worth the money, at all, it often turns out, you know. But in the biz world, I was only one guy. I can’t do everything. But fuck, …. what passes for brilliance is almost always not, I happen to know. Too bad Unz went that way too. It’s sort of a human tragedy (I have had high hopes for this one, you know).

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  316. @Wild Man

    I’m sure Unz, Nassim Taleb and Steven Hsu are losing sleep at night over how they “let you down.” Sheesh. The monumental arrogance of anti-vaxxers. Not to mention the projection.

    Actually, I hear Taleb is a pretty arrogant, cantankerous fellow himself. Why don’t you guys go bother him? It would be fun to watch, at least.

  317. amor fati says:

    I just happened upon Nassim Taleb’s channel, … and find that back during the contentious time period in 2021, he shared Unz’s view, which was Steven Hsu’s view, which was all these eggheads view on us anti-vaxx nuts.

    I have read a few of his books. He is polymath material but never quite got there. I once sent him a copy of his book the Black Swan, all marked up with my red pen, and asked that he sign and return it. It never came. Pride got the better of his antifragile.

    His interview with Gad Saad some years ago was interesting. The two Phoenicians stirred the pot a little. But when I watched Taleb talk elsewhere about Covid 19 it was sad indeed. He reasoned that if one face mask is protective, why not wear two? Fat Tony, Taleb’s tough, common sense mafioso alter ego, turns out to be a dumb coward after all.

    Put on two coffee filters, take the stabs, and wake me up in 1984.

    Where does Taleb speak or write about the risk/benefit of the EUA rushed experimental vaccines and the excess deaths that may be connected? That would be revealing. Thx.

  318. H. L. M says:

    “…there was strong even overwhelming evidence that the global Covid epidemic had been caused by the blowback from a botched American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran), and I have stood almost alone on the Internet in advocating that extremely controversial hypothesis.”

    There is a reason why you have stood almost alone. And that reason is because your theory is preposterous. You’re missing the big picture.

    Your theory suggests that the controller’s global agenda to depopulate the world and destroy the West– and make huge money while doing it– has nothing to do with “covid”.

    Your theory suggests that “covid” was never intended to be a global psyop– that it just accidentally turned out that way.

    Your theory suggests that the world’s controllers (City of London joo Bankers) do not control the US DOD and US three letter agencies.

    The rest of the details that took up 8500 words in your article (Rand Paul is a medical doctor, lab-leak theory, China’s strict lockdowns, blah blah blah) are meaningless.

    You’re joking, right?

    Since you haven’t been able to figure it out for yourself, here’s a newsflash for you, Ron: Joo money power controls it ALL.

    End of story.

    • Replies: @H. L. M
  319. @Sparkon

    This “anonymicical” has already demonstrated earlier in this thread that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. His M.O. is to drop some totally unsubstantiated allegation that you’re wrong coupled with an insult (“moron,” “ignorant”). Later he comes back with some irrelevant gibberish about “innate vs. adaptive immunity” or “serum D3 levels” that he’s probably just copying-and-pasting from some conspiracy blog and doesn’t understand.

  320. amor fati says:
    @John Johnson

    Vaccinating pets has been big business too. They pushed it too hard and caused much conspicuous harm. A paper in J American Vet Med Association (1995 Aug 15;207(4):421-5.) titled Are We Vaccinating Too Much? made the case that excess vaccines cause a great deal of harm in pets.

    Curiously that paper and its abstract are not so easy to locate on the web anymore. Damn spiders always taking down the most interesting stuff. The link below is a compromise paper that is entirely conservative and pro-vaxx but reflects a modicum of common sense as demanded from the veterinary community and pet owners.

  321. @anonymicical

    COVID is an RNA strand.

    That is absolutely not correct. You are very ignorant.

    It’s single-stranded RNA virus.

    SARS-CoV-2 carries the largest single-stranded RNA genome and is the causal pathogen of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

    But we have anti-vaxxers here that don’t believe it exists.

  322. @Ani

    If you get the vaccine you are less likely to spread it to someone that is over 80.

    Keep in mind no one – not even “the authorities” – claims anymore that it “stops the spread.”

    I base my opinions on studies and not confused or lazy politicians. So try quoting me directly instead of your unnamed source.

    The COVID vaccine reduces the severity of the infection which also reduces the spread.

