Should age be a factor in relationships? | In The House: Friday 26th April 2024. Live on My Media Prime TV. Presentation: Catherine Ekongwe Topic: Should age be a factor in relationships?... | By BT MEDIA GROUP | Yes, it's in the house o'clock and today we are asking or we are looking at should age be a factor in relationships. Yes, should age be a factor in relationship. We will want to hear from you. That is why our answers lines are already much available. Where you can send us your contribution. What do you think about today's topic of discussion? It's been a wonderful ride with you all from Monday to of course Friday today where it's the last edition for the week and of course we are excited to wish you a happy weekend in advance but then just to use this opportunity to to say special shout out to our very servant of course ehm people who have been very fervent to us this week from Monday till today we want to say special shout out to you Nan I don't know if you are watching us at this point in time Lewis AKA the future senator from of course Bamenda and of course Delfin from Bethwa Priding from Yawunde prophet Daniel NJF from the city of Yango Kumba Reverend doctor Richard Ate, we have Joanne from Boya rejoice from Bafusam and a host of others. Yes, the list is so long. We want to say thank you all for riding with us from Monday until today, Friday, but then what do you think about today's topic of discussion? We we want to hear from you. Let's get some few messages before we hear from of course the panelist on set today. This person says good morning to you all in the studio all are looking amazing, thank you so much, you see to me, a man should be older than the woman in the relationship because women get older than men, okay? You say your name is Blanche writing from Kumba, thank you so much Blanche for your wonderful contribution, yes of course it counts a lot, this other person says good morning beautiful ladies, the topic of today is you say pertinent okay, as for me, age is a big factor in relationship. A woman marrying a very old man is a problem for me because you probably end up being a nanny in that house and not a housewife. You have little or no say, for me, most ladies who choose this type of thing, do it for money and nothing else. It's better for a woman to grow with her husband, okay? Another bland coming there again, thank you so much. Okay, the Blanche are winning the show today. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution and I will love to begin with you. Blanche Compte, Kamara To Eskeza plus real. Um The 18 ans, il se comporte en dira un papa de 40 ans. Okay. Donc c'est pour dire en fait que si euh on se limite à l'âge pour choisir un partenaire, on va faire euh fausse route forcément parce qu'on va se dire okay je veux un homme posé donc je prends un homme de quarante ans. Non. Tu n'es pas sûre en fait que l'homme de 40 ans là sera toujours posé. Hum. Donc moi je pense qu'il faut se poser les bonnes questions, pas l'âge parce que il y a des premières questions qu'on pose aux partenaires et euh c'est vrai que là je fais partie mais après c'est pas ça le plus important. Okay. Est-ce que le partenaire qui est en face de moi a les qualités de bon partenaire? Est-ce qu'il est patient? Est-ce qu'il est respectueux? Est-ce qu'il est il a la crainte de Dieu en tout cas euh je veux dire c'est vraiment personnel. À chaque femme par exemple de se poser les bonnes questions qu'est-ce que je veux euh voilà J'ai besoin de quoi exactement dans une relation? Est-ce que la personne qui est en face de moi peut m'apporter cela? ou alors réponds à ces critères, réponds à ces questions. Hum. Maintenant euh si oui et que si par exemple j'ai en face de moi quelqu'un de 40 ans, comme je le dis et moi j'ai disons 25 ans. À ce moment, je vais me dire, okay, est-ce que cette personne est m'aime? Est-ce que cette personne est respectueuse? Est-ce que cette personne peut me couvrir des besoins? Est-ce que ces personnes peuvent toujours Être présente voilà auprès de moi, est-ce que cette personne a la crainte de Dieu, est-ce que cette personne veut vraiment être avec moi? Quels sont les motifs de la personne? Et c'est bien sûr euh il y a juste des des réponses positives. Je vois pas pourquoi est-ce que je vais me restreindre être avec la personne à cause de son âge. Maintenant, il y a un autre facteur, la société et beaucoup de personnes s'attardent là-dessus parce qu'on va se dire okay euh je serai avec un homme de quarante ans, de 50 ans, moi toute jeune. Qu'est-ce qu'on va dire? Qu'est-ce On va penser et moi je pense que beaucoup de personnes ont peur de ce jugement-là lorsqu'ils euh lorsqu'ils intervient le choix d'un partenaire et après pour regretter forcément je vais me mettre avec un jeûne de mon âge pour qu'on dise okay elle n'est pas partie pour de l'argent forcément parce que aujourd'hui lorsqu'on voit une jeune fille par exemple à côté d'un d'un d'un monsieur Assiagé on va dire okay c'est un comme on a l'habitude de dire. Elle est là-bas pour son argent. Donc moi en tant que jeune fille je vais me dire d'accord. Je vais éviter ces stéréotypes-là, je vais éviter d'être étiquetée, je vais éviter d'être tataloguée donc euh je vais aller avec euh un jeune de mon âge, mais ce jeune-là va juste me rendre la vie difficile. Hum hum. Donc moi je pense que le plus important c'est d'être épanoui, être heureuse. Et si l'épanouissement passe par une personne âgée, pourquoi pas? Il y a une téléspectatrice peut-être qui a dit qui a répondu en disant que autant mieux pour un homme d'être avec euh une femme plus âgée parce que la femme elle vieillit euh plus que l'homme. Hum hum que d'un homme, enfin que pour un homme d'être avec une une femme qui est âgée. Moi je pense en fait que tout ça ce sont des stéréotypes en fait, c'est au vu de la société parce que il y a des relations ici, il y a des couples où la femme est plus âgée et tous, tout va bien, tout se passe bien. Moi j'en connais personnellement autour de moi. La femme elle a plus de trois ans. Okay. Ah voilà, avec son mari, je dis bien son mari et tout va bien. Il y a pas de problème de manque de respect, il y a pas de problème de de colère alors il y a pas forcément d'insuffisance ou alors je ne sais pas, il y a vraiment tout se passe bien et on se dit en fait que cette femme est plus âgée, tu vas refuser et moi je pense aussi qu'il y a un problème d'entretien parce qu'il y a des femmes aujourd'hui qui ont 50 ans mais qui paraissent euh plus jeunes quoi. Tu vas avoir une femme de 50 ans mais tu lui donnes 40 ans par exemple. Tout ça c'est une vie je veux dire comment est-ce que une hygiène de vie, le sport, l'alimentation, est-ce que tu fumes? Est-ce que tu de l'alcool. Est-ce que tu stresses? Comment se passent tes journées? Est-ce que tu travailles? Est-ce que tu es mobile dans la société? Est-ce que est-ce que tu tu passes seulement ton temps à manger dormir, à boire de l'alcool, à dormir? Oui. Toutes ces questions vont justement aller avec ton physique. Donc moi je pense qu'il s'agit pas ici de l'âge, mais juste d'un mode de vie et puis d'une conception de la vie et surtout de la relation. Maintenant je ne conseillerais pas forcément à quelqu'un de suivre la vie des autres mais de suivre juste son coeur. Okay. Oui, tout simplement, juste toujours suivre son coeur. Ouais. Ça veut dire quoi? Il y a des moi par exemple, ma maman. Hum hum. Elle m'a toujours dit, ma fille, euh peu importe l'homme que tu vas amener en face de moi. Je vais te poser la question. Une seule question, est-ce que c'est le bon? Tu es sûre de ton choix? Hum. Oui, okay, c'est bon. Okay. Parce qu'aujourd'hui à des mamans, j'ai posé cette question à l'entame de euh avant l'émission avant de début d'émission. Okay, imagine-toi, t'en sois peu, tu as une jeune fille de vingt ans te présente un compagnon qui a je reste ici quarante ans, parce que c'est 20 ans d'écart. toi la maman forcément tu seras frustrée en fonction de comment est-ce que la société réagit. Hum hum. La maman va se dire non je ne veux pas de