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Shows Like In The Line Of Duty

In the Line of Duty is a popular British crime drama television series that follows the lives of police officers as they navigate the challenges of their dangerous and demanding profession. The show is known for its intense action sequences, gripping storylines, and well-developed characters. If you’re a fan of In the Line of Duty and are looking for similar shows to watch, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore some shows that are sure to satisfy your craving for thrilling police dramas.

1. Line of Duty

Line of Duty is a British police procedural television series that follows the investigations of AC-12, a controversial anti-corruption unit within the police force. The show is known for its suspenseful plot twists, complex characters, and tense interrogations. If you’re a fan of In the Line of Duty, Line of Duty is a must-watch.

2. The Shield

The Shield is an American crime drama series that follows the lives of a corrupt police squad in Los Angeles. The show is known for its gritty realism, intense action sequences, and morally ambiguous characters. If you enjoy the moral dilemmas and ethical conflicts portrayed in In the Line of Duty, you’ll love The Shield.

3. Luther

Luther is a British psychological crime drama series that follows the investigations of DCI John Luther, a brilliant but troubled detective. The show is known for its dark and atmospheric tone, complex characters, and suspenseful storylines. If you’re a fan of In the Line of Duty, Luther is a must-see.

4. True Detective

True Detective is an American anthology crime drama series that follows the investigations of various detectives as they solve complex and mysterious cases. The show is known for its nonlinear storytelling, atmospheric cinematography, and deep character development. If you enjoy the intricate plotting and intense atmosphere of In the Line of Duty, True Detective is a great choice.

5. Broadchurch

Broadchurch is a British crime drama series that follows the investigations of two detectives as they solve the murder of a young boy in a small coastal town. The show is known for its emotional depth, strong performances, and beautiful cinematography. If you appreciate the focus on character development and emotional storytelling in In the Line of Duty, Broadchurch is worth watching.

6. The Wire

The Wire is an American crime drama series that explores the intricacies of the drug trade, law enforcement, and politics in Baltimore. The show is known for its realistic portrayal of urban life, complex characters, and social commentary. If you enjoy the gritty realism and social relevance of In the Line of Duty, The Wire is a must-see.

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7. NYPD Blue

NYPD Blue is an American police procedural drama series that follows the investigations of detectives in the New York City Police Department. The show is known for its realistic portrayal of police work, gritty storytelling, and well-developed characters. If you appreciate the authentic depiction of police procedures in In the Line of Duty, NYPD Blue is a great choice.

8. The Killing

The Killing is a Danish crime drama series that follows the investigations of detectives as they solve the murder of a young girl in Copenhagen. The show is known for its moody atmosphere, complex characters, and intricate plotting. If you enjoy the slow-burn tension and emotional depth of In the Line of Duty, The Killing is a must-watch.

9. Homicide: Life on the Street

Homicide: Life on the Street is an American police procedural drama series that follows the investigations of detectives in the Baltimore Police Department. The show is known for its realistic portrayal of police work, gritty storytelling, and ensemble cast. If you appreciate the focus on police procedures and character-driven storytelling in In the Line of Duty, Homicide: Life on the Street is worth checking out.

10. Top of the Lake

Top of the Lake is a New Zealand crime drama series that follows the investigations of a detective as she solves the disappearance of a young girl in a small town. The show is known for its beautiful cinematography, complex characters, and feminist themes. If you enjoy the strong female lead and atmospheric setting of In the Line of Duty, Top of the Lake is a must-see.

11. The Fall

The Fall is a British-Irish crime drama series that follows the investigations of a detective as she pursues a serial killer in Belfast. The show is known for its intense cat-and-mouse game between the detective and the killer, as well as its exploration of gender politics and power dynamics. If you enjoy the psychological depth and suspenseful storytelling of In the Line of Duty, The Fall is a great choice.

12. Mindhunter

Mindhunter is an American crime thriller series that follows the investigations of FBI agents as they interview serial killers to understand their motives and behavior. The show is known for its psychological insight, meticulous attention to detail, and chilling performances. If you appreciate the psychological complexity and forensic detail of In the Line of Duty, Mindhunter is a must-watch.