    If you have fewer symptoms and a shorter infection then you are less likely to spread it. Coughing more = more likely to spread viral particles in the air. This isn’t that complicated.

    The same is true for the flu vaccine. No one claims that you won’t get the flu. You’re much less likely to be hospitalized and the symptoms are reduced as your immune system has been primed. That makes it less likely to spread to a vulnerable person like an 80 year old.

    Do you believe the flu vaccine works as intended?

    The flu vaccine will become more effective with the same mRNA technology which will then provide an even bigger headache for the anti-vaxxers. They’ll have to tell us that once again all these studies around the world are a grand conspiracy and it doesn’t actually work.

    Anti-vaxxers should really get together and choose between:

    1. The vaccines work but they are worse than the virus
    2.The vaccines don’t actually work

    Currently both positions are allowed within the anti-vaxxer world even though they are contradictory. Anti-vaxxers from group #2 won’t take issue with group #1. This suggests that the entire movement is political in origin and not serious about studying these vaccines.

    Anti-vaxxers should really just quit as there was no massive die-off from mRNA vaccines. They will in fact be more effective against the flu as they can be updated quickly. It’s going to get even more difficult to maintain that they don’t work and it’s all a grand conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of scientists and medical workers.

    Also keep in mind the guy saying this in other comments has noted that he has *gotten COVID four to five times already*.

    Yes I work with the public. We are not all retired boomers. I get practically every cold and yes I have probably gotten COVID 4 to 5 times. What is your point? People in certain industries get COVID annually. Why is this surprising? Teachers for example pick up practically everything.

    The newest variants are pretty light and especially if you get the vaccine. One time I had to do the coffee test because I didn’t realize I had it. Maybe a virus denier can explain how I temporarily lost my sense of smell to where I couldn’t smell coffee grounds 1 inch from my face. What caused it if the virus doesn’t exist?

  323. Anogomous says:
    @John Johnson

    Anti-vaxxers should really get together and choose between:

    1. The vaccines work but they are worse than the virus
    2.The vaccines don’t actually work

    Is something a stupid idiot would say. How about:

    3. The vaccines don’t actually work and are worse than the virus.

    Your trick of trying to set terms for your opponent makes you look weak. And your statement:

    I get practically every cold and yes I have probably gotten COVID 4 to 5 times.

    paints you as sickly. Why would I take guidance from someone weak and sickly? I like people who don’t get captured.

  324. @Anogomous

    Thats funny, have you forgot we pure bloods were right, we bet with our lives and were 100% correct about the bs convid and the bioweapon vaxx. You failed the iq test, vaids and long vaxx, cancers, prion disease and early demise your reward.

    WRong will not give credit to commenters like myslef either, we were all over his option 3, at least i was and my comments prove it.

    Great Game india was my source in 2019 early 2020, called Wrong out on his bs opinion, took him til 2022 to realize it was a Scooby doo as i called it, take of the China mask and there is DoD and Pentagon.

    Was all over the Winnipeg lab scandal and DR Plummer, in the lab, with the HIV insert!!2020 as well

    Also was all over Huff . And called the Jews out as being ready to blow up the MEast.

    Wrong you should give credit where due, the comments section is going to the dogs, i read comments from 2022 and 2020 today, slow downward spiral evident.

  325. @John Johnson

    Anti vaxxers??? I prefer the monicker “The Correct” or The Wise , or the Informed, the Aware, all better than AV, we are much much more than that.

    Especially in a society designed to extinguish mental independence, we rose above it all, the media, the family, the friends, all of it, to make the correct decision.

    So, enjoy your vaids, your longvaxx, cancers, they are coming, prion disease, early onset alzheimers ete, etc, you effed up bigly, now genuflect to the WISE!!!

    And watch out for Death, he stalks all you vaxxed morons, and you let your Govt get away with killing you and yours!!


  326. @MacOisdealbhtoo

    So, enjoy your vaids, your longvaxx, cancers, they are coming, prion disease, early onset alzheimers ete,

    A few years ago, it was “the vaccinated are all going to start dropping dead any day now.”

    Now it’s “years from now you’ll get cancer or early onset Alzheimer’s!” Moving the goalposts signals your prognostications have no value.

  327. @Anogomous

    “I get practically every cold and yes I have probably gotten COVID 4 to 5 times.”…paints you as sickly. Why would I take guidance from someone weak and sickly? I like people who don’t get captured.

