Judy Collins Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates | SeatGeek
Judy Collins

Judy Collins Tickets

Judy Collins Concerts near 

All Judy Collins Concerts

  • Find tickets from 27 dollars to Judy Collins on Friday May 3 at 7:30 pm at Coronado Performing Arts Center in Rockford, IL
  • Find tickets from 41 dollars to Judy Collins on Saturday May 11 at 9:00 pm at The Canyon - Montclair in Montclair, CA
  • Find tickets from 94 dollars to Judy Collins on Monday May 13 at 7:30 pm at Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara, CA
  • Find tickets from 27 dollars to Judy Collins on Wednesday May 15 at 7:30 pm at Crest Theatre in Sacramento, CA
  • Find tickets from 69 dollars to Judy Collins on Saturday May 18 at 7:30 pm at The Kent Stage in Kent, OH
  • Find tickets from 66 dollars to Judy Collins on Monday May 20 at 8:00 pm at The Ark in Ann Arbor, MI
  • Find tickets from 34 dollars to Judy Collins on Wednesday May 22 at 7:30 pm at Mars Music Hall at Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL
  • Find tickets from 105 dollars to Judy Collins (21+) on Friday June 21 at 8:00 pm at Rams Head On Stage - Annapolis in Annapolis, MD
  • Find tickets from 64 dollars to Judy Collins on Saturday June 22 at 7:30 pm at Birchmere Music Hall in Alexandria, VA
  • Find tickets from 61 dollars to Judy Collins on Thursday June 27 at 7:30 pm at Tower Theatre in Bend, OR
  • Find tickets from 39 dollars to Judy Collins, Rufus Wainwright, and Indigo Girls on Friday August 30 at 7:00 pm at Koussevitzky Music Shed at Tanglewood in Lenox, MA
  • Find tickets from 53 dollars to Judy Collins on Friday September 13 at 7:00 pm at Libbey Bowl in Ojai, CA
  • Find tickets from 165 dollars to Judy Collins on Sunday September 15 at 7:30 pm at Alaska Center for the Performing Arts - Discovery Theatre in Anchorage, AK

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Judy Collins

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2024 Judy Collins Ticket and Tour Information

How much are Judy Collins tickets?

You can find Judy Collins tickets for as low as $43, with an average price of $138.

How to buy Judy Collins tickets?

  1. Browse the above listings of Judy Collins tickets to find an event you would like to attend. Use the popular filters to help you find the right event based on date, location and more. Once you find the perfect date and time, click the button on the right hand side of the event to see all available tickets.

  2. Next, when you’re on the tickets page for the event you want to attend, explore all available Judy Collins tickets by scrolling through the listings or shopping on the interactive seat map. Filters at the top of the page can sort tickets by price to find the cheapest tickets, or by SeatGeek's “Deal Score” feature, which ranks tickets by value and helps you find the best deal available for Judy Collins tickets. You can filter tickets by seat location using the buttons at the top. We recommend clicking the 'Include Fees' button for full pricing transparency upfront. 

  3. Available Seat Features that might be unique to each seat are listed to help you find the best Judy Collins ticket.

  4. SeatGeek's interactive maps offer an easy way to find the perfect seating section, and to preview the view from a seat in the section.

  5. To buy Judy Collins tickets, click the ticket listing and you will be directed to SeatGeek's fast checkout process to complete the information fields.

  6. SeatGeek will process your order and deliver your Judy Collins tickets. For the fastest day-of entry, download SeatGeek’s mobile app to access your tickets right on your phone.

How to get cheap Judy Collins tickets?

Get cheap Judy Collins tickets on SeatGeek, with prices as low as $43.

Where can I buy Judy Collins tickets?

You can buy Judy Collins tickets right here on SeatGeek. There are a few ways to do it: buying tickets on SeatGeek.com desktop website, the mobile website or by downloading the SeatGeek app.

Buying Judy Collins Tickets on SeatGeek.com Desktop Website

  1. To purchase Judy Collins tickets on SeatGeek’s desktop website, head to the official Judy Collins page or type the artist or team name in the search bar.

  2. Once you’re on the Judy Collins, you can browse upcoming events and select the event you want to attend.

  3. When you select your ideal event, you will be shown a list of tickets and an interactive seat map. We recommend using the filters at the top of the page to find the best deals.

