Knight of Cups

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Upright Meaning Guide

Knight of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Romantic proposals, offers, invitations, taking action, following your heart, chivalry, gentlemanly behaviour, being swept off your feet, charm, attraction, dating, affection, warmth, gentle, caring, sensitive, artistic, creative, imaginative, psychic, graceful, tactful, diplomatic, peace loving, negotiator

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)

In a general context, the Knight of Cups Tarot card can represent proposals, offers, good news and invitations. The news or offers he brings usually carry with them a lot of excitement. They are the kinds of offers or news we hope to receive. Knights as action takers and as such, this Minor Arcana card can be an indication that now is the time to take action and follow your heart or that you are about to get swept off your feet. The Knight of cups can also signify gentleness, affection and warmth. It can also represent grace under pressure or diplomacy so you may find yourself acting as a mediator in resolving any disputes or conflict. If representing a person the Knight of Cups is a charming adult (usually 20-35 year of age and usually male) who is emotional, romantic, caring, gentle and idealistic. He is chivalrous, warm, tactful and a peace lover or good negotiator. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Love & Relationships (Upright) 

Whether you are single or in a relationship, the Knight of Cups is a great omen to get in a love Tarot spread. If you are single, the Knight of Cups can indicate that you are about to be swept off your feet. Alternately, if you are single and interested in someone, it tells you to bite the bullet now and ask them out. It is a strong indicator that now is the time to take the suggestion of the Page of Cups to follow your heart and go with it. The Knight of Cups can also indicate charm, attraction and affection will be part of your dating future. If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Cups can signify romantic proposals, marriage or an offer of a deeper commitment! It can also indicate that you or your partner or potential partner are is emotional, romantic, caring and gentle. It’s is a card of sensitivity, attraction, love and affection. There is definitely good romantic news coming your way when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot reading.

Money & Career (Upright)

In a career context, the Knight of Cups represents good news or a positive offer. If you are waiting on news about a job or course application, this Knight can represent being successful. It can also represent getting an unexpected offer. Whatever the news the Knight brings, things should be going well in a career setting when he appears. You should find yourself able to handle any work related drama with tact and diplomacy and if you have any important deals coming up the negotiations should go well! The Knight of Cups can also indicate that you may need to use your creative side to resolve any challenges in your work environment and if you are still searching for a career to suit you, the Knight of Cups would indicate that you should do something in a creative or artistic field. In a financial context, the Knight of Cups again is a good omen, you may find that lucrative offers come your way and your finances should be in an upswing. If you have been having financial struggles, it may be telling you that thinking outside the box is the key to successfully resolving them.

Health (Upright)

In a health reading, the Knight of Cups indicates that your health should be on the up. It is generally a good omen if you are waiting for tests results that the results should be positive or at least better than expected. You should be feeling healthier soon when this card appears.

Spirituality (Upright)

In a spiritual context, the Knight of Cups is an indicator of messages coming to you from spirit so pay attention to the synchronicities all around you. If you are seeking to develop your psychic abilities this card is a very good omen. It is a strong indicator that you have the natural gifts you seek.

Knight of Cups Tarot Reversed Meaning by The Tarot Guide, Learn How to Read Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana, General Interpretation, Love, Relationships, Money, Finance, Health, Spirituality, Keywords, Tarot Reading, Tarot Readers, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Reiki, Palm, Online, Skype, Email, In-person Tarot Readings, Dublin, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, How Someone Sees You, Feels About You, Job Offer, Feelings, Outcome

Reversed Meaning Guide

Knight of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Unrequited love, heartbreaker, manipulator, one night stand, cheating, deception, disappointment, revoked offers or proposals, bad news, procrastination, obsession, trouble-making, tantrums, moodiness, turmoil, lack of diplomacy, jumping to conclusions, creative or intuitive blocks, avoiding confrontation, 🏳️‍🌈homosexuality/LGBTQ+

General meaning and interpretation (Reversed)

