‎Name change is declined, over and over again, despite presenting a lot of proof... | IMDb Community Forums

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Friday, April 12th, 2024 5:51 PM

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Name change is declined, over and over again, despite presenting a lot of proof...

Louise Bastviken: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2865754/

Her last name has never been "Bastviken", it's "Dedichen". I have tried correcting this several times, but it's declined. It has been added as her birth name though, but that's STILL her name, and has always been. She's not a professional actress, she's (now) a vice admiral in the Royal Norwegian Navy. She had a role in one movie, directed by her childhood friend Harald Zwart, where she plays kind of herself but with a different name (Langva) with the naval rank "Flaggkommandør" (OF6, called rear admiral lower half in the US Navy; commodore in the Royal Navy).

Her professional CV from the Norwegian Armed Forces: https://www.forsvaret.no/om-forsvaret/organisasjon/organisasjonskart/dedichen-louise-k/CV%20Louise%20K%20Dedichen.pdf/_/attachment/inline/9cde761b-9535-4e8f-b292-59ab87df1b75:2f4ddb813fc6466787692596cabb52639ec0f7da/CV%20Louise%20K%20Dedichen.pdf

Wikipedia articles, Norwegian: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Kathrine_Dedichen; English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Kathrine_Dedichen

The closing credits in the movie "Lange flate ballær II": https://i.ibb.co/Wxb6n0H/LFB2-Closing-credits.png where the other actors and roles can be compared to the IMDb entry of the movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1130989/fullcredits 

A news article in Norwegian from today, confirming her name still is Louise Dedichen: https://www.forsvaretsforum.no/372198 (use Google Translate if needed).

What more is needed to correct this?

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