cette fille pour mon enfant euh je ne veux pas de cet homme pour mon enfant parce qu'il est vieux et tout mais je pense que le parent doit juste se poser les bonnes questions. Est-ce que cet homme te rend heureux? Hum. Est-ce que cet homme est présent ou alors rempli son rôle ben Marie tout simplement et et voilà, c'était juste le choix de de la personne sans jugement. Okay, merci beaucoup Blanche from the others Presouce is mariage is the only human hat of ding and so stain by the cree to the pastal and is bio a boot healthbound. That meas the ally funny and they earn here. You see concert with ehm creator for any meaningful marriage, okay? You say your name is writing from Baminda, thank you so much ehm Patty for your contribution on the show today, these are the person says good morning in the house, you are okay, you say how are you people doing? We are doing fine, hope you are too, you are saying no love don't have, you say no, love doesn't have age, everybody can be in love, you can you can see someone that is forty and that people are in love with some and it's in love with someone that is eighteen, I just want to say love knows no wetin, ah are you trying to say no age? Okay pretty, thank you so much for your contribution, this other person says ehm, greetings to you all in the house, Kati, thank you for this topic because it's high time we tell ourselves the truth okay you say you will see a young girl getting married to the father or grandfather or a grandmother or mother getting married to her grandson or son and they will say age is just a number whether we like it or not, each has an important role to play. There are things each limit you to do or places each wounds permit you to go. So when the age ehm grab gap when the age gap is already too much, there is a problem. The writing from Betwa, alright Beth ehm Delfine, good morning and thank you so much for your wonderful contribution on the show this day. This other person says ehm good morning beautiful ladies in the house. Yes, age is a factor in relationship. A man should be older than a woman so as to have the respect he deserves. I can't married a I can't married a man. I am older than him. Obviously, I won't respect him fully. In future, I shall be a mother-in-law and I will never accept a woman older than my son. Let those girls in their father's houses go and marry. Okay. Okay. Okay. That's really harsh, please. You know, you don't really have to say that that DSCs. These are the person says good morning to you. Good morning to all ah the pretty ladies in the studio. Good morning to you too, you say to me, I think each ehm, in a relationship, you see, I think age in a relationship because it's important, are you trying to say so? So because when the man is older than a woman, she at least has to give him respect. If the man is not good in other aspects, but if a lady is older than the man, the lady will somehow lost respect the man but age shouldn't be the foundation of the relationship. I am Brandon writing from Boya. Alright, thank you so much ehm Brandon for your contribution, let's halt with the messages for now and here of course what the panelist have to say again, Queen Daphon, let's hear from you, there are many people who believe that it's very important to get married to someone that like your your part of maybe of the same age or maybe a person is just slightly older than you, to you, do you believe in that ah of course mentality of many people who feel that a man should be older than a woman? Eh yes Katrina come here according to but according to individuals, we also have different preferences, people have the way they see life, people want to do things their own way, that people out there will always want to try something different. Now Katriani Conway, we always say ish is just a normal, but trust me when you say age is just a number, there is this tendency or people are now misusing this phrase A, she is just a number, now you see there is a 50 year old man who reasons, like a 15 year old boy, and then there is a 20 year old young girl who reasons like a seven year old baby and she their others 20 years old think and the reason like a 40 year old woman, so when you say age is a number, just be careful, you know marriage is about first of all ehm, age should not be the only reason why you think a relationship would work, you might be very young and then you date an older, an elderly man and the relationship works and you might be very old, you date an elderly boy, the relationship still works, so it now depends on both parties, it now depends, if you too have defined your your interest mm are you compatible. Okay. Now those are some of the things we should consider when we are talking about age but according to society, you know, societal stigma is the reason why most people shy away from this thing but Catherine, when they come here, on the other hand, I usually sit and I ask myself, now if you you get married to this man, because we have the the ladies in particular, we feel like okay, I want to get married to a 40 or a 50 year old man because he's already matured, he sees life differently. But trust me, you see this 20, this age group, thirty five and below and 36 and above. You see we we do not reason the same you get. So if you find yourself in this situation, you need to probably reason like a man in his 40s, he's lived his twenties, he's lived his 30s, he is in his 40s, what are his objectives right now? To probably do things, he's struggling to work hard for his family. And then you in your twenties, you just want this butterfly, you want butterflies in your bellies, you are really very excited. And then when you get married to this man, you discover that there is friction probably the things you like are the things that he's he he's already passed that stage. Okay. You get, he's passed the stage of this wow wow things. So we of the twenties, the twentyfives, the 30s, we see that we still want to be doing the hour, we want to be doing the wow, but this morning is forty, forty 550s, he's thinking of how to establish, especially those who will reach this age, perhaps they are still struggling to put one or two things together, and then they get married to a young girl, probably twenty-two, twenty-three, now you have twenty two and then this man is forty five, you always have this though that exceptional cases because his age he will be doing the things of his age in exceptional cases you see the man will struggle to to okay because my wife is still way young let me try to do the how and the wow thing but in some cases Cathy no matter how he struggles to do the how and the wow he struggles to to to mix it's not still going so these are some of the things we consider inasmuch as we want to see age is just number I'm getting married to a man at 40 because he's already matured can you cope with maturity? Now we feel okay because the man is forty, he's already matured, he will not stress me, so when you get there and then you discover that your own level of maturity, you cannot even match. He's way way mature, the things he says it, the way he reasons, the way he sees life is totally and completely different from the way you see it. Mhm. Your age will want you, to make you to see life, the how the world, you want flourish, you want something very big, you want something extravagant. But this man is struggling to set his Mhm. You, you want your extravagant things. Mhm. There will always be friction. So as you are getting there, if you're getting married to this person, you are telling yourself, be the man or woman, you're telling yourself, okay, I'm getting married to this man, to an elderly man because he's way matured, he reasons different. the way he sees things are not the same way as a 30 year old guy says things. Now you are 2five and a guy at thirty, when you look at this guy, you tell yourself okay I get married to a guy, he's 30, I'm twenty five, I get married to this guy, her reasoning probably will just you always be come back, but trust me, if