December 2020 Horoscopes for Actors | Backstage

December 2020 Horoscopes for Actors

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Photo Source: Photo Source: Shutterstock. Photo Illustration: Margaret Ruling

The only constant is change. Even though the worst astrology of the year is behind us, a few more wildcards are coming our way. Of’s 2020. The first item on December’s less-than-chill agenda? A total solar eclipse on Dec. 14. Eclipses represent experiences that force us to process our shadow selves. The sun’s light is obscured during a solar eclipse, allowing us to see what’s hidden underneath our stories about who we are. It’s shocking and disorienting when the power goes out, but we can move around once our eyes have adjusted to the dark. In the same way, eclipses can feel rude until we’re able to see what they’re revealing to us. Because this series is on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, we’ll see the dark side of blindly following a belief systemeven one with good intentionsinstead of facts and critical thinking. If a dream is no longer serving you, make room for a new one. 

Just a few days later, disciplined Saturn and optimistic Jupiter leave Capricorn, and on Dec. 21 they meet up in Aquarius. This day marks the end of a global 200-year cycle and the beginning of the age of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in air signs–starting with Aquarius. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, “harmony and understanding” is a tall order for our current reality, let alone sympathy and trust abounding. But Aquarius is about using logic and good ideas for the benefit of the collective. The sun entering Capricorn on the same day as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction wants us to lay the groundwork for the future we’re going to build. Next year will bring its own set of surprises and challenges, but at a much more manageable pace than 2020. And we’ll be better equipped to face them together. 

Remember to read your rising sign before your sun sign.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

2020 forced you to examine your sense of self-worth. You’ll never feel like you have enough until you know that you are enough. The year isn’t over yet, and an eclipse in your sign wants you to put your insights into practice. It’s OK to reevaluate your ideas in the presence of new information. Sometimes bravery looks like admitting you were wrong and cutting your losses. Changing direction doesn’t change your identity because you are complex and continuously evolving. Trust that you know what your heart needs. Your day-to-day life will look very different in 2021, but the shift isn’t going to happen all at once. Get ready to take the first small step outside of yourself. Your inner circle will help shepherd you through this new reality.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

It’s unrealistic to expect yourself to be productive 24/7. But at the end of a year that felt like a hydraulic press, knowing that you deserve a break and actually enjoying it are two very different things. Maybe it doesn’t feel safe to rest in our current climate, or it might be impossible to turn your brain off. Numb out when you need to, but experiment with intentional self-care, especially around Dec. 14. Focus on your breath for 20seconds. Notice your feelings without judgment. Write down all the questions you’re wrestling with. It’s OK not to have all (or any) of the answers–the not-knowing is essential to change. 2021 will be about standing in the authority of your financial and spiritual abundance. Know what you’re worth and charge double.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

You can’t move forward if the people around you are dragging you down. The total eclipse on Dec. 14 is shaking things up in your friend group and broader network. Is someone sapping your creative energy? If so, what are you getting out of the dynamic? Which roles from your past are you acting out when you’re with this person? Nearly a year of isolation has taught you that taking care of yourself isn’t optional, and your growing pains don’t go away when you ignore them. You’re not done with this transformation cycle, but the changes you experience next year will be much more visible. Think of 2020 as the pupa stage and 2021 as your wings breaking through the chrysalis. Get comfortable being in the spotlight–it’s time to come forth.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

Your career should be working for you, not the other way around. This eclipse is about shedding the obligations you took on out of fear or external pressure. Let go of the messages that say you have to win to be successful. Past disappointments might have tricked you into having a scarcity mentality, but you know that the only way to feel truly nourished is to follow your internal timeline. This year you witnessed the raw power of your community–or you created one from scratch. 2021 is about understanding the programming that’s running in the background. Carve out a time and space to journal. Start a creative project but don’t worry about whether it will be your big break. Commit to doing the hard work of healing.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

If you want to make the universe laugh, make a plan. It’s OK if the resolutions you made back in January didn’t quite pan out–global pandemics can be sneaky like that. Dec. 14’s eclipse is about practicing non-attachment. Which long-term goals need to be reworked, rerouted, or released entirely? What new visions are you manifesting? 2021 wants you to honor your wider network. You don’t get gold stars for going it alone. Everyone you admire is standing on the shoulders of people who saw something in them. Who can you help, and who can you ask for a lift? You can still be yourself within a collective that values your independent spirit. Plant the seeds for the community you want to build.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