    My boomer conservative father, who lives pretty socially isolated on the Gulf of Mexico, has tested positive for Covid multiple times.

    He’s never smoked, rarely drank, and has been a lifelong weightlifter, runner and gym rat. Physical and immune system health are no guarantees against infection from Covid.

    • Replies: @Anogomous
  328. @Anogomous

    Anti-vaxxers should really get together and choose between:
    1. The vaccines work but they are worse than the virus
    2.The vaccines don’t actually work

    Is something a stupid idiot would say. How about:

    3. The vaccines don’t actually work and are worse than the virus.

    If the vaccines don’t work then they would be worse than the virus.

    That would be a redundant position.

    I get practically every cold and yes I have probably gotten COVID 4 to 5 times.

    paints you as sickly. Why would I take guidance from someone weak and sickly? I like people who don’t get captured.

    Most doctors and nurses have had COVID 4-5 times. Are they all sickly then?

  329. @MacOisdealbhtoo

    Anti vaxxers??? I prefer the monicker “The Correct” or The Wise , or the Informed, the Aware, all better than AV, we are much much more than that.

    Do you think those of us that got the vaccine will outlive anti-vaxx leaders like Marc Bernier?

    Note that I got all the boosters and every shot was mRNA. I didn’t start with J&J.

    I have gotten so many mRNA shots that I may even mutate night vision like an x-man and hunt you down like cat.

    Are you worried bro?

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  330. Wild Man says:
    @John Johnson

    But we know that the mRNA vaxxo-shite subsequently potentiates covid infection, as measured over appropriate post-jab timelines. JJ, … we have had our prior differences, way back while this was all happening, and so you already know I don’t think you reason too well, … but please stop now (with the jabbing). Why would you do something that is against your self-interest, … which as such, ultimately, ends up being against the interests of the commons?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  331. Anogomous says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    So you’re saying your father had multiple false positives.

  332. H. L. M says:
    @H. L. M

    By the way, here’s a credentialed “expert”, the kind you love to quote, who says the “vaccine” causes cancer.

    “Therefore this vaccine was from the beginning based on misconception, misconduct, and evil practices of science, totally defective, founded on misconceptions, leading to a totally false production, a false product, I believe.”

    He’s a crackpot, right?

  333. @Wild Man

    But we know that the mRNA vaxxo-shite subsequently potentiates covid infection, as measured over appropriate post-jab timelines. JJ, … we have had our prior differences, way back while this was all happening, and so you already know I don’t think you reason too well

    Anti-vaxx leader Marc Bernier also believed that the vaccine should avoided.

    Well he died of COVID

    Did he make the right decision?

    I get the COVID vaccine annually just like the flu shot. That’s called normal for certain occupations. We’re not all retired and living in a basement.

    Why would you do something that is against your self-interest, … which as such, ultimately, ends up being against the interests of the commons?

    It doesn’t work against the best interest of the public. The vaccine keeps people out of the hospital.

    When flu shots use mRNA technology will you declare that they won’t work?

    Enough time has passed and there was never a mass die-off or zombie breakout. The anti-vaxx position will be even harder to maintain with the flu since it will reduce the problem of the moving target.

  334. @H. L. M

    “Therefore this vaccine was from the beginning based on misconception, misconduct, and evil practices of science, totally defective, founded on misconceptions, leading to a totally false production, a false product, I believe.”

    He’s a crackpot, right?

    Yes he is a crackpot.

    He is retired and not the senior most oncologist in Japan.

    A retired doctor ranting into a camera is not a study. He mentions various cancers but doesn’t provide any post-vaccine figures.

  335. @H. L. M

    “Japan’s leading oncologist Professor Fukushima?”

    You know something’s up when an article won’t even give you the guy’s first name.

  336. @H. L. M

    A crackpot is someone like you who makes snide comments about a real researcher.

    It is easy to find Masanori Fukushima’s credentials.

    Masnori Fukushima

    The following is perhaps interesting to some:

    Lipid Nanoparticle-Associated Inflammation is Triggered by Sensing of Endosomal Damage: Engineering Endosomal Escape Without Side Effects

    That is, just the LNPs by themselves are bad enough without even looking at the DNA contamination that is included and its oncogenic potential.

    • Replies: @acementhead
    , @acementhead
  337. @Peripatetic commenter

    You’re picking on the wrong guy. H. L. M.* as you might guess from the moniker is one of us proud ‘anti-vaxx loons’ as Ron likes to call us. Name calling is such cogent argument.

