Mülteci (Movie, 2007) - MovieMeter.com
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Mülteci (2007)

Drama | 96 minutes
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Genre: Drama

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative title: Refugee

Country: Turkey

Directed by: Reis Çelik

Starst: Derya Durmaz, Halil Ergün and Numan Acar

IMDb score: 5,2 (161)

Releasedate: 7 August 2008


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Mülteci plot

Sivan, about twenty years old, comes from the Southeastern Anatolia region. His father Saho is the leader of the Givdanli tribe, which keeps a distance from both the state and the rebels who are ubiquitous in the area. One day, Sivan has a meeting with Berfin, the girl he loves, in a territory around the village. On the same day, the grain fields are set on fire by saboteurs, destroying the entire harvest of the village. The investigation, launched immediately after the incident, drastically changes Sivan's life. Arrested for questioning, he is now caught between the police and the insurgents. Believing his son's life is in danger, Saho allows Sivan to flee the country. He is transferred to Germany using an illegal network and afterwards finds shelter in a refugee camp. However, in this new country where the language is completely foreign to him, Sivan will undergo every ordeal to ensure that his experiences in Turkey are not forgotten...

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