you are getting married to this guy at thirty, odds bends on the interest. Now if you said your interest, in most cases, societies made us to to think that probably most girls especially or guys to who want to get married to to elderly people, it's because of money. But you see some cases catering a a young girl or a young guy that getting married to to to the other party way older than them. Hm. It's not because of money, it's just because they feel comfortable. Hm. They just want this comfort to them. Okay, he's past this age. He's no longer excited about life, I get married to this man, he will not stress me, but trust me, some people start their own stress at forty Of course. They lived their youthful life very calm, they lived in best, and when it's forty, they want to grow wide. So you should not sit and you think that okay because society's made us to think that okay at forty, a man becomes way matured at forty, he sees things differently, you, if you want to get married to this person, if you want to get married to this person, you should examine the person. Mhm know what you are getting married to, do not just get married to the person because you feel like okay, I used to tell myself, I want a 40 year old man, because my friends say a 40 year old man is way matured, he reasons different, or he sees life in a different way, you tell yourself okay I want to do this because this is what people told me, and then when you get there, you discover the man wants to start his own life at forty, it becomes a problem. The interest now causes friction, so know your partner, understand your partner whether old or young, understand your partner, know that okay if I'm getting married to this man, can we really sit and we have a matured conversation? Because some people get married Kati, they cannot really sit and talk like adults. That's true. You, you have your own different ideas, your ideas are totally different. The man's ideas were different. Now for you too to talk and come to a conclusion, it takes one week or even 2 weeks. Mhm. Because me, I want to prove that okay, I'm always right, the mantle is telling me that no, he is way older, he is always white, he knows it in, I've seen it when I was your age. Now just imagine yourself situation, a man starts telling well that was your age, when I was in my early twenties, are you, it's already a problem. So we should look at the positive side of it, and we should equally look at the negative side, because every advantage you always have your disadvantages, now so if you weigh both sides and you think that okay, it's okay. It's normal for you to have ehm, maybe a small, a small issue and a man tells you, no, when I was 20 or when I was twenty five, these are some of the things I did, you will see that's the problem with his because he's matured, he used to be twenty, now he's 40. So we should consider a lot of things Katie before we start telling ourselves, A, she's just normal, the fact that people say age is just number. Yes, age is just number, but I earlier said that fifty year old people will still behave like 15 year old, and we have a 15 year old child who reasons like a thirty, 3 5 year old person, so when you, you're getting married, know your partner if there's understanding, if there is that compact stability, if there is that love, if you know that okay, I'm very comfortable, this is my safe heaven whereas I am here with this man, I feel safe, then it's okay, but if you know that okay, when he bombs this question, when I was your age, I used to do this, when I was 20, I was already at this level, at least girls of nowadays, you just want the hour and the wow thing, you cannot even sit and tell me, okay, this is how we should do it, some people are 2030, they have them no plans of investing, they just want to chop their life, they just want to jolly Mary. Mhm. Now if you are twenty, you are with a 40 year old man, he's struggling to invest. It becomes a problem because as you want to jolly, the man is telling you no, me, I want to invest. It's a problem. So you two have this conversation before you get married. Thank you. Alright, thank you so much Queen Cafron. Let's get more messages. This person says good morning Katie. Talking about this topic, I have a question. Alright, you say my girlfriend has got gotten pregnant or got pregnant at the age of 16 by a man of 39 years, is that a numerous something? Because for her, she says she was in love with him and had no problem. But for me, I think it is evil. The man is currently 47 years old. His girlfriend. And that's her past. Okay. To analyze the past. The past. The girl's parcel is trying to understand if it was a normal, you know, relationship or there was something like a witch hunting behind it. Love and it's wahala. Yeah, it could still be normal also. Oh, it's not like it could still be normal. It is normal. It's normal. Our fathers eh permit me, we are, we, it's like we've forgotten that we are from an African context, African background, African ehm, ehm, foundation, alright? And most of our mothers, government age of nineteen, at the age of 17 to our fathers were probably thirty, you understand thirty five so we do not we we shouldn't say that ehm it's not normal because you are trying to say probably she was hypnotized probably she was being manipulated or some sort of mind control or you know something that was done on her no because what I'm trying to picture I could be seeing is a young student who actually you know mhm fell in love with that teacher you get it yes those are situations that we see we see yes ehm ehm teachers getting married to their wives and their wives still students and they are not just students in school but they are they are student you get it so it's not something we need to you know make a a mountain out of a monkey it's very normal mm very very normal excuse me normal ehm you can come development police called the city swallow the bar say Jupa say the country not for eh children and the guy says he feels it he feels it tight he's evil he feels it's evil it's evil so if you're already telling yourself you feel what this lady did in the past is evil, you are probably trying to say that okay, she might do another evil thing again. Alright, so when people send certain messages, you read deep, you understand that okay these guys with this girl, but insecurities, it's fierce. Yeah. He's skeptical. He's so skeptical. He's not yet even, he has not really resolved within him to settle with the lady. If you can really dig deep into the girl's past and you're always worried, until you term it evil, trust me, something is something is not right, so drop Alright, thank you so much. These are the person says good morning to you all in the studio. For me, you can marry someone that is above you but not more than 10 or 20 years, okay? You say above, you say because I have one of my sister that got married at the age of 20 years, while the man was 60 years, the man finally died and my sister end up as a widow at the age of 205 with two kids. Promise writing. She can still remarry. Sand And I'm really Jeune de mon âge mais du jour au lendemain bon c'est c'est et ça l'a forcé circonstance 25 so we that issue is I like the way you are balancing it alright this is the person says good morning beautiful ladies please where is our brother in the panel, let him come, I am missing him, diving right here for Matthew. Oh, Simon. he is coming, Yes. Alright, this other person says, good morning Katie. And the others in the studio, good morning to you too. You say thank you for thinking of us, about us this morning, okay? You see I think age matters in a relationship and does not matter, okay? Okay. You go further to say what matters most is maturity and understand age sometimes matter if the difference is much. Yes. It is better for a man to be older than the woman but not for a man to have the same age Ah or the age of the girl's father. Okay. You see women turn to minimize men when the men are younger. Anytime