WATCH: Keith Whitley's Son Partners With Eric Lee Beddingfield Musical Tribute To Late Icon "Taste The Whiskey" - Wide Open Country
Keith Whitley's Son Partners With Eric Lee Beddingfield Musical Tribute To Late Icon "Taste The Whiskey"
Photo via YouTube

WATCH: Keith Whitley's Son Partners With Eric Lee Beddingfield Musical Tribute To Late Icon "Taste The Whiskey"

Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Keith Whitley's son Jesse Keith Whitley is remembering his late father on the 35th anniversary of his death with a musical tribute. Jesse partnered with Eric Lee Beddingfield for one special, rip-roaring tribute to the icon.

On Facebook, Jesse shared the music video and an emotional tribute to his father. He wrote, "Day never gets any easier we somehow learn to deal with it in a different way. If you could only see the amount of people you continue to touch and influence. The love so many devoted fans still have for you, you wouldn't believe it's true. Because that's the type of person you were."

He continued, "To say your missed is an understatement and when I say we are so incredible proud of your accomplishments I speak for everyone whose ever came in contact with your music in some way shape form or fashion. 35 years later this one is for you, I love you pop. Until we meet again."

Keith Whitley Fans Love New Song

In response, several fans praised the song as the perfect send-up to the country music legend. On person wrote, "This video/song is BADA—. I love it!! We loved Keith and cried for days when he left us. But man. This ring brought me to tears. Daddy is SO PROUD and this will be on repeat all day in my home!"

Another wrote, "Amazing video with an even better song! D—n! That's a great ole country song!!" Yet another wrote, "Duuuude what a banger! You guys f*n rock, Keith will be so proud seeing this from up above. This is a timeless classic already. Thank you for the absolute fire music guys."

Jesse wasn't the only one honoring him. Lorrie Morgan also honored her late husband as well, writing, "Today is always a sad day for me and my kids and all the Whitley's . Today marks 35 years that Keith passed away. Still so hard to accept after all this time. I wish he could see his children and grandchildren so much. He has new flowers on his grave from all of us. So pretty. I wish I could go by and set with him awhile, but I'm on my way to Canada. Jesse Keith is on The Grand Ole Opry tonight paying tribute to his dad. We will all be listening from the bus. Love to Morgan and Parker and Preston and Jesse, Kristen, Tuff, Kimber and Kallie. I wish I could hug you all."