    * I assume that H. L. M. stands for H L Mencken, whom I believe with certainty would be on the side of the thinkers not the herdsters.

  338. @Peripatetic commenter

    H. L. M’s “He’s a crackpot, right?” is clearly sarcastic. H. L. M is on the side of the thinkers, i.e. us.

  339. Unz is a total liar. He is so full of crap. He is an intelligence agent. The elderly were murdered in the nursing homes. Additional people were murdered in the hospitals. It was panic and crazy behavior that caused most of the other complications. The real part of “Covid19” was not a pandemic. And once the “vaccine” was rolled out, the death rate skewed younger. In the so-called worst pandemic ever, 3.3 million Americans died in 2020. The “vaccine” was available to nearly everyone in 2021, and 3.4 million people died.

  340. @MacOisdealbhtoo

    There is a large mass of support for the conventional opinion. Lancet just published a glowing review of how many millions of lives the vaccine projects have saved. Millions! It’s science.

    At least they eat their own dog food. I refuse to call the experimental gene medicine a vaccine myself.

  341. Art says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Art is a “useess non thinker/maybe MAGA) – amazing that. he even has words that can betray him as he drags his. knucles round TUR not even able to pick up the overwhelming proof that I have lots of Irish and Scots ancestry in my midlands English ancestors but not a drop of Jewish blood in 2000 years.

    I do not believe you. You have some 16,400 comments, most of them on Jews.

  342. @Art

    I have lots of Irish and Scots ancestry in my midlands English ancestors but not a drop of Jewish blood in 2000 years.

    Strongly doubt British ancestry can reliably be traced back that far, since the English language is no older than Beowulf and Great Britain was pretty chaotic after the Romans left.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  343. Ron Unz writes:

    However, China’s extremely strict lockdowns were highly successful in completely stamping out the virus, allowing daily life in the entire country to completely return to normal after just a few weeks …..

    Not true.

    Lockdowns exacerbated the problem wherever they were enforced.
    Proof of that is the case study of Sweden, which didn’t lock down, didn’t close their schools etc. The statistics below tell the whole story:

    Summary: The Great Barrington Declaration’s lead signatories (Kulldorff from Harvard, Gupta from Oxford, Bhattacharya of Stanford) were completely vindicated by the subsequent outcomes.
    Lockdowns were always going to make matters worse.

    I’m in Australia, and in the 18 months leading up to mid-2021, over 80% of Australia’s Covid deaths were recorded in ONE STATE.
    ie: the state of Victoria (not even our most populous state among the six states and two territories of Australia. It was the state with the most draconian Covid tyranny/extended lockdowns/curfews/police brutalisation of the citizenry.

    In the rest of Australia, where lockdowns were short lived during this period, where schools were reopened after only a a short duration, where businesses were trading as normal after a short duration where those deemed non-essential were closed, life soon got back to normal, and we had NEXT TO NO COVID DEATHS (<200 Covid deaths for the whole eff'n country excluding the state of Victoria).

    Of course, in the second half of 2021 a critical mass of Australians had received the experimental mRNA gene therapy that masquerades as a Covid Vaccine (the vaxx rollout came late to Oz – we got it many months later than in the U.S), and then Aussies started dropping like flies.

    These are the facts. Ron Unz can pretend otherwise all he likes.

  344. Meanwhile, let’s remind ourselves of some of the collateral damage from the Covid Psyop and clot shots:

    Watch this 2 min video below featuring British sports commentator Shaka Hislop encouraging everyone to take get jabbed, and see how that worked out for him.
    LeBron James did likewise and probably influenced his son Bronny to take the clot shots.
    Well, Bronny suffered a cardiac arrest not long after:

    Lastly, here’s 2 min Rumble video titled ‘Dr. Roger Hodkinson* Reveals Latest Vaccine Stats – 20 Million Dead from the Jab and 2.2 Billion Injured’:

    (*Dr Hodkinson is an internationally well respected and highly credentialled physician of proven integrity).

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  345. @Truth Vigilante

    I am not familiar with the political economy or demographics of Australia. Why was Victoria’s COVID response like this?

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  346. @Art

    Give me a motive for lying? If you have read a number of my comments which you say are “about Jews” you should be able to discern one. But even you wouldn’t be so stupid and free with your time as to examine many of my comments so I guess, until you prove otherwise that you are shamelessly lying.