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13. Happy Valley

Happy Valley is a British crime drama series that follows the investigations of a police sergeant as she navigates the challenges of her personal and professional life. The show is known for its strong female lead, gritty storytelling, and realistic portrayal of police work. If you enjoy the blend of personal drama and police procedural elements in In the Line of Duty, Happy Valley is worth watching.

Now that we’ve covered some shows like In the Line of Duty, let’s explore some songs that capture the intense and thrilling atmosphere of these crime dramas. Here are 13 song examples that are perfect for fans of police procedurals:

1. “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift

2. “Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson

3. “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones

4. “Paint It Black” by The Rolling Stones

5. “Black Skinhead” by Kanye West

6. “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio

7. “Killer” by Seal

8. “Criminal” by Fiona Apple

9. “Bang Bang” by Nancy Sinatra

10. “I Fought the Law” by The Clash

11. “The Man” by The Killers

12. “Back in Black” by AC/DC

13. “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie

Each of these songs captures the tension, drama, and excitement of police procedurals like In the Line of Duty. Whether you’re a fan of intense action sequences, moral dilemmas, or complex characters, these songs are sure to get your adrenaline pumping.

Now, let’s address some common questions that fans of police procedurals may have:

1. Are there any new shows similar to In the Line of Duty that I should check out?

Yes, there are always new shows being produced in the crime drama genre. Keep an eye out for upcoming series on streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

2. What are some other British crime dramas that I might enjoy?

In addition to Line of Duty, you may enjoy shows like Broadchurch, Luther, and Happy Valley.

3. Are there any American crime dramas that are worth watching?

Yes, there are many acclaimed American crime dramas, including The Shield, True Detective, and NYPD Blue.

4. Is there a crime drama series with a strong female lead that you would recommend?

Top of the Lake and The Fall both feature strong female leads and compelling storylines.

5. Are there any crime dramas that focus on serial killers?

Mindhunter and The Fall are both excellent crime dramas that delve into the minds of serial killers.

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6. What are some crime dramas that explore the complexities of police work?

Homicide: Life on the Street and The Wire are both known for their realistic portrayal of police procedures and investigations.

7. Are there any crime dramas with a strong emphasis on character development?

Broadchurch and Luther are both praised for their well-developed characters and emotional depth.

8. What are some crime dramas with a dark and atmospheric tone?

The Killing and The Fall both have moody atmospheres and suspenseful storytelling.

9. Are there any crime dramas that focus on corruption within law enforcement?

Line of Duty and The Shield both explore the theme of corruption within police forces.

10. What are some crime dramas with intense action sequences?

The Shield and True Detective are known for their thrilling action sequences and suspenseful storytelling.

11. Are there any crime dramas with complex and morally ambiguous characters?

The Shield and Luther both feature morally ambiguous characters who navigate difficult ethical dilemmas.

12. What are some crime dramas with a strong focus on social commentary?

The Wire and Top of the Lake both offer insightful commentary on social issues and systemic problems.

13. Are there any crime dramas with strong feminist themes?

Top of the Lake and The Fall both explore feminist themes and gender dynamics in their storytelling.

14. What are some crime dramas that blend personal drama with police procedural elements?

Happy Valley and The Fall both offer a compelling mix of personal drama and police investigations.

In conclusion, fans of In the Line of Duty have a wealth of options when it comes to finding similar shows to watch. Whether you enjoy intense action sequences, moral dilemmas, or character-driven storytelling, there’s a crime drama out there for you. From British classics like Line of Duty and Luther to American favorites like The Shield and True Detective, the world of police procedurals is vast and varied. So grab some popcorn, turn on your favorite crime drama, and get ready for a thrilling ride through the world of law enforcement.

In the end, crime dramas come in many different forms and genres, each offering a unique perspective on the complexities of police work and criminal investigations. Whether you prefer gritty realism, psychological depth, or emotional storytelling, there’s a crime drama out there for you. So why not explore the diverse world of police procedurals and discover a new favorite show to binge-watch? Happy viewing!