age, difference, raises, eyebrows. That relationship is out of place. Alright. None writing from Boya, thank you so much for always watching the show, we are grateful this other person says, greetings beautiful souls in the studio, I am called Daris ehm by name, okay, you see from Kumba, okay? My opinion is a woman can be of the same age with the man the woman can only grow older than the man depending on the status if he finds or she finds herself. Despite we are in a you say we are in the twenty 1st century every woman will want to get married to a man wealthy no matter the age except the law will make complexity about them alright thank you so much so you think many women get married to older men because of money alright your contribution counts a lot these other person says good morning madam Kati and to everyone in the house, good morning to you too, you see I pray God bless you people for this topic of discussion, thank you so much you see, I have someone I am older than him for 2 months, okay, I just find out that I'm older than him, I don't even know what to do anymore, I am Juliet but two months is nothing now, it's more like it's just your, it's just your age mate, it's it's nothing Yeah. It's not a sister. Mm. So if you people love yourself, I don't see 2 months, you know the problem, she feels like okay because society is also made us to understand that a man must be older than those that's the problem we have. Big problem, you see, it's not a problem. Society, society It depends on you too. It depends entirely on you too. I might be twenty, my husband is twenty and then we make it 100 percent. By the twenty, my husband is thirty and the relationship fails. So it depends on we want to make this thing work, it will work, that 2 months, just consider like okay we we are age mates, probably you're twenty, the guy is twenty, just take it that way, forget about it, it's 20 years, 18, 20 problems for yourself, because just the fact that you always see that you think that no I'm two months older than come on it's just too much dear sister in the Lord, alright this other person says good morning to you all, I love your pretty faces this morning in okay thank so much you see in a relationship I believe that we look for love and respect not age so age does not matter in a relationship this is Desi writing from Yaunde perfect thank you so much for your contribution these are the presences good morning beautiful ladies on stage for me getting married to an older person is boring but when you get married to a young person it's good and nice key you say it's Petra writing from Bamenda alright Petra thank you so much but the president should not be the person should not be too young for you Alright. These are the person says good morning to you guys in the studio. Puff Poli, Njuya, writing from Yawunde Simbok, alright? You see, I think age isn't a big deal. All we want is cooperation within couples but I go for ladies either at most 2 years younger than me. Uh my age or two years above me. This is because someone at the age this because someone at that age definitely can no life rather than going on with the young girls below 24 years of age who are still based on physical distraction like fashion, clothing, etcetera, you see everyday behind your back, a lady above 30 years and ehm that has seen Shegi, Ken Joke when she finds a man. Okay. Thank you so much. Everyone have their reasons. Hm. Alright, this other person says good morning to you all in the studio. Your topic for today is quite interesting. You see most especially to this our young girls and men out there, alright? You say no tap better. When there is a significant difference in age, like turn or 15 years or more, life experiences can be vatly different, okay? You say in a relation or in relationships with a large emotional maturity gap, the more mature partner could end up carrying the behavior or the behavior emotional load in the relationship leading to exhaustion and potentially a break up. Romantic couples with a large age gap often raise eyebrows, studies have or studies have found partners with more than a 10 year gap in age experience social disappro but when it comes to our own relationships, both men and women prefer someone their own age of their own age, you say birth are open to someone 10 or 15 years older older okay, 10 or 15 years ehm, okay, you see their junior or senior in summarization, okay, you say I think age difference is marriage in marriage should be seriously taken into consideration before engaging in marriage. Would like to use reference to my own very self from the experience I have seen how things unfold out there and with my own personal conviction I can't get married to a girl who I'm older than her up to five years like you say likewise I can't get married to a girl older than me even by just one year life is a journey and as such, I would like to advise young people out there to marry someone that you both can grow up together ehm not in the case where you are or you as a man you as a man you married a girl who you are older than her by 10 to 20 years or a woman who is older than you as a man five to 10 years per okay you see your name spare Augustine writing from Manfi. The message was quite long but then very very important and of course educating. Thank you so much. Yvette Ewang, let's hear from you. What do you think about today's topic of discussion and of course why do you think it should be taken into consideration in a relationship? Whoo. Thank you Kethy. In fact, my co-panelist, they've said a lot, I tell our viewers have said a lot. But I will add my little token of contribution. There is a saying that and I believe the holy books or not that saying that as a man thinketh so is he now the aspect of age Kathy yeah it's ehm first of all ehm a customary issue when I talk about customary issue ah we have grown up to to be educated that age should be a an issue we ought to lay emphasis on when it has to do with marriage now everybody has grown and gotten their own piece of experience and they've they've you know everybody has adopt their school of thought, their ideology, their own principle for themselves. Which means at this stage you can't impose anything on anyone because some people have seen it all and they you know taken their own side. Mm. Of of judgement. Mhm. Now when we say that it is a little bit disadvantageous for women. Mm. You know will enter into relationship and the man is younger and they are older. It has to do with the fact that we gift them. We put to birth and when you attend a particular age and you get married to someone you are older than and the age gap is wider. Mhm. I will say again the age gap is wider. The age gap can be there. But when it is too wide it plays on one person. Okay. For example, you can be five years older than a young man. Mm. Now, your body build up also makes you looks much more older. Yeah. Now when you put to birth. Mm. You do not have control of your your body shape, your body set up, we all know when women put to bed. Every shape you know changes. Mhm. Now you look more of the mother. Mm. Than the wife. Now he starts getting uncomfortable you know working with you about. Those are the disadvantages now. We take into consideration and we try to see how we can mellow down some of those things. Bird, there are still some women Cathy. Mhm. Who could be older than the man and you will not know. You will not know. That's why Mire talked about when you know that both of you are found in kind of class of relationship, you as the woman, you must be conscious of how you eat, what you do to keep yourself at a particular you know fit. Keep fit. Yes. You understand? Your body framework and all of that. You should know yourself. Mm. Now, the ideology of respect, that's what I want to address. Mhm. They say eh, you must get married to a woman who is ehm, whom you're older than because she will respect you. That's my school of might not buy it. I cannot respect a man because he's older than me. In a relationship. Okay. I don't