  347. I admit that I am relying on old family trees which traced back to about 1400 in Gteat Britain and, up to date, 23andMe which says I have less than 1% of non Western European ancestry. So if I wanted to forestall quibbling I might have expressed myself differently. .m

  348. @Truth Vigilante

    LeBron James did likewise and probably influenced his son Bronny to take the clot shots.
    Well, Bronny suffered a cardiac arrest not long after:

    For various reasons, basketball players have been more prone to sudden cardiac arrest than other athletes for years, long before the Covid vaccine. Between 2014 and 2016 there were 132 cases of cardiac arrest among middle school, high school and college athletes. About 30% of these cases occurred during basketball, and 48% of the athletes survived sudden cardiac arrest.

    (*Dr Hodkinson is an internationally well respected and highly credentialled physician of proven integrity).

    Nobody’s ever been able to verify Hodkinson’s self-proclaimed credentials. He’s just some random pathologist who spoke up at a city council meeting in Canada. Anti-vaxxers seized on his remarks because he claimed to be “chairman of something or other at the Royal College of Physicians of Canada,” which was refuted by the college itself. Other credentials attributed to him are equally dubious.

  349. geokat62 says:

    Telegram comment posted by Dr Roger Hodkinson:

    🚨🚨Secretly AstraZeneca is Withdrawn From Market.
    AZ Requests withdrawal of its COVID-19 shots after safety studies proved catastrophic harms

    European Union Withdraws AstraZeneca COVID-19 Jab Authorisation After Company’s Request

    •WITH EFFECT 7th May 2024

    •AZ has caused at least 1,457 deaths and over 880,000 injuries just in the UK

    Join 👉

  350. Jokerin says:

    Covid epidemic? No, Covid Planned Panic.

  351. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    Why was Victoria’s COVID response like this?

    Victoria is a Socialist stronghold, run by the slavish-to-ZOG Kommissar Dan Andrews.
    That’s not to say that the Premiers of the other states in Australia were not also corrupt, but at least some of them didn’t completely prostrate themselves to the dictates of the ZOG perpetrators of the Covid Psyop.

    Think of it this way by way of analogy: In the U.S you had Governors of states that did the right thing by their citizenry and didn’t tyrannise them (eg: Florida’s DeSantis and South Dakota’s Kristi Noem).
    On the other end of the scale there was California’s Gavin Newsom and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, where Covid tyranny/harsh lockdowns were rampant.

    Needless to say, in those states where lockdowns were the most draconian, Covid outcomes were the worst. Florida and South Dakota meanwhile, performed much better when one looks at just the raw numbers.
    However, seeing as Florida has such a disproportionate share of retirees and thus the population is skewed to having more elderly/likely to succumb to illness, one has to look at the AGE ADJUSTED figures for Covid deaths to get a better appraisal of the real picture.
    When you do that you find that Florida had amongst the lowest Covid mortality of all on a per capita basis.

    So much for the ridiculous assertion that Lockdowns helped.

  352. @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch Drunk Brother writes:

    Nobody’s ever been able to verify Hodkinson’s self-proclaimed credentials.

    Oh dear, it seems that Punch Drunk Brother is still trying to justify why he took the original two clot shots, followed by another seven boosters.
    Surely now PDB, with all that we now know, you can’t deny that:

    The experimental mRNA gene therapies that masqueraded as Covid vaccines, are the MOST TOXIC PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS/VACCINE IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY.

    They are AT LEAST 100 times more deadly than Vioxx (which itself killed an estimated 6 figure number of people).

  353. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    see my Reply unaddressed in error? I’m.
    ediately after ny Reply to Art

  354. geokat62 says:

    AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine worldwide after admitting it can cause rare blood clots

  355. H. L. M says:

    Dear Ron,

    You might want to think about this, unless of course you think Paul Craig Roberts is a “crackpot”.

  356. kikl says:

    Ron Unz censored this post on another thread and called it stupid. He told me to post it here.

    Feel free to refute the data presented by Professor Homburg:

    The evidence can be found here. If you find any mistakes in it, then please leave a comment:

    • Replies: @kikl
  357. @Wizard of Oz

    I am relying on old family trees which traced back to about 1400 in Gteat Britain and

    I would guess this is probably reliable, and reliable enough to tell whether or not you have Jewish ancestry or not.