For you, there’s a hard line between what’s hidden and what’s visible. This year has been rife with personal and collective suffering, and the eclipse on Dec. 14 wants you to acknowledge it. You don’t need to act like you’re fine. You don’t need to preface your emotions with “I know other people have it worse.” Sit with your grief or it will swallow you whole–anything that’s unprocessed will work its way to the surface next year. 2021 asks you to take your career to the next level, but the road will be a weird and bumpy one. Building a life isn’t about doing everything exactly right and in the correct order–it’s about being present for the process.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

2020 taught you that being human means being vulnerable–and that your real friends will never think you’re a burden. Now you’re coming to a real turning point in how you approach partnership. You know that acting out your demons with someone isn’t love, it’s just familiar. The only relationships worth having are the ones that allow you to be your full, vibrant, authentic self. Sometimes letting someone go is the kindest thing. 2021 wants you to expand your appetite for adventure. Learning isn’t just an accumulation of knowledge, it’s a process that leaves you forever changed. Being a skeptic was cool when you were a teenager, but real life is about opening, opening, and then opening some more. Irony is out. Being curious is in. Long live earnest exploration.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

This year has brought pressure from nearly every direction: your partner, your career, and your home life. Press pause mid-month and reassess your relationship with work. Not “your life’s work,” but the day-to-day stuff that keeps you busy. What can you delegate or drop? Where are you giving time and energy to things that don’t add value to your life? What makes you feel like you have to rush? If you don’t take your foot off the gas pedal, the eclipse will do it for you. Going into 2021, you have to release the old ways of doing things before you can figure out the new, and the period in between might feel scary. Placid lakes sustain life for thousands of organisms. Don’t discount what’s going on beneath the surface.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

Remember fun? Friends? Romance? This eclipse season insists that you back away from the laptop and get out into the real world. Creativity can’t grow in a vacuum. You need someone to inspire you, to bounce ideas off of, to complement your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. The idea that you were supposed to use your free time (where?) to write the next “King Lear” during a pandemic is absurd. This year you not only kept your head above water, you put the systems in place that will set you up for success–and that’s worth celebrating. 2021 is about making the connections that will get you in the right rooms. What creative collaborations are calling to you? How can you bring more abundance to the way you approach relationships?

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 21)

Like a plant that’s getting all the right nutrients but still isn’t thriving, sometimes all you need is a repotting. Embrace the changes in your home life, but don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Get curious about what old stories are at the root of your restlessness. Are you building a life for yourself or for the expectations that were put on you as a child? 2020 taught you how to own your creative intuition. Now you have to do the unsexy but necessary work of ushering your creations into the real world. 2021 is about nourishing the projects that matter and dropping the ones with diminishing returns. Enforcing boundaries takes diligence, but it gets easier with practice–and next year will give you lots of practice.

Libra (Sept. 22–Oct. 22)

The eclipse on Dec. 14 wants you to get clear on your message. Name the things you’re leaving behind and what you’re welcoming in. Be honest and overcomplicate it–simplicity allows for consistency. When you’re impeccable with your word, you get better data about who’s ready for your level up and who’s invested in holding you back. 2020 was about understanding the difference between who you are and who you were conditioned to be. Which parts of your history are you repeating in your daily life, and what are you ready to release? 2021 will bring creative abundance if you commit to it. Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. Say exactly what you want, cultivate it, and it will find you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

So many artists think of business as a burden, as if making money is antithetical to the creative process. But money is just energy that reflects your values. Someone paying for your art, product, or service means they’re ready to receive your wisdom and be transformed. This year has taught you the importance of your surroundings: the objects and people you interact with on a daily basis can have a massive impact on how you feel. 2021 wants you to take an objective look at your upbringing so you can build something solid, durable, and authentic to who you are. Whether it’s your physical home or a spiritual safe space, you know you need a strong foundation in order to thrive.

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Allie Gallerani
Designer and content creator based in San Francisco. Creator of the sci-fi pilot “Daedalus” about a biotech company in Silicon Valley. Dog lover and natural wine enthusiast.
See full bio and articles here!