look at that. If you can, if you don't have anything that I can look up to you, whether you are 100 years old, you have no relevance, you're not of any use, any essence to me. So what I will advise young men is this, whether you are 20 year or you are dating a 3 5 year old lady, she can only give you respect when she looks up to you and know that you had added value to her. Mhm. When she looks up to you, she knows that if I need something, I need somebody to contribute to a project I want to do, something I want to engage in, and I meet my fiancee or I meet my guy, I know that he's going to give a contributive idea that will help me take a step, take a leap in life, she will always look up to you, if you have nothing to offer, grow old like Metu sell an hundred and something years she had bought a pole, that's the truth, so let's quit this thing that when you are a man and you are forty, the girl is thirty, she will bow to you, it might go for everybody, not me. Mhm. So let's outgrow the H factor and let's be productive. Let's be impactful. Mm. You see, there are a lot of things that ehm society has has made us to to to succumb to. And I thank God that people keep studying, keep learning and they are breaking out of that, that myth and they are debunking those ideologies. You see, this aspect of age to a woman, to a woman, me specifically, I would say age cannot be an issue of marriage. To me as a woman, if I keep impacting my world, I keep achieving my dream, I can get married to any man I Okay. You get it irrespective of my age. It has to do with the frame of mind. It has to do with your mindset. Because it's because of this mindset that you see, we, when you start getting, let's say twenty-five, twenty-six, 27, twenty-eight, 29, 30. It's like it's a scramble and a match rush, you know, for marriage. You start thinking, oh age is catching up, and you end up you know, succumbing to something that is lesser than what you bargain for, why? Because of age factor, no, it shouldn't be like that. If what want as a husband is not coming. Or boy, stay and be patient. Keep building yourself. If you've not seen the person, it means you've not attained that level to see that man. Keep building yourself. As you grow in life, as you grow in your ambitions, as you grow in your dreams, as you grow in your children, you will meet that man. Let's not ehm, succumb to, to, to, to trivialities because society has framed that well, everybody has the, the right to buy their school of thought, but this is what I'm saying, this goes both to men and women. If you are a man and you think because you are, you are more advanced in age. Hm. Okay, then your wife and you think because of that, she's going to respect you. I'm sorry. I'm not, I'm not promoting any form of disrespect for women to men. But if that is all what you think, that you can bring, you understand? And the table for you to be respected, I'm sorry sir, in the name of Jesus, you will be surprised. That's the truth. So beside the age factor, what else can you bring that a woman will look at you and say no, my guy is like this, or my husband is like this, you get it, the H factor is far fetched. That respect. That thing that makes you, even when you want to shout even though he knows that this na my small brother, hey, you keep going oh, this is somebody full of potential, this is somebody that is going somewhere that if I lose this guy, my own don't finish oh, she has a reason why if I leave you ah ah ah I will I will miss out on something not because of age, what age has got to do with woman or sister? So please, let's establish this factor, it is true, I will keep saying it, age has its own disadvantage, but when we want to put it on unbalanced on a scale, is very if you need decimal because there are other issues, imagine a forty five year old man who cannot really when you you sit with him okay on the table and you're talking issues, realize that your reasoning faculty, the mindset is not equating. Oh boy, what will I do with you? Oh his own power, I'm sure one thinking so let's stop this age factor, they are forty five year old babies mm and their 30 year old men alright thank you so very much that was quite powerful alright let's get this one message and then we hear from Sandra forty this person says hello ladies in the studio do we know why most men flirt after marriage it's always because most men feel that their wives are old for them and this is because they got married having almost the same age let me or let that be between 15 to 20 years older to always see the girl young and thus find no other reason running behind young ladies out there. This is Lawrence writing from Yawunde you come again to saying though reasoning Kapa you say capabilities must exist women or you say woman the old quick quick past man so the men flirt when that comes as they start seeing their wives as old mommy, thus rolling behind young ladies. Alright, thank you so much, ehm, your reason of course, it also counts. This, other person says good morning. to beautiful people or to you beautiful people in the panel. Thank you. For the wonderful topic. First of all, I want to say that what makes marriage or marriage is not to work is not the age because age is a stage or is a a a stage marriage was okay it's a stage marriage was made for a man and woman not for boys and girls that is what my bible says because as a man or a woman you are already at the stage of maturity problem comes because of self interest Julius writing from Limbe thank you so much Julius for for your contribution okay Sandra Forti let's hear from you before we go for our commercial break what do you think about today's topic of discussion and to you those age really matter in a relationship Okay Kati, for me age is very is very not important because for a success, for a success, for a relationship to be successful, it must go both personal must share the same goal, same belief and same objectives. Exactly. So I think that men that already age 40 and above, they usually go on for 20 year old girl because they meet ehm women that they will be on top of them put it like that they will be on top of they will have total control on them, and they will, they will be able to to turn them like they want, so and us young girls, we usually go in for for men, ehm, because of what? Morning. Okay. For those kind of men because of money. Yes, for those kind of men because of money, but it's not really what makes a relationship, I think what makes a relationship is that the two partners must be converted, they must have the same values, they must share the same ideas, yes, and also young ladies they they usually fear society. Okay. When they are, they are facing some problems like they have to marry, get married to a guy of 35 or 40, they usually face societal problem on what the society will think of them, on what they will go through and all the rest. So, for me for a good relationship, for a good marriage, if it's not really a problem, then two partners know us, we have a serious discussion that must be on the same track of things and they must be compatible to go on. Alright, okay, so together they must have the same vision, the same purpose to be able to get to that level where they want to, so to you age is not much of a barrier, thank you so much Sandra Fortu, let's take this one more message before we go for our commercial break, this person says good morning beautiful ladies in the house, most of us have our minds in African beliefs of a man must be older than the woman. To me, once ehm, the essential criterias that are necessary in marriage is involved, then I don't see age to be a factor. God is not a fool to permit you both to meet and love each other. The most essential is for the both or spouse to take their respective obligations as per the gender to make successful. Alright, you say it's courage writing from Boya, thank you so much Courage. Your message makes a whole lot of of sense. Yes, 12 o'clock in our studios time. Let's go for our commercial