    I personally think this is kind of junk science; they were not approved by the FDA when they applied for something or other (I forget the details, sorry) and I believe the company is now running into financial difficulty

  358. @Truth Vigilante

    Thanks, makes sense… the US states that tended towards COVID authoritarianism tended to be leftist, more racially diverse, more knowledge-based economy (thus more inclined to “trust the science,” etc. We similarly joke about these states being called “the people’s republic of ____”

  359. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    or not you have Jewish ancestry or not.

    I have an unfortunate tendency towards redundant phrases in my Unz comments, sorry

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  360. Ron, Regarding your »third » hypothesis, did you consider the info provided by The Expose on April 13, 2022 : « US DoD awarded a contract for COVID-19 research in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist » ?
    contract dated Nov 12 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health 360 000 USD.

  361. kikl says:

    This is how Ron Unz refuted irrefutably Prof Homburg and the statistical data of the German government:

    [This is not a anti-vaxxing, Flu Hoaxery thread. Feel free to leave your stupid comment on the other recent article.]

  362. @Punch Brother Punch

    For various reasons, basketball players have been more prone to sudden cardiac arrest than other athletes for years, long before the Covid vaccine.

    Watch the following Rumble video between 11:40 and 12:40 as Dr Peter McCullough says there has been a TEN (10) fold increase in sudden cardiac arrest deaths post Covid vaxx, when compared to the pre-vaxx period:

    Meanwhile, you tried to smear Dr Roger Hodkinson’s credentials in your comment.
    Watch the few seconds in the video above from 2:50 – 3:40 and see what Dr Peter McCullough has to say about Hodkinson.

    Yes, McCullough says this:

    [Hodkinson was one of] …. three expert doctors consulted …. [Hodkinson was] the President of the Royal College of Pathology … One of the most EXPERT doctors in clinical pathology in the world …

    And, just because Rachel Maddow and the ZOG controlled MSM bad mouthed Hodkinson, you Punch Drunk Brother have the nerve to question Hodkinson’s prestigious qualifications.
    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    The next thing is that you’ll be questioning Peter McCullough’s bona fides as well.
    Before you embarrass yourself PDB, this is a brief resume of McCullough:

    Professor at Texas A & M College of Medicine, President, Cardiorenal Society of America, Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology and others.

    He has written 46 peer-reviewed publications on COVID-19 and is considered among the world’s EXPERTS on the topic, testifying in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in November 2020, and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, in the Colorado General Assembly, and in the New Hampshire Senate, concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.

    He’s an epidemiologist, and in those fields he specialises in (Cardio/Renal), he is the most published medical professional in the world, in HISTORY.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Von Rho
  363. [Hodkinson was] the President of the Royal College of Pathology …

    Hodkinson was never the “president” of anything. He claimed to be “chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Examination Committee in General Pathology.” “More to the point,” (his own words) he is the CEO of several startup medical companies of indeterminate purpose and funding. In other words, he is probably a quack trying to exploit the pandemic for personal profit by peddling alternative treatments.

    The fact that his credentials are slippery is suspicious. But even if they are rock solid, it doesn’t prove he’s right about covid. Being highly-credentialled is not a surefire safeguard against being wrong. That anti-vaxxers have to cling to a handful of obscure but supposedly “highly-credentialled” authorities does not bode well for their arguments, honestly.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  364. @Truth Vigilante

    I try not to waste time on detecting the BS in your comments so was pleased to find a quick answer by merely looking at a list of Presidents of the Royal College of Pathology and finding that Hodgkinson was not one. That does for the fellow who praused him too.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  365. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    If only that was one of the major priblems of the UR commentariat😎 and if only more cimmenters had your self awareness….

  366. @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch Drunk Brother (alluding to Dr Roger Hodkinson) writes:

    The fact that his credentials are slippery is suspicious.

    If Hodkinson’s credentials are questionable, WHY would Dr Peter McCullough risk his reputation and describe the former as an expert?
    WHY would McCullough choose Hodkinson as one of the three individuals to review the data?

    FACT: You, my Punch Drunk friend, are a NON-ENTITY.
    You are in no position to be assessing the credentials of anyone, let alone someone of Hodkinson’s preeminent standing.

