Letter: Redistricting not answer for voters questioning Stefanik's support of Trump
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Letter: Redistricting not answer for voters questioning Stefanik's support of Trump

FILE. Letter writers say, 'The League of Women Voters would oppose any map where one or more districts were drawn specifically to defeat a current officeholder or any other individual.' (Skip Dickstein/Times Union)

FILE. Letter writers say, 'The League of Women Voters would oppose any map where one or more districts were drawn specifically to defeat a current officeholder or any other individual.' (Skip Dickstein/Times Union)


The Viewpoint "Stefanik has violated her constitutional oath," Jan. 28, condemns the recent actions of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, arguing that she violated her oath of office to defend the Constitution. The writer urges the congresswoman to resign although recognizing that she will not. All of this is fair as opinion and can be debated.
What cannot be debated is the error of the action the writer proposes be taken: that the Legislature redistrict the 21st Congressional District so that Stefanik is ousted in a future election. This is contrary to every notion of a fair and nonpolitical redistricting process.
First, it should be noted that the legislative redistricting following the 2020 census is going to be done, at least initially, by a bipartisan commission, not the Legislature. But, beyond that, the proposal that a district be drawn with the intent of defeating a specific individual is contrary to every notion of fairness in the process. Basically, districts should be drawn with community interests in mind so that the districts afford voters an effective voice in whatever legislative body is being considered. When done correctly, political interests of parties or individuals are not a factor in drawing the lines.
The League of Women Voters would oppose any map where one or more districts were drawn specifically to defeat a current officeholder or any other individual.

Patricia Sibilia



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President, LWV Albany County

Linda Gush


Co-President, LWV Saratoga County


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