In a general context, the Knight of Cups reversed Tarot card can represent revoked offers or proposals, bad news and withdrawn invitations. The news this Minor Arcana brings usually brings with it heartbreak, sorrow or disappointment. The Knight of Cups reversed Tarot card can be telling you not to jump to conclusions or to check your facts before taking action. The reversed Knight of Cups can also signify moodiness, tantrums and emotional turmoil so expect stressful situations when he appears. The Knight of Cups reversed can also indicate that you may be procrastinating or avoiding taking action rather than confronting a situation head on. If representing a person, the Knight of Cups reversed can indicate that an adult (usually 20-35 year of age and usually male) who at first appears to be charming and trustworthy may turn out to be any of the following: disloyal, passive aggressive, commitment-phobic, a drifter, a manipulator, a cheater or a heartbreaker. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Knight of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it can indicate the end of a relationship, a broken engagement or a romantic proposal of some sort being revoked. The negative aspects of the reversed Knight of Cups can take many forms: a partner who turns from happy and committed to suddenly commitment-phobic, a partner who is a heartbreaker or cheater or a partner who becomes obsessive, abusive or misogynistic. It can also represent you becoming any of these things to your partner and can indicate drug or alcohol abuse being an issue in a relationship. Look to the supporting cards for further clarification as to the type of reversed Knight you are dealing with. If you are single, the Knight of Cups Tarot card reversed is not much better. You may find yourself dating a person with the issues listed above. It can also be an indicator that you are in love with someone who does not return your feelings or are engaging in one night stands even though you know that these encounters do not offer you the love you desire. Alternately, the Knight of Cups reversed can simply be an indication of homosexuality or LGBTQ+ relationships.

Money & Career (Reversed)

In a career context, the Knight of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it can represent bad news, missed opportunities through procrastination or revoked/withdrawn offers. If you are waiting on news about a job or course application, this Minor Arcana card can represent being unsuccessful or offers falling through. The Knight of Cups reversed can also indicate other issues such as losing or leaving your job, underhanded dealings, fraud, gullibility in business, illegal activities or extortion. Look to the supporting cards for clarification. If you have a good and legitimate business opportunity, the Knight of Cups reversed advises you not to dawdle but to make sure you have checked all the facts before you rush in. The reversed Knight of Cups can also indicate that you are in a job that is stifling your creative talents or that you are creatively blocked. In a financial context, the Knight of Cups reversed indicates you may find that lucrative offers fall through or are not as good as they initially looked so make sure you do your research before parting with any cash. It can also indicate financial issues or that you are avoiding dealing with your financial problems or that you are missing good opportunities to increase your wealth. Seek financial guidance from a professional if you are struggling to make decisions.

Health (Reversed)

In a health Tarot reading, the reversed Knight of Cups can be an indication of drug or alcohol abuse negatively affecting someone’s health. It can also be an indication that a hectic lifestyle may be having a bigger impact on your health than you realise. It can also indicate that you should not jump to conclusions (positive or negative) about your health. If you have concerns just go and get them checked out by a medical professional.

Spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual context, the reversed Knight of Cups can indicate blocked psychic gifts. Perhaps you are so busy that you are missing the messages spirit is trying to send you. Slow things down and try to be more present in the moment in order to pick up on the signs all around you. Alternately, it can also be a strong indicator of over dependency on psychic readings. Watch this tendency as it does not benefit you to become overly focused on psychic readings or exercises at the expense of living your life.

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Learn how to read Tarot, Queen of Cups Tarot Card Upright and Reversed, Queen of Cups Tarot, Relationships, Love, Career, Money, Health, Spirit, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Online Tarot Reading, how someone sees you, feels about you, future, work, single, outcome, personality, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Kilkenny, Waterford, Belfast, Derry, Lisburn, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Swansea, New York, New Jersey, LA, Florida, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Austin, Houston, Las Vegas, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Auckland, Christchurch

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