    Needless to say, you and your Vaxxed-To-The-Max ilk, will NEVER question the bona fides of Dr Peter McCullough.
    He is truly a world leader in his field, and anyone with a brain can see that when he says something, you can take it to the bank.
    That’s not just my opinion, that the opinion of numerous individuals in the European Parliament that invited him to make this presentation (17 min video below that all pro-vaxx nutters must watch – as it could save their lives or that of a loved one):

  367. Vaxxed-To-The-Max ilk

    Tend to skew black, Jew, homosexual, and/or feminist in America. Certainly everyone I’ve met who is above 3 shots falls into one of these categories. Would suspect a similar situation in Australia

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  368. Regarding RFK Jr lack of considering evidence leading to a US bio attack against China, I believe he may just think that it’s too much for the US opinion, on top of evidence provided that the US health authorities and intelligence community shared bio weapon research with China.
    Also noteworthy the fact that whilst he keeps mentioning CIA role in JFK murder, he never mentions any trail leading to Israel government and intelligence.
    Which does not mean he is unaware of this line of evidence.
    Both matters are very similar in my opinion.

  369. geokat62 says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I try not to waste time on detecting the BS in your comments so was pleased to find a quick answer by merely looking at a list of Presidents of the Royal College of Pathology and finding that Hodgkinson was not one. That does for the fellow who praused him too.

    TV probably meant to write that Dr Hodkinson was once the Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Examination Committee in General Pathology, Ottawa…. i.e., an honest mixup.

    According to the MedMalDoctors website:

    Dr. Hodkinson is the CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors.

    He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK (M.A., M.B., B. Chir.) where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College. Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and also a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP).
    He is in good Standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, and has been recognized by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta as an expert in pathology.

    Dr. Hodkinson has had a long and varied career giving him valuable insight into many fields of medicine that now benefits our clients:

    General practitioner in the UK and Canada

    Staff pathologist, Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta

    Pathologist with the Medical Examiner’s Office, Edmonton, determining the cause of death at autopsy

    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta, with extensive teaching responsibilities

    President, the Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians

    Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Examination Committee in General Pathology, Ottawa

    Laboratory accreditation inspector for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta

    CEO of Stirrat Laboratories, a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta

    CEO and Medical Director of an IME company: Western Medical Assessments Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta

  370. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    That’s a fair summation MBTC.

    In describing the typical critical thinking deficient vaxxer, I would add to the mix the mindless automatons that blindly follow the edicts issued by their ‘wise overlords’ in Big Gubmint.

    This is the same subset of society that needs to have every aspect of their lives micromanaged by faceless ZOG employed bureaucrats, because they’re too stupid to determine on their own what to eat, what car to drive (assuming they’re to be allowed to drive at all), what carbon footprint is allowable (to a man and woman they’ve ALL swallowed the asinine Anthropogenic Global Warming propaganda), what is permissible to read/view on the TV, what they’re allowed to think etc.

    You’d be hard pressed to find a more imbecilic bunch of halfwits.

  371. @geokat62

    I stand corrected Geokat.

    Of course, so desperate are the Vaxxed-to-the-Max shills of ZOG owned Big Pharma (like Wizard of ZOG and Punch Drunk Brother), that they’ll dwell on any instance where the truth tellers have not crossed their t’s or dotted their i’s.
    They’re so desperate to find something …… anything …… to support their foolish decision to inject themselves with a spike protein producing factory that will likely bring about their early demise, that they’ll nitpick over any matter, no matter how inconsequential.

    At the end of the day, it matters not what Dr Roger Hodkinson’s specific title is.
    What matters is that he’s a World Class physician and pathologist.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  372. @Truth Vigilante

    Crap as ususl from you as you splutter out ignorant insults. I actually advised younger family members against being vaccinated, particularly with the mRNA vaccines. I have had some myself as advised by my GP and a respiratory specialist who knew I was flying to England. Do you really believe your own bullshit? It’s BS because you assert things confidently you have no sdequate basis for asserting

  373. @geokat62

    No he didn’t mean to say what you suggest. Work it out for yourself. It doesn’t work. And, as to expert witnesses just never forget Sir Roy Meadows and the harm he did. And remember too that being an expert witness can be lucrative, truth be damned.

  374. Tom Welsh says:

    “Although the Covid epidemic has largely faded from the headlines, the consequences have been enormous, with well over a million Americans dying from the disease, along with tens of millions worldwide”.

    How can anyone possibly know that, since there is not and never has been a reliable diagnostic test to show if a given person even has the disease?

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
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