  4. When you’re happy with your tickets, select the amount you want to purchase and select ‘Go to checkout.’

  5. You will start by inputting an email address where you would like to receive your tickets and then complete the billing process. Once the purchase is complete, you will receive the tickets in your inbox.

Buying Judy Collins Tickets on SeatGeek.com Mobile Website

  1. Similar as above, head to the official Judy Collins page or type the artist or team name in the search bar.

  2. When you select the performer you want to see, you will be shown a list of the upcoming event and starting prices. Click on the event you wish to attend to view specific ticket details.

  3. At the top of the screen, you will see an interactive seat map followed by a list of tickets from cheapest to most expensive.

  4. When you pick your seats, select the amount and head to checkout, where you will be prompted to enter your e-mail address and billing information.

  5. After completing the purchase, you will receive the tickets straight to your inbox!

Buying Judy Collins Tickets on the SeatGeek App

  1. Once you’ve downloaded the SeatGeek App, you must either sign up or log in to your account.

  2. At the bottom of the app, select the magnifying glass and type the name of the performer, like Judy Collins, you want to buy tickets for.

  3. When you select the performer, you will be taken to a new page that lists all upcoming events. Simply click on the event you wish to attend to start looking for your tickets.

  4. Once you have picked a event, you will see an interactive seat map on the top and a list of all available tickets for that event from lowest to highest pricing.

  5. When you pick the tickets you want to purchase, click on the link, select the number of tickets you want to purchase, and tap ‘continue.’

  6. Now, you can pay with Apple Pay, pay in installments, or enter your desired payment information. Once the purchase is complete, you will receive the ticket information in your app!

For additional information on how to buy U2 tickets with SeatGeek, check out our Help Center, where you’ll find detailed information to guide you through the process.

Can I buy a parking pass for Judy Collins?

You can buy parking passes for Judy Collins on SeatGeek here. Keep in mind, parking passes do not grant you admission to the event.

Can I trust SeatGeek with my Judy Collins tickets?

Yes, 100%. The tickets on SeatGeek are sold by licensed sellers, other SeatGeek customers, and sometimes the performer's box office. All of the tickets sold on SeatGeek are backed by our Buyer Guarantee.

If your event is canceled and not rescheduled, SeatGeek will provide a full refund of the purchase price or, subject to applicable state laws, issue you a credit for use on a future purchase.

Can I see where my seat is for the Judy Collins concert?

Yes, in addition to interactive seating charts, SeatGeek has specific seat views for most venues. Scroll up and click on the event you'd like to attend. Once you're in the event view, you can click around the interactive map to see seat views from different areas around the venue.

Concert Tickets by Genre

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San Francisco Concerts

Judy Collins Tour Dates and Ticket Prices

DateLocationVenueLowest Price
05/03/2024RockfordCoronado Performing Arts Center$44
05/11/2024MontclairThe Canyon - Montclair$63
05/13/2024Santa BarbaraLobero Theatre$130
05/15/2024SacramentoCrest Theatre$43
05/18/2024KentThe Kent Stage$100
05/20/2024Ann ArborThe Ark$96
05/22/2024HuntsvilleMars Music Hall at Von Braun Center$53
06/21/2024AnnapolisRams Head On Stage - Annapolis$148
06/22/2024AlexandriaBirchmere Music Hall$93
06/27/2024BendTower Theatre$89
08/30/2024LenoxKoussevitzky Music Shed at Tanglewood$60
09/13/2024OjaiLibbey Bowl$78
09/15/2024AnchorageAlaska Center for the Performing Arts - Discovery Theatre$227

Judy Collins Concert Seating Charts

Venue Seating
Coronado Performing Arts Center
The Canyon - Montclair
Lobero Theatre
Crest Theatre
The Kent Stage
The Ark
Mars Music Hall at Von Braun Center
Rams Head On Stage - Annapolis
Birchmere Music Hall
Tower Theatre
Koussevitzky Music Shed at Tanglewood
Libbey Bowl
Alaska Center for the Performing Arts - Discovery Theatre

Judy Collins Tickets by City

Image credit for Judy Collins: © Scott Dudelson / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images