break. And the movies won't even hold the clinic. Ah. Brazilian. Vietnam. Indian. A Nous avons également pour vous du matériel de coiffure pour les tissages, les des perruques de cheveux 100 % vierges de toutes les tailles. Eh oui! Sans oublier les produits nécessaires pour leur entretien. Tout ceci est donc en vente en gros et en détail chez Caprice Beauty Air qui dispose mais aussi d'un service de livraison dans tout le pays. Nous sommes situés à Douala au centre commercial Bonamoussadi précisément dans la boutique Détroit tout près de Maïma. Caprice Boutière est ouvert de lundi à samedi de 9 h à dix-neuf heures. Retrouvez également Caprice Beauty Air sur Facebook, Instagram et Snapchat tout autre information contactez-nous au huit six soixante-dix-sept soixante-onze soixante-treize quatre-vingt ou encore au six quatre-vingt-quatorze vingt-cinq trente-trois quatre-vingt-dix-sept. Caprice Beauty A Yostanda. Rock'n Bag beautiful people just training you a on to in the house on my media pran of vision anithis friday to day we asking know we are looking not shoot age be a factor in relationships, yes, should age be a factor in relationships we want to hear from you, you still have enough time to of course type us your own contribution, what you think about today's topic of discussion joining us ehm on this second half of the program is Simon Goti. Simon, people have been asking of you. Welcome to India house. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It's good to be here again. Uh happy weekend. It's Friday. My best day. of the day. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, then Monday again. Mhm. 10 minutes weekend, normal. Ah. But it's good to be here Kati and my fellow panelist and also my controversial ah beside me. You are already, you are always on the I don't know how people are going to fight, but anyway, I'm going to facilitate the fight to get the point. Alright. Alright let's get more messages ehm before we hear your own point of view this person says I want to buy fun queen this idea even though I don't have money now but age doesn't matter because you can see a 40 year old man acting like a 20 year ehm years okay you say 20 year old boy while you can see a 25 years acting like a fifty year okay you see so for me age is just a number really waiting Pastor Yvette on point. Thank you for always being there. Good morning my beautiful people. You see and I wish you all a beautiful and blessed weekend as it unfolds. Love you, your most or your faithful Lewis AKA the future senator. Writing from Bamenda. Thank you. So yes, future senator. I I believe you've heard from Yvette already because you were saying that you are waiting to hear from her. Um alrighty the person says good morning to all in the house as concerns the talking point of today I think age should not be a problem in a relationship I for one my father married my mother who was his people in primary school and they have been together till date we just celebrated their 50th anniversary into marriage with this experience. I think each should not be a factor when it comes to relationship alright, thank you so much, that is true, in those days, these things were very much common, these are the person says, good morning to you all in the studio, it's very certain that there are advantages on this disadvantages in all aspects, but getting married to someone far ahead of you in age, actually needs grace, okay, you say because there will be a moment ahead where one will be no more active, has you say depreciated and the other one still very active In this aspect, the active partner must be struggling to look left and right to satisfy his or herself with different partners outside. Hence, causing family conflict. The age gap should not be above five years as per me. Thank you Desmond Desmond Elliot writing from Kumba. Alright, thank you so much Desmond Elroy. Ah we have a Desmond Elliot in Kumba. Wow. This is wonderful. These are the person says good morning to you all. Beautiful ladies, aged factor influence relationship you see. Love can be blind but age can never be blind. Age calls for respect in a relationship especially for men. Ladies please forget about sugar daddy and focus. The you see and men please forget about sugar mummies. And gain ah the respect you deserved, okay? You go further to saying men please be potentially and be potentially and productive and gain respect. Ladies married some ladies married someone who is relatively above your age, not your father or grandfather. Get married to someone whom you feel comfortable with while taking a tour around till you grow old and not someone whom you will be moving one. You say one meter apart from each other on the road side. It's Pinot right in from Chang. I wish you all a blessed and beautiful weekend. Powerful message. Thank you so much. Pinot for your wonderful contribution on the show today. Alright, let's take this last one and then we hear from Simon. Alright, this person says welcome brother. God created Adam before Eve. But let's control the extreme gap. Okay, this is David who was asking for for Simon Guti. Simon Gote there was someone who was seriously waiting to hear from you, is that moment for him to get your own sight of the discussion, what do you think about today's topic of discussion and to you does H really matter in a relationship? Ah David, I'm here. Yes, I'm here. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, shake, shake, I'm here. Okay. Um, age does matter. Okay. Because age does attract and calls for respect. Okay. Yes, Win know that there are some people that ah behave lower than their age. Somebody is 4 5 years behaving somehow. Mm. But let's call a spade a spade. Mm. Age does matter. Especially when it comes to the man. And the age gap from the with the man and the woman. Not the woman and the man. Okay. The man and the woman. If you look at it even in those days, I don't know about now. But in those days, when you approach a girl, or casually you speak to a girl as a girl. What kind of man do you want to get married to? The girl will tell you do you want to get married to a man who has established? And he wants to get married to a man who is older than her. Okay. Not a man younger than her. Okay. Because she knows that she needs to be under the of someone if if a man for a man's sake hm if a a a lady is older than a man along the line it will show hm allow the lion to play not in the sense of that the woman will get aged before the man but in the sense of ah how will I put it ah ah ah that togetherness okay because at the at the long run the woman might feel like I'm older than you okay and you know women with their ego hm hm you understand me when it comes to a man a man cannot we cannot really do that because we believe that if you have to date a lady natural, natural instinct, you have to date a lady, a lady should be younger than me. Natural instinct, it's just that this world has become something else where you see men go for older women. It's just end of the world. Pastor, you're here. It's just something about the end of the world. It's not about love is blind here. Pastor, I know you want to talk but wait, it's not about, it's not about, it's not about love is blind here, let's leave, love is blind, let's leave age doesn't matter. Let's leave age is not a number and face reality. Okay. It age does really matter. Because you are going going to get married, if a man is going to get married to a lady who is older than her, then believe you me, there's something that that boy want, either the woman is rich, hm either the woman is rich and he is going for that possession, that rich possession, but trust me that boy if he's not careful, he will cheat on that woman, but at the long run, the woman start gets old, women gets older than men quickly, when a woman gets to thirty, she already beginning to to, to, to, to, to get old, especially when she start giving birth to kids. Good. So if the man himself is old you are looking sweet brother, you are looking sweet, ah ah me and finish what you are saying nobody is going to play I have to be no we have to be playing I understand I understand that the love is blind I understand the age is not a number I know those things I will know all those things but let's call the spirit speed okay age does matter because all this age is not a number has led to so many disrespect in relationship so many Kunti I want to ask you once Yes. I've been singing disrespecting Susande. Mhm. I want to ask you one question. Does disrespect revolve just around age? Because that's that's the myth I want to to to debunk here. Hm. Because if you men are just sitting on the age factor to command respect. I'm sorry to disappoint. I understand. Even if you get married to a girl that you are older than. Mhm. If you are not matching up as a man. We are not. You will still welcome not just disrespect but utmost disrespect. Ah ah Pastor Ebe we are, we are, we are, we are not, we are not, we are not going in Yes, we are not, we are not going, we are not going to the, into the aspect of the activity of a man or what the man should do to end the respect of a woman, we are talking about age here. Mhm. So I am focusing on age factor. Let me come again. When the Bible said the man is the head, did he put HP? The Bible put H factor. When the Bible said the man is the head. Who who who came first in this world? Man or woman or man or woman? Is there a man that came? So when the man remained when the Bible said the man head, does it, does the Bible need to stipulate that age That age should be a factor. I think it's not age. I know it's not age. But it's one of those factors that determine that that factor. That's why I said is one of those factor and this house was a key factor. But the way you're talking. This is one of those factors. And this is the key factor. Let me let me finish. Let me finish. No. Because it feels like no more disrespect. No, in my marriage, 20 year old that they've been distressed. I understand. Yes, yes, we know. That's what I'm saying. We are talking about age. That's why I don't I know that even the 20 year old girl could disrespect a a a even a 50 year old man. Yes, disrespect is something that is common we know let's just I'm only talking on the actor of the age factor I'm not putting I'm not putting in my head that maybe the girl will disrespect the man or the man will disrespect the girl I'm not putting on a layman way that normally as age normally in those days even in ah the days of our father and also you see my mom and my father my father and my mom the age gap is 10 years hm my grandmother got married at the age of eighteen hm and got married to to far older man than her hm so you you see the as the as they begin to grow together in their with their marriage yes we know that it's not all about age but it is one of those factors. Because when that man begins to get older than you, begin to get that cray hair and you as a lady, there's a way you approach him. Okay. As a lady. You will not, yes, some lady are very, very, very, very rude. But I don't want to go to the aspect of the ladies being rude. I'm just looking at the direct eh, translation of age. And of course, age does matter, a relationship to me, it does. Because I can't see myself getting married to a lady far older than me. Okay. So men can do that, but if you look into those men are doing it, there is something involved, either the woman is rich, there's something they gain from her And trust believing me, if they are not careful, if they don't really love the woman sincerely, the older woman sincerely, they will cheat. Okay. On a younger girl. Okay. And most of them used to cry, if you look at it, most scenarios, it comes out that the boy is cheating on a younger girl. Okay. Because along the line, along the line, this woman begin to get old. She gives breath and so on and so forth. Natural eh eh woman gene. Mhm. You understand me? So to me, I I think age does really matter. Before we start going to the the pastor Yvette's eh activity of the man and everything and everything. Yes, the man need to do some things to command the respect. Yeah. But H is one of those factors that that that that come out respect. And if the man also does his job as a man in the house, then trust me, your utmost. Okay. Of course. Thank you so much. Simon Guti, that was indeed powerful. Let's get more messages. This person says, hi greetings beautiful ladies in the studio. I think when it comes to relationship, it's really depends on the individuals involved. To a man who thinks age is important if he's with within his age, he will feel disrespected from any argument with the partner. That is it. But if the individual doesn't see age as a problem, his mentality is different. This is Tabe writing from Limbe. Alright, thank you so much Dabe for your contribution. This other person says ehm okay, you say good morning to you all in the studio. Looking good this afternoon. Catherine, thank you so much, you see. Whether or not age should be. You say whether or not age should be a factor in the relationship okay is a complex question with no easy answer. There are arguments for age being a factor such as power imbalances, different life stages, social stigma, etcetera you see. As well as there are arguments against age being a factor. Ultimately whether not it should be a factor in a relationship his personal decision that each couple must take for themselves there is no you see there is no right or wrong answer and what works for one for one couple may not work for the other. However, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges and benefits of each differences in relationships and to make decisions that in best interest of both partners. This is Elume Ekongwe writing from Limbe. A. What they say? No, he's on his own Ekongwe. Not not O. But hello to you. Yes. Hello to you. I'm happy to hear from you. This other person says, please, can you ask Simon, can you ask Simon about the situation, drama, enjoyment behind doors, when a lady's when ladies get married to men older than them in a well pronounced level. That satisfying that satisfying sad city won't be there nowadays. I don't understand the question. Myself, I don't get it. A very wrong, I don't know if you understand what this person is trying to ask here. Doctor Tia asked a question. That's a question. Okay, ehm, those who, those ladies that are forced to get married to men more other than them. How good do they do? Because I have a friend. Mhm. She is 23 year old. Mm. And she was she were forced to go to get married to a man of 48 year old. For Zudesi forced people to get married. And in this age and over to 40 years. Yes. It's over now. Eh? It depends now. If the if the lady each force if the lady doesn't eat there are cultures that they betrothed we know now in the north when you are betrothed. Eh when you grow old they just say this is your husband. Me explain, her father died, she was 20 years old. Okay. So her big brother told her that they cannot take care of her again, that she need to to find a way for her. for herself. Yeah, for herself, so they they saw a man of forty-eight year old to marry her. No, that, that, that, that one is first. to read. But she's matured, you know, she's above 18 marriage. But she was now seeing response. Yes. She was for, if if it's her own will, that I want to get married to ah, a 4eight year old just like Reginaldes did to himself nobody is not having money now she's just like aha. But she was forced. Yeah we are we are understanding your point but the issue is that if we want to look at the age and we we want to analyze if the marriage can work if she went in with her consent yes you get it it can work you see women are the ones who who who fade faster when it has to do emotional issues, strength and all of that. It is mostly the women who are, you know, disadvantaged to an extent. Mhm. Not the men. So when if she had gone there with her consent, I think she would have enjoyed the marriage because twenty-three, forty-eight, the difference is twenty-five. Uh I'm sure I'm sure Pastor Yvette, I'm sure even the man didn't really maybe demand the rule over. Maybe he just he he just wanted to out of it out of just the advantage that okay. Then why can't you say but why can't you say let me just help you? Because according to what she's saying that the man that she's suffering, that she's not enjoying the marriage. Because normally a girl can be forced to a marriage. Then only the care that the man is showing you You get changes? Yes, it changes. So like, okay, she did it. So, but if the girl is just there, that means the man is not doing anything. Okay. Yes. Yes. Pastor, you talk also about consent. Now, a marriage situation where the lady is more than her husband or five year old. And she did not know before getting married. Wow. They are already married now. They are already married. Listen. That's why you say, listen, all of this eh it works here is the mind. Mhm. Now if they have been pulling all through very well, respectfully speaking. Yeah. Together. Yes sir. And the age factor was not an issue. Mm. Just for them probably at the time of okay, birth certificates come in, you know, the dates are coming up, then you realize that oh, so I'm five years older than my guy, it shouldn't be an issue, you will be respecting him all along, you've, you had a mind, you were looking up to him, what's the issue? Continue, what what was really looking for? But the issue is that you can, I'm still asking, what were they talking about that did not have the person's age? It's very, hard to be specific. And so you should be the, the princess for? No, alright, ehm, let's get more messages, this person says good morning beautiful ladies in the house, yes, H is a factor in relationship, a man should be older than a so as to have the respect he deserves, I can't marry a man I am older than him, obviously I won't respect him fully, In future, I shall be a mother in law and I will never, okay, I've taken your message already, you say thank you Mister Simon in the house, you say take your heart, he don't start now, don't discern your heart. I told you. Oh that is saying you had. I didn't get, who gave me heart? Then don't they say you Simon. I told you. Take my heart. They don't they say you hurt. Okay. Okay. Alright. Let's have one. And just ask a question. Okay, somebody is, another person is coming for you again. They are over. Those ladies. Those ladies should allow Simon talk. He is on point. Ah. Come on. A couple more. Abi open up. Alright, let's take more messages. This other person says, good morning you all. The success of a relationship therefore does not rest as much on the age of the couple anymore. As it does as as it does on their shares or on their shared value systems, belief and common goals. If they are able to show support for each other in times that matter, the delay or the display, commitment and maturity in resolving conflict each is just a number. My name is Roy Gildes writing from your they thank you so much Roy for your contribution let's get more messages. These other person says good afternoon. Is Rose Beauty writing from Mundimba. Good morning to you Rose. You see I really do love your program. It's very interesting. Thank you so much. You see, as for the as for me, age doesn't matter in a relationship. What matters is character of both partners. Thank you so much. Your message makes a whole lot of says good morning from the way I see it, our parents and our parents and our parents parents were using the system where the man is always older and it was working well. So I guess if it ends broke, don't try to fix it. James writing from Limbe. Okay, thank you so much James for your contribution. Lisa, the person says great topic, thank you. You say but my take is the whole mark stance or or high percentage of marriages will succeed when the man is older. But the world today have been providing us wrong with people you say coupling up ehm irrespective of their ages. But to be sincere, a disrespectful woman will remain one if she if she was not properly groomed up to or to know that a man remains a man and commands respect respective of status. So no woman should marry a man she can't respect irrespective of his age might take. Thank you. Powerful one there this other one says as for me, age is not a problem. Whether a man is 50 and marries a girl of fifteen, once they have sex, they you say the girl would think they are equal and she may not respect the man. Agnes B writing from Manthe. Alright, thank you Agines, this other person says good afternoon in the house. Does it really matter in a relationship? Age is just a number and if the woman is well cultured, he will respect or she will respect the man no matter the age. Alright, thank you so much. This other person says, greetings to you, to everyone and to the man of the house, I want to start by congratulating what he said that is true if a man gets married to a woman older than him is because of someone of someone not love or something not love you say so each matter so in the relationship even as a man if you are too older your wife is still a problem if you don't have much money so age is not just a number let us be open to our self divine writing from Yawunde thank you so much divine this other says ehm it's Kum hi Kum Paul writing from Munya. H has no influence in a relationship. A man or woman respects one another based on the character they both portray. Taking each difference as a reason to cheat is bad education. Having several sexual relation is the main cause of or for broken homes today. Mature behavior of the or the partners is the key. Greetings to you all in the studio. Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution. Messages keep flooding. But then maybe we might not be able to take all because we are left with one minute to go. This other person says thank you brother for coming. You spoke well. David writing from Mante again. Alright let's get more again before we go. This other person says hello Medu. My phone is freezing. The messages. I am sorry. The lesson is a too much. This person says greetings beautiful ladies, I love this topic and according to me, all depends on your level of maturity, not necessarily age, simply because there there exist a 40 year old grown up boy and vice versa, so I say if there is love, understanding, respect and ehm, the desire to glow as one, then you guys are good to go, my opinion, Kika Emmanuel writing from Widikum, thank you so much, we are happy that we are getting to win this morning this other person says hello ehm to the amazing ladies in the house, In my opinion, I think that a man should be older and matured than a woman because as a woman, you should be proud to show your man to the public without shame. So age should be a factor in a relationship. Annie writing from Yawunde, thank you so much Annie. This other person says good morning mom, nice topic ehm, you say your name is Manuela writing from Yawunde. More messages we might not be able to take due to time. We want to say a special shout out to Senge. Um from where? Mapani. Alright, thank you so much Senge for your contribution. We want to say special shout out to Mister Ajang Ebong writing from Bangam. Special shout out to you, my brother out there, this other person want to say special shout out to you too. Your name, you didn't sign divine from Yawunde, Matuge, Divine from Yawunde, thank you so much. We to say thank you so much to you again who is coming there, Pridding, thank you. We want to say thank you so much to you too, this other person you didn't sign your message, thank you all very much for your wonderful contribution on the show today, it is a wrap with us in the studio, thank you so much Yvette for your contribution, Quinter Fon zi four, thank you so much for your Sandra Forti, thank you. Simon Guti, thank you so much for your contribution and of course to Mirell who left us halfway, thank you so very much, it is a wrap with us in the studio, have a beautiful weekend, bye bye.