Cele|bitchy | “Martha Stewart to Mariah Carey: don’t forget about Thanksgiving” links

“Martha Stewart to Mariah Carey: don’t forget about Thanksgiving” links

Martha Stewart told Mariah Carey: don’t forget Thanksgiving in your urgency to declare Christmas Szn. Mariah responded! [Seriously OMG]
Why did Taylor Swift schedule all of her tour dates on the Sabbath?? [Gawker]
Dwyane Wade is beyond pissed off at his ex-wife. [Jezebel]
Ina Garten’s husband Jeffrey sent a sexy message to someone who isn’t Ina. [Dlisted]
Margot Robbie simply looks happier when she’s not wearing Chanel. [LaineyGossip]
Stormzy looks amazing in bright pink. [RCFA]
Christine Baranski is so elegant. [Go Fug Yourself]
Drake is so sh-tty, I’m glad Megan Thee Stallion defended herself. [Just Jared]
Did anyone watch The Sandman? [Pajiba]
Hailee Steinfeld, undercover Juggalo? [Egotastic]
Wait, I did NOT know that Jill Clayburgh is Lily Rabe’s mother? I also didn’t know that Keith Carradine is Martha Plimpton’s father?!? [Buzzfeed]
Would Anne Hathaway ever return to The Devil Wears Prada universe? [Towleroad]

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40 Responses to ““Martha Stewart to Mariah Carey: don’t forget about Thanksgiving” links”

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  1. J. Ferber says:

    Mariah, in addition to all her other major gifts, knows how to do shade with aplomb. And I love it.

  2. Kate says:

    Was in one of those home goodsy type stores yesterday and they were playing Christmas music and I just can’t with that when I still have fake spiderwebs on my front porch I need to clean up. The only thing I will YEP on November 1st is these chocolate non-pareil covered graham cracker stars cookies that are indigenous to our area and only available during holiday season.

  3. Desdemona says:

    Because everybody celebrates Thanksgiving.. Yep…

    • bettyrose says:

      I don’t actively celebrate either but they both give me the blessing of a few days when work goes dark. No expectation at all of responding to “urgent” requests. But it’s also pure capitalism, so really no better representatives than Martha Stewart and Mariah Carey. I don’t mean any disrespect to people who cherish those holidays with their families, but the commercial aspect of them is an entirely separate discussion.

    • AlishaB says:

      @Desdemona No, but it does still exist. My family doesn’t celebrate Christmas in any way shape or form but we still acknowledge it’s place on the calendar, and that fact that most people do observe it in some way.

    • AlishaB says:

      There’s holidays we don’t celebrate in our house either (we don’t do any December holidays) however most people do so we just kind of shrug and still acknowledge it’s place on the calendar.

      • Nikomikael says:

        I think they meant that thanksgiving isnt celebrated outside of us, for obvious reasons.

  4. Miss Owlsyn says:

    I read The Sandman comics years ago when I was a comic book store chick (TM). I’ve recommended the first graphic novel, which the first series of the show is based on I think, hundreds of times to anyone who doesn’t traditionally read comic books. The writing is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Particularly the battle of words.

    I am going to treat myself for Christmas and get a one month subscription to Netflix so I can binge the show. I’ve seen clips here and there and I’m excited to watch it.

    • JanetDR says:

      Neil Gaiman is such a great writer and I no idea about his comics until I watched Lucifer! I was kind of turned off by the trailer for Sandman -it looked too scary and dark for me. So glad I gave it a chance! 💗

    • Juniper says:

      I watched it. I really enjoyed it, but I didn’t read the comics. I read the first graphic novel afterward and enjoyed that as well.

  5. Lucy says:

    Omg the headline about Jeffery and Ina had me worried! They’re still ok, love is still real!

  6. KASW says:

    The way my heart plummeted when I saw that Jeffrey headline…don’t scare me like that!

    • Tea4Two says:

      Same! But, gee, how snarky was this article in referring to Ina’s recipes as being pretentious? I love her cookbooks, and use them a lot. Basil, EVOO, butter, parm cheese . . . no problem locating those or the other ingredients she often calls for, like fennel, leeks, scallions. Does that mean I’m pretentious to? 😳

  7. Becks1 says:

    I feel like Mariah and Martha at Thanksgiving together is a moment we all deserve.

    I love thanksgiving and November in general (minus the whole getting darker earlier thing) so I do agree with Martha, lets not rush Thanksgiving, but I also love christmas music so lets just enjoy it all at once! Pumpkin and butternut squash and turkey and FALALALALALALA!

  8. Hannah says:

    Jewish me: Shabbos + Taylor Swift = Naw

    Jewish me: Shabbos, Shavuot, Cheesecake + Beyoncé = HECK YES

    But I’m not an 18y/o that has to ask Mutti & Tati to let me *skip* Shabbos

    Sad for all the New Jersey Swifties ❤️‍🩹 on Shavuot 🍰 Sorry

    • Mash says:

      And now she added Sunday shows so while that issue is resolved – its now a fight for tickets in general.

  9. schmootc says:

    Could someone tell me how Dwayne Wade could possibly make money off his daughter’s name/gender change? His ex-wife sounds kind of like Samantha Markle – a crazy who comes out of the woodwork just to screw with other people/get attention for themselves/etc. God save us all from such blights on society.

    Glad his daughter got at least one stand-up parent! And Gabrielle Union as a supportive stepmother as well.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      That story and his response really touched my heart. It sounds more like she sees some way to profit. It reminded me of Britney’s ex, and using their sons, to somehow moralize and pander to some type of people and it definitely felt like greed was behind it. As I write I realize how angry this makes me. This mother is making life even more dangerous for her child and for what?

  10. Aviva2 says:

    That Taylor Swift tour date crap pisses me off. Yes, we get it. You’re big enough that you can tour weekends only, but yeah…Jewish people exist and they shouldn’t have to pony up thousands of dollars to fly to ONE show, in flipping Texas where being an observant Jew will a) make them stand out and b) potentially open themselves up to abuse and antisemitism.

    Thanks for letting me know you don’t want my money.

    • bettyrose says:

      TBH, I’m not sure what to think. Do tours typically consider the needs of the Observant Jewish population? Is Swift known for having a lot of fans in the Observant community? Generally tours are spread out across a multitude of dates, but do they specifically avoid Shabbat in the cities with the largest observant populations (e.g. LA/Chicago/Toronto/New York)?

      • Aviva2 says:

        I would imagine tours don’t care about Jews or Shabbat. But most artists have a mix of weekday and weekend shows. To have an entire tour where only ONE show isn’t on a weekend isn’t something I’ve ever seen, no matter how big the act.

        I’d be fine if there were even a few more weeknight shows. Then Observant Jews could have options if they truly wanted to spend the money to fly to a show. But if it was me? No way would I fly to Texas for one. Too much blatant antisemitism for me to take that chance.

        I’m not Orthodox and I’m also Black. People don’t know I’m a Jew unless I tell them, that’s not going to be true of many orthodox fans who want to see her. I wouldn’t feel safe in TX, but that’s just me.

      • bettyrose says:

        I hear you. I’m of Ashkenazi heritage. I have a stereotypical Jewish “look” in American culture, but I’m not observant. I don’t feel safe in Texas right now more than anything because I’m a woman. God forbid my fibroids require a trip to the ER and an ethics committee needs to review treatment for my reproductive organs. But I digress. I’m really curious about the Taylor Swift situation. My only guess is that assumptions were made about her fan base having bedtimes during the week. I’m not aware of other major acts choosing to perform only on weekends just because they can. High density traveling followed by long breaks is more the norm for the acts who can afford to take time off. Traveling to other cities for concerts seems more like an East Coast thing, though, where major cities are close together and connected by train lines. I absolutely have flown to other cities for concerts, but only as an adult who can afford it, and even then always where I have friends or family to visit. No way my parents would have given me more than bus fare to attend a concert as a teen.

      • AMA1977 says:

        I see a Thursday show in Inglewood, CA and every other date on the schedule I googled is Friday PM, Saturday, or Sunday. So Observant Jewish fans could see that show in CA if they choose, I think.

        Also, I live in Texas (major metropolitan) and YES, we are aware of our national reputation, but I would not consider any of the cities on the tour schedule to be places where an Observant Jew would be inherently unsafe. Large cities here are like large cities everywhere. Yes, there are a$$holes and bigots and terrible people, but not in significantly higher concentrations than are found in large cities in other states. The urban parts of this state are blue and progressive. If there was a tour date in Bryan-College Station or Huntsville or Waco, you’d probably have more of a point. Houston, Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth/Arlington…are all just cities.

      • Juju says:

        Honestly I think she just scheduled less dates on this tour and booked them farther a part to give herself some downtime. I am sure that Saturday shows sell better than any other day of the week. I’m Jewish (reform) but I have friends who have done the touring thing with 5 shows a week and it is HARD. I think people would be complaining if she booked shows on dates in the middle of the week as well, since people work and kids go to school Monday through Friday.

    • Mash says:

      And now she added Sunday shows so have at it

      I was more surprised at the small number of cities in general – huge swaths of the country have no shows or need to drive for hours and hours

    • AnneL says:

      I am a Jewish woman living in Texas and I feel perfectly safe and welcome here. Of course I’m in Houston, where there has been a strong if not particularly sizable Jewish community for several generations now. Yes, there are anti-Semites and gun-toting crazies in Texas but there are in plenty of other states too, all over the country.

      Now, our current state government sucks and our Governor is a bastard, no doubt. I wouldn’t want to be a pregnant person without financial means here. The tail is wagging the dog and it’s a massive problem, very scary.

      That said, AMA1977 is right. Any city in Texas is as safe as a larger city in pretty much any other state. I would feel OK in College Station (home of Texas A&M) too, for that matter. My niece and nephew, both observant Jews (they’re both blue-eyed blonds and he doesn’t wear a yarmulke except in services, but they keep pretty strict Kosher) went to school there, spent holidays and Shabbats at the active Hillel, and had a great experience.

      My husband looks more Jewish that they (or I do), to the extent there is such a thing. He’s the one who likes it better here and wants to stay here indefinitely.

      Texas is a big, complicated state. It’s wearying to see it constantly tossed aside as some kind of giant cesspit of hate and insanity. It’s not.

      • Aviva2 says:

        I live in NC. I’m aware of people assuming the worst about a place. But honestly, I’m not speaking for anyone but myself. I have family in Texas and I don’t visit. I don’t feel safe there. I’m sorry if that is offensive.

    • AlishaB says:

      I really don’t think that was an intentional snub on Taylor’s part. She likely scheduled majority weekend dates so that people’s parents don’t have to take time off work or come in exhausted the next day. Glad she acknowledged and corrected it.

  11. Lucy says:

    What I read is she’s 15? So she’s only a few years from being able to do this on her own. And part of Dwayne’s point is she’s known who she is since she was three. I can believe that, I know a child in my Community that knew at the same age.

  12. Aviva2 says:

    The “rush” is to validate your child’s identity and to let them know that your love for them is unconditional and never wavering. How old were you when you realized you were a girl? You probably don’t remember because it’s always been that way.

    Now imagine if you’d always been a girl, but were born with a penis. Your mind would have a hard time reconciling what you feel vs the body you’re in. Add in society that calls your existence an abomination and I hope you can imagine how frightening it would be to realize your mind and body don’t match, that there are people who want to kill you because you’re alive, and you’re worried about dealing with this all alone, because what if your parents don’t love you anymore when they find out?

    A name change costs $300. I don’t know about gender, but I assume if you can change it one way, you can change it back. I will gladly spend a few thousand dollars to validate my child’s existence and tangibly prove to them that they have my support no matter who they are or who they become.

  13. SIde Eye says:

    I don’t celebrate it. My tree is already up. Screw Thanksgiving.

    Not everyone celebrates that time those pilgrims slaughtered a bunch of Indigenous people and then had a feast to celebrate mass murder.

    Don’t get me started on all the turkeys getting slaughtered for this crap. Or the fact that it’s mostly women getting up at 4 A.M. to cook a meal on their one day off while all the men get to not lift a finger and sit there cause they’re watching the football game!

    Every time I think of Thanksgiving I see Sarah Palin’s stupid face in that interview saying “at least this was fun” as a turkey is getting slaughtered behind her. That’s the image I have when I think of Thanksgiving.

    Hard pass. Team Mariah.

    • ME says:

      I agree ! I don’t understand why anyone celebrates Thanksgiving. It’s a slap in the face to Indigenous people. What exactly are you celebrating ? Think about it !

      • SIde Eye says:

        Thank you @ME. Worst holiday ever. My Christmas lights are up from November 1st until Valentine’s Day. In my mind that garbage holiday doesn’t exist.

  14. jferber says:

    schmootc and Lilly, I read the D. Wade and Zaya story on Bossip. LeBron sent a touching text to Wade and I was like, yes. But, the comments on the site about this story are TOXIC, slamming Wade, writing malicious, horrible things about Gabby and even disgusting comments about their 3 year old daughter, Kaavia. I was really appalled and very surprised the site allowed such vicious, hateful comments. Wow. On a visceral level, this is the hatred on trans issues and it’s TERRIFYING.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      Yes, jferber, heartbreaking. I don’t think of motherhood as a monolith, or that there’s one set way to be loving and raise great children, alongside career and personal interests and all the different cultural individuality, but it does seem at the very least don’t expose your child to very real threats of violence and unending hatred.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I spent a fair amount of time with Christine Baranski during the pandemic and not only is she so elegant, she is so THE REAL DEAL. This woman deserves all of her success and then some. She is quality through and through on every level and a really nice person and community member. She is dignified and elegant without being pretentious (at least I never saw it) and smart and funny and well rounded, etc., etc. I could go on, but you get the point! She’s probably a national treasure! More importantly, she is just a good human.

    • Twin Falls says:

      I love this. I’ve always liked her as an actress.

    • Popessa says:

      Thanks for sharing this. I have always admired her and am so happy for her success. I read a comment she made when she was on the Cybil show that she was a single mom for a long time and spent a lot of her career in choruses on broadway. That she made her kids’ college tuition money “with her legs.” Anyone that could be that matter-a-fact about their work and a funny feminist was always going to be a hero in my eyes.

  16. Sunshine Shay says:

    Oh